Singer Maheeda still sharing raunchy photos on instagram | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 10 October 2013

Singer Maheeda still sharing raunchy photos on instagram

Wetin concern me, my own is to share what celebrities are sharing of themselves online...waiting for the day Maheeda will go all in, everything on display. I know she's capable. Hehe. See more photos after the cut...


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Anonymous said...

Mtcheeeew... yuck

Anonymous said...

Is this real? I mean ,a Nigerian lady/woman? I'm really ashamed.

ST. KIZITO BOUTIQUE IG: @stkizitoboutique said...

She aint of this world tho'............God have mercy

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Advertisement superb! Well done bitch, you deserve a standing ovation from my tallest finger! Well done!!!

Anonymous said...

She's just a devil incarnate in form of a human being....Shameless bastard....UGLY TIN....I pity d woman dat suffered herself to bring such a havoc into existence

pretty princess said...

have some dignity


*singing u delivered Paul and Silas,u'll surely deliver us*
No weapon fashioned against the children of God shall prosper.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Unknown said...

Madam go pack well

Anonymous said...

Boring! Maheeda give ur life 2 christ. No man is gonna pay bride price 4 all dat exposure. Put some clothes on girl.

Unknown said...

Anumanua oji kwa ahu?

♥ ȊƦȋƺȟ ƘƦȋϻ ♥ said...

Dis 1 don dey kolo smal smal

Unknown said...

like Fani Kayode Like Maheeda....modern Nigerian attention seekers...ndi ara!!! rubbish

123Gist said...

This girl needs deliverance............biko post my comment #ETT!

Meanwhile u can still visit my blog:


Trashy! Its in bad taste. Sometimes I wonder why some women don't respect themselves.
Mtchew. Each to her own shaaa...

jacktally said...

nawa o, na so her madness don reach. Bitches 2 ragz!


Trashy! Its in bad taste. Sometimes I wonder why some women don't respect themselves.
Mtchew. Each to her own shaaa...

Anonymous said...

See her face.... Hisssssssss


Trashy! Its in bad taste. Sometimes I wonder why some women don't respect themselves.
Mtchew. Each to her own shaaa...

The Gist Arena said...

So someone will jst be snapping her body de show the whole world, tomorrow one man go marry am keep for house, and she will ans mama somebody, she for show us her nude pix nau make we see everything


Trashy! Its in bad taste. Sometimes I wonder why some women don't respect themselves.
Mtchew. Each to her own shaaa...

Unknown said...

Hehe, miley inspiring her big time! are not appealing tho!

olusola akinwale said...

But I think say the girl said she don give her life to Christ. Comot, this girl dey seek attention. This is a case of a she-dog going back to its vommit.

Anonymous said...

Linda dis aint no celebrity cus dere is nothing special about her not even her music,I dnt evn knw she is a musician neither do I knw her occupation,she can go nude for all I care dat's her business na her future husband I pity if evn she get married.dis girl bad o....

TangoTangoAlpha said...

I'm sure she definitely has a sex tape out there somewhere. Linda abeg help your male fan base out and dig it out nah.
*whispering*-never mind all those guys that will rain abuses on the girl, they will still drool over the pics anyway, it's only girls that will be irritated with this stuff....and maybe the pansies.

Anonymous said...


Yomslaw said...

Wow *_*

Anonymous said...

urgh!..i feel like puking!...see spot all over!...ugly ass!

Anonymous said...



I guess she is seeking afrocandy's attention. Issokay!
#sitdon look

Anonymous said...

y dnt she jus pull off d pant since shame don comot 4 her eyez...once an ashewo alwayz an ashewo,gospel singer ma ass..mtshewwwwwwwww


I guess she is seeking afrocandy's attention. Issokay!
#sitdon look


I guess she is seeking afrocandy's attention. Issokay!
#sitdon look

Unknown said...

Whoa Whoa Whoa

Did She just bought the phone?

Seductive though.. sum lib Guys might grab there versline lol
Firm, Flatten and Correct your Posture in a snap click here

Anonymous said...

This one na craze oh! All this celebrities Should stop disgracing women oh! The making of a porn star! Yeye dey smell!

ericabrandy blog said...

Nawah oooooooo

Anonymous said...

Nice pics,wish i was ha hubby

Anonymous said...

She is ugly.......chai.....sum1 go marry dis kind babe???

olusola akinwale said...

I think say the girl said she don give her life to Christ. Maheeda dey seek cheap attention. It is a case of a she-dog going back to its vomit. Maheeda, repent the Kingdom of God is at hand.

Anonymous said...

It's a pity that these are the kind that eventually commit suicide after a short life of rebellion. May God have mercy on her for this rebellion.

Anonymous said...

It's a pity that these are the kind that eventually commit suicide after a short life of rebellion. May God have mercy on her for this rebellion.

olusola akinwale said...

But I think say the girl said she don give her life to Christ. Comot, this girl dey seek attention. This is a case of a she-dog going back to its vommit.

Anonymous said...

onkpe - she no fresh self

Anonymous said...

Mscheeeew,bloody attention seeker,see her wogly face

Anonymous said...

Old habits are hard to break. She's looking for attention and acceptance and reverting to the original way she received it, sexually...

Anonymous said...

This bitch is just copying Riri! Get a life.

Anonymous said...

Too bad this wanabe celebrities and gifted people have missold their identities. I wonder what they will tell their grandchildren at old age

Anonymous said...

VANITY OF VANITIES ALL IS VANITY. REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND. A mans life is like grass; here today; tomorrow gone. Jesus calls

Anonymous said...

Real Madness

Unknown said...

Ehhyaa,self destruction,there's a vacuum in ha heart dat needs to b fiid uP,only christ cn fil that#@ezenkem

Anonymous said...

Nawaooo Linda! Wetin mk ds girl a celeb

Anonymous said...

attention seeker! Modern prostitution.. Yeah! selling up herself to attract rich customer. Stop blogging about her and she wil fade away

Anonymous said...

Cellulite free Ass!!! Clap for yourself

Heaven said...

Too bad this wanabe celebrities and gifted people have missold their identities. I wonder what they will tell their grandchildren at old age

Heaven said...

Too bad this wanabe celebrities and gifted people have missold their identities. I wonder what they will tell their grandchildren at old age

Livvsreamblog said...

All na crinkum crankum

mimiliscious mimi said...

N to think she snapped all d raunchy pic with a tecno phone ..mtchiewww

Anonymous said...

She is obviously taking a leaf out of Miley Cyrus's book.

Unknown said...

Wetin remain make she kuku naked

ericmars said...

who and wetin dey worry dis 1?

Unknown said...

if she needs a boyfriend let her indicate. afrocandy can still employ her. no need posting all these photos,just saw what you want Maheeda

Tunie said...

She's losing it and needs help fast...

Gbabe said...

Lol. ..local porn star.

Cute G said...

Behold a Mad Dog!Let on the loose!and Who dash her celebrity?

EVIL said...


bitchplis said...

I like dis babe aswear

Anonymous said...

OmOoo...! but wait o, she is not dat fine sef.


Anonymous said...

What is all these rubbish for? Is this the next way to go? God deliver her from the satanic spirit.

Anonymous said...

Linda where is my comment na... About dis cheap prostitute..

Anonymous said...

I fit die cos of dis gal.. just finish masturbating 4rounds afta seeing dis pix.. pls post more sexy pix honey.. I love ur yansh

Omowunmi said...

i tot she's suppose 2 b married fa, is her husby nah seeing dis ni?

Anonymous said...

Z like she z trying advertise ha body. Na 4 sale tins she dy. Any way she make sense small

Anonymous said...

What is wrong wiv dis maheeda of a girl sef!

bjay said...

Funny enof, she no even fine. see her pimples filled face! mschewwww, idiot

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

cant wait too lindiway. i wonder what she stands to gain apart from publicity. SMH

Anonymous said...

this is what 'boredom'causes...joblessness!

Anonymous said...

hmmmmn.....'GET A LIFE'

Anonymous said...

Smthin dey worry dis zombie

Anonymous said...

WTF!!!! This girl is almost gone.

DoubleV said...

Dress the way you will like to be address,what kind ☺f̶̲̥̅̊ style ȋ̝̊̅§ dat celebrity M̶̲̅γ̲̣̣ foot hissssssss.

Anonymous said...

Raunchy indeed!!!

Anonymous said...

She must b high on sth cos dis doesn't mk sense na

zainab said...

Linda!!! Stop making stupid people famous!

Unknown said...

She Is doing free style for her new album

Anonymous said...

Linda may God 4give u,u r an accomplice so u r guilty as well

Anonymous said...

everyday linda keep saying celebrity....yet i have never heard of her or even her music....pls how is she a celebrity now....or dose uploading ur nude pixs on social network make one a celebrity...imagine d dry tin......EZE

Anonymous said...

wonders,nothing wey person no go see

Unknown said...

Disappointed at her cos of d spots on her face, love d shoes, n Linda I'm waiting with u oh

Anonymous said...

Dis maheeda sef...l dnt knw wat she wnts oo,

Anonymous said...

Odikwa serious ooo....see nose....linda post ma comment...I will come back and check na...*straight face*

Anonymous said...

Well said, Lindz
~D great anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Linda u re funny!Nothing concern u my sista.

Hello Kitty said...

who is this one biko?

Anonymous said...

this one too is a celebrity?..., till I get home n do check my dictionary on the true definition and mening of the word celebrity n who should be addressed as one

Nilla said...

mtsheeeeew! oshisco!

Anonymous said...

Women go lead so many men go hell,hmm its a pity.abeg linda if u fit talk to am,tell am say na all we wan see.

Janelicious said...

hehe okay ooo na she sabi

Unknown said...

She has a great body tho.

Anonymous said...

Jeeeeeeeez!!!!...seriously Maheeda or waheva ur called..Ur nt even so famous n yet d being a Celebrity thingy is making u paste irritating nude pics...Upon d pic is greyscale u spots are still freaking obvious...please get alife, go write some lyrics and do good u can actually be none..if we need enticing pictures we knw where to get dem.#retard#

Anonymous said...

maybe she is feeling horny

Unknown said...

She is going crazy.

C'dera said...

Choi! *in linda's voice*
Attention seeking hoe

Unknown said...

This is absolutely disgraceful, shameful and disgusting.

Anonymous said...

NO BE SAY SHE FINE SEF!!! i wonder the kind spirit wey dey enter all dis our celebrities of nowadays.. all of a sudden to wear better clothes to cover shame dey scratcj their body irrespective of the fact that they make so much.... tukiakwa

Amy Nwa nma said...

Lord have mercy! Dis Maheeda ȋ̝̊̅§ trying 2 become Nigeria Miley Cryus! Or maybe she trying 2 send Afrocandy anoda new style for posing! Dis ȋ̝̊̅§ absoutely disgusting for a married woman!!!! Pls! Linda, do not call dis Maheeda a celebrity cos she has nothing 2 offer rather than becoming a * porn celeb*

Anonymous said...

This is so stupid of her. This stunt she is pullin won't take her anywere.

Anonymous said...

I understand we all have our past(s), but its stupid and folish when you ressurect your past and make it your present and future....she was once a prostitute...we aint judging, @ least am not...but to see her do all this nonsense as a married woman, is very disgusting and disrespectful to herself, her husband and her marriage.

You don't have to stoop this low to get attention, rather come up with something unique and amazing dat will make you "stand out from the crowd" and you'll get the very attention you crave so badly for.


Who da hell is dis ugly bitch. jezz she's a big disgrace to womanhood.

Unknown said...

hmmmmm, iriri aye ree ooo

Anonymous said...

Hmmn dis maheeda sef,truee tallk linda very soon she'll go all stark naked on us!!!

Mab said...

Guess she is on drugs, no other explanation

Anonymous said...

Is dat why we re here???

Anonymous said...

Is dat why we re here???

Anonymous said...





I love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a serious hard-on right now!
Thank God she'll be heading for home after work today!
Can't wait!!!

Anonymous said...

Linda check vanguard o . A girl was rerscued in osun from kidnappers after three yrs. They impregnated her just like the cleveland kidnap case. Hian!

Unknown said...

This is absolutely disgraceful, shameless and disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Bitches be like am sharing wah other celebrities share online....bitch wake up cuz wah other celebrities share online are their music, videos,lyrics, advert for their concert,tour,vacation pictures and other cool stuff...Maheeda or waheva ur called is sharing irritating n disgusting mumu posture pictures and ur happy..#retard#. Get a life

Momenclature said...

Suddenly Suddenly as DBang would say, Maheeda is now a Celebrity.

Anonymous said...

Glaring she is possessed

Anonymous said...

Miley cyrus wanna-be. Everyone has a right to be cheap tho.

Unknown said...

This is absolutely disgraceful, shameless and disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Girls you are fine. Is she still married though?

Anonymous said...

Glaring she is possesed

Unknown said...

This is absolutely disgraceful, shameless and disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Linda is she a celebrity?? Definately not!!! She is just a wannabe. Just look at her dirtyself !!!

Anonymous said...

Obviously looking 4 MONEY 2 settle her BILLs.

Anonymous said...

she's just bored @ home.....left with just some silly thoughts.#snap/snap

Anonymous said...

She MUST get it

Anonymous said...

probably feeling lonely @home

Unknown said...

End Time

Anonymous said...

So she is d one on board now, Cossy is resting. Anyway d market is full already. We' ve seen more than that. Take pill gurl!
Quote me, #Jewel say so#

Anonymous said...

GO to TB Joshua for deliverance.

Anonymous said...

She needs something and shes willing to do all that's necessary to get them.

want to learn something new online?

suzan said...

what is this? madness or wht

Rabiya said...

Wait come I've never heard any of her songs...but I don see her yansh finish???...weird!!!

spirit said...

And this is someone's daughter

Unknown said...

Ok... We've seen the half exposed nyashes* and boobs... All set! Next....

Anonymous said...

Wow!...maybe she's ugly to me. She needs the D #annytooch#

Anonymous said...

Who is this maheeda. SMH

Anonymous said...

Nice Pix displayed in a wrong way.....It is meant for One Man and not Public

Visages Parfait said...

Still waiting 4 d day a video will b shot where d girls r all covered up,while d guys r naked n shaking what dia Dada gave them! Until then,let some women keep posting raunchy raunchy raaaaaunchy pix of themselves just 2 get attention!

Anonymous said...

See her Agbalumo boobs..... Mscheww. Abeg linda make una no dey call dis tin gospel art again jare! SMH

fly guy said...

joblessness is a bad thing

creamytiana said...

Our celebrities do not have the word decency in there dictionaries anymore, na Wa o...

Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy on this girl,

Twitter: @Snowall_Dempo said...

Are you sure someone didn't create another account, I am thinking this was her old pictures?

Can this be a parody account sharing her past pictures?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sick dts all I can say

creamytiana said...

What the fish is this, been decent matters alot abeg... linlin post my comment o.

spirit said...

And this is somebody's daughter abi? Msheew kro kro infested Yansh

Unknown said...

Who knows you b***h.....'GET A LIFE'

Anonymous said...

hmmmmmm, she go soon enter market ooooo... very dirty thing..

Anonymous said...

What a rottencally world! She N̶̲̥̅̊ợ̣̇̇ even D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ sexy self. I beg pack well linda post my comment o

Anonymous said...

It seems ds gurl is sick! She needs help asap!

Anonymous said...

Wat da f**k. U̶̲̥̅̊ re really going crazy girl

Anonymous said...

Afrocandy where are you? Maheeda needs a job from you?

Anonymous said...

She is just super bored I think she needs a hobby.. Plzz linda find her one.. Mtchew.. We see panties evryday.. Its not new jor.

Anonymous said...

And Linda Ikeji still giving her publicity *rme* Abeg give us better gist.
if you like don't post my comment.

Anonymous said...

Afrocandy where are you? Maheeda needs a job from you?

Anonymous said...

she's just seeking attention joor.

Anonymous said...

She has a horny cunt........coming at ya #saluting

Unknown said...

Which kind yeye celebrity she bi I dnt knw her ..... She is NT even sexy, even will all her hard work to look sexy

Anonymous said...

She is an exhibitionist. Offer her some money and she will go naked. Did u say she is married? If I offer her money she will sleep with me notwithstanding

Anonymous said...

Pls, who is dis girl? Which song she don sing?

Anonymous said...

Madness comes in different forms. This is definitely one form.

Anonymous said...

what is wrong with this one sef

pretty skeleton said...

She's def high on cheap drugs...stewpid gal!

Unknown said...

Gosh!!!! who knows you B***H...... Can some1 tell her to'GET A LIFE'

Double Vee said...

Hmmmm, just speechless! Wots her point exactly? Wots she driving @ wt all these nude pics?

Anonymous said...

her skin is terrible n she used her laps to push up her boobs(meemee).

Anonymous said...

Hian! Hian! Hian! Hian oooooooo.hian! Of lyf and death.nottin wey pesin no go see.i can See r areola at d last pic.hian!!!

daisy said...

Na wa o....hehe

Anonymous said...

Seriously Younglady wetin be de matter ehen?

Anonymous said...

Na lyf she think say she de flex ba wit dose thing she de show ppl.make she go rest am nt friked at al.

Anonymous said...

Linda abeg make I hear word jor! Which one is 'my own is to share what celebs are sharing on line' ?? Is this one a celeb too?? What's ur criteria of calling someone a celeb? Jus because a former/ present prostitute shares her nakedness on instagram after singing some songs she is now a celeb! Norin wen I no go see or hear 4 naija, mtchewww.

Anonymous said...

Diz one is mad ohhh !!!

Anonymous said...

wetin she dey sell abeg?hmmmmmm I pity any guy wey go buy am.hehehe karuwa!


Anonymous said...

Possessed Beast

Unknown said...

GOSH!!!who knows you B***H.....GET A LIFE

Galore wud FINGER @Maheeda Someday said...

i feel like ''Fingering her''

And pls,,dont crucify me....
Am bein honest here

@Maheeda....pls,,stop showin us excess Fatty Bootie

Go and meet Afrocandy......ur talent is wasting already

Anonymous said...

now i know she need real cele-floggin infront of oshodi market 4 deliverance with her crone-like sexi idiotic aberrent conspicous blur-beauty.mende

Anonymous said...

See as pimples don chop her face...stupid girl....

Anonymous said...

...Nd she's nt soo fine sef! Mtchew

Chidinma said...

Ok....dis chick is officially crazy!

Anonymous said...

O ma se o....smh.

Anonymous said...

O ma se o

Anonymous said...

Linda pls we don't need this.... Look for better stories, who is she by the way?

Anonymous said...

okay, she got me, I will surely like to have a taste of her honeypot am sure it taste like strawberry.*wink*

Unknown said...

She looks trashy and pathetic....and to think she's posing with a Samsung Galaxy S3 when people have moved on to S4 since April this year....smh !

Anonymous said...

Who on earth is dis Maheeda gal?Devil Incarnate!!!Wat are all dese pix for?God help us.

Unknown said...

Looks trashy and pathetic....posing with Samsung Galaxy S3 in last quarter of 2013? How classless can she get? SMH !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Linda everything is already almost on display...I mean what's there to hide again. She's gone astray. I just pray God delivers her.

Anonymous said...

God of Isreal. Why are celebrities disgracing their influence? Hmm. This is absurd.

Anonymous said...

AND this is SUPPOSED to make men feel Horny?? U are a DISGRACE to urself! Idiot!

Anonymous said...

Beware!!!this is one of devil's messangers on earth....disgrace to womanhood.

temmi said...

creation of awareness!!!!!! yeye de smell *in my dad's voice*

Anonymous said...


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