Actor Emma Ehumadu was involved in a ghastly accident while filming a robbery scene with Jim Iyke and other actors at a movie location in Asaba, Delta State on Wednesday March 12th. Jim was driving the vehicle during a 'high speed chase' while Emma was shooting a gun from a half open door from the vehicle. Unfortunately there was an issue with the brake and the vehicle hit a location bus. Emma hit his head on the door of a bus and his skull opened. He was rushed to the hospital where he's responding to treatment...
All for the money.. Thank God
Funny #bright bravo#
I thank God for his life,while wishing him quick recovery
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Really? Someone got injured during those their wacky shooting scenes? Hehehehhe! I wish u recover quickly dude!
Hmmmmmm so bad. Pls God help him and they should stop acting like whites when they don't have the means
Christ! I hope he gets better. This Nigeria film producers sef. #Clumsy
Na wa o, this money no know as them take dey make am. Get well soon
Omg! Horrible! Didn't d location manager check if d car was fit for such scene?its high time we start holding pple responsible for such silly accidents dat can b prevented
Really? Someone got injured during those their wacky shooting scenes? Hehehehhe! I wish u recover quickly dude!
Really? Someone got injured during those their wacky shooting scenes? Hehehehhe! I wish u recover quickly dude!
Unfortunately there was an issue with the brake and the vehicle hit a location bus. What a pity.
really?see popular nollywood actress genevieve nnaji sex tape video leakes!! [pic/video]
Oh! Thank God. May he get well soon. Emma! God is with you because he loves you.
Any1 who need my nude pic hit my name
This is really serious ooo...wish him a quick recovery
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My GOD this is really serious and I like this dude a lot. May GOD grant him quick recovery.
Thank God he didn't die.
God, this injury really looks serious...... I will blame the crew members, they fucked up big tym, if they have investigated the cars at the first place, non of this would have happen.... Save recovery man.....
And am sure its a stupid movie fr dt matter...mtchwww. Do get well soon sir
Whats the name of the movis, jim iyke is inside so i will be kind of interested...
Eiyaaa!!! God help him.
Aayaaa, Pele dear, d Lord is ur strength. Wishing u a speedy recovery. May God help n protect us, as we go on our daily hussle. It is well.
Omg! GOD plz heal my frend. He's ma best pal
Thank God for his life. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Unprofessional stunt things. . . Wishing him quick recovery.
OMG!!!!!!!!! Thank God he is alive.
Actor never boss d die....wishing him a speed recovery..
My friend Labista ooo..Why now?God dey shaa..Get well soon bro.
Nawa Oo... Jim iyke and his gragra! His too hyper joor.. If he was driving at a reasonable speed this wouldn't hv happened.. Anyways wish emma quick recovering.
Hmmmm nawa º°˚˚˚°Âº no body is safe again º°˚˚˚°Âº, wish him safe recovery
Wow.. So sorry man.. Your a HeRo!!
.Linda Your Killing The Fun Of Blogging, Release Comments On Time, It's Becoming Boring Reading Comments Hours Later. #JUSTSOYOUKNOW!!
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Please get well soon. Your healing shall come speedily in Jesus Name!
That's why they use stuntmen! Against next time.
Lord pls kip him Safe.Get well soon Emma
This is serious, God speed Emma
Awwwwwwwww. I wish him A̶̲̅ quick nd safe recovery.
Nawao! Wsh him well...
~D great anonymous!
Eyaaaa. Wish him a speedy recovery.
Jesus, get well soon bro
Hmmmmmm wish him quick recovery
Awwwwww, Eya so sorry Emma. It was supposed 2 be a movie but it's now a different story line. Get well soon Emma...LinLin post my comment ooooo, cos I've noticed u havnt posted my comments 4some dayz now
Puma puma he's a fine gangster actor.I wish him speedy recovery.
pls Lord save him
Mr Emma get well so sad
Oh wow, Hopefully he gets well soon!
Thank God for his life. Na wa
The worst kind of death:to die from acting stupid movie.
How did I know?
Jim Iyke is involved, silly.
I thank God for his life º°˚˚°Âº wish him quick recovery
I must to do action movie,nollywood abeg do d one u can biko btw get well son actor
I wish him speedy recovery. He's such a nice guy. God pls heal him quick.. Amen.
Damn!!! Omg!!! This is serious! So ludicrous! Even after the treatment! Anytin weh concern skull, e de hard oh! He mighnt come back to location again! Get well soon labista!
Sorry, get well soon
Sally p said ehen copy copy nollywood...shebi u guys like to copy everything.tank God for his life
So dey r still doing dis kinda of movie nah wa oo
Recover soon bro
Hope he gets better. Getting injured for movies that will not make sense
Rubbish nollywood. Ridiculous movies & poor preparation. What stunt men should normally do. But I'm sure nollywood doesn't know what that means
Omg!!!wat an accident,may God heal him n give him a quick recovery.tank God he dint die o.
Hmmmn. Speedy recovery please don't die cos of movie stunt.
Heeeyyyyeee! just thank God o. Eru ga-egbu nwa Eze nwezienu ezigbo aha noo umu nonsensia nollywood na actigari up/dwn. no clue no moral lessons, na im u 4lose ur life ontop dat. See dem mockin n abusin my dearest catholic regalia. Dis mite just b a warnin frm God, so b careful. wish u a quicker recovry . (LIBly addicted)
Skull openned ke!
God 4bid
I pray he recover fast
God pls save Ttoloss
His skulll opend??? Hian!
Hmmm is so sad,i pray he recovers fast...I like him alot.
God will heal him in jesus name
May God help him to recover fast! sobs sobs. . . .. .
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Sorry my love!.. God perfect healing is wat I pray upon u!.. Get well soon!
Mehmmmm. God take control
Linda nwannem I gamalanu America, o na-ewezinu gi otu aro iji loaduo comment anyi bu ndi noo ngaa. Amam si obodo obama bu obodo oringo mana I gbatukwanu, gi eloaduo commnts kanyi nwa jiri negori odawiz ejirim iwe zuo pasport gbagokwute gi ngahu. (LIBly addicted)
Job hazard! Get well soon
Emma and arm robbery stunt,his good at it,get well soon
What the...?? Skull opened ke? Speedy recovery. Naija trying to be gangsta like american movies... E neva reach. Abeg oo. Mo-1
Whoa! This is serious....may God grant him quick recovery o
wish him a speedy recovery
Wishing u a quick recovery#sobs#luv yhu mucho
OMG...wish him quick recovery
God pls save ds guy, heal hm completely pls God. Chai
Soonest recovery!!! Pele
Na God dey punish them for mock him. Moreover that kind of scene should be done by professionals. That is why we hv stunts. Wish you quick recovery Emma.
Omg! He is healed ijn. I love his acting
Sorry guy,wish u a quick recovery.
So sorry. Although it's an accident but there is need for improvement.
My guy oh... I wish u quick recovering.
Ahhhhhh Labista,may God heal u quickly,ur action role is rare
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Watch Out for Part 2!
hope they have insurance for this!
His skull opened??????????hmmmmmm............thank God for him,,,his skull opened n he's still alive...halleluyah...
Naija actors abeg leave action films we r Ok with the routine love ones and everyday juju episodes. Get well soon Emma.
Jezz!!!! Wishing him a speedy recovery. Amen!
Check out this kind risk. When this guy begin dey show una him assets and properties na, una(LIBers) go begin dey abuse am.
Get well Emma even though I don't like the roles u play in movies.
Wishing u a speedy recovery.
Eiya sorry may God give him complete gud health amen
ehaya sorry oh may d gud lord heal u
all this because of a movie hmmm well he should get well soon
Jesus christ, â„“̊ thought everyfin Ä®̸̸̨§ filmtrick, may God heal him IJN. Amen
I read the news on that day i wish him quick recovery
Quick recovery dear,thou I don't lik ur roles in most movies,
hahahahahahahahahaha lmao!!!! how can his skull open?
Oh God save dis one O°˚˚˚. He is one of my best actors. Oh no!!!
Oh no. My handsome labista. God grant u quick recovery.
His skull opened ke??!!! Ahh, I pray he recovers speedily oo. All these ere kere sef.
Lol but this aint funny,wish u spEedy recovery#nollywood ndiara
So sorry my dear oo, thank GOD you survived oo.
Awwww Thank God he is doing ok,please get well soon!x
wishing u a speedy recovery
wow..wish him soonest recovery,hope he would be compensated 4 dis..if na abroad now he don hammer money
Oh no!!!
Skull open ke?....I pray he gets well soon o. May God continue to guide u all o
God will heal u' get wel soon!
Thank God he did not die as a result of the accident.Otherwise,it would have been a case of another death,with respect to performing a stunt,after the Galadima power bike accident.
oh so sorry wish him quick recovery
Eya!!! Pls get well son Labista
Linda d way u said "and his skull opened" got to me...get well soon dearie
#That happy sister! is he doin now?
I hope they would not just stop the bleeding externally and cover up the wound but also do an MRI to check for internal bleeding.I wish him a speedy recovery
Lord God! I wish him speedy recovery.
Y u no go brk head?
See una costume..
Sowi ma luv..... Get well soon
Too bad! Thought stunts were supposed to be done in a controlled environment? Well it's Nigeria, nothing is done properly.
Thank God 4 his life.
Very sorry. Get well soon Emman
Wish him swift recovery....but it's about time our home movies start to put up with some real scenes
Chai! His face spoil gan ooo... I wish him a vry quik recovery
Wishing Him quick and Absolute Recovery.
My dear
Oh father heal him speedly.
Oh father heal him speedly.
Gush!! Does not sound good. I pray for your healing and speedy recovery.
== Dobbie ==
Get well soon
What the hell,deos it mean d car was not properly checked for the brake to fail,hope he recovers soon.
Sad news, wishing him a quick recovery IJN! Amen!
These actors take lots of risk sha.
Wish him quick recovering....
Get well soon dear sorry oooo
From today hence forth! He wil be acting out of experince! But sorry my Guy, love ur path. (Corper Godstime)
Jim again? Hope the poor bloke survives
Its high time we started not 'start' are welcome.
Kai his skull open ke ? I hope it doesn't lead to traumatic brain injury, I pray he recover fast
Kai his skull open ke ? I hope it doesn't lead to traumatic brain injury, I pray he recover fast
hmmmm....its not easy to make money in gatz to work hard in other to make it in life
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My dear Totolos get well soon. you shall come out of this stronger, energetic,more handsome and of course richer. God Bless you and your Wife.
From your family in UK.
My dear Totolos get well soon. you shall come out of this stronger, energetic,more handsome and of course richer. God Bless you and your Wife.
From your family in UK.
Lord please heal him
sowi dear,wishing u quick recovery in Jesus name...AMEN!!!
Ha!! Linda if his skull Opens, wil he stil be alive?... may God heal him o!
foolish people. u think that's how its done in america? or in hollywood movies? they use stunt cars and stunt men. trailers tow the cars and they shut down the streets. the cars are built specially for the movies.
Head injury is no joke o! They should take him to LUTH or fly him abroad immediately.
Why does evil follow Jim iyke
God will help him..
U just come here and open ur stupid mouth! What concerns the location manager to a car props. Pls if u know nothing about movie making then sharrrrrappppp...
EMMA, nothing will happen to u my dear the lord is ur strenght, wish u quick recovery
lol laff don kill me here yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee dis kind life na by force to form mafia che dem no fit stick to thr normal love and village movies wey dem dey do location wey paramedic no go dey wey dem go wan form avengers i pity una ...guy sorry ehn lol
......and his skull opened ...ewwwww! pele
visit for more entertainment news
please get well soon. Thank God you are alive
Wishing him speedy recovery. However, why do these people usually use catholic priests/sisters to act such negative things like robbery, prostitution etc. Can they try this with the muslim religion? Enought of that nonsense please.
Pls find an English class in Jupiter. Thanks.
I wish u quick recovery
I pray that God should touch with his healing hands
As a film maker, this accident must have occured because they tried doing d work of post production on set... This is unprofessional indeed!!!
I wish him Quick recovery
Ha! I hope they treat him well oh! Hmm.
Please get out of this blog
Its high time we started not 'start' are welcome.
I pray for your quick recovery. I hope you play better and more decent roles in future. Your costumes indicate blasphemy. Pls don't let money cost you your life. God is watching and certainly won't like his mystery misinterpreted by greedy money seeking producers who offer no moral lessons. May God in his infinite mercy preserve your life.
Linda e be like say my comment dey swt for soup well well. Dis one wey u dey always no post my comment but Bonario own go appear for every post. Continue O°˚˚˚. Very soon only u go dey post and comment @ d same time.
Na wa ooo,quick recovery.
Skull opened?.His life may never be the same again..I hope he recovers...
@ anon 11:22 lol u are the dumb one, read. Properly!!!
May God heal him in Jesus name
May God heal him in Jesus name
we thank God say im no die ooo wetein we for tell im family say im dey do stunt and im kpai tufiakwa emmy we wish u quick recovery ur God is alive
Labister pls get well soon. I wish u a quick recovery. May ur healing come from above.
Them no sabi action film yet they no go allow person rest
Pple and thier blame culture, dem say brake fail, pple de blamee Jim iyke say e. De drive speed. I wish d guy a quick recovery. Movie making ain't easy and am sure these guys r trying to give us da best.
Ara abule, define 'don't have the means', do you even watch the making of those American movies to are how many times it was paused or shooting postponed due to injury on set? Jackie got over 135 broken bones plus chipped teeth on set all cos of acting and here you go saying if they don't have the mans. This things can't be avoided, but controlled. Pray for the dude and move on
It Is well with you. U will live to glorify God's name in Jesus name
It is well with you In Jesus name. U will live to glorify God's name
get well soon
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