"Rape is Rape, Regardless of Who the Face of the Accused is” - Stephanie Linus
I am distraught and devastated to hear of the recent allegation of rape brought against a relative of mine, Daniel Okereke (my brother).
While it is a very difficult time for me, and my family; I feel the need to make clear my position, lest there be any doubt. Rape is rape, regardless of who the face of the accused is.
the irony is not lost on me. I have spent my lifelong career
advocating and living my conviction that women around the world should
be able to live free of violence, sexual harassment or any form
of abuse against their persons. This conviction led me to be involved in
numerous initiatives combating violence against women in several
countries including the U.S, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
conviction also led me to place much of my energy on my work
with Vesico Vaginal Fistula (VVF), a passion that dates back to my time
at the University of Calabar.
a student, I heard a story about young girls who had been forced into
early marriage and were suffering the negative and embarrassing effects
of VVF. The story stayed in my consciousness and drove me, for years, to
seek ways to raise awareness on the condition; leading to my work with
a team of dedicated doctors to carry out repair surgeries for
VVF victims across the country; and my self-produced, soon to be
released movie, ‘DRY.’
again, it is indeed heart breaking for me to receive and deal with news
alleging a family member of mine is an alleged perpetrator of sexual
violence against a woman. I am devastated.
case is now in Nigeria’s criminal justice system as the accused awaits
arraignment. I have also encouraged and assured the alleged victim of my
stance against rape and applaud her for her bravery to upset the
culture of silence, in Nigeria; even as I accord deference and
patiently wait for the criminal justice system to determine the guilt or
innocence of my brother.
Nigerian press and blogs; I call on you to please report this case in
an ethical manner. I am a married woman living my life. The alleged
transgression of my relative does not make it mine. The focus should be
the impact of rape on the alleged victim, and resources for other
alleged victims, not me.
members of the press and blogs have turned me into the accuser; using
my name for sensational headlines and putting my images, exclusively, in
their stories. This is a form of victimization of me as a woman, its
unethical and extremely hurtful. I am not the alleged accused.
therefore please ask all bloggers and the media who have placed my
pictures and name to this story to refrain from further using me to
sensationalise this story.
I thank my fans, and all well-wishers for your continued support and ask for your continued prayers.
God bless.
1 – 200 of 237 Newer› Newest»Ok na
We don hear.Betty.
Well said...
Stephanie good girl
Very good position to take Stephanie.
God have mercy on your brother
Just look at the shame he's bringing on his family,smh
giveaway plsss queenuc4luv@yahoo.com
That's there biz.
Jenyking comenting via #etsalat
Ur broda na ur broda..dat one concern u
Nice one from you stephanie. I applaud your decency and outspokenness
Wait. Is Daniel her brother or cousin? Which one? Well all na her blood.
Well spoken and shame on bloggers who had to drag her name to it as a reference point just to draw crowd .
wooow..i love her reply! this is mature and sensable..
Good one steph
Eyaaaa! I feel her pain...
Well said . Although she found it difficult to call him her brother.
Nice of her. Indeed rape is rape regardless.
Abegi.. Her main aim is to tell bloggers to stop relating her to the beast.
Is he not her brother?
hmmm! interesting and sounds do matured.
Av always liked stephanie, she's so respectable.
Some members of the press and blogs have turned me into the accuser; using my name for sensational headlines and putting my images, exclusively, in their stories. (that part really makes me laugh)
I never really understood y her name was always mentioned.. Her brother committed d crime,not her,and her being famous doesn't justify her name being called in this case....so yall shud be professional please
Very mature of her. I love this!!
hmmm! interesting and sounds so matured.
Well linda and co una done hearooooo pls stop using her name or image pls . Ubochi.C.Kate ,0114600148 Gtb.
sounds so matured
Is okay, but ur brother is a rapist and mad man. He must be punished.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Well said and linda you are still using her pic.
She's right
I have always loved this woman and this stand of hers just increased it.Now, this is how a right thinking woman should reason
Such a beautiful lady...and d Broda such a disgrace...
Awwww! I feel sad for her...
but make una leave this woman now no be she rape na her brother make the guy face wetin hin do thank u
sounds good
nigeria press and bloggers, please take note.
sounds good
That's Nigerian's for you, once you are a celeb you are in trouble cos any little thing that happens to your family you will be used to make mockery. Don't mind them my pretty lady you weren't the one that told your brother to rape #onelovefromSnow#
LINDA!!!! Where is our giveaway na????
I love her response
God bless you Stephanie
Eeyah....she most be torn....
well said stehanie.
Apt and straight to the issue.
I love her disposition as it pertains this issue.
Linda shey you don hear?..
Oh my God, see what this idiot Daniel has turn her sister to. Steph God is your strength.
Ok bobbyferafavorirabo@gmail.com
dats bad naa....rape no follow oo
EXCLUSIVE;See Photos Of How A University Graduate Celebrated His Graduation....#GOBE
I wish it never happened.
Well spoken Steph, he is your cousin not you so Press & Bloggers be warned. ########OTUocHA
I feel very sorry for her. See the way her useless brother want to rubbish her name.
It is not her fault that she has a pig for a brother,justice must be served
Good of you woman!
Lindikardashian. Take note.
I have always loved this woman and this stand of hers just increased it. Now,This is how a right thinking woman should react.
Very professional. Her brother's sins can't be placed on her, as he is an adult and well aware of his actions.
I have always loved this woman and this stand of hers just increased it. Now,This is how a right thinking woman should react.
Well spoken Stephanie
That's right, one-one-leg, all man should answer for themselves,they should leave her out of this.
God bless you too Seph av always known you have a good heart. Thank you for calling a spade a spade.
Nice of u LINUS...olubukola daniels aka blackmamba...
awww poor steph! d old fool called Daniel is such a disgrace with dat his fat face. olorikori somebody... idiotic imbecile. jeezzz! I'm more angry now sef. agbaya radarada
Correct. Stephanie Linus for President.
Maturity and sagacity in display here.Much luv...
Is a pity. I understand how she feels" there is always this bad egg among siblings..
I hope he rots in jail. Big 4 nothing perv.
please opportunists who wait for every slight moment to take others down, leave Stephanie alone. Her brother is an adult, therefore should be liable for his alleged offence. Stay strong Steph...it will pass.
Steph nwanyi oma, okwu gi kwu oto ka cigar.....ur such a wonderful woman...
That's their biz
True Bloggers should remove her name__Linda u follow!!!
Disheartening indeed. Its good you made your stand known.
Good for her. No one should support such animalistic behaviour. He should be properly punished.
give away linda
This statement is clear.
Lindaaaaa! Hahahaha, wat re u doing wit d pictures? U jst keep changing d pix, is she nt d recent one?
Well spoken. Twitter/IG@dj_smartt
Did you jus update the picture Linda...
Am wondering y?
Nice one. Sue them.
Linda the 1st pic u used is prettier. Stephanie is 100% Right, they shud stop involving her, linda u ar guilty of that too
I'm not wont to comment on blogs, but am moved by Stephanie's response! You're a mature woman at heart. Your response is articulate, brave, incisive and very unequivocal. Your works on the feminine gender has always been well acknowledged. Never you relent or be cowered or ashamed to continue because of your brothers act. Keep up your good works my dear.
Good for her
Not a bad way 2 address d issue @ hand if u ask me buh I pray our Judiciary system will address d issue in all fairness.
You should have written culled from sdk na, its her exclusive story
She has spoken well @ first but that last paragraph is a no. She shouldn't have added that. You have to accept ewsponsibility.
noted dear... mke dem leave dis babe out of dis whole mess. mke d broad carry him wahala by himself.
God bless you Steph. All this bloggers and co,leave her out of this shit,if u can't write articles and bring traffic to your blog. Don't use another person's shit to rub on another.
What's with d picture changing?
Very bold move indeed, thumbs up!
Very correct, she's so brilliant!
Amen. Bleeds you too dear steph . It's well
Stephanie Linus, you just earned my respect.
Bloggers stop punishing nd publishing celebs names whenever their family\relative commits a crime.....auntie linda shey u don hear auntie steph.....God bless you for not supporting your rapist brother nd may God continue to give u the power to empower more women through your programme auntie Steph.......*****QUEENMAYA*******
Brilliant speech pearl_emerald@ymail.com
This is nice, say no rape. i wish the girl the best. May GOD comfort her. To the animal God's justice is all I wish you.
It is well dear.
Well said ..
She has said it all, I keep wondering why using her name meanwhile she has nothing to do with case, her brother has a name why dragging Stephanie into such sensational case? It could hurt her career, really her brother is a monster, honestly d guy actually needs to face consequences of his actions if truly found guilty....
That's a good woman there. God bless you
well said. God bless her..
Well said dear..linda m waiting for giveaway o
Why did U change the pic U used before. Stop editing your post. Makes me wonder....
Well said so please all bloggers should restrain from that she has made herself clear n I believe that's true
You're right
But your bro f**k up ooo
Older brother for that matter....
The black sheep of a family
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Linda,take note...
Go girl! That's a nice verdict from a good heart. Rape is Rape!
Hmmm... success has many relation and failure is an orphan
i love you Stephanie dear for dis...God bless u.....wesud never support violence against women
She is right, she is different from her brother hence they shouldn't attach her to the crime committed by his FOOLISH brother!
i love you Stephanie dear for dis...God bless u.....wesud never support violence against women
Nice!! At least truth be told...
I applaud her courage for this statement. The accused should bear the shame of what he did and not his family members.
Anuofia! She's more concerned abt her image than the victims her brother have been raping over the years. Your fucking rapist brother uses ur name to lure young women to rape them...now u dont want ur name mentioned? Tell ur fucking rapist brother that, not the blogs!!!
Linda is just a foolish Igbo girl without brains.
Eyah! Its nt easy oooo.
whats up with the picture change of Stephanie?
because na rape, u no want make we know say na na your brother. I am so sure he must have raped your friends years back and u guys covered it up. because you are married now u are doing mouth one kind. u better cover ur face in shame idiotic girl. if to say he win election now or he becomes an hero . will you say they shouldnt call him ur bro. anofia.
Shaa I Fel Ur Pains, Nd I Appreciate ur Stand on ds Issue, God Bless U 4 Standing 4 D Truth
My dear I feel ur pain, some siblings can really bring ur already made name to d mould, every family hs der own cross, becos ur a celeb doesn't mean u will live d life of all ur relative, d hav der life to live, plss dn't be too hard on ur self, no mind all dis blogs weh dey fin gist to write, time will take away everything trust me, d Lord is with u, still ur Fan, love u
Stephanie! your brother didnt jut start raping but because nobody talked, you guys got away wiyh alot of it now wey kasala don burst you say they shouldnt involve you because you are an ambassador or married. call a spade a spade. you should have tamed ur brother before he turned himself into a menace. take him to rehab.
Good! 4 ur own Good...
Well said madam, Linda, take note
Well said..!
I really commend Stephanie for coming out to address this issue and especially for her statement of 'Rape is Rape irregardless of who is involved'. We should all learn to stand for the truth and not use sentiments in dealing with issues as this
Wow!!! This is a gud woman. She has a gud spirit. God bless her
Very well said.Often times,blogs and media houses (the unprofessional our and unethical ones) will do anything to catch your attention,
I know sensationalizing stories is a main stream for most bloggers,I have always said bloggers are the worst bullies in the world.hiding behind the internet to take a dig at fellow humans.
Story for the gods....as if you wil not stil go behind our back 2 pay for his release #rapefamily#
Now u don't want ppl to know that u d sister of a rapist..#YMYB
Linda you are guilty of this. Why do you attach stephany to the case. When that guy is an Adult and should face it on his own not his friends and family.
She has taken a stand saying she doesn't support d act even if it is d broda dat perpetrated d act so I understand her and applaud her
your brother didnt jut start and you cant claim that you dont know that he rapes. so what are u talking about. the married woman that was raped at 11yrs nko, how old were u then. how are we sure that he hasnt even raped u before. hwlp him thats what am saying. he needs mental help.
I just became your Fan Stephanie, I am going to be a very loyal fan.
you just won me over with your statement here.
very proud of you.
In fact every woman should be proud of you.
Remain blessed.
abeg stop claiming innocent girl ,the day your brother tried that shit with me,he bragged of your name,that you and the DG always watches he back.just shot up your mounth your brother is a rapist.a serial one.My was different it was this raining day no motor when he offored to help.Am my runs girl too?.He took the wrong dicrection stop on a alonly place brought out gun.orderd me to pull my pant,when i refused he said he will killed me.i told him look my dad his a soldier,and my family are members of Ifa worshippers.mmmmmmm they will deal with u and your stupid sister and DGstock exchange aunty,omo come see where prince the plead blood of jesus save me.So go and cover your head with shame.come and bill him since that is what you and your family always do.
Bt Stephanie u knew of d previous rape activities of ur broda Bt u covered up for him nd d gals swore for u
Are u looking for a sugar mummy. Or daddy please call dis line 07060801564 please be mature....
May God continue to Strengthen you, brave woman !
It is well
It is well
I sincerely feel your pain and pray that you and your family come out of this stronger. But, if he had been reported as the richest man in Africa, you wouldn't have wanted your name off the news. Now that it's "Gbege" your name must stick too. That's why you'd have started your campaign against women from home because charity begins at home. You have a serial rapist at home and you're out there disturbing the ears of people with your campaign? The sheer reason we did not carry the news on Constative.com was that we couldn't decide who to attack on the headline, Stephanie Okereke or Ndi Okereke. The shame of a son is the shame of his family!
God bless you too, well said, bloggers shey una hear?
But Linda you no get sense. After she put out this statement you still stupidly stitched her picture with Daniel's own. What is wrong with you? You can be so annoying and sometimes I understand why people hate you so much.
It is true nau y must dey drag stephanie into dis mess make d guy carry him cross
Chai, nawaaaaa o, sorry Stephine dear this is an irony indeed.
well said.
HmmMmm nigerians and ways of adresin issues, well story for the gods
I don't know why am having this feelings that steph is indirectly referring to you Linda ikeji just like princess did,bbecareful.heartz_2luv@yahoo.com
Nice 1 woman, God bless u. May ur female children never fall a victim IJN
God bless you Stephenie. ...well said I know how difficult this period can be to u. let justice be done. And I wish all bloggers should heed to her plea.
Don't I just love this woman? Such a brilliant piece.
Hmmmm.....you have spoken well my dear, It's so sad that the beast happens to be ur elder brother I admire ur courage and stand on this issue. You remain a darling and role model to many Nigeria girls and we ur fans will continue to love and support you. Pls our bloggers and media houses should refrain from this wicked act of using this to tarnish the image of our ever darling stephanie Linus. She is married and secondly got nothing to do with this. His brother is of age and should made to face the consequences of this bastard act alone, I pray the culprit should be persecuted accordingly and be made to face the full wrath of the law.
Well said dear, Rape Is rape Regardless Of Who's involved.. I know it's really very difficult for you to bare.. if he's found guilty that would be heart breaken the more..
WEll said Stephanie..... the crime is not yours and people should learn to respect other people. I wonder how we will all be if we are judged by the misdeeds and crimes of our family members....
Good woman, God bless and strengthen you and your family., You are one of the few Nollywood actresses i actually respect. I am particularly impressed by your vocabulary and obvious interest. God bless again.
You are indeed a virtuous woman. An ambassador for women justice and peace. God bless you.
I think thats what they are all doing. Using her as much reference to the incident like shes the culprit. Linda sef do am
nice one steph. I like your level of maturity
Stephanie i think you should have your brain examined. The shame of a rapist will definitely rub on the family. you cant exempt yourself from it. OKEREKE "family of rapist"
She shouldnt be judged by wat she didnt do
Linda na u dm dy tell so ooo
She is right they shld remove her pix
Smart woman.
I'm so impressed with her stance and decision to speak up.
It's a shame to read people castigate the girls in question and blaming them for going to the beast's house - does that justify his actions?
That mentality is exactly what is wrong with our society.
May God help our understanding.
Oooo my role model....the only celebrity after my heart...my woman crush allday everyday! Dnt just mind Linda Ikeji and Stella, they wished to be you. Am solidly behind you allday everyday. Take it easy hun ! Its just a phase of life. It will soon pass away.
Well done Steph. You are indeed a role model.
My Dear u spoke well... Let Him bear the shame alone
You are indeed a role model.
lol, yet linda still put your pix join togeda with your destined-for-hell brother/cousin choi!
You telling me non ever complained to you or ur parents about your brother harassing them.look family is as delicate and United as it function.a slack in 1 system is a brake down to all.as his brother you owe us explanation to why he has been this way,I blame you too....but I suggest they left her out of the story for her carrier sake,make una pity her..Buh Na beg she go dey beg sha
Well done Steph. You are indeed a role model.
Well said beautiful woman, may you live long and prosper, always love you.
ok o.Good one!
She really spoke well.. but all this rape case don tire me nawa oh.. Na so d conji reach?
i love Stephanie and i think she should be left out of her brothers immorality....
Well said.
i love Stephanie and i believe she should be left out of her brothers immorality....
Awwwww Stephanie I respect u for this u are a real powerful woman God bless u.
Mrs Stephanie, you sounds so illogical. Your worries and warnings should be on your brother and not the media. The serial rapist, since his adulthood, has been disparaging your name and that of your family... While you were busy building your personality, the stupid Daniel was busy destroying it.
Ok, what do you make of his foolish model in using your family name (especially yours), as a bait to seduce and rape young girls. Most of the girls heard your name before becoming rape victims.
If your brother had operated simply as Daniel Okereke (without bragging about you and your family), none of the girls will know that he is your relative and so, your name will not in the media.
You see, their story (the victims), will not be complete if they don't mention your name.
I know it is painful but please, deal with it. Or better still, disown the Serial Rapist!!
Well said... u go sch well
Well said
Wooow linda first u said he was a relative of d SEC d.gs brother now its Stephenie linus ....pls gt ur jist rite...bottom line sha hu eva is related to dis beast should denounce him hr should rot in prison...bt I hav a question if dis has been goin on for a while is his family sayin der r nt aware or neva even heard of it??? dats a lie.
1 - Stephanie, if my comment gets published it will make it my 4th ever since 2009. I am deeply surprised at the depth of your objectivity, maturity, simplicity and matter of fact and cerebral statement. I pray God gives you the strength to deal with these times. I also advice that when your VVF programme is mature enough structurally and can function optimally in your absence you may want to help the society again with the crime; rape.
2 - To the victim; much as many remarks have cast aspersions on you for meeting with a man whom you met via a dating site (given the numerous terrible stories we've heard about these sites), for agreeing to eat out with him (without another friend of yours for safety in numbers), and for getting to his house where the alleged crime took place, I won't judge you. I'm sure in your heart of hearts you wish you could rewind events and acted differently. Though, I hope other ladies/girls learn and get wiser with this case, I assure you that if you forgive yourself quickly, if you don't bear hatred in your heart for the man in question (I don't want to dignify him by using his name) but allow the law deal with the matter and if you focus your energies on positive things you will become stronger emotionally, physically and mentally and eventually impact positively on the society. You're the bold type, channel your boldness into programmes that may help victims in Nigeria, who knows, yours may someday soon, become a world acclaimed foundation. Best regards.
3 - To the alleged offender; you may not get to read these words but I'm sure someone would relate them to you. I equally won't judge you. What I find disturbing is the accounts I've read from your other victims. Why force them in the 1st place? Why beat them at all before or after the act? Why add salt to an open injury? What I keep wondering is what if on one of these occasions one of the victims manages to escape and your security men give chase chanting "thief, thief" around Maryland? I'm sure you know the next scenario... Mob action, tyres from nowhere, someone throws in a light and BAM!!! an innocent life would be lost, haba!!! I hope you are given fair hearing, tried without prejudice, serve your sentence if convicted, come out of prison alive, then come back to the society to make a positive impact. Time heals most wounds. You can turn the stigma into a badge of honour. You probably don't know what potentials you possess that can better millions of lives in our society. People are calling for your head and all, but is a lost life valuable to the society? A life that is transformed can turn around the society positively. Beg God's forgiveness, that of you victims, forgive yourself and resolve to make a positive impact. You can do it, yes you can.
I luv her maturity wit d situation on ground. Pls u guys shld listen to her, stp puttn her name let d convicted person dance to the tune of d music emslf.
AwwwwwW she's right.
This is wise of her!
Well said Stephanie. I am aware of your recent help with young mothers facing VVF and also helping to combat. As for these bloggers who will stop at nothing to become famous, may God help you ooo.
Well said steph....The guy shld face the consequences of his beastly act. I just hope this won't be swept under d carpet
Nice one, well spoken
Watch and pray for the evil days are here
This is so true , I remember this guy called Daniel, my school daughter back in Unilag days was a victim of his act but she never mentioned rape tho which have actually happened but shame dint let her speak. I did met d guy back in Unilag almost 10yrs ago, he came and said he wants models but he was so rude and arrogant and of cos I served him right back and warned my school daughter not to go near him but she did and just called while he held her captive and was crying, next her phone was unreachable. She got back to sch and said he abused her. So he needs to face d music
She's really a nice lady.
Aww this is soo good. I respect u more nw
Way to go Stephanie. ..
i love Stephanie
This lady has been through so much in her life. But i applaud her for standing her ground against rape even if it's her relative that's involved.
My heart goes out to all the victilms;
Fantastic. Well said. I guess it cannot be expressed in a better way.
You do not drag an innocent bystander into an act that she had nothing to do with, just to sensationalize the issue and drive traffic to your blog. Thank goodness, Linda did not do that.
Please bloggers, stop dragging this responsible intelligent woman into her brother's shameful act.
Fantastic. Well said. I guess it cannot be expressed in a better way.
You do not drag an innocent bystander into an act that she had nothing to do with, just to sensationalize the issue and drive traffic to your blog. Thank goodness, Linda did not do that.
Please bloggers, stop dragging this responsible intelligent woman into her brother's shameful act.
Very well said, let judgement take its cause.
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