Question of the day: What's the ideal No. of children couples should have? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Question of the day: What's the ideal No. of children couples should have?

Our parents and grand parents had as many as seven children, some even ten or more but things have kinda changed now. So in this day and age what's the ideal number of children couples should have, no matter how rich or poor they are - just the average?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. As many children as they can afford ?


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JJ said...

2.5 kids

Unknown said...

It depends on the amount of cold nights they have

Mama said...

4 or five is fine!

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

The ideal number whether you are rich or poor should be four, as for me, I don't want more than three.

miss gypsy said...

i think 1-4 is a decent range

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

The ideal number whether you are rich or poor should be four, as for me, I don't want more than three.

Anonymous said...

one is better

Anonymous said...

Me I want 2 ohhhh..............#dancing skelewu

CHARMY said...

4kids should be enough 4me.

Anonymous said...

i will go wit 4 children

Anonymous said...

Linda Na becos of d driver nd him 7 children Na him u come post dis question abi? Anyway I tink 3 is enough. Madam Linda I know I'm first 2 comment if u like post am last as usual.

Unknown said...

I think 3 is just ok 4 a family. this is where family planning comes in.

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

The ideal number whether you are rich or poor should be four, as for me, I don't want more than three.

Ehi said...

i will leave the question for my BABA to answer..oya 2face over to you!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

D... As lng as dey can tk care of d children witout askin 4 financial help.

Anonymous said...

2 if you want to push it 3. You can afford to feed 10 kids today doesn't mean you will afford them tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Na ''4'' nowadays population for naija go soon clock #300'000000. Lol!


Anonymous said...

As many as they can afford - that is also factoring future expenses and their current and expected investments.

However, 2 children sounds ideal to me.

Galore said...



Mzz_Mary said...

Its depends...different style for different folks
But as for me I will go with 4 ...preferably 2girls nd two boys

Anonymous said...

Maximum should be 4 while minimum 2

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not more than three kids..abeg 3 is enough

Anonymous said...

Just a question I was asking myself this minute. Not just for the financial means of taking care of them, labour was tough that it scares me of having more. I have just 1 tho.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2 issokay for had 1 and am hoping for 1more and wish for better upbringing which i wasn't privileged in my days as a kid!

L Y N N P O P E S said...

I think two is ideal. It creates the right balance between happiness(oh i have children) and stress(emotional/financial). Anything more than two would depend on how financially capable you are, how the kids turn out etc.

Rough Diamond said...

For me it's three, two girls one boy!

Sylvia said...

I will say three kids

Anonymous said...

3 is vry ok,rich or poor.

Anonymous said...

D.. As many as u can "afford"in quote Afford"...but 9ja men if the wife hasnt givn them a boy yet they can continue till d 7th child *eyes rolling*

Anonymous said...

Three children is jx d best,I have two boys now if God bless me with one girl I will be d happiest person on earth!

Anonymous said...

As many as they can afford biko..adenuga can have 50 and they will neva lack..see indimi fam..i ave lost count of how many daughters dat old man get lool

Anonymous said...

Between 3

Anonymous said...

Between 2 and 4

Anonymous said...

4 children will be ohk..abi u wan born a whole community ni.four is ohk 4 me oo

Anonymous said...

4 is really ideal. It's neither too much or too small.

Anonymous said...

4 kids is cool....

MOI said...

The reason why lots of piple hav dozen of kids is their quest for a particular sex of child.a lot of men and women want a male child due to some reasons..women want a male child for next of kin while men want a male child who can possiblely make their names last when there are gon. For me, I and my hubby will hav 3kids which ever God bless us wit!

Anonymous said...

Yaaay! 1st 2 comment

Shinelle said...

Minimum of two... Maximum of 4 for me , jus incase twins are involved!....... Its not about how many u can afford o.... I'm hoping to have two kids ,prayin to God for a boy n a gal.... *smiles*

Anonymous said...

4 kids is cool....

Anonymous said...

4 children will be ohk..abi u wan born a whole community ni.four is ohk 4 me oo

Anonymous said...

A. 2! That's why vacations packages are quoted for families of 4...hahaha.

Anonymous said...

for me 3 kids 2 boys and a girl. linda post my comment ooooooooooo dont eat it dis time ehhhhhhhh! tolu

Anonymous said...

for me 3 kids 2 boys and a girl. linda post my comment ooooooooooo dont eat it dis time ehhhhhhhh! tolu

Anonymous said...

3 kids do for me buh i just like sex tooooo much! am i sick?

Anonymous said...

Option A will be the ideal one for me

Anonymous said...

for me 3 kids 2 boys and a girl. linda post my comment ooooooooooo dont eat it dis time ehhhhhhhh! tolu

Unknown said...

with the help of God i will go for B. (3)

Mischievous said...

Linda Linda, I assume your big day is drawing close! You want us to answer the question for you, abi? No wahala. Go for 3. Twins go come first, then top am up with the last one. Claim am in Jesus name!

Mischievous said...

Linda Linda, I assume your big day is drawing close! You want us to answer the question for you, abi? No wahala. Go for 3. Twins go come first, then top am up with the last one. Claim am in Jesus name!

Anonymous said...

I want 3, my hubby wants 4

Anonymous said...

4 kids will be ideal for me. Probably 2 boys & 2 girls!

Anonymous said...


sister Jane said...

Is dere anyfing like ideal number of kids?? Only couple can decide dat. You can av as many as U̶̲̥̅̊ so desire nd can CATER FOR. Buh don't pass beyond ur boundary! Don't brings kids you can't cater for into d world.

Anonymous said...

I think C is the best.


As for me Imma go for 4,so the boy will av a brother to play with and the girl a sister to play with.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

2 is ok..highest should be 33

Anonymous said...

B or D

Temmy said...

As many children as they can afford ooo...abi now....if u re poor just manage 1 or do pass urself

Anonymous said...

Max 3,if they aren't financially alright 0,bringing those poor children to suffer,I hate those ppl then the kids end up selling Bread and sachet water or begging for money on the street.If u can't afford to take care of them ,DON'T HAVE THEM,ur husband can't bring home money for food but he can come and ask u for sex,USELESS MAN and stupid woman.

Anonymous said...

3 all d way

Anonymous said...

love this question, dis is d best question of the day, thumbs up linda, in the stage we are now, the economy system in our country is nothing 2 write home about, food, payment of schoolfees, shelter, and upbringin of kids is very expensive, in my own opinion i will consider hvin 3 kids. and gve dem d best of the best. dan bringin 7 2 10 kids to the world to suffer.

Anonymous said...

i want seven and i pray for quadruplets AMEN. mummy dan

Anonymous said...

Hmmm! I tink 2kids are jst ok 4 couples! Too many kids brings headache esp if dose kids are stubborn but if d family re jst 4, d parents nd jst 2kids...dey wil be very happy nd contented even if dey re not rich! I rest my case...AmyHottie

jcyexy said...

3 is ok

Unknown said...

four children is ok

Anonymous said...

2.Ŋ☹ mata aw things α̲̅яε̲ whether rich or poor.

Anonymous said...

2 kids ideally if you live abroad. More kids if you can afford to look after them.

Anonymous said...

At least three children is ok

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Atleas 3 children are ok 4 either rich or poor

Unknown said...

2/3 please

Anonymous said...

My parent had three not minding the sex and I think three is just the perfect number!

Anonymous said...

3 is ok cos N̶̲̥̅̊☺ one knows 2moro buh we don't pray Fø̲̣̣я̅ bad thing o

AmyHottie said...

Having 2kids is jst very ok! Cos wen tins get bad in d family..I mean financial crisis, u cud be able 2cater 4dose kids witout much stress but if dey plenty...hmmmm! Dats wen d man of d house gets heart attack or high bp nd den dies living d poor kids nd dia mum 2suffer! Bsides d economic condition of our country is very bad nw, so I tink couples shud tink wisely oo! Not one year one block dat I see in some mothers these days....AmyHottie says so....

cyndy said...

2 is okay depending on ur financial status

Nelo said...

ℓ̊ want 2 children,a boy ​Ãήϑ girl.don't know Ђδω many children M̶̲̅γ̲̣̣̥ husband will like †☺ have.

AmyHottie said...

Hmmm! I tink 2kids are jst ok 4 couples! Too many kids brings headache esp if dose kids are stubborn but if d family re jst 4, d parents nd jst 2kids...dey wil be very happy nd contented even if dey re not rich! I rest my case...AmyHottie

Raychel said...

i want four, just as my parents had

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Me too

Anonymous said...

4,God willing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

4 is d ideal numba,bt 4 me 2 is okay!SHIKENA

Anonymous said...

3 kids is okay,maybe twice then 4

Unknown said...

M̶̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ love children very much. 4 is ok

Lady G said...

There is no ideal number. That is between the couple, they should just be sure that they can take care of all of them and give them the best.

zuka said...

lindyway my said he wants 4, but at the last gap the wife port triplet. for me ohhh 2 is kin of better

Anonymous said...

Linda me I have 4 kids but if I had my way would have had just 1. Most times its the guys that says how many kids they want. Cos for me it was a serious issue before we married. We later settled for 3,but baba God come give us twins

Unknown said...

4 is ideal 2 guys 2 ladies.

Anonymous said...

2 is okay,dat d best no of kids to av

fifi said...

Have as many as u can cater 4,De joy begins when dey are all glown nd doing well..Dey shall surround ur table

Anonymous said...

3 is okay and give them the best.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm, i would say an ideal number should be 2 kids. My husband wants 2(1 girl and 1 boy) but i want 4 kids (2 boys and 2 girls) i think i`m ready to settle for 3 and maybe adopt 1 making 4.....smilezzzz

Anonymous said...

3 is just ideal

Anonymous said...

oh pls why don't we over populate the world...... btw 1 and 3 should be good for any couple any more is just an unhealthy! It is important children are raised and taken care of fully having 7 or more and I don't care if u are a billionaire is just obscene. Taking care of children doesn't just mean money but being there for them emotionally and in all ways possible........we live in a society where the feeling is well as long as u can send them t sch and cater (money wise) for kids its ok.... well its not!

Anonymous said...

2 will do

Unknown said...

Linda 5 is ok for me, 3boys 2girls

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3 is okay for me

Anonymous said...

afford ke! children na for sell

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

4 kids, 2boys n 2girls :)

Anonymous said...

Linda, as for me, only 2 children oo....a boy n a girl.weda rich or poor(but God forbid poverty)....but as I'm growin older n all my children av left home prolly to university or boarders in secondary skul, I'll consider avin one more

Anonymous said...


Ginger said...

I Think 4 is very much ideal for me

Anonymous said...

I agree wit u . De less number of kids u av, de more de quality of trainin u 'll giv dem.

OZONE said...


Anonymous said...

My sister always says that an ideal family in the modern age should be able to fit a regular 5 sitter car....therefore 2 or 3 kids should be fine

Anonymous said...

As many as they can, as far as I'm concerned no no. Is too mch, jst ask 4 god to bless them..we r 14 frm ma mum.. Nd all blessed..

Unknown said...

I wil lov τ̅☺ hv 4, two boys α̲̅ŋϑ two Gods grace

Anonymous said...

~D great anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Two or three abeg!!

Anonymous said...

200 children from you and i linda

Anonymous said...

as many God wantz me to hav ..itz nt ma will or dat of ma wife to b

Anonymous said...

I wana have 5kids but my girl insist we have 2. Its the biggest debate we both are into. I pray God help us decide

Anonymous said...

4 or 5. As de case may be

Livvsreamblog said...

3 for me

Anonymous said...

I only want one but my boyfriend wants 4 there is no way on this planet I will get pregnant 4 times. One kid is enough for me lol

Nneka said...

Me tooo. I want 4.
Roflmao@ d second pics...dat one na

Unknown said...

My dad has 3children from 3 dif women am first and only son lol, my uncle has 9 from one woman i prefer dat thou.

Anonymous said...

3 is perfect.

Nneka said...

Bt above all, have as much as u can provide for, no be to produce agbero full everywhere.



Anonymous said...

3 at most,whether rich or poor.atleast its a gud enof number that makes up a family of our time

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

3 linda..I want 3

miss boss said...

I want 5 bur ma hubby wnts 2 or 3..I love a large family thingy..very fun..grew up in such.

Unknown said...

4 kids is ok by me. said...

5kids. 2Boys 2 Girls now, then when the last child is like 23years old with his MSC and working we add the last one(Baby of the house). Hope it works for me.

Unknown said...

4 kids is ok by me

Anonymous said...


miss boss said...

Linda dis is my 1st time of commenting..bera post ma comment

AmyHottie said...

Jst 2

Anonymous said...

My parents just had two of us nd I found it so boring nd wish we were like 4 or 5 but I told myself I was goin to hve a large family nd now I hve two nd still

Anonymous said...

Ehhh...3 don do now four na almost oversabi sef(ma opinion oo)

Anonymous said...

as many they can afford

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

For me I Think 3 is Ok, A Boy nd two Gals,

Anonymous said...

3........2grls and 1boy

Anonymous said...

3kids for me o.if its 4den it will b a mistake lolz

Unknown said...

At least 4 to me

Anonymous said...

2 is ok either boy or girl.

Anonymous said...

2 to 4 is ok

didi said...

2 kids minimum.....4kids max....... Evryone has deir different number tho... My brother said 6

Anonymous said...

2 please! in other to give them the best,if you can afford more,then adopt or help train less priviledged kids

Anonymous said...

2 is gud a boy and a girl.

Unknown said...

At last 4

Unknown said...

Minimum of 2, Maximum of 3 is okay for a couple this era.

Anonymous said...

I Have 3 adorable handful kids but i think anything more than 4 is migraine

Anonymous said...

2 jor, highest 3! the 3rd one gan must battle to make it, as in after every means of keeping it back must failed ni.

Anonymous said...

4 maximum minimum 2

Anonymous said...

Have the Numer of children you can cater for... It's dat simple. My tailor had 3 kids. 2 girls and a boy then decided she wants another boy which happened to be twins. A boy and a girl.... She cld hardly send d previous 3 to school and now there are 5 of them. None of them attends school anymore and she's always looking for some1 to pay their fees or buy them food stuff. I have a child and I plan on having 1 more. I could afford to tk care of more bt there's a level of luxury and achievements I plan on having for my kids and I ( holidays, education etc) and having more than
2 kids wnt achieve that. In summary, cut your coat according to your size.

temmi said...

2 pere!! max 3

Anonymous said...

Sis jane,who ask 4 story na,chei...deres such an option as D.u shuld av just sed dat.

steven peres said...

At least 4

Anonymous said...

Two kids should do

Anonymous said...

Two would do for me but all depends on the couple. Different strokes for different folks.

Anonymous said...

7-10 kids is very ok!!!!

asaa said...

For me, 3 kids makes. A lot of sense. But I want 4 and hubby doesn't mind! But a lot of people are okay with 2 these days. Makes sense too.

Unknown said...

I want 6!! Twins,triplets,and one single!! My dad has over 20 kids!! *ONYX GODWIN*

Anonymous said...

Just 4,two boys two girls

Unknown said...

Between 2- 4 children. Anything above this number is never ♍y wish.

Anonymous said...

Anything beyond 4 is too much no matter your financial capacity. The world is too populated already. Couples need to be principled enough not to have more than 4 kids. Some Igbo couples tend to keep giving birth all cause they are looking for a male child. My bestie comes from a family of 8, they are all girls except the last child who is a boy. P.S: I'm Igbo

Anonymous said...

2 feels ideal sha buh I want 4.

Oma said...

as much as you can train lol,2 or 3 is okay.

Anonymous said...

As many children as dey can afford & cater for.

Anonymous said...

2 kids very ok...

Anonymous said...


Bonita Bislam said...

Atmost 4 is cool

Anonymous said...

o well my parents had 7 and they r taking proper care of us. We go to the best skuls, proper clothing feedin and we aint wayward, we r unbelievebly happy. Its so fun to have a large family

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3 kids is the best

Anonymous said...

I want 45 if only 1 woman can give me 45 kids. but since she can't i will stick to 3....

Anonymous said...

3 kids is the best

Anonymous said...

I want 2 cus me and my babe has agreed.

Anonymous said...

i will go 4 for d rich an 2 for the poor. cause d more kids d poor has d more problem 4 naija.

Unknown said...

It depends on what d couples want.they can have as many as they want as long as they can take care of dem but me want 4....includin twins.

Anonymous said...

4 will do.

Anonymous said...

I want 2 children but 3 children is not bad at all.... Vikenx Virus.

svelte said...

Well, as many as the Good Lord provides. But, from the 'economy' view point, 2 'd be just fine.

Anonymous said...

AS 4 me,na 3 girls 1 boy...lyk d Kardashians

Anonymous said...

I want 2 dozen!

may said...

3 is just so ideal for me.

Anonymous said...

I think 4 is cool! 2boys 2gurls..

Anonymous said...

Two is ideal. Its easy to gv dem de best educationally etc. Wntd two, but de turnd out all girls. My hubby is a typical ibo man who wants a boy, so am on de third pregnancy. I wish one of de two ws a boy, but God knws best.

Anonymous said...

Ntn like ideal in this issue. Give birth to those you can bring up properly, nt financial wise alone here

may said...

The ideal no depends on the couple,for me 3 is a perfect number.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2. There should be a law that states that if a family does not meet an income threshold, they shouldd only be allowed 2 children. Atimes, it breaks my heart when I see small children suffering on the road. I often ask myself why people bring children into the world to suffer, which I find utterly unfair.

used to lyk u until I found out... said...

Huh? Like r u serious, Linda? What's this? Mtcheew

Unknown said...

Well I want 3, but my hubby wants 4. So d average that I've heard people say is 4.

Anonymous said...

2 then you can really afford give your kids the best and also have a life!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

D idea number is 4 two girls and two boys so no ones cheats each other between d couple

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