Asides the child support, Monique is also asking for alimony, life insurance, private school for the kids, vacations, summer camp and other expenses, her legal fees inclusive.
Monique who in her court document said she had to borrow money from a friend to pay her lawyer is also seeking for "rehabilitative alimony" and permanent alimony in addition to funds while divorce proceedings continue.
Timbaland has a net-worth estimated at $80million according to the website Celebrity Networth.
HABA!!! Tell me why they wont divorce...with all these juicy package.
Oh no! They were just profiled on E! Cute couple. I guess all that glitters is not Gold.
Its so sad to see such a lovely couple want to divorce and d worst part of it is that d wife is leavin wit half dammn #bitch u weren't wit him shootin in d gym#!
Haba! He shuld pay for the up-keep for her kid from another dude?
I'm nt saying he shuldnt care for d kids o bt she's asking for too damn much!
I hope Timberland was smart enough to sign a prenup with her before marrying her, because once she gets her own part of the huge divorce money, she wouldn't even wait for the divorce ink to dry up before you see her flirting with another dude. Well, that's basically the propensities of celebrities!
Dese pple n divorce ehn...God help us....
Wow what a woman! Blacks are always great she is dirty See ex girlfriend leakes rapper's nude pic online for revenge
She's probably a gold digger.
That woman is a big fool o, asking for all this things - doz he want to wreck the man?. Abeg she shuld go get a job jare or beta still start a blog and start choppin advert money, it is obvious she is a dependent gold digging piece on nonsence. Ehmmm, to u linda - better do and propose to me so I will dvorce u afta 5yrs and run away with ur money na. #winks; no mind me - na just half I will run with. Nice job u are doing keep it up. Muah on whereever u want 2 take it
Linda's TRipper
Chai! What musta gone wrong?
What is wrong with these people? So when a little challenge is encountered in a marriage the next call is divorce? What stupidity! Marriage really isn't for everyone. Tee
Yaaay first to commmentooo
He shld pay Biko!
Come to think of it again o! On wat ground is d divorce base on? Was he caught cheating or he kicked u out jst like dat ?
Him own don finish be that na. By the time he finishes paying for all these listed by wife, he go carry plate for beg for streets of US of A. Hehehe. *continues eating my lucnh*
You marry fine wife, you marry wahala just marry an ugly girl that will respect you she will never think of divorce even if you put a hot knife in her pussy.
she is asking for too much haba.. gold digger. Typical western woman scam sh*t.
Naija Big Girl Confesses: Why I Sleép With Men For Money Video
she's a bloody thief,if TIMBO didn't adopt her 10yr old from her previous relationship and she's asking for child support for him, then she doesn't deserve even half a dime of TIMBO's money......she should meet the young man's father and ask for child support.
Oh wow!this lady is demanding so much?I loved them together.so sad
and i remember timbo narrating about how he met her on E! make she calm down jare wiv all this her requests
Awww!! Y are ugly quys always lucky wit gorgeous women!!!!jst can't fathom it... As for 4 d divorce settlements,d women is selfish!!!!ahn ahn! She won wreck d guy sha! Wants child suport 4 a son dats not even his!!! Some reasons I just love nigeria... *ONYX GODWIN*
Na wa oh..divorce everywhere.
Americans don't do marriages, they do business ventures! Get in a marriage long enough to get benefits and bail out
Wat a world,I was just watchin dere true hollywood story on E! D oda day and I envied her 4 havin such a man,hmmm d irony of life,God hav mercy
What is the basis of the divorce? + Did she love him in d first place? or she loved the money?
Americans don't do marriages, they do business ventures! Get in a marriage long enough to get benefits and bail out
I see no reason why he has to pay her legal fee or support her son from a previous relationship. Paying her legal fee is like paying to divorce himself from her.
If she wanna prove stubborn I'd advice timbaland to go ham on her too by cutting off her son from previous relationship off the child support also
Oh oh!!!not a good one...come on don't do dis to timber na,haba after 5 year?hmmmmm like say one bobo dey 4 cona dey single dis woman to leave her hussy.@rexo6
I am a lady but I will say this over and over again. These stars are stupid to get married in the first place without an air tight prenup
Lol gold digger! Finally accomplishing her missions! Guys stop wifing hoes!
This type of women discourage marriage!!! Is it all about money??? See gangsta gold-digger...man-eaters!!!#okonkwo#
The woman is a thief! She wants to finish the mans money on divorce issues. She just revealed her gold digging personality. Some of these women purposely marry these men knowing that they won't be able to stay with them but just because the divorce outcomes will be great.
She is mad!!! So the father of her son no go take of him pikin??? Haaaaa nawa oo
Lol!!! Marry a black woman nxt time nigger
she won collect divorce money na.women and money are like siamese twins.That is why they dont see husband at 40.
It's like why do they even bother...? Disposable Generation...Disposable Marriages...
I already knew Tim's makin' a gr8 mistake d day I realized he gettin' married to a mother. It ain't bad thing marryin' such though buh I don't think it's a good idea 4 celebs now he's facing the other side of marrying such. I pray he gets over it quickly.
This is plan crazy, she wants him to take care of this child she hsd from her previous relationship. Smh 4 some ppl oo
She should get a job, so she wouldn't have to borrow from her friend. And the funniest part, he to paid for the child she had from her previous relationship.
Abegeeeee no be new thing na there way, he should give her the money period.
kai, she don cut ds man neck finish. Chai! Wsh i ws her oo. Lol
sometimes i secretly wish to be american ,dat na dreamers world for me,can u try dis in niger .
Thief...Alimony indeed. Bitch wants the money but doesn't wanna stick with the source. Huh? Hw clever, dnt b surprised u ain't gonna get nothing.
Regardless of whose fault this is the women are wining! Choi I love yankee
Investment don ripe. Let's ca$h it up BoiZ!!!
He had better have a water-tight prenuptial..all these Akata women don't fool around with alimony thingz
child support for another man's son? Did timberland adopt him? If not, how about you go after his real father.
You want to feel sorry for these women, and then you see the list of things they are demanding, and all sympathy falls off the table.
eya and it wasnt long ago that i watched their true hollywood story and how they fell in love.
Lool,Nawa o,Make me sef see oyinbo Marry
Is this woman serious? What is she divorcing him for? And she's asking for child support for a son that is not his? Is she serious? I watched on Mtv base when timbaland bough her sona ferari as birthday gift. Y all this naw?
So wetin make we do? Make we fry moin moin abi boil akara?........... Da illiterate chic
OMG! Not Timbaland,watching his THS recently nd hez just a darling nd I so love his beatz :( btw ds woman sounds like a gold-digger,y ddnt she ask 4 Child support 4rm her 1st baby daddy! Ow much I love Timbaland :(
Seems d divorce is so she cud get her share of his wealth
Jesus is comin soon repent all
Ooh no! Not my dear Timbaland... Whatever happened to 'till death do us part'. Well, if it would make her happy.
No prenup?
Lmao!this woman is greedy shaaa!!damn!poor timbaland,he shud av gotten a prenup
Very very soon,divorce will be celebrated like a weddin..dnt J̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊t̲̥̅̊ knw wt this world ÈŠ̝̊̅§ turnin into...divorce ÈŠ̝̊̅§ nw the in thing..God save us.
This woman is a big thief, God 'll judge you.
Dr chiejine
Rosie Said...."Akata" and money!!!! They will sell their souls for it.
Was this marriage all about his money? Smh.
Gold digger, she was just a waitress oh
Golding thief, u were just a waitress yesterday
Wao!â„“̊ wnt Cƣƪ her a scavenger yet until â„“̊ knw d cause of d divorce
Haha! It's obvious why she married him.
So afta Timbo don sweat for studio finish, crack brain, sleepless nights to make dope beats and make money, dis madam go jus collect HALF. Divorce is a Bitch!! a nasty Bitch.
I watched hw timbaland fell inlove wt dz woman cuz she look like aliyah now she wna wreck him.... Dats so sadddd
Divorce is a normal thing for them..so thumbs up to another wrecked family...
D lady wants to clean him out she even has the nerve to ask for moni for a child dat she had with another man why wont men be wise sigh a pre nup just like wat tyreses did his ex she got nothing
Yea, I watched dem recently on E! THS. I'm jst shocked.
The wise celebrities keep their women who where with them b4 they became rich and famous and the stupid ones dump their women for industry hoes. Look at snoop, imagine if snoop had dumped his woman for an industry chick they would have ruined him and finished all his money.. Timbaland has been around too long to make such a mistake.. I blame him..
Na small-prick cause am now,d wife no fit deprive herself anymore
She's not akata,almost like eddie murphy's unfufu
Dis woman na bigtime OMILA
He was so creepy for marrying her because she reminded him of Aaliyah...However his marriage was a fantasy of Aaliyah and they made it seem like they were happy and so much in love. Needless to say ....he and his Aaliyah look alike wife weren't as happy as they portrayed on E
Re-echoed in Rick Ross voice......#Bitch u weren't with him shooting in the gym#....Lol..........................................Dayumm mayne! ...these gurrls just "Stay scheming"!
Their cup of tea
Go ask R Kelly... His wife woorwoor, she still divorced him
Anon 2.59......Na true talk......chasing beautiful women get much wahala.......but when i look at it, me know say i no fit marry ugly woman................ah gass wake up in the morning dey glad to see her face even wen its "Unmade"........in fact my problem b say i too like beautiful women...............See this gurl am wooing now, wey i wanna marry.... ....she fine peices....shape, colour intelligent and decent........even with my spending and 6feet 2inches fresh boi persona, she still dey prove difficult, .....if to say na all these average gurls i meet errywhere them for don jump on top me tey tay! ....... mayne i taya! buh i like the babe...and the best things don't come easy..so i jus dey persist! ......#this just came spilling out like as if linda bust one of ma veins#
What I dnt get with all these females married to celebrities.......have dey ever considered startin a venture that will provide an income for themselves rada dan totally dependin on dese men or get a damn job, bcos once d union is over....dey ve notin and will be dependent on child support and der alimony check. For real tho. Now check dis one tryin to drain as much as she can off tim.SMH.
Duh!!!! Der was no prenup,else she won't be requesting Alimoney.... Acquire some knowledge
American women are worst corrupt than African| Nigerian politicians. One pverty stricken lady will just one day wake up profess love to a celebrity and after 5 whole yrs with only one dividends of marriage. Then the next thing is divorce, bloody gold digger is asking for support for a child who belong to another man so she can live a lavish life on holidays from someones energy. America should work on their marital laws so that marriages will last.
this is ridiculous!why ask for child support for another man's child. what happen to the child's father
OK I'm all for a woman getting her fair share (most times even half)but alimony for another man's child..I mean, he probably should since the kid was part of his family but does she have the right to ask?
Guess he signed a prenup for her to rush in n out demanding so much!
D 1st tin is dat she did nt marry him bcos of love, its bcos of his money!, she jst wonna drain my best producer 4 me... She don see $80million na y she dey make all dis demands... Pray God will help u#Timberland-love bigger
Sean you're handsome but I think you're gay
Natasha O, well said. I saw the E THS on timbaland a few weeks ago and i thought to myself that the wedding cant last because its based on an illusion ie that the wife reminds him of aliyah. She looks like aliyah doesnt mean she is aliyah and i can bet with timbalands self esteem issues he was expecting her to be someone she isnt. However i also think shes a rachet HO for her demands. She probably knows she wont get all that because the lawyers would negotiate and come to a consensus out of court.
ppl should know dat marriage is 4 better 4 worse
U just read mytots!!! He his gay
@Anonymous 9:18; Knowledge will do you good too! So going by your reasoning you feel once there is a prenup you can't request alimony? Prenups vary, depending on what both parties agreed to.
Another one on the down low!
I just tink dis lady nvr loved timbaland, its all about d cash,it mit b a ploy with her and the ist dons father lk dey do in naija movies,marry dis guy for so n do time after dat, divorce him n come back to moi wit d cash n we live happily ever after Hahahahaha.
Some women na wa oh!
Right from the first day I saw this marriage .. I knew she was a Gold digger
U two r clowns....loool, how do u know he is gay
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