Gnoti then claimed that he was sent to procure the arms and deliver it to people in Nigeria by Chadian president himself, Idris Derby. Derby is the same person who tried to negotiate the release of Chibok girls with Boko Haram on behalf of the Nigerian government. See more tweets after the cut...
I believe him!!!!!!!
All dis bh shit is controlled by top gov officials. One day na one monkey go .....
Say what?!!!!!!
And our government would still not take this seriously ....
Coz GEJ is a mediocre ! Smh!!!
When breeze blow,fowl yansh go open..... Even mushroom chad too is involved?!!
Nothing surprises us any longer.Infact known public personalities have direct dealings wt Boko.They are all insiders.
No comment.
So this BH people do have foreign sponsors.nawao they won't mind their country's affairs
OMG this is twisted GOD HELP US
I said the only thing helping this boko dogs is the high level of conspiracy.
Some would say that the boko boys are being sponsored by igbos...
The northerners should hold their leaders accountable for everything
BOKO haram actually is some by some govt officials,tying 2 bring d nigerian govt down but it won't work
And my country won't care to know if this is true. Seriously we have no value for human life. God am waiting on you to bring disgrace & failure upon our corrupt leaders especially those in GEJ's regime.
Mhen that journalist got balls...wish Linda ikeji will stop licking tiwa's ass and give us news d way it shud be...
It's obvious from all indications that #FG and #GEJ knows more about these Boko boys than we do. Hope after winning the 2015 election all the sayings that Boko boys are fighting for Islam will be over!
1, 2, go.... start shouting it's GEJ's fault. now you all have seen that the northerners themselves are destroying this country.
I don't mean to sound cold blooded but as long as Boko haram is not in lagos...I give 0 fucks about aboki's in north yo...#FACT!!!
This same Chad that general Buhari drove their army from Nigeria deep into their country that they had to beg the international community to intervene. I love President Goodluck as a person but he should please show more courage by going after the real sponsors of bokoharam. He shouldn't begin to witch hunt the opposition but go after the main culprits in the military, external government, his government or opposition since he has the Intel. May God give our president the courage and wisdom to do what is right for Nigeria and not for selfish reasons.
If not because we have a president that is clueless,unsmart and cannot be "commander-in-chief", everyone should be wary of the military might of Nigeria in the region. I remember some years back when Chadian president had just procured some military hardware and he was so excited even saying that the only countries that had such were Nigeria,South Africa and I think Egypt. He felt so good and subtly hinted that those were the countries his country looked up to militarily in Africa.
Now, look at our great nation, nobody even accords our government any respect cos our president is weaker than an ant. All through my years of growing even up till president YarÁdua died, everyone knew what respect Nigeria commanded all through the continent of Africa. Militarily, we were everywhere helping our brothers across the continent.
Under president YarÁdua, when boko haram struck in 2009, it took just one freaking week for them to be crushed completely. When they realized that our president could not even command authority over ants, they re-surfaced. Instead of the president to act then, he was busy talking all manners of cheap shit like "some people just want to frustrate my government", "Some parts of the country don't like me because I come from so so so region" etc INFERIORITY COMPLEX AT ITS F'n peak. Did he do anything to these alleged "ghosts" that he was always talking about? NO!
President Jonathan has just failed this country...no lies. We are tired of his weak government and must send him home in 2015 by the Grace of God. Amen
God Bless Nigeria.
What?i faint i wake up....hey! I'm lost for words
Goodluck should be voted out,he is not a responsible leader! Some Nigerians should stop accusing Boko Haram sponsors when a president who is the chief security officer is impotent. The constitution said the primary essence of government is to provide jobs security and housing so if his administration can't provide them he should step down in shame,mind u blind supporters of Goodluck, I am from south-south
Wow! Just wow!!!
The sponsors of boko haram are being exposed daily. Atiku, Buhari and Amaechi, ur turn is coming. We ll soon hear a similar story about idiots like u all. My dear Jonathan, thank u for all ur work so far. May God bless u and enable ur quick return to aso rock for a second tenure. All d bad bele people
Jonathan! You see your life? The same Chad that invaded Naija years ago.. you couldn't still put the pieces together.wake up man!
I've always known boko haram is an international conspiracy and propaganda against nigeria, since d usa refused to sell weapons to naija
For those GEJ supporters claiming that APC are behind boko haram. You guys are sooo wrong. Think of this;
Boko haram operates mainly in 3 states- borno, yobe and adamawa.
2 of those states are ruled by the APC.(Borno and yobe) so please be logical in ur reasoning, if apc wants to make nigeria ungovernable, will they do so by killing d apc supporters they need to win election??? And thereby destroying the handwork of their governors in those states?? Please let's be smart. Boko haram has been operating since the time of obasanjo, he crushed them and killed their first leader, they went silent after that. Not until yaradua took power. Then they started attacking banks in d north stealing millions of naira, they also attacked police armory and stole numerous weapons, which I believe they are operating with.
Both APC and PDP need to work together to stop this not fight ourselves. Vote who you think will bring an end to boko haram. Do not vote because someone is from ur tribe, region, or religion or just because you dislike the party a person is campaigning through. If not the blood of those innocent people who are being killed daily will not only cry against the boko haram members on judgement day but also on against you for failing to do what you know is right.
Am confused here.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Am confused here.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Na wa oo. Too many conspiracies...frm a chopper crashing wit dollar bills to this...God dey sha!
And this is the same Derby who is a friend of Modu Sheriff, who hobnobs with GEJ.. now how does this mase represent APC.. b4 una go dey run una mouth anyhow, this same Chad ooooo... dnt u think they want to run this country down so they can gain from our crash..
Your close friend might be your first enemy...
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
APC using the blood of innocent Nigerians to play politics, and Linda is indirectly campaigning for Buhari. May God have mercy on us!
Where are Nigeria investigative journalist. No selfless
Nigerian Army had long ago successful killed the real Boko Harams. the present BH is part of Jonathan wicked political strategies to weaken some part of the north politically for 2015 election and also to revenge the killing of Niger Deltans during military era. that is the hidden unbelievable truth. the worst of it all is that the real fighters among them are well equip Nigerian army against the less equip army. The international community have withdraw their hands since they discovered this truth. History will never forget Jonathan for his wickedness.
Sad is your life
America must know.
Ur life's a waste
I feel sorry for you.
If you understand this post, you won't make such a statement. The BH accused person was with GEJ in Chad to discuss security issues, now Chad govt is sending someone to bring missiles? GEJ is the boko haram sponsor. That's why he'll try 2 cova this report or ignore it hoping it blows ova.
How convenient for everyone to forget about Ihejirika and the other man that Australian journalists pointed out as the people behind boko haram, only for Mr. Jona to attend a security meeting to discuss boko haram in CHAD (Same Chad sending SAM2 missiles) with one of the alleged sponsors. Hmmmmm!!! Awon people yiii!! God dey see una o. This kind of web you're weaving, it will catch you too o.
Well its nt new to me cos I hv knw d chadian gov was involved in dis shit, cos hw would u keep 200girls in d bushes. But still its is directed from Nig as the Tap route...
Wait a minute, I feel that reporter should be arrested. Why his he still using a phone? Nawa o... Why is GEJ always quiet about this topic of BOKOHARAM....he needs to be checked and investigated. #KickGEJoutofgovt. God help Nigeria. The cry of the weak with touch God's heart for intervention.
It's clear that the northern leaders are the sponsors of BOKO HARAM! GEJ should step up & arrest them because he knows them! Enough is enough already!
You're so freaking right bro
You are a fool. Some of you don't even know what the president is facing. Do you think it's easy to crush terrorism when you have saboteurs in the military and the presidential cabinet. If Jonathan vex sack all hausa/fulani people na una go stil vex
I doubt u r frm south south. If u rily are u r a big disgrace to urself.
See what is happening. They will send innocent soldiers to go and die. May God punish n kill all those involve in this mess. I know over 10 soldiers and officers that had died in this boko haram mess. God punish all the politicians involve. Stupid animals. Old fools that won't go and die. They say killing people is their hobby. *angry*
Leave Linda Out of this and think clearly. Must u people always shift blames? This is the time to work together as one Nation APC+PDP to protect our great country.
U r rily high. U nid help
1000likes for dis comment
I'm speechless
True tlk
I agree with u jare. Some stupid people will start now by saying gej forever all because of the financial gains they are getting. They forget the way innocent ppl are dying everyday.
This confirms that BH sponsors are allies of GEJ and PDP like Alimodu Sherif. God save us when govt and insurgents are one and the same.
Tot this was the same president our own president had series of meetings wid a couple of months back and the same man that initiated boko haram was seen wid them. Hmmmmmm very fishy. This boko haram tin don taya me wat does the chadian president have against us. I beg it's obvious this man is working for our presido jooor. The main boko haram.
Think my broda. He is not going after anyone cause he can't go after himself. His the main actor in this boko haram saga. It all adds up.
Read that his target is the oil in Borno, but is there oil in Borno?! We always knew there was more to this than religion!
Different opinions every where. This is just the exact thing the perpetrators want to happen in Nigeria,confusion,chaos,hatred and finally war. God is bigger
Jonathan has to be careful when dealing with these Islamic leaders as they can be ur enemy friends
Linda, this will be the 1st time am adding ur name to ma comment .. I want u to take ur time n reflect on ur post... I took time to read some comment here & I laugh at Same fools condemning muslims. Now its a different story after this Reporters twit..I keep asking , did d muslims u know and the Holy book change ? Its all politics here . Dnt blame religion all d time . Dis is ma 4th year in lagos , am a MUSLIM n I have only one muslim friend here in lag. I have 4christians staying wif me and they come home wif other friends , na my house so I cook most times , why I never poison them if Allah promise me 72 virgins by killing. U people shld think o. Leave religion and face human being.. Cos smart phones are cheap now some people wif les understanding wil jst be posting rubbish .. LINDA don't u have a muslim friend? Why dem no set grenade for ur house ? Be wise people and wait for 2015 ....war btw militant n boko haram .
What is happening to our beloved country?I have a strong believe all will end soon may God help us
If i hear tmorow dat Jonathan is sposoring bh i wil not suprise at alllllllll.
It's not a surprise, you're not a smart guy.
God Bless Nigeria.
Jonathan is irredeemable. Vote him out!
You've spoken well. May you live long.
Jonathan is a disaster and must be sent to Otuoke in 2015.
2:35 u are a big fool,just watch 2015 nd see who will be there
You're a moron, a waste of space.
Boko Haram = Jonathan's Friends
Nigerians, use your brains.
if true then only God can help us defeat BH
Not until we all stop viewing the menace called BH from the political and (little less) religious angles, we will all remain blind to the fact that we're being besieged by foreigners sponsored by foreign countries (and some callous Nigerians) to distract the state of Nigeria from the oil rich Chad basin for their own selfish gains. Since survivors of Boko Haram say they speak french, I've suspected that we're up against not just our brainwashed countrymen but also foreign state backed fighters. Nigeria needs to cut ties with Sudan and Chad(so also keeping a close eye on them like a little spying) and put Cameroun under watch also with a little spying. You think I'm not saying something? Save the link to this page and you'll remember that someone once said this.
Sharrrrrrrrrrrrrap idiot were do u com frm? Ode who told u dat Linda is campaigning 4buhari? God will must surely expose them who behide dis boko h of a tin
May God continue to expose them, Jonathan may he grant u Wisdom to use this information to save lives and stop thinking of re election. God who sets up one may bring down anoda! God Almighty pass them all!
See your life? He's not from SS because he's not clannish and ethnocentric like you and primitive thugs like Asari Dokubo right? Shame on you!
It's not only those who gain financially from the govt that defend Jonathan. Some people are just naturally daft and can't use their brains, like the Alexxis above.
You don't need a superpower to realize that this govt has failed and that we need a real govt like yesterday.
2:35, you're so right. Jonathan could not care less if 1m northerners were killed by BH. All he cares about is how to be re-elected and continue his incompetence next year. I know that Nigerians will prevail over him and his evil mind sha.
The reporter should be arrested for doing his job? I no say na this hot weather must definitely cause some serious problems.
hmmmm deep shiiiiii
Im re-posting this most incisive comment. There are other very few ones too; like the ones that mention international dimension, wasting innocent soldiers and knowledge of the govt of the day in what is EXACTLY happening.
Different opinions every where. This is just the exact thing the perpetrators want to happen in Nigeria,confusion,chaos,hatred and finally war. God is bigger
You are just a liar and a fool, so Jonathan is boko haram
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