Six months after: A letter to you, my son's killer/s - by Aisha Falode | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday 15 August 2014

Six months after: A letter to you, my son's killer/s - by Aisha Falode

A grieving mother writes an open letter to her son's killer/s 6 months after his passing. The 19yr old son of ace sports broadcaster Aisha Falode was thrown from the rooftop of a 17-storey building on February 15th 2014 in Dubai. No one has been charged for his murder. Read Ms Falode's letter below
In years gone by, I read detective books and watched Crime series depicting how murderers sleep at night. How they wake up in sweat with nightmarish images of the soul they had taken, and are so filled with dread and guilt of their crime that they spend their night dripping hot, sticky sweat of horror at what they had done. 

How they stare at the night, wishing somehow it would never come, I mean, murderers live in such fear wishing they could turn the hands of the clock or go back in time and re-enact the whole scene of their evil deed, so as to reverse the killing of their innocent victim. Continue...

Such was my naivety because death was so far away from me.  Then death came so close to me I can still feel its hot breath down my spine. Yet I see how helpless it has become for it cannot strike the same victim twice. Death is so uncanny, it takes a soul but it knows that the soul goes back to the Maker in peace, yet he is lucky because the person who wore its cloak, the person who struck the blow, the person who took breath which does not belong to him, becomes its victim.

I say this today, my son's killer/syou have become the victim. Death has deceived you and is now sneering at you. You are in your own hell, a living hell, hades of which will be immersed in you for the rest of your life. 

Toba Falode aka Tyler Fray would have been alive today, breathing, laughing, writing songs about life and oppression, songs about people like you, evil people who think they can oppress, suppress and kill just because they can, but he is not for he rests in the bosom of the Almighty his creator. You Killer had no right taking his life because you did not give it. 

Killer have you ever gone back in history or do murderers have no time to read up what happens to those of their like who came before them? If you do you will know that the Avenger of Death is forever lurking behind you and one day, very soon and sooner than you can imagine, you will pay for your crime and your sins. The Bible which we uphold says vengeance is God's and indeed the Quran as well says there is no hiding place for the wicked.

Killer, the sister's heart you wrenched by taking her brother and confidant, the family you brought despair and misery on, the friends you left crippled with excruciating pain and I though drenched in sorrow by your inhumane callousness, know in my heart that the Avenger is upon you.  

You have challenged the Almighty God by taking a life He created by breaking His commandment that thou shall not kill.  Then like a wicked unrepentant soul, you walk the streets as if nothing happened? Believing in your ignorance that the one who created ears cannot hear and the one who created eyes cannot see.  Surely your conscience is judging you, you sweat profusely in the cold of the night, and shiver in the heat of the day, you jump at the slightest sound and you keep looking over your shoulder, petrified even of your own shadow and dreading the inevitable and knowing in your heart that death has cunned you and the Avenger is so close you can feel the hair on your nape standing. 

Perhaps one day, your nightmare will end and you will free yourself but not before the Avenger gets you, forcing you to speak, telling the world of how you killed my son on that sad night hunting you in Dubai.  When you pushed my boy, a good son, and the hope of my future from a 17 Storey building. What a callous, heartless andcold-bloodedkiller!

How did you kill him, why did you kill him? Oh, lest I forget you, the witness, an accessory to murder. Only God knows what pushes you to soil your hands with innocent blood by remaining silent and protectinga killerfrom a most foul and heinous crime while the image of Tyler’s dead body haunts you at night, you said you wish you could have done more at the time of his death. Yes you can. Speak up and free yourself from the insanity creeping up on you and the long stretch of dark miserable years ahead, how did Tyler Fray die? 

How did my son's innocent blood splatter on your body? Did your bloody knuckle punch the life out of him, or did you smash him with a stone before throwing him over the balcony, or did you just push him to his death? Why did you say you would take the punishment for his death, why do people you call friends keep meeting such a fate around you, is it coincidence? 
Do you know, that there were actually three people on that balcony on that night? The all seeing God, the omnipotent, the ever present…He was there and He witnessed that murder and He is calling you to account forTyler’s Death. Killer!!!!  Look! Feel!

Hear the sound of the footstep of the long arms of the law looming over you like the sun covers the earth …..........
The Avenger is upon you like the waves of the Ocean smashing against the rock there is no escape for God is a just God.

I know Toba is in heaven and that gives me peace.
What kind of peace can a killer give his mother?

To join the call for Justice for Toba go to:

Facebook: Justice for Tyler Fray a.k.a Toba Falode


Sign The Petition:


Steveosky 4 Real. said...

Continue to pray for the repose of his soul. Vengeance is for the lord..!!

Bishop Dammy said...

May the lord console you ma and your son's soul continue to rest in Peace! John 14:27. BishopDammy#

Unknown said...

May God give her the fortitude to bear her to the dead

Unknown said...

I dnt gt this gibberish hoo-ha said...


Pls vsit my shoe blog

Anonymous said...

Sorrowful,,R.I.P to the lad,,, aunty linda am still waiting for dat surprise reply of urs that will sound lik a miracle..uzoma ikegwuruka

Anonymous said...

Very sad. I cant do without crying anytime i read or hear news about this story. I am a mother of one. Even if a good mother has 2o children, you don't pray for any of them to die. This is so sad. God will give Aisha the courage and strength to bear this burden. To Toba's killer there is God.

Anonymous said...

Feel her pain.....dy shud find d killer... May his soul RIP

Unknown said...

Am really feeling for this woman.... May his soul R.I.P......

Tessa said...

God reward the killers.

Angie said...

Hmm.. RIP Toba's soul.
Strange world we live in.

* My R1.50c comment *

Anonymous said...

So touching may his soul rest in peace....judgement day ll surely come.@funmimy

Unknown said...

I so feel for her.

bly said...

Hmmmmmmm....the pain of a mother.wonder why they avnt found the killer.

SVC said...

So Touchıng! Vegeance is for God Says the Lord! IT İŞ WELL

Unknown said...

This is a mother's cry for justice. May her cry not go unanswered.

Unknown said...

Eyaaa.....hope she heals, she's really hurting. RIP toba falode

Bukola smith said...

losing a child never gets any easier,the pain dulls but never leaves..but m guessing u knw dat already.i pray one day u both will be reunited in heaven,above all i also pray like u do dat his killers will never knw peace

Unknown said...

I feel ur pain ma'am

Anonymous said...

nothing wil make the child come back to life, so try to forget nd leave everything in d hands of God. oyeolorun.

Anonymous said...

sorry 4 ur lost madam

Anonymous said...

Hello Libers...

I will like to be addressed henceforth as "Nwanyi ukwu Oma"

Bonario,onyx ,egbunna etc please take note.

Anonymous said...

Aisha I do not know what it's like to lose a son but I know what death feels like close to home. My dear A'i God is not asleep; the killer, the accomplice(s) they will be arrested by God. I join you in prayer. Toba's soul is resting in peace but his blood will seek justice! I was watching you on TV doing your job, wondered what turmoil was in your heart. Be strong A'i.
I don't know how people can be so violent, evil, insensitive! Ah! Their parents will grieve more because dead body to bury sef dem no go see! One after the other all guilty shall pay.

Tamilore said...

Believe me Aisha as a mother I feel your pain...and as a mother with a teenager studying outside Nigeria I continue to pray...I pray for all our children who re all out there trying to get education...I pray for our country...I pray for you my sister for God to console you, give you his grace...give u peace and I pray for the sole of your young rest assured that he is at peace at the bosom of the Lord and u know what? he is untouchable where he is!...As for the killer...he is doomed for life that is for sure and believe me any accomplice with him in the devilish act is doomed along with him...I pray for God's grace and healing upon your soul.

Unknown said...

I feel ur pain madam. May ur son soul continue to rest in peace.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

Unknown said...

Just couldn't finish reading the letter *tears dropping* May the lord comfort her.

Anonymous said...

so touchy..may his soul rest in peace. Niima

Unknown said...

Ohhhhh so sad what a world!

Anonymous said...

My heart bleeds, may God almight grant him rest, and comfort his family, for this irreparable lost seastar#

Jimeldorado2 said...

To this broken heart,i dont know exactly how you feel,but my heart goes to you......

Jimeldorado2 said...

To this broken heart,i dont know exactly how you feel,but my heart goes to you......

Unknown said...

Can't stop shading tears.. May his soul continue to RIP. To the killers Karma awaits you

Anonymous said...

I feel ur pain ma, these ppl are heart. They definitly do nt kw wat it takes a woman to nurture a child. May God give u strength to bear this loose.

Maks said...

Hmmmmmnnn.......this is coming from the broken and grieving heart of a mother. O God, you alone knows the weight of her pains, dear Lord encourage her, strengthen her....
1Samuel 30:6. Take heart madam.
RIP Tyler.

Anonymous said...

This is Deep......Rest in peace Tyler.

Unknown said...

YEPAAAAAAAA... EPEEEE.... Well Killer, to be forewarned is to be ...... complete it. Turn yourslef in or this curse will follow you like Mario... RIP Tyler

Unknown said...

YEPAAAAAAAA... EPEEEE.... Well Killer, to be forewarned is to be ...... complete it. Turn yourslef in or this curse will follow you like Mario... RIP Tyler

Anonymous said...

A killer will forever live a miserable life.One of the worst things to experience is the death of ones child.God will surely see you through Ma. It is well with your soul.

Unknown said...

I feel like crying,its well ma,vengeance is of the Lord,He will avenge the death of ur son.
Face of lib

Unknown said...

This is sad . I was close to tears after reading this. Justice must be achieved. I cant just imagine the pain , this mother is going through right now. May the Good Lord gives you the fortitude to bear the loss and may his beautiful soul rest in Perfect peace in the bosom of the almighty God

MILLY said...

May his soul rest in peace

Anonymous said...

This is so tourching *Crying*, May his gentle soul continue to rest in perfect peace and 4 d Tobi blood will continue to torment u insha Allah

yaxx said...

oh my gudness, d grief of a kind mother

Anonymous said...

Eyah...this is indeed pathetic @name sake aisha vengeance is God's as it is written.

Unknown said...

RIP Toba Falode

ary said...

this is just too sad for words! why isn't the Dubai doing anything about this? isn't it its duty to safeguard the citizens of other countries resident in their country? why hasn't the Nigerian government acted or are our exports going to continue to live in fear of their lives abroad cos our government doesn't care!

Unknown said...

Aisha,all must be well.God is in control.The killer or killers of your son shall not go unpunished.

Ursula said...

its so pathetic may his soul rest in perfect peace Amen.

Anonymous said...

This nearly made me cry. 0n a lighter note, think how weird it'll be seeing a girl crying in public staring at her phone. People must think her boyfriend sent a break-up text, they always think it has 2 b a boy. Sad world madam but ur son would want you 2 laugh sometimes. Take heart. Justice is a sure thing whether now or in the afterlife. RIP Toba ----C21

Anonymous said...

Because u'r a very big fool, who's also very embarrasingly dumb and had his hrt replaced with a stone... I pray ur mother or any woman in ur family never goes thru wat she's going thru!

ary said...

this is just too sad for words! why isn't the Dubai doing anything about this? isn't it its duty to safeguard the citizens of other countries resident in their country? why hasn't the Nigerian government acted or are our exports going to continue to live in fear of their lives abroad cos our government doesn't care!

Anonymous said...

Indeed the eyes of the avenger is upon you the up, say the truth and set your hot, blazing soul free from its torments......

Killer you know this: you cannot hide for too long.... Help your self out.

Betty said...

Hmmm I know how it feels to loss a loved 1.#crying# only God can console u madam. As for d killer! NO PEACE 4 HIM,the evil he did will leave with him until he confess.

Boladale said...

Mrs. Falode may Almighty God console you. No amount of words can console you. I lost my cousin in 2011, he was in UNILAG up till now anytime I sees my uncle I feel so sad. Talkless of one's biological child. I pray God will expose all the people behind his death. My heart grieves as I read your letter. To Tobi rest on beloved, may your killer know no peace.

APPLE said...

Arabs are wicked, haven't you seen where those militants isis cut off children's head?! Children! R.I.P to the dead.

Okoro said...

All is well. God knows best!
May his gentle soul continue to rest in peace. #JusticeforTYLER

Anonymous said...

Its also a clarion call to fix d higher education standard in the counry. How do u xplain a boy dat yung bein sent out to anothr mans land for University education? Even if tins like dis happns in dis prt of d wold trust me dia wuld b a trace. RIP #26247c63

Unknown said...

I feel your pain madam and I pray God will comfort your grieving soul,as foor the kill,one thing I know for sure,karma is a bitch. You don't know when it comes calling..

Bestman said...

Kelvin you are a very stupid and ignoramus person

Anonymous said...

U go die early, u ds smally. Whether na u kill am self I no no. Ass-wipe! are damned already u dnt knw.

Anonymous said...

Too sad. Nigerian youths studying abroad, do what your parents sent you there to do oh. Partying and smoking is not the way oh. You follow oyinbo girls na your highway to danger

Sisi Vales said...

Aunt Aisha, may the Lord grant you and your family peace and comfort and for the killer may God's will be done. R.I.P Toba...a light put out before it could even shine.

Anonymous said...

Kelvin, is it that you are this ignorant and have illiteracy so imbedded in you or you just wrote this to get attention? I pray you never experience the pain she is going through

ZeeZee said...

May his soul rest in peace... Men don't fight over ladies, Ladies conduct yourselves in a righteous manner

Anonymous said...

How stupid are you Kelvin? Gosh!!!

Anonymous said...

Justice shall prevail, Allah hears the cry of the weak, Toba was meant to go for a reason and. That is destiny Bt the evil doer shall be punished. God bless you for speaking out so issues like this don't just get swept under the carpet. 17th floor what a hot death!!

Anonymous said...

May God comfort you madam. I weep with you. May your rest in peace

Anonymous said...

Pls madam, take consolation frm d word of God nd move on.The Lord will comfort u.

Anonymous said...

Kelvin, I understand your condition. U just learned a new word and u r desperate to use it. I wonder if ur brain was soaked in vinegar. Ignorant idiot

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