This is what the newly renovated Port Harcourt International Airport looks like...but this is the departure area. the main airport is under construction and so the arrival area is slightly different from what you see above. The pics were taken just last Friday. Continue to see them...
Na wa o!
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wow dat area is lookin cute, iu remember hw omaguwa use 2 b
Very good, is it going to be maintained? we don't have maintenance culture in Nigeria.
I live in ph and D departure area is really fine and a big improvement from what it used to be. Hopefully, d arrivals will also look amazing when its done
While some are slacking, some are doing great for their personality sake. Gradually getting there. #Amazing#
Still a bit tacky though.....
The newly renovated departure area looked amazing.
But the arrival almost made mockery of this achievement.
Dunno what the person that took the pix seeks to achieve.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
later they will say she did not work some people will stay in their homes and know what is happening at the airports that they have never visited.
Its Terrible that she embezzled money but Stella Oduah made some positive changes in the aviation sector.... at least the ENUGU,ABUJA, MM1 LAGOS AND PH (the few i am conversant with)can attest to this.... NAZA
Looking good...I think work is still going on...hope to see them finish up on looks almost exactly like muritala airport small...nice one sha
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But can it be sustained. God bless Odua sha
Airports in nigeria are worst.Even the lagos one sef. I pray for everyone's safe flight always.
Linda what kind of new look is this
Nice one..... Nobi small money dem spend here o, naija really gather money....
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I was at this airport a while back and i was sitting just at that point u see people sitting by the window point that stretches out as a concierge. With all the money we have in this country, that airport does not meet standards because on that day it was raining and a cleaner was scooping water right in the middle where you see people standing. The roof was leaking. It is meant to be a construction, dear. We deserve more.
And then they will say federal government is not working
I hope the parts that has not been completed will look like the departure area when completed.Though the renovation is taking a bit longer,but kudos should go to the immidiate former Aviation Minister.
If i was to see the last pictures and not see the first picture i would have condemm the place....
Sincerely ms stella oduah has done well in the renovation of airports....putting other things aside..i still believe she should have been retained to finish this good job and maybe disciplined instead of sacking...
All hail Oduah!!!
Looks Nice..
Thr is hope
Nice 1
Lol I was there same day. D departure is not yet completed. At least its better than before.
Hahaha is dat for bagage drop off naija sigh! At least they are renovating Ibadan pple shud borrow a leaf
This isn't new darling when I flew into lagos from PH 27th January alongside Kalu Ikeagu & Yvonne Jegede it looked exactly like this the airport has been renovated since this year plz no one should bully me
How long will it take for them to complete this airport biko nu ... Anyways welldone so far lol ij
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Linda, all this bulbs are to deceive us. The airport is hotter than dubai sun, stuffy and smelly. Smh
Linda you are not well oo, this is obviously a yarb.
Seen. That's good
Dis is serious, Gov Amechi & FG are shameles entities.Country wit delapidated infratructures, nothin is workin.Failed state!
Our problem isn't the building of architectural master pieces (cos the gov't need to create projects to enable embezzlement).the problem is maintenance of these edifices and the inflated cost of putting these structures up.
And later someone will say GEJ is not working and that Odua isn't the best Aviation Minister in Nigeria's history! One thing with us masses is that we are a gullible tool in the hands of the political class and they manipulate us as they want! In one word, GEJ is God sent...If uve got ears, listen! APC comprises of those old leaders that destroyed Nigeria and now come here to preach as if it was GEJ that did the damage! I don't know GEJ from Adams but there's more to this hatred that meets the eye....LET HIM SERVE...he will do wonders!...For the Christians, remember when Jesus came and told the Jews that he was the messiah, remember the elders conspired to kill him?...y'all better let this GEJ Nigga take us to the promise land! he listens, he's humble, he strives to be transparent...Guys Rome was not built in a day! I know we are all fed up with what the past leaders did, but it wasn't GEJ that did them! He's only tryna boot them out for change! Which is y they are uniting even the known emenies, just to fight him! Eg Tinubu and Obasanjo, Atiku and Obasanjo etc.... he who's got ears should listen to the voice of reason
Weldone Mr Presido!!! 2015 GEJ al the way!!!transformation na step by step.
the airport is imbecile
**child's play**
Let thee changes commence. Nice work
Good improvement.
Omg Linda.... Pls dont be decieved by that departures. Pls i beg you, dont promote such rubbish. I went through that departures and it ws horrible. Only two big fans to serve passengers, and the level of corruption amongst the so called immigration or whatever they call themselves at bag check in point is shameful and disspeakable. After i went to security, they aircondition wasnt working so we were all sweating and being bitten by mosquitoes. Just is unbelievable!! Pls Linda i respect u so much and how u use ur blog to inform us but pls dont promote tht airport until you have gone through there. You wud be soo disappointed. The front image u put on ur page is just an extended addition to the old airport which you would see when u look up, trust me its not wht you see. Our government can do better. We shouldnt always jump up at such mediocre when we know they hv pocketed more than half the money contracted to them. When are we Nigerians going to wake up!! Gosh
Na wao
Lindi way? Slow news day? Na wa! D's kind America u go u neva snap pics? U go try post am here since nor news again! Mtcheeeewwwww
Hahahahahha, which kain wahala be this oooo.
For God sake Aunty linda they are still renovating the Airport naa, why show d arrival section to discredit d effort of govt in transforming d airport, u know very well d arrival section is still under construction. You av given room 4 some idiots to open their mouth to say rubbish here especially that cow called bonairo.
Mallam Labaran Musa
No Comment, Saw this in 2013 Jan., on my way back.
Good job. this is how its supposed to be
Linda, so you are sharing this pix sent by Reuben Abati on twitter?
That departure lounge is an eyesore and almost a disgrace. The place is so hot, the toilets are an eyesore, no working belts, and when it rains, it literally rains inside the terminal.
And to think this is what was said to cost billions. Please get the total picture about the airport.
Help help help what this
Lin lin u no well o choi!
That Stella Oduah really tried, i hope the new minister will continue from where she stopped.
At least they are trying
Y do we ve tents in our freaking airports??just asking tho and thank God I left dis crazy ass country
what do you want me to comment, Linda?
Crazy Nigerian celebrities dresses, you won't believe
Thank God o. Finally.
Lookin β€ţţ€я dan †ђξ old look i think it need to be wrked on more
The first pixz is the supposed look the entire airport is expected to wear, but some elements of retrogression in Nigeria are poise towards making it unachievable. 'The cabal' that is what they called them. I called them the devourers of the good deeds. They show theirselves in truncating the giant strides of Oduah, the almost achieveable steady power of prof Barth Nnaji. Now the good intension of GEJ is at all times misinterpretated and sobotaged to make him look weak. But very soon they will realise that he is a POLITICAL PHILOSOPHER and not a politician,because it will backfire like a wildfire and consume them like boko haram,which already dealing with her creator.Naija we hail thee!
Although its hard to tell from just one picture, its an improvement. Still not up to real international standards tho.
Nigerians love mediocrity.
They really doing something good with the renovations. Shame on Amaechi.
Lindodo, is dis what you call slightly abi eye dey pain u ni. The arrival section b like my village.
I thought they said Stella Oduah did not work?
Thats a very good improvement. we need to manage it like this also, why the fuck is that guy infecting that fresh airport with that Dirty PLASTIC CHAIR Again??? We need to eradicate such mentalities.
It's been a while I flew, so when I saw this on my way out on Friday I was smiling to me self, I even tot of taking a few pix but I felt it wasn't a new development and maybe it's just cos I haven't bn dia in two yrs, was looking fwd to my arrival, but mehn, soo dats the arrival I wld face...lolz... it's all good.
Nigerians, this is what they do..they throw you crumbs and some people are here saying o, Odua is working. Are you all serious, you are entitled to these things and they are long overdue. How long was she in that office? Abeg let us hear.Your aviation sector is a mess, shiny airports do not cover the filth that surrounds the sector. Policies and procedures have not changed and the way things are run are still for a lack of better words...stupid.
Finally. One ok looking structure in this shit box of a country
She did not embezzled jack! If u re looking for someone that did please go and arrest fashola who bought a bullet proof car for an amount higher than what Oduah was accussed of, even though we all knw that the trnx didn't sail tru.
REAL FACE LIFT..............
I hope the Port Harcourt international airport is finished soon and be well maintained but right now the have stopped renovation work at Murtala International Airport and their is no air condition at the airport as i am writing this. it feels like one step forward two step back.
Sounds interesting let see how far they go
Gbam!Bonario gud question.Maybe to blame GEJ or Amaechi?
You were really there.
Please say the truth before thunder will fire u.
Aboki shut up ur mouth.U re d bigger cow.must u mention Bonarios name?go and read his comments.u re d one saying rubbish.
Datz reali gud fr dem
Sentimentality is what will kill Nigerians. We are highly sentimental.
Y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊и̣̣̣̣̥ spoke my mind. APC are bunch of aggrieved PDP members. Those old wicked fools that raped Nigeria, power mongers that thinks Nigeria i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅ their property. Its better another candidate emerges for election or we will cont wit GEJ. Instead of these old wicked, callous power mongers, Atiku, Buhari, IBB, Tinubu dey ve had their chances and they blew it. WISE UP NIGERIANS
Lols!dats good(xsexie blingz)
yea...true it's gat new look but seems d d cooling system there is faulty...i almost got choked some weeks bak.
Nice one. Big face lift. Hope it's maintained.
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So they are still using fans in the airport!! after all the "renovation" Na Wa oh!
Omagwa is taking a new look.It wasn't like this the last time i was there about 4 months ago.nice improvement.
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