John Legend's wife model Chrisy Teigen posed completely nude in a new sexy photo shoot at Miami beach with her husband yesterday Tuesday March 10th. John could hardly take his eyes and hands off his beautiful wife during the shoot. See more photos after the cut...
Photo credit: INF photo
We're gradually getting there, we're getting closer to where it all started, we're gradually returning to garden of Eden.
Great body, that annoying censor tho #slicky
He owns her, so he's safe.JL must be very hungry in the last pics
She's nt even all that. Afo ukwa!
So cute, happy couple
nudity the order of the day...
fine man sha!!! but y d dude come dey busty pass him wife na???
The pure love, the innocence on their faces is just to die for...I think this is the next power couple after bey&jay, unlike madam kim&kanye that's always putting up strong face and by force love for camera
nice1.....but wadup with d nude pix now....smh!!!
I think thz woman is using JL 2 get 2 d heights of her career,i mean who wz chrissy before JL?well it works fr em both
aittyfinest xyz
This affects us that's why we have to rebroadcast this. Thanks for understanding.
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Enough is ENOUGH! Nigerians will no longer tolerate this! We will no longer tolerate the lack of Pay-as-you-Watch services they offer in South Africa & other countries but in Nigeria they keep our accounts running even when we travel & there is no-one at home to utilize the service even though they know these Countries have less subscribers/population than Nigeria.
They must implement PAY-AS-U-WATCH in Nigeria on April 1st & lower tarifs, we insist on it, we are not April Fools! They must make that Pay-as-u-watch service EASY for Nigerians to access with no tricks or long queues to sign up for it. No more substandard decoders!! Their monopolostic exploitative tendencies must end in Nigeria! As the Arab Spring brought change of Govt in the Middle East, this "DSTV Spring" must bring change, better services & lower prices come April 1st 2015 if we all unite as one! PLEASE re-broadcast this to everyone on your WhatsApp, BBm & WeChat contact list, Tweet it, post it on your FB Status till our VOICE is heard & heeded to in their South African Head Office & this is done, Change Must Come! DSTV Enough is Enough!
Oyinbo n their life style ehn...guess nothing sells more like nudity.....married woman for dat....
Na wa o
If is kim now
Insults everywhere
Madam you two can play love inside and be naked not for the public to see
I knew she was up to sometin..wen she started lookin for cheap out he wil dump her wen hes thru wit her
Lovely couple, their sex life will be fantaboulous
They are really cute together
So far it's with hubby,it's legal...but seriously,being naked in front of everybody isn't a big deal for these pple again
Lolz .. Was he yawning there ... Funny pix
Okay I close eye waka pass
Nah wao
I love this guy
Sooooooooo much
Never make a hoe a housewife
I just love these two. Something about them gets me horny.*Runsaway
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The reverse is the case in what you posted. She was the that couldn't get her hands off him.
Busy Fingers.
John looks bisexual
They are so comfortable with nudity,
Vote no fight
Oh Linda hesh up pls!!!! Kim poses nude and it's raunchy n crass buh John Legend's wife poses n it's sexy. Why so much bias??!!!!!!!
@last pix,no b blouse John legend wear So???
Good for dem. She's his wife so no probs.
Na wetin fine body dey cause..@least it's wt her hubby,unlike kimye
Not necessary John
Cutest couple
John legend your skin is so authentic and so damn sexy.....krissy is a top model so they are bound to go naked anytime ....not surprised#
If say name Kim K!!!!!!we for no hear word o
This is not just okay at alllll. I don't understand how a full fledged man would be there and his wife will go naked for other eyes to freely watch.....haba ! Meanwhile the man didn't go naked ooo....he had his trousers on at least. This is bad, this is really bad
Good for them...
Beautiful. Can't allow my wife do dis though
Yet people will criticize kim for posing nude,anyway,beautiful couple
Dis z Sooo lovely better dan Kim's mtcheww I want to have someone dt would luv me unconditionally to but our African men.....
Ngwanu, and the hubby is happy about it. Nywaz now people would stop criticizing Kim. Linda take note!
Ngwanu, and the hubby is happy about it. Nywaz now people would stop criticizing Kim. Linda take note!
Ngwanu, and the hubby is happy about it. Nywaz now people would stop criticizing Kim. Linda take note!
Ngwanu, and the hubby is happy about it. Nywaz now people would stop criticizing Kim. Linda take note!
He's got some breasteses....~ceze
I love u both.. Please don't breakup forever.
Completely wrong, she's a married woman. Even if she isn't married, its still wrong. What's the motive???
I don't get my hopes up in people, because everything that looks good ain't good for me. Spoilt milk is still white.
Men will cover cover even wear overall ontop. Women? Mbaaaaaa!
no longer a private property.......hmmmmmmm
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
I don't understand why married men will encourage their wives on nude photoshoot.
Americans and thier life style.good for them.
Mehn dis John legend is clean and hot.... Pls u guys shouldn't be like d crazy kardashians..... I still respect you guys
Na waoh. .. If it's Kim K now, people will kill her with comments. Oya,let me see what you guys will say to this. ....
My best is the last one. John legend should enter Guinness book of record for that yawn.
John Legend's face on the last pic though. Epic
John legend is just too handsome abeg
Johnny yawning lyk a poor yoruba man, I knw pple will applaud her 4 ds, bt if its kim dy will critize d shit out of her, her hussy supports wat she does so who am I 2 complain. Nyc work.
Why let the world see what u eat in secret? Oga john why..linda help me observe
Why let the world see what u eat in secret? Oga john why..linda help me observe
Sooooo jealous!
Thats his wife.... If he aint complaining,who are we to judge as usual?
I have always said it, that if you lie with dogs, you will get up with fleas.
Mrs Teigen Legend's association with the Kardashian has got her infected with the naked bug of the Kardashians.
I look forward to seeing what Tyga will turn out to be by the end of the year, now we all know that Kanye is already insane.
Lovely and sexy couple
why didnt she ask the stupid legend to show the john thomas too....women can b so carried away by money and fame,,a marriage u knw wont last,u re selling ur body cheaply
Okay! Y'all better come for her like you do Kim! One thing people don't understand is 'Hollywood' is a totally different world and 'nobody holy pass'....
I love these couples like crazy they are the hottest in Hollywood so real u can even compare jazy and beyonce am your biggest fan love u both
If you have to get naked to be relevant then you are worth nothing. I am not in the least bit impressed....
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See how john legends body look like dat of a woman, anyway all this will end soon #aFewgoodmen#
God biko gimme a boo dat will support n not envy me
Everyday reader; official 1st tym commenter ( if dia z even a word like dat)
This is soooo romantic couples
After all this nakedness na divorce bcos dem go tire for everything.All of them dey copy Kim!
Na John Legend I de c o! Beautiful man.
Finer than his wife joor
Fine John! Cuter than ur wife
This is the kind of realationship i want not kim and kanye ,always doing crazy stunts for publicity.
These two, can so love
Hmmm! Kim K has really given people morale. She is the mother of nudity, and John Legend, thumbs up for suppporting ur wife's career, thus, d love dat exist between U two, I admire.
Rosie Said......Whad up John???? Your wife's tits are suffering from the force of gravity,you are growing one...Be careful oooh.
John legend has added ohh..wateva rocks his boat..frm d pics dey had fun shooting nd dey look vry happy..
Love dont cost a thing
John legend's lips though... 😍😍
Goood is I'm wife fyne shaa see natural beauty!!!dia pikin go be angek cooz their combinasun mke brain abeg.
i love dis couple,u guys rock!
it speaks for hell with marital integrity
When will the babies start rollin' in? LOL!
They are just adorable and she does it with her husband ...unlike someone who married from the west and had a north west seed #sipszobo#
Nice one. Linda didn't you see something? I saw something in one of the pictures o.
Cute couple though
Y is it only d ladies dat come out naked 4 photo shoot? Y nt d men?
Foolish people. Won't be surprised if d marriage doesn't last.
His obtained his favour *so he is blessed
Weird! Not going to last. No man wants his wife's goodies out there! Something's going to give.
He allowed his wife pose nude? SMH.
Oyibo dey kolo..
Ehyah! Talk of a very supportive husband. Nice!
Linda r u nt stupid? If it's Kim k, u will call her a prostitute buh dis one is beautiful abi? Ur just an hipocrite n Ur spoiling Ur blog. U mustn't comment afta a post. If u lyk swallow my comment buh I knw u will read
Nah these white men dey try o, allow your wife go naked in front of the whole world.
Nah these white men dey try o, allow your wife go naked in front of the whole world.
In one of the pictures, they look like they are getting their hand jobs on!
Oh so John Legend has breasts like our Nigerian brothers?
Ode buruku, John legend white???
Fine couple. Seems like they are so in love but have a feeling this won't last. *sob*
Naija peepz tho, xo cos is john legend n wife that makes it 'beautiful, lovely'. fools!! If it where 2b Tiwa n hubby u'll start pouring insult on them, mtcheeew #naijafoolishnodoubtkeepworshipingthewhite!
Why would a man allow his wife go naked in public, wats d dignity in dat? I bet d camera men must have had their fill. 29cb5404
I love and admire this couple soooooo much
Lol,u re kinda right tho
It's just the sign of the end time. Why on earth will a couple do such in the public. It's simply uncalled for!
TV husband and wife.
we have to put this down to the kind of money they get paid for this shoots right, cos I just dont know why they do it, you cant have a passion for going naked so the world can see your boobs na
Aunty Chrissy and Bro. John why naaaa.... The Pope must hear this
The ones that do PDA most are the ones that divorce.
When will men go naked???
The poor network these days is somethin else
This geh again with her flat face and flat yansh
Where the uncensored pics?
Aswear down, he gives me breathing problems
they r soo soo into each other, I pray they last forever
See her now its sexy cos its not Kim,am not supporting nudity but i hate hypocrites..dey all alwys have somethng neg to say about Kim's naked shoot but dey are dyng to be on d cover of d mag naked as well! she love JL..she seems to be enjoying for d fame
they r so cute togeda
It was a sunny Wednesday Morning.The tide was mild and as gentle as the breeze that swept across the hut. Olukwu sat at the entrance of the small hut enjoying a full Calabash of Kolanuts.He seemed oblivious to everything else as he blissfully chewed away.
"OLUKWU! OLUKWU!!!"came the voice of the spirits.
But the Native doctor seemed not the hear the beckoning of the Spirits
"OLUKWU,.....YOU ARE EATING THE MORNING OFFERING!!!!"He ignored it.He began murmuring under his breath,
"...I..can not eat Kola...I cannot touch breast....we will see where you will chop offering this morning...."
"OLUKWU!!!!!!!" the voice was louder this time.
"Ekwa!!"He snapped throwing a piece of partially eaten kolanut to the ground in irritation.
"What is what is it???" Olukwu rushed up to his feet combatantly as the wrapper almost fell off his waist.He grabbed the fabric quickly just before it "exposed" him.
"Will I not eat my kola in peace" he shouted towards the heavens.With his free hand, he pulled at an ear lobe in a warning gesture.
"..........don't disturb me this morning oh....if you don't want my trouble!"with that the angry native doctor began picking up his Calabash continue reading
Hmmmmmm, dis white dudes r sth else. Wht d meaning of snapping nude and d essence? God help us.
They r soooooo into each other!!! I love them n KIMYE..+ no idiot should criticize Kim if she poses nude..
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This is person wife. Oyibo people are weird.
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Hmmm as far d husband is in support of did.hmmm restraining my comment
Fresh body ... One thing you guys have to know is that Nigeria as a country is not far from this.
All it needs is for someone to be bold enough to do the same and others will follow. If you can do it in another country which it means nothing what makes you different from them. Enjoy your marriage lives while it last for we all know that is only by God's Grace that any marriage can will get to an old age.
I really don't get how these men are comfortable with their wives going dude, and in public, completely nude. Legend!!!!! Seriously?????? I know she's a model but it's really not cool mennn.
I agree with you, rebroadcasting now
Nudity is now the order of the day with Kim K et al. #walksaway
Lovely Couple!!!...... Love These Two!!... this John Legend Is fine mbok!
A VERY Big mistake by JL exposing his wife to the public like that. He has just opened the door for problems to enter into their marriage.
I cn see y Shiz frnds wit Kim...bird of a feather!
i only wonder why john is fully clothed??? just wondering
one tin is still missing though, deir sextape...
She looks preggos ooo.
if her hubby does not complain, then i guess the world can see what she has. linda why you go dey cover her nipples na .....
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