During a debriefing session with federal investigators, James Rosemond, the music manager-turned-cocaine kingpin, was reportedly questioned about the sexual preferences of entertainers, including whether Sean “Diddy” Combs was “having sexual relationships with under age boys,” according to a U.S. District Court filing.
In his September 6 affidavit, Rosemond (seen at above right) contended that he reluctantly agreed to the proffer sessions arranged by Gerald Shargel, his former lawyer. Rosemond added that investigators sought to get him to confess to crimes for which he had no involvement. “When the defendant said he didn’t know about a certain event…they accused him of lying,” Rosemond claimed.The confrontational sessions turned “awkward,” Rosemond stated, when an investigator showed him “naked pictures” of different women. The purpose of this purported investigative technique is not revealed in Rosemond’s affidavit.
A prosecutor, Rosemond continued, then “asked about entertainers sexual preferences, including, but not only, Sean Combs having sexual relationships with under age boys.” Again, Rosemond provided no context for these alleged queries.
Rosemond was also quizzed during an October 4 session about his contacts with several public figures, including, Rev. Al Sharpton, and musician Wyclef Jean.
During Rosemond’s trial, Shargel complained to Judge John Gleeson that federal prosecutors and agents were only seeking “trophies” when they questioned Rosemond about celebrities during the proffer sessions. And, when Rosemond provided nothing of substance on the high-profile figures, “disappointed” investigators rejected his client’s bid for a cooperation deal. Prosecutors countered Shargel’s claim, declaring that Rosemond was untrustworthy and lied during the debriefing sessions.
Investigators eventually declined to cut a deal with Rosemond, who was subsequently convicted at trial of running a drug ring that sold millions of dollars’s worth of cocaine. Rosemond, who is nicknamed “Jimmy Henchman,” faces a mandatory term of life in prison when sentenced October 25 in Brooklyn federal court.
They should leave Diddy out of this see proof HERE fact.
hmmmm this is serious.
I pray the allegation is unfounded.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
I don't belive this story. But anything is possible in Hollywood.
Diddy! AKA Dirty money!! Apart from getting your hands soiled in dirty money you got involved with under aged homosexuality too? How revealing! Well, as for now, its all "alleged", nothing concrete to scream here about yet.
That's bullshit!
It's a pity . . .
Online Naira
Very few straight ass holes in hollywood! Most of them 're nothing but #Gayz with tampon.
#Chuks-Remap-king# Addon facebook
Lol not my concernn but i pity him and checkout See naija female student dancing fully naked in a naughty party clic2see
Ok here's the thing,Diddy and underage boys isn't new...its been speculated for years now but without concrete proof.
However,asking "Henchman" about it and hoping that he spits something incriminating is just wrong,its typical of cops to do stuffs like this every time they know an accused person(especially when he's black) might wanna go into a plea bargain with them.
Jimmy "Henchman" Rosemond is just a funny character,now he's gonna face nothing less than "25 to life" for dealing even after he made a mark in the music industry;greed!. He may be many things but he's definitely no snitch so tell them Feds to stop with the bullying.
As for Diddy,one can only wait to find out cos this allegations have been a long time coming.
I always knew p.diddy was a bi-sexual, people here in the States have been talking about it since 2005. So is his friend Usher, so many homos are hip hop artists. They are all down low brothers. Yuck!!!!!!
I am the first to comment..................no comment
Linda dis Ūя̲̅ story me confuse oº° but me need to comment na n you need to post ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥A̶̲̥̅♏ S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ make I ♑ find ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥A̶̲̥̅♏ oº°
Ooops,,, yo'll remenber d "gay" coment he made bout usher?? Dat coment made me suspect him... Many stars hav being accused of bisexuality.. Its a known fact dat most male singers(celebs n ordinary pple)swing both ways,,, hope its false tho *ONYX GODWIN*
Racist at its peak! Why are they targeting blacks? Diddy,Wyclef Jean and even Rev. Al Sharpton(OMG). They are just looking for a way to bring Diddy down just like they did Michael Jackson. Its really sad
Holds no water
Diddy likes women too much for dis bs.
He has 3 girlfriends and they all publicly known to be his women.
Haters jst tryna peddle rumours. Smh
Cnt be.
Is dat 4 real
Up till date I still wonder what a man is doing with a fellow man's butt. Lord Have Mercy.
Hmmmm!!!!!! Lindy baby pls am #anticipating ASuu calling off strike update. The gist now far from my concern or problem.
Its not a surprise at all.notin is imposibl wit dis celebs.pedophilia shdnt be a new tin..
Trust the white guy to want to sully the name of a successful black man. They did it to Michael Jackson, O.J Simpson, tried Usher and now Diddy?! Wow!!
Do u read at all? Its an assumption by d prosecuters... D nearest 2 it cld b called an allegation. Dis PC sef, smh
Linda, I'm surprised you didn't say you're surprised with this revelation!
Na today? Homosexuality has been a right of passage in the hip-hop industry since time immemorial.
White America trying to bring a successful black man down, diddy should just be careful cos all these white vultures have eyes on him.
Pc watch wat u say. U r goin too far wt dIddy. Racism @ its peak!!
Ok here is the story.....they wanna do Diddy like they did every other black getting ahead with the MONEY.pin some sexual assault on him using a white woman/under age boys.which ever one it is....these tea party people will not relent until they mess him up.
Its regretably dismal
@Anonymous 4:44; Honey I should be the one asking you if you read at all. You didn't see the part where I wrote this?... (Well, as for now, its all "alleged", nothing concrete to scream here about yet.) Alleged is even in marked in my comment and you still couldn't see it! LOL!
Black people should learn to watch their backs. Once you are successful, these white guys look for crap to mess you up! They made the world believe MJ was a pedophile, now Diddy? They want all the phenomenal black people gone.
Touch Diddy n feel d wrath of a menace.
Y is it only PC u girls attack? Aren't yu in luv wit him? Coz if yu weren't u wud just ignore
It is a known fact that when ever a black man is becoming successful and in a position of power the white people will do everything under the sun to tarnish his image and bring him down. If its not child molestation (Michael Jackson) or illuminatti (Jay, Kanye and all black celebs)its drug dealing(50 cent) and now sexing boys? its a shame that many black people still fall for the devil's white lie's. why is it that any-time a black man is doing something big there must always be an outrageous skeleton? As big and as successful as P Diddy is this devils will still try to use someone in prison to lie against him.. It shows no one is safe from the devil's, Demons..
I'm not God,I don't everything....but I don't believe this anyways.
I'm not God,I don't everything....but I don't believe this anyways.
Yea personaly I tink its true...if u'v read up abt d illuminati thing nd all u'll undrstand nd also if u checkout "baphomet" pics nd also read up on it u'll undrstand dat being bi sexual coms wif d whole fame package,so I tink personaly its tru bt den dats my own opinion,so if u deep u'L undrstand wat I mean,plus pC doesn't always make sense in som of his coMments,he speaks too much grammar nd ends up confusing himself lol,o boi calm down,I can relate with bonario nd mich,mich especialy u'r almst acurate wif ur analysis most of d time,bt wait ooo no offence pls una no get work?3 of una?u guyz r popular on this blog, I love reading aticles on this bLog bt can't kip up..lmao una desrve award ooo,if u like lin lin no post as its directed at ur best guyz...I hear say u dey do preferencial treatment u no dey look face post joor lol just aving fun
Can you open your eyes to read well? "Smh"
I know someone who personally witnessed Diddy making out with a man...He's sooo gay!!
well dt i can say if Diddy is truely gay, but the possibility is certain, cos must of dis dude mke dirty money, so doing dirty things will not be their problem.
Hmmm, Prince Charming seems to be turning out to be another factor why I read most stories on LIB....at least u get to learn a new word. *thumbsUp* ;)
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