It's still unclear why the police man opened fire but eye-witnesses said Michael was unarmed and his hands up in the air when he was shot after an argument between Michael and the police man.
"The police shot again and once my friend felt that shot, he turned around and put his hands in the air,” said witness Dorian Johnson. “He started to get down and the officer still approached with his weapon drawn and fired several more shots.” Continue...
His grandmother said she was driving through her neighborhood Saturday afternoon when she saw her grandson walking a few blocks from her house. After she arrived home minutes later, she heard a commotion and ran outside to see his body on the pavement nearby.
Michael's killing triggered outrage among residents who gathered at the scene cursing and shouting “kill the police.”.
St Louis Police spokesman said they are trying to figure out what led to the shooting, promising a "lengthy investigation." See pics from the protest below...
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Michael mom |
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Michael's grandmother |
This isn't right! He did nothing to deserve this! I hope justice is served
Awon racist..won tun ti bere oo.. dem don start again ooo
Justice must prevail
oh my thisis hrt breaking
This is outrageous. USA is not known for this. Something must have went wrong. Through proper investigation the truth shall be known. I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Like seriously? Wtf!
No be only Naija police de misbehave. Oyibo too don join
What a pıty! The poor böy Gone like dat... IT İŞ WELL
This is not good no one is above the law justice has to be done
So this young boy's dreams has been put to an end..just like that! Micah 2:1. BishopDammy# imahiadammy@gmail.com
M so short of words!
Another black boy gunned down by a white cop..
I'm I surprised???
They will claim he was aggressive or he had drugs with him..
Fuck these ppl..
So sad..
Chai! This is sad :( RIPP to d departed.
Eyaaa he so much look like his grandmother o that police man that shot him just behaved like some of Nigeria police
What's wrong with the Word 'Police'? They're just the same everywhere!
omg , that's pure wickedness, my heart bleeds 4 his mom n grandma may his soul RIP
Chai! this is so sad. I Thought this kain of thing only happens in Nigeria. #RIP
What's wrong with ds animals called police! Is dia duty to protect or kill? Nawa oo
The way the police hate black people, especially young black men in America is shocking.
I saw a video of one US police officer holding and punching an unarmed older black woman on the highway, just punching her repeatedly and she didn't even do anything.
RIP young man. You were guilty of being black in America.
One reason I will not live in the US, the killings are crazy and senseless with racism still ravaging the soul of some of the people.
Sad... READ EARLIER HE STOLE AN ITEM FROM A STORE WHICH COST $1 AND RAN COS HE WAS SCARED... However that still no reason for the police to have shot him 9TIMES as i read...
Yh so heartbreaking saw it on CNN even dat of d Nascar guy is really sad dey re just 2 young 2 die and d way dey did is just 2 Sad and "traumatizing", it ll be even 2deir relatives. May deir Souls RIP
So painful
dis is so bad............rip micheal
..pls visit my friend's blog www.desmondkels.blogspot.com
The black man is never gonna escape racial profiling in America nor is the muslim or arab too! It is just what it is sadly!!!
oh my God!! jesus have mercy on us.....
Nawao whatsoever that might be the cause the police shouldn't have shut the boy.rip
May his soul RIP. For those of uo answering LIB Prince, LIB Syndrome, LIB Addict, Face of LIB etc be careful. I did nt jst bring d concept 'LIB Princess' sometn prompted it. Vry soon Anuty Linda wil officially bring it 2ur notice dat Gnomic Pretex is d LIB Princess!
They never shoot white guys by mistake...am just saying
This is wickedness. May his soul rest in peace amen. MM
I'm weeping already.... I think this name POLICE is now moving with a curse or are they recruiting mentally deranged pple?
Wat ws d policeman tinkin? Was he crazy? So its nt only in dis country dat we av misbehaving police officers
Is it a crime nw to be black? God help us. Proudly African.
If he had a white skin, would he have shot him?
Too bad..RIP Michael
Thats how dey do. Useless police men. Blood sucking fucking racists. Thats how one idiot killed a black boy too in houston texas becos of a mere argument. Demonic bastards that don't know their jobs. Well in the US of A u don't need to have a degree b4 u go into the police force only if u wanna be a state trooper so I guess the darkness is really disturbing them. And to worsen this case, they won't jail d bastard police, they will only suspend him, demote him and then send him back to training Oloshi pple. And yet they won't allow we Nigerians rest anytime they hear news from my country awon oloriburuku.
This is not the 1st time this sort of thing is happening. Why can't whites allow us blacks to be? When will this hatred end? The worst is that at the end,the court will always exonerate the murderer police officer. This is so painful. RIP Michael
reminds me of trayvon *sad*
Omg another trayvon Martin story,it's so sad nd ul see the police bringing an outrageous law to back up their claim.....so sad in a mordern society racist stuff like this still happens
Ohhhh,dats too bad
Amirika police ,naija police..no difference!
may God help us
Am nt supprised since is a white man dat shoot him,bloody racists God will judge him.rip young blood.grace b
sad event
this is crazy
Jst like dat, ,for God sake this boy is jst 18..y?
Nothing will happen to d police officer if his white. Remember Trayvon Martin n george zinaman....
Really, Usa is not know for this? Guy, more than half of d police in usa r racist. Zuriel.
lol you have no freaking idea. Please wake up
Wow. I can't believe your comment is actually making sense. Just yesterday you were saying Islam is evil, and now you're here today admitting innocent Muslims and Arabs are being racially profiled.
Aint you a weird fork-tongued one.
This will never happen in UK. The US police don't really respect the rules of law and racial killings is one of their ways
Some say racism is dead and I say LOL!
Don't mind the bush Valentine Egbuna, has he travelled before? Talking trash he knows nothing about. Mtscheeew!
This happened few streets from my house.Ferguson cops are so crazy and heartless.That was how they killed Dayo last year....because his stupid/crazy ex-wife called the police that she has an intruder in her house..He came to pick his kids for church service.
Whenever I get stopped by police in Chicago, I dey always sharply change my accent back to Naija own and be like, I'm an African, how are you sir? Lol. For real tho, don't joke with your life, just let it go!!!
Lol@ weird fork-tongued one. Nice! Now that's a sense of humour...keep commenting pls.
what a bullshit! why would someone be wicked? damn! Lord have mercy.
So sad. police? Smh
No bi only Nigerian police no get sense now, they don get partners. Even if he was a criminal, must the police person shoot? I reject untimely death in Jesus name. Amen.
And they will say police is our friend, are they really? i don't think so, they are the opposite, our enemy for sure
The cop must be trigger happy to have killed an innocent boy, he should not go unpunished o
RIP to the dead man...young people have to be careful these days...in the final third, reality is harsher than imagined.
The police would investigate all they must, and the policeman was maybe doing 'his job'...but a harmless young man lost his life.
God please grant the family, especially the grandmother who saw him a little while before the event, the fortitude to bear this harsh loss, Amen
my God this is pure evil..racism ooooo
Pigs!! The police have no regard for human lives and never will, It breaks my heart to see these cops get away with murder and not face death penalty.
R u from the bush niqqa? Abeg!!!
Yap!. And I feel trapped here so called land of the free smh
Why Na. RIP To Him(Linda's Man)
Another Trayvon Martins on our hands...
feeling so sad may is soul rest in peace and I hope justice will be served.
That's so sad. Hmnnn. RIP
*My R1.50c comment*
Seriously *capital LOL!!..
*My R1.50c comment*
usa is known for shits like this, like serzly known for it.
ppl haven't gotten over that of Trayvon yet, now this!
As long as u r black u r a target,miraculously i excaped an incidence here in boston.so crazy
You see the thing is I bet you if a black cop shot a white 18 year old he would be in Guantanamo already .....not saying this is a racist attack or anything but the response of america itself to the killing of a black teens reflects the racism and feeling of unimportance they show to the black community
.....since trayvon martin ive not worn a hoody in the u.s bcause these white cops think black + hoody = criminal ........
Saw that video she was jaywalking but that did not give the cop the right to hit her cause she didnt even resist .......but as usual they gave some bullshit excuse to why he (the cop) had the right to do so .......being black is scary cause you also fear that the people who are supposed to protect you might just kill you when they feel your colour insults them
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