SaharaReporters has obtained documents further exposing the depth of corruption and mismanagement of public funds at Nigeria’s Ministry of Aviation headed by Stella Oduah. One of the documents details how Ms. Oduah compelled the cash-strapped Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) to purchase two armored BMW cars for the minister. NCAA is the agency charged with ensuring the airworthiness of commercial planes flying within Nigeria’s airspace. Two officials of the agency told SaharaReporters that the NCAA did not have enough funds to upgrade equipment, send staff for critical training, and hire enough qualified staff. “Yet, all the minister is concerned about is to have two exotic BMW cars from the little money we have for operations,” one of the sources said.The documents obtained by SaharaReporters indicate that the transaction for the purchase of the two BMW vehicles started in June 2013. However, the request for delivery of and payment for the two vehicles was fast-tracked between August 13 and 15 2013. The transaction involved the NCAA, First Bank of Nigeria, and Coscharis Motors Limited.
In a letter dated August 13, 2013, J.D Nkemakolam of the NCAA sent a letter to the Managing Director of Coscharis Motors asking the company to deliver to the NCAA two BMW 760 armored vehicles based on a pro-forma invoice dated June 25, 2013 at the cost of N127, 575,000 ($796,846.21) each. The total amount for the two vehicles came to N255,150,000, or $1,593,687.31. The NCAA’s letter directed Coscharis Motors to deliver the vehicles with sales invoices, delivery notes, and attestation documents.
Our documents reveal that the payment for the vehicles was made into a First Bank of Nigeria account (number 2018912995 with sort code: 0111152303), according to a letter signed by Godwin Umeaka, Coscharis’ group financial controller.
The two black BMW Li HSS vehicles had chases numbers WBAHP41050DW68032 and WBAHP41010DW68044 respectively. The two cars were delivered to the NCAA on August 13, 2013, where it was received by two store managers, F. Onoabhagbe and Y.A. Amzat (who is also the agency’s head of transport). On August 15, 2013, Sola Ogunsakin of the NCAA signed off to certify completion of the transaction.
In an extensive investigation of the Aviation sector after three air mishaps in Nigeria’s airspace, SaharaReporters found a pattern of questionable expenditures authorized by the minister. Several insiders within the aviation industry have told SaharaReporters that Ms. Oduah and President Goodluck Jonathan had focused on the Aviation Ministry as a source for a series of corrupt activities.
“Under Mrs. Oduah, the ministry has carried out many big capital development projects. But what outsiders don’t know is that these projects are being used to divert big amounts into private pockets,” an aviation source said.
Our sources disclosed that the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) had investigated several corrupt practices in the aviation sector, but added that the anti-corruption agency never had the backbone to act on their findings due to political pressure from the Presidency.
Several sources at the agency told SaharaReporters that they were not aware of the whereabouts of the two BMW cars. Some of the sources stated that the cars were handed to the minister who had converted them to private use.
Several interest groups have been demanding the removal of Ms. Oduah, citing her corrupt tendencies, mismanagement of aviation funds and incompetence. Under her watch, the Nigerian airspace has witnessed several air mishaps that claimed the lives of at least 140 people.
A Presidency source told SaharaReporters that Ms. Oduah still retains the confidence of President Jonathan. She is a close associate of Mr. Jonathan, serving as the treasurer who handled funds for the Jonathan campaign during the 2011 presidential election. She also co-chaired the campaign group known as Neighbor-To-Neighbor.
Minister of Aviation BMW 760 Li HSS Armoured car documents
N̶̲̥̅̊a̶̲̥̅̊ wa Oº°˚˚°ºo
Hmmmm my prayer point has changed from things to change in Nigeria to FOR MY TURN TO COME.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
More gist to b unfolded
~D great anonymous!
She should b sacked
Okay, why does this woman still have a job?
FFk is behind dis info......God is watchn us all
Let's see if any action will be taken against her with this proof. Shame! From her looks u know she's nothing but a stature in that seat. She squandered money n said accidents r God's act..... *sigh
Amored Cars!!! Is she planning to go to war? Our Nigerian leaders... Haba.
And they don't have enough money to pay ASUU abi? May God's Judgment be upon them.
Trust naija... Nothing go happen!!! Dem go sweep'am under carpet sharp sharp.
#Chuks-Remap-King# Add on facebook
This is investigative journalism at its peak.but efcc/police or whatever committee is set up by our legislators will end up claiming they didn't find any concrete evidence to back up this claims.well here it is..what we will hear now is that this documents have been forged.wicked leaders.
Such a Shame.
What is there to deny with these valid documents that have been brought to fore?
Would this lady just do the honorable thing of resigning cos it doesn't look like Mr President is willing to fire her thieving butt.
Until pubic offices are made very unattractive(little take home pay,I mean) ugly trends like this one might never cease.
Sometimes I wonder how these thieving lot sleep at night,people with seared consciences.
The wind has blown and we have seen the anus of the cock....may you and ur generations be purnish...
Thieves!can u imagine,and people are dieing!that woman sould be sacked!
Just like I said days ago, the problem of our aviation sector is governmental neglect and corruption! I am not surprised to see this.
While she is spending millions for her protection, other innocent air traveller's lives are being threatened every day as a result of her incompetence!
Can you imagine what is happening in our beloved country.........everybody is messing up funds.......that woman alone can fund ASUU requirements........smh
Nigeria we hail thee!...wow
An oduahgate in the offing...#sniffingtheair; sure does smell fishy.
Well 2 say am surprised will be a fat lie.... Jonathan and his bulk of public corrupt officials always giving us sumtn 2 ponder abt.... Let's c how the presidency will react to dis.
and some idiots will tell me FFK isn't saying the truth about this witch??? FFK might be an attention seeking puppy but stella oduah is an instrument for the destruction of innocent life by the devil n definitely your president!!
Gbooom its out..wat next?=Nothing.wen Oga @ d Top is involvd,notin can b done.it makes headline,pple talk,it ends n its 4goten. Shikena.FFK pls am waitin to hia wat u av to say coz dis woman is a mess.btw did I jst c Ms?she no marry?
FFK was right ater all asking for ms oduah's sack.... Jonathan is leading Nigeria to the gutters
Gbooom its out..wat next?=Nothing.wen Oga @ d Top is involvd,notin can b done.it makes headline,pple talk,it ends n its 4goten. Shikena.FFK pls am waitin to hia wat u av to say coz dis woman is a mess.btw did I jst c Ms?she no marry?
FFK was right ater all asking for ms oduah's sack.... Jonathan is leading Nigeria to the gutters
Gbooom its out..wat next?=Nothing.wen Oga @ d Top is involvd,notin can b done.it makes headline,pple talk,it ends n its 4goten. Shikena.FFK pls am waitin to hia wat u av to say coz dis woman is a mess.btw did I jst c Ms?she no marry?
God save Nigeria. kai?
Hmmm! Oh chim! God deliver us pls
FFK's hand work.........choi. Politics na highest sha!
Wow! This is total madness. Is hightime something is done to correct this anomaly. The public office holders have seen their post as source of wealth rather than carry out their duties effectively. Tell me how nemesis won't catch up on this useless witch. Karma wil do the justice.
Linda, owning an armoured cars is not a bad ideal at all. Nigeria is a volatile community with high level of in security.Please leave her out of this.
I weep for my country Nigeria. And she's not going anywhere, not when jonathan's sugarcane is still sweet inside her
These ppl r thieves,cant blm dem bcos, wen d president said abt corruption on media chat some wk, he said if u ave a gud lawyer u will go scot free,n so dis ppl r nt afraid to loot public fun, God saves us in dis country
And say FFK dey yan dust?! God dey.
as rytly mentioned,yl she is busy dressing our airports,d air disasters hav bcom mo prevalênt.i need dem to disprove dis allegation wit mo convincing evidences...yl awaitin FFK´s contribution.
Nigerian Aviation minister should b kicked into Obscurity
Na wao nija lowa
now they will say ffk is mad,mtchewwwwwww,ASUU must fight to the end,if u can buy 2 cars 4 dat amount,then they must find 400billion 4 asuu
Hmmm! Oh chim! God deliver us pls
In a country where the president knows nothing but corruption. What do you expect from his followers?
Lord! I am so angry... Jonathan is the root of Nigeria's problem... We brought that man to rule us and destroy us, it's like inviting someone to your house to steal from you and destroy you... If men were God all these idiots will run mad, fall ill with no cure to their disease, start rottening alive and in so much pain before they die. animals! ......Tasha...
We are in trouble in this country.corrupt heads everywhere.
Linda you better post my comment o, else.
They should just jail dis bitch
Why is she the minister??what is wrong with our leaders and our schools are still on strike!its such a pity.
Nawao oooooo nija lowa
Haba! Trading human life & security 4 money. Oma se ooo
FKK will be happy wherever he is,like I said earlier I supported him in dis oduah case. I knew a day like dis would come
Wow this is very interesting mrs oduah
This woman i hope God help her last time i saw what she did HERE i broke down into tears.
She should be investigated and if she's found culpable, she should be fired with immediate alacrity. At least i'm with FFK on this one!
Why Armoured cars?who is after ur life madam airspace?we are watching,God dey
FFK u are winning polio d only madman dat makes sends. Was my business if am d first to comment?
abeg go sleep jor.. were u married to him, u dont own him. way if thats hid destined wife. a beg pack urself face ur bf and stay away frm ur best friend tinzz don change
Y'all who called fr FFK's head when he said this woman shld b fired shld prolly apologise....she has no clue of wat she is doing or shld b doing in dt ministry.
only God can judge u now #2face nd soul e baba voice#
Nigerian Aviation minister should b kicked into Obscurity
Only God knows whether Jonathan is not even sleeping with her sef. She needs to be removed from office with immediate effect.
its been said, "that what a man can do a woman can do better".
I guess it doesn't exclude corruption as well.
corruption @ it's peak!
Hian!!!! $1.6mil!! Are u kiddin me??? Dats rubbish and insultive 2 nigerians!!how does armored cars concerns flyin planes??? I dnt gerrit!! !! Linda! Dere is a PORN LINK on NIGERIA's website!! www.nigeria.gov.ng!!! On our national website! Jesus!! Oturugbeke! *ONYX GODWIN*
Whats all these evidence here and there for?huh, isn't she the aviation minister? She need it for crying out loud, come to think of it,were's her fault from? And were did she go wrong, that they just wanna crucify her,why bringing up issues like this by this time, when we ought to be thinking of a way better forward.. I know some senseless and uninformed individual will start calling for her resignation!! We do have road accidents on a regular basics in nigeria, why not call for the resignation of the minister of transport or works for the road crashes!!! We all Need to be Wise dear LIBers.....whosoever is behind all these evidence here and there should quietly hide his/her face in shame, or better still go to court and seek redress..... [AUTHENTIC PDP]
Stop digging ur grave linda....
OMG! I don faint! Its so detailed and soo true. God help dis country!
Shebi many of u were cursing FFK when he was calling for her sack or resignation....u can see d level of rot in dat ministry now....she's beautifying airports but doin nothing to ensure d safety of passengers.
127M for one car? Will the car protect you from death?
127M for one car? Will the car protect you from death?
Massive fraud is goin on in this ministry! You don't need to be a prophet to see it....upon all the billions spent on 'upgrading' MMA, the airport is still a shit hole...
Its clear that GEJ is not interested in fighting corruption.
In my church,a pilot shared a testimony about a 'near-miss' a week before the associated airline(agagu) crash...there has been 3 cases of emergency landing after that time....something has to be done SOON
We need to remove sentiment and call a spade a spade. We have a long way in this country of ours...
Shebi many of u were cursing FFK when he was calling for her sack or resignation....u can see d level of rot in dat ministry now....she's beautifying airports but doin nothing to ensure d safety of passengers.
God save Nigeria For all powers are in your hands Lord.
Linda dix is serious oh
Passed thru MMA last weekend....question that kept running thru my mind was...'Which renovation dem do for here??'....the place still looked and smelled like a public toilet
Jonah n dis woman r criously doin biz wit our money o..buh wat can we do,jst notin!
Big ups to sahara reporters and Linda ikeji for reavealing this secret
when you click HERE you'll see latest sex scandal news
Well it's okay. The only aspect in which Nigeria could be corrupt free is when that something that will erupt the revolution take place , definitely not this usual politician ishhhhh!!!
The minister would soon come out to say God ask her to buy the car!
when you click HERE you'll see latest sex scandal news
Nigeria is a country where anytin can happen!
Abeg all dis fins r jst Facts!! Wen FFK ws in her position ws t nat d same fin, abeg they shld. Stop pointing uneccesary fingers.... All most all d ministers if proper checking shld b done.,hv done d same fin...
The minister would soon come out to say God ask her to buy the car!
when you click HERE you'll see latest sex scandal news
Well it's okay. The only aspect in which Nigeria could be corrupt free is when that something that will erupt the revolution take place , definitely not this usual politician ishhhhh!!!
*singing* omo see gobe. Hehehehehehe oya! Bring it on!!! Corrupt souls. The beautiful one are not yet born,the ugly one refuse to die... Let the rot of GOD strike you and your generation. Let the blood of the innocent soul hunt YOU all bad leaders
Can U̶̲̥̅̊ imagine de level of leviety in dis country no value 4 human lives yet she ordered 4 2 BMW armoured cars may God judge U̶̲̥̅̊ all she does is renovatin airports and D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ commission it b4 its fully ready imagine MMA1 its rubbish b4 it was fully constructed most of de ACℓ̊ stopped workin may God save us frm dis kind of lackadaisical government post my comment º°˚˚°ºoo no b fight
N the woman come fine. Hmmm
Pls they shld free dis Woman naaa, is t nat. Car!!! Haba,,, I belive most rich Nigerian can do dis. Purchasing she jst did ... Haba Aunty lin Lin
Abeg all dis fins r jst Facts!! Wen FFK ws in her position ws t nat d same fin, abeg they shld. Stop pointing uneccesary fingers.... All most all d ministers if proper checking shld b done.,hv done d same fin...
What will a minister be doing with two cars worth #225million naira. That just waste of money, yet Nigeria students are at home because of govt inability to pay for the welfare of lecturers and universities. We are still joking in this country.
And how's dt?like he gave Sahara reporters money to dig ds up?ever heard of investigative journalism?pls grow up jare....
We have thieves in power, and she is just one of them. They improverish the masses but they will surely get their reward. They will be haunted in their armored cars, in the innermost recesses of the high fenced barb wired mansion. And they will not REST IN PEACE!!!
GEJ administration is failure WalAllahi! Anyway, I believe this is a measure to change Nigeria. Let us wait n see what will happen next?
Linda abi ur seein all dis tins.....I actually weep for Nigeria...to think dat our president will connive with corrupt leaders n aid n abet corruption den he will now open his stinking mouth to form anti-corruption. He is a typical example of a wolve in sheeps clothings. All dis while him n his cohorts av been d ones responsible for the deaths of citizens and d decay in the aviation sector. I won't b surprised if I hear he is d one sponsoring boko haram. Dis man is silently evil, feeding off pples lifes. So since evrybodys attention is on the Corruption in the oil sector he now left der to carry out his corrupt practices on the aviation sector so it wud seem lyk he is doin a good job (˘̯˘ )...now I fully understand y ffk has been pressing for her resignation
Small time she will be askin them to buy her weaves n contact lenses....clueless person.may God visit hs wrath on whoever wastes resources in this country
This b**ch is going down!!
Which grave?pls park well jare
When FFK wrote a piece on the air mishap occuring frequently and asked stella oduah to focus more on making the industry more healthy instead for her to look at the truth in what the man wrote she took to the media to abuse him, with this revelation i do think that serious investigation should be launch into this and adequate action should be taking if TRUELY this government is serious about anti-corruption and sincerely care for the citinzery of this country.
For us in NIGERIA as Nigerians we need GOD intervention in every facets of the economy, this government is a deceit and can not take the country to an enviable position in the league of Nations.
Mostimes I regret being a Nigerian buh I blive God knws best,corruption evrywhr, which is d way forward God pls cum 2 our aid *jstshakingmyhead*
Hmm ffk where@ thou lol
Presidential pussy!!!! Slut!! Always looked hammered...has no vital input in d govt.. Irresponsible woman
Now I see y FFK was furious
U are a stupid taut
U are a bastard....ur generation is in doom
I fear for this country when we still have imbeciles like you! There's so much problems and u think armored car wld save u! Agagu didn't escape death !
Keep asking wats wrong...mayb d day u are in an aircraft and it crashes,den wen u in hell u will ask d question y its wrong...ode...ol u PDP mofos will b swept away one by one eida by air or by road...since u ppl feel u rada cheat d masses dan attend to due responsibility..u feel its ur lives dat are more precious dan dat of d masses..no wahala...God is watchn y'all in 3D
You are d one lying in ur grave already...look around you...
loool. A G Wagon bullet and bomb proof from Mercedes itself cost between 40-70 million Naira,so how the hell will BMW 7 series bullet proof cost almost twice as much? Naija I hail. so even if they can defend her needing it there IS no way they can defend the price.
U will die a painful death for saying dat
Wont be suprises he is slerping with dis woman
U are a misguided faggot!! She needs an armored vehicle for what? Its people like u that we pray God crushes befOre we start revolution! Stella oduah obviously looks like she doesn't even knw anyfin! Check the ethiopian airport, very basic but much emphasis on safety, stella is just beautifying the whole place like a fool!! The airspace aint safe!
Please check the price of armored BMW 760 here. They paid 5 times what it's worth!!!!
This car costs $162,000 retail (you can negotiate down) Even if you ship it in a container for $5,000 and clear it at the port for $30,000 (N4.8 million) it will still only cost $197,000 or about N30 million total
Y not forget sentiments and face reality... Is this right or not ? What does FFK have to do with this? Smh4 nigerians
Stella Oduah is one more wasteful, corrupt member of the. Jonathan administration.
In addition to the selfishness and wickedness of this woman, with all the money, nearly everybody who works as a staff in her private company and domestic staff/contractors in her house don't get paid for 5/6 months and everywhere is littered with cars. They should better cry out to be paid. Now I believe my friend who says our problem in Nigeria is illiteracy of mind. What is she gonna do with all the greed and avarice? Linda or Sahara should investigate this. She is not God-fearing @ all
Eyin oloshelu wa e de beru Olorun.N255m Lori moto meji.esan mbo ooo
U must be a VERY FOOLISH person
Na wa O!! Wonders, ehn ehn! We re in trouble O in dis country sha! God deliver us
Nigeria is seeing a high;y destructive level of corruption while our dear President watches!
We all know that he wont be able to do anything to any minister! Nothing.
Pray he does not sack Stella snd send Wike there!
What do you expect from a woman that wears contact lense and glasses at the same time?
Stella will die a painful death.The blood of my lost loved ones will ensure that. Thank u. That's all
I just wish nigerians will c the politics playing out here!we had ministers who did worse things !I won't rule out sabotage, why all these, in a space of one wk, trying to make this woman look very incompetent,she's still my best aviation minister of all time!
@anon 10:35 Even if FFK is behind †ђǝ info is he telling lies? anybody cn be behind it dt is not †ђǝ issue †ђǝ issue is †ђǝ truth of †ђǝ matter. God is watching us all and he will judge us pple that are up there cheating n lying †☺ us killing pple bc of their laxity arresting poor pple calling dem thieves while they are †ђǝ biggest thieves if we cant catch U̶̲̥̅̊ God will surely do and punish U̶̲̥̅̊ and ur generation †☺ come.
Whr r my comments Linda?#notsmiling#
Oloshi like u. Were
I'm speechless. Kai. This blond lace wig wearing woman again?! And children are at home. Isoryt. Fellow Nigerians, I know it may seem as if God does not see this injustice or He is tired of Nigeria and that's why He lets all these bad things happen or let the bad people behind them go scott free, but trust me, they WILL SURELY get what is coming to them and their deserving punishments will be metted out to them duly. Maybe not as soon as we all would like but it MUST happen. Ekwusigom ka oham no'nu!
Madam Linda confirm your sources before u post, The NCAA is a subset of the aviation ministry and there is no way they can do procurement on behalf of the minister, there is a special office under the ministry that does that, so learn to post facts abeg.
this woman better just resign!!!! before I curse her!!!! spending all this on cars when she has peoples blood on her head!!!! the spirit of the dead will not let her rest.she has injured workers(air hostresses) from the recent plane crash seeking for financial assistance to be able to live again.she didn't do anything in that regard!! this is very absurd and unheard of. what is wrong with this country???? things aint getting better! shit mehn!
Al you idiots insulting Stella oduah do you think she can have the effrontery to do all this if she is not acting along with the presidency? They are using aviation to sponsor 2015 elections......so stop insulting only her and also face Jonathan
Are U aware that she used public funds to buy those cars? You must be sick upstairs.
Am still weeping for this country. Very bleak future.
thief , the blood of all the souls that wasted in all the air crashes under her dispensation are on her hands . soulless woman
Birds of the same feather, flew together. Kettle calling pot black.
Birds of the same feather, pot calling kettle black.
Even if FFK is behind Ȋ̝̊̅t̶̲̥̅̊, A̶̲̥̅̊Ώ̶̲̣̣̥d̶̲̥̅̊ S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ ђã†? Stop supporting evil, if not evil W̶̲̥̅̊ȋ̝̊̅ ̄ι̥ι̥ befall you.
wooo!! Dats d kind THE TRANSPORTER guy uses... This woman gat swaggz... Loooolz
oh i forgot, he later switched to an audi
Niyi Daramola you need your head examined. She's bad but not as bad as FFK, what is that supposed to mean? What has this article got to do with FFK? If FFK has embezzled money let him be prosecuted and sent to jail, but this story is about Oduah. I'm assuming you attended school even though you don't sound like you did.
At least the receipts have shown that such cars were actually purchased, what about those who would have siphoned the money into their personal corrupt pockets and turn back to say they purchased the cars, the likes of stupid ffk for eg. Linda is there any criteria a commentator should meet for you post a comment, pls let me know because you don't ever post my comments.
If she bought it with her money, yes it's not a bad thing. However if she had to buy it with public funds which were meant to safe guard peoples lives, then NO it's a bad thing. It's quite sad that people no longer know what's right or wrong anymore.
ASUU is asking for N400billion yearly oh.
Is that a threat. Keep shaking, the truth bites
Is that ms stella oduah talking.u cnt do shit to linda .
Only those that do not know Stella Oduah would be surprised!
She is one of the reasons I wrote off Jonathan as a serious person.
I have known this woman for over 10 years and can boldly say that she will not touch anything that wont profit her in cash.
She is evil herself and will destroy anything that stands in her way.
You are a monkey, most u relate everything to FFK. Tribalistic dumb fuck
Bonario u r a big fool,waiting for ur turn to fleece Nigeria which wl neva come.
Na God go punish una finish. Corruption at its peak. Everyone of them
Abeg joor. They need it, if the security situation was great then you can ride with a top down, but in nigeria you need. Plus she is building and restructuring airports more than any of her predecessors have done.
Well, its all lies to bring her down
Let her go and settle Sahara Reporters, once she does that, they will never write anything bad against her again. Some 'smart' government officials have already done so and nothing will ever make SR write anything bad about them. A case at hand, Rotimi Amechi, who settled SR, because of that, SR will never write anything bad about that governor again. They were writing a lot about him during the time he bought the jet, he went to New York and settled them. Right now, despite the brazen embezzlement of public funds going on in Rivers, you will never see any story about that on SR, instead, they have arrogated to Amechi the enviable title of the defender of democracy. SR has been compromised a long time ago, it's no longer what it used to be. You cannot use corrupt media cannot fight corruption.
Bonario, you are so on point, I'm jejeli waiting for my turn to come oo..See her face, ole oshi..family ibru, olofun gungun, oloju kongba..shameless set of people..
And the FG doesn't want to implement the 2009 agreement. Nigeria desperately needs reformation
At the end of it all. Nothing will still be done.......money answereth all things lmaooooo, nothing can change the corruption of this country only God can! Even the top EFCC cant do nothing after you stone is face with 40 billion NAIRA LMAOOO. THE CORRUPTION HAS GONE BEYOND REPAIR...sadly
My gracious God wen will corruption leave dis country **sobering**
Dere is more to dis story. D ppl at Coscharis hv also laudered money thru d aviation ministry. Dere is no way 2 armoured BMW vehicles cn cost dis much. D highest price for one with d highest armoured level can't be more than N70,000,000. Nigerians open your eyes!
what the fuck, I am going to do my own o!. that country is fucked
FFK was right! Ds Oduah na thief. Check dis out-»www.metrogypsie.org
*breathes* hmmmm
Sometimes all these stories are so crazy to be true that I doubt them.
Nigeria sha - comedy
Na me!
Rubbish! FFK @ work...he shd kip wastn his time coz she aint lozn her job
So hw many minister of aviations has helpd victims wen plane crashes or is dis d first plane crash we hvn in 9ja ni? Tink wit ur head not ur ass!!!
I will advice you readers to apply restrain and caution. We must learn to filter every information and news we hear on the screen of truth. I have known sahara reporters to be involved in yellow journalism. Before u condemn get your facts right,that's only then that u can criticize
We can probe from d bank dt received d proceeds
I am so sorry for Nigeria.
My brother, I tire o
she should be sacked...a bloody criminal and blood sucker..
Hmmmmm nawa 2 amored cars is she planning for 3rd world war?Holy Ghost fire n d funny part of it is that d govt ll soooo mak advertise it witout doin anytin#bunch of criminals#
This kain ppl dey marry? Meanwhile jona dey fuck this. Oil amazon left, right and centre. Dem carry my state slot for ministerial appointment go give ashawo wey divorce us since 1800
Owning it at whose expense?
Naija youths this is why i suggested a drastic counter attack which is start destroying properties of all these thieves close to you. since they don't want to make naija good for everybody, the country should be made bad for them as well. GEJ should know that he is been watched even as he secretly favours all these thieves because of his political ambition. If naija is in chaos he can't achieve his political ambition. The time to act is now naija youths.
hmmmm'who's after her? Only pple whose family were involved in a plane crash will have an answer ASUU still on strike.
Some pple r jt foolish n am directin dis to d pple who r sayin pple suld stop crucifying ha bcos oda ministers av done d same. If those other ministers av been exposed jt like dis n dey av bin punished wuld she av d guts to try dis? We jt nid to strt frm sumwre in dis country n stop supporting sumone who has done something wrng bcos odas av done d same. What is wrng is wrng n d tym to stop it is now!
Cheap Black mail, the staff of NCAA should be arrested for over invocing the original cost of thhe cars with coscharis,if she deman for a bullet. broof cars as a minister is not wrong after all she works day and night to make sure the Airports are in a better condition and with Boko Haram menance alone is not enough to demand for armored vehicle.
I think she needs all the protection that's available to save her life from that disgrace childish ex minister, yeye Femi Fani. Stupid ignorance no good ex aviation minister. When you were the aviation Minister I almost got
fired because of him.
So! She shouldn't protect herself?
that is wot happen wen u ve incompetent goat like Jona as president. Imagine that, dat accident is the act of God? N127m 4 1 car. God, please save dis country from d hand's of Jona scumbag
Anything goes in ma country! Wat a shame!
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When i say that goodluck jonathan regime has shed a lot of blood since in the history of Nigeria,some people will say it's boko haram,there is no doubt that Boko boys did the killing,but jonathan and his corrupt government caused it,imagine the nonsense in the aviation industry,where staff cannot go for trainig,money will not be given to maintain equipment,and this will lead to plane crash,where lives will be waisted,children will be made orphans,Jonathan you have derailed,you have forgotten why God gave you this mandate,you are busy chasing 2015,forgetting that it was God that brought you and HE can take you to 2015 if you obey HIS commandment.Turn back from evil and corruption,leave 2015 for GOD to decide!!!!!!!!
no be today, may God continue to help us 4rm this selfish leaders of ours who enrich their pocket & enslave the masses.
Even if it is a private jet, I won't blink an eye but it seems like I was the only one who noticed that these vehicles were financed by a First Bank loan. What for and how come? If the agency can afford it, no issues; but government taking a loan for such might just draw some real concerns.
Good day all, The fact of the matter is that the world is needing tools like armored cars and armored trucks to business these days. South America produces close on 1000 000 Armored cars a year and we have seen a steady increase in the need for armored cars in Africa. The loss of a leader will be more costly to the country should they not follow the world trend of protecting there leaders and heads of business concerns. We have been involved with the supply of these vehicles for some time now and the need for armored cars seems not to b slowing down. You can find us at www.armortrader.com
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