Now Star Magazine is reporting that Kris Jenner's estranged husband, Bruce is a closet transgender and that their separation is due to the former Olympian wanting to be a woman.
"Bruce has a feminine side. He likes growing his hair out, likes getting manicures and pedicures and won’t leave his house without his diamond earrings. And he’s obsessed with plucking his eyebrows! Kris has told Bruce that she will reveal his secret if he doesn’t go along with her plans about their split or their show." A source told Star
Kim asked the housekeeper if she'd seen any lingerie, and the housekeeper said it was in Bruce's closet. So Kim went inside Bruce's closet and found tons of expensive lingerie that was all stretched out! She took it all and left. . .
Kim told Bruce she had his lingerie. He turned red and walked out. When Kim finally told her sisters, it became a running joke that Bruce wears lingerie. . .
A second source also claims to be aware of Bruce's penchant for women's underthings. "He's always been feminine, so it doesn't surprise me when I found out he was a cross dresser."
LOL ! -___-
This ladies dnt when to play,how can they mock their step father?when kris dnt take him serious how will they take him seriously?
Is always a new story with the kardashians
Kris Jenner is d cause of all errfn happening in dat fam.. Shez just a selfish b***ch
He was normal until he married her. She turned him crazy. EOD. Wicked bitchy witch.
Jeez mehn! But kris shld remember that she also has secrets of her own dt bruce also knws abt thanks to their ovr 20yrs of marriage..bet d dude can also spill..I'll sit bk nd watch!
Na wa for dis pple oh,dis kardashians their gist always irritate me..nw na closet transgender...dey shuld knw God!
Hahahahaha,very funny...mstcheew
So funny...the Kardashians are jst so controversial and public attention seekers. We need sm break here
I've learnt not to believe anything Star Magazine reports.
Be that as it may,I don't really give a midget Chinese shag anymore about this Kris of a Viper/tigress/woman or any of her cubs/daughters.
If Bruce likes,he can wear sanitary pads in between his lady parts...pffffffffffft!
I hate kris even if Bruce was all that ,she didn't have to come out and say it.thats her husband or wot Eva she calls him.she just bitch and a bad mum
Ohhh I knew it!
the two of them are just funny people.
the two of them are just funny.
Was Kris blind all the while??? as the saying goes, 'never date a guy that has a hair longer than yours' ditto for girls dating dudez on long dreads, don't be surprised he's been trying you stilettos in your absence, lol
LGBT is everywhere around us, its high time we accepted the fact that they are closer to us than we think,,,,,#SeunLondon
Wow lmfao dis kardashians neva seize too amaze me nd wat r we suppose to do now. Flips hair nd walk away.......
Too much drama.
but whats my take anyway.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Oh Plsssss! Tis Star Mag! Anything dt comes 4rm Star nd Radaronline is all lies nd negative news! Pls,if tis nt on E!online den tis false!
Nor be say una wan sell dying product (show) sha!!!
Well; nt surprised , click here for mre : http://tinyurl.com/earn-for/?id=Papee
Pathetic people! The Kardashian family are just attention addicts and drama specialists! Whatever pls!
These women are evil!! I swear!! I tire for them.
These women are EVIL!! I swear!! I tire for them!! Just waiting for them to step on Kanye's toes. Yawa go gas!!
These evil women will use any antics or tactics just so their useless show doesn't tank. Well I give KUWTK this year or at most early next year before it is yanked from the airwaves.
Lmaooo!!! This family and thier men, doesnt sound true though
M tried of D̶̲̥̅̊ kardashians
Daguq is a midget chinese shag,nigga? Lmfao
Thats exactly my thoughts
Lmao ...Am yet 2c a family dat can act drama lik d kadarshians.I swear dis guys r natural actors!
Linda!!it is not everything that magazines report that u should pay attention to!
Na wa sha for dis funny family and their life,story here and there,they kip on frustrating d mehn n d family like dey don't have a say or wat...."Lolz wu run d world.........
Lol! D kardanshians sef!
This PC no get shame shar.. Must u always chuck ur maut in everything Linda posts... Ur mates are busy catching up with what's trending on aljezeera and CNN you're here.. Stalking LIB like a jobless housewife in thirst of celebrity gossip... Bonario inclusive.. Una no get job.... **VEE**
Dis woman has no morals. Even if its true must she say it out loud. 22yrz no be beanz u famewhore! Just sayin...D Curious1
I saw the headline nd I was like "haba Kris how far can u go? Dis is d father of ur daughters dammit" dis woman ehn...abeg I just read my bible mke I no come sin kos of kris jenner
Ouch!dats really disrespectful! I'll rather hav a crossdresser as a dad dan a pornstar as a sister!ugh!kettle callin pot black! I hate dem already *ONYX GODWIN*
Don't believe anything star magazine says and I don't think you should also be carrying their fake news. most Nigerians who read ur blog believes in whatever u post nd I think ur source should be from reliable news agency and not from fake news magazine like STAR. thanks
Its just publicity stunts! She just needs to stay in the limelight by any means possible!! What do you actually expect from a bunch of talentless mongrels!! Their show is almost being taken off cos of drop in viewership! So straw grasping thingzzz! Just3trice
What do U do 4 a living?? A man 4 D̶̲̥̅̊α† matter.
What do U do 4 a living?? A man 4 D̶̲̥̅̊α† matter.
Star magazine! Common now, they just write anything to stir up drama. This story sounds bogus! But I can see where they got the transgender angle from. After all, he did have plastic surgery done on his face! lol!
Kardashians and drama
Bia dats y ur rough no b only kardanshians lol
@Diamond of Life
Do go sleep
This all false they should leave this gentle man alone,kris will never see a man like this who understands her n her kids and take all the shits he gets from them.this is so unfair.
Exactly....cannot stand this kartrashians!!
Na wa ooo. she they try sha.
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Momager kris jenner soon to be kris Kardashian is seeking for ratings.
Cray folks
~D great anonymous!
I believe the correct term is tranvestite meaning a cross dresser. Transgender refers to someone who has a sex change. Please use the correct term to avoid committing libel.
Linda I think the word you are looking for is "transvestite"
Surprised people are still watching that trite. They keep reaching with stupid stories to stay relevant!! 15mins has now gone into extra time.
Truth be told, he does act like a female sometimes. All the plastic surgeries he has done to his face. Nah, he's def transgender.
the white people lifestyle is just unbelievable. Such can't happen here.
Read more interesting entertainment news here
Morning everyone.hope we all remember that the amalgamation of north and south was 1914 so nigeria will be 100years by next year.hurray.....
Dolapo I agree with u.
Kris STFU!!! This Kardashians don't just like leaving the news shaa! Mcheeeeewwwww
My thots exactly ... Kanye won't allow his ego to be bruised ... Watchout Kris, kanye aint no muppet
Na waa ooo
All dem kardashian women ar bitches. Dey luv to control deir men. Imagine o was it not in an episode dt Rob begged to makeover Bruce dt Bruce pierced his ears n wen stupid Kris saw it she say she love d change now she com change d story. Sametin too wen Rob yab Kim one tym bitch mama say jargons. D kardashian bitches ar all manipulators cest finis
As em don old and don de near grave?nawa fr al diz oyibo pple shaa......cnt wait 2 c em transform 2 she
Its d fact.she is a selfish b***ch
So y wasn't it featured in any episode of keeping up with the kardashias? Dat prog is obviously scriptd!
Y r they spillin now thrs divorce on d line?to tarnish hs image?i don't bliv ds crap....
Y r they spillin now thrs divorce on d line?to tarnish hs image?i don't bliv ds crap....
Copy paste :P
Kris jenner and her daughters are attention seeking bitches. All these in a bid to increase the number of viewers of their tv series before it gets dropped by E. That woman wuld get broke and go back to beg bruce.
I knew trouble was brewing since d Jenner boys were getting close to deir father, I knew it.
Who pokes! Watever mehn
So dis pple neva get tired of being in d media ryt? Issokay!
Linda I dont know why you bother with these rubbishes they call kardashian ehhn.please give us give us gist abeg not noise
Drama people.....not intrstd face
If it was vice versa,Bruce would probably do same.and educate yourselves,certain drugs will clear from your system after a couple of days.when men diss their wives for a younger brand etc,we don't say anything.the way some of you go on about them,one would think you know them.if you like Linda,play with your hard earned money when you marry.
All na wash!
In majority of relationships,once there is discord,parties fight with whatever arsenals they have.I'm sure same applies to everyone on this blog.its survival and all is fair in love and war.why should she wait for him to take half of her earnings.she kept him in a very affluent lifestyle......he has a helicopter for crying out loud.is it from his over twenty years ago Olympic win.she has kept him relevant.he had a choice to walk out but like most lazy ass men this days,they want the bling but not the work.that's why you thieving men don't mind when we keep you in your guccis irrespective of what we do to get it.
I like the Kadarshians, but they are determined to castrate every man that enters their clutches. Except khloe of course, she's d most down to earth one. Linda pls try and be current in your news, this news is at least 3 days old.
Linda,quite unfair that you are always judging this woman.some of your headlines are misleading.we know you are trying to grab the readers attention but you are not gutter press(tmz,star) etc so stop acting like one.up your game Linda,try to report news objectively
Sometimes I hate believing what star reporters reports. But if this is true, its very funny
Kris †Ñ’ξ bitch!!! Bruce didn't have fruitcake/feminine personality while he was olympic chap..anything FO̶̷̩̥̊͡Я fame. (˘̯˘ )
Lolzzzzz!!! this people are so funny sha attention seekers. This won't still make people watch the show or make their fake reality show go up in rating. #FiNEWiNe#
U guys watch nd see they can't try kanye west bcus he will finish them...I trust him for that,I can't wait.
This is kim sef I don knu what are wroxng wzith her always looking for trouble in films. Wel i dont rike nigeria film sef
Real women want real men!
Like real Alpha men want real women!
Shit...if it is true that Bruce is a cross dresser...
That tells tons about his personality...
He might as well be a closeted gay guy....
And perhaps he is not fucking kris very well...
She perhaps was just managing just for the life of the show...
Guess why 2/3rd of Kris' daughters turned their backs on white guyz...
Real women want real black nigger Mandingo that will file and sandpaper their pussies very very well!!!!!
If you watch the show you will know that it was Rob Kardashian who convinced Bruce to get his ears pierced. Many straight guys both in an out of entertainment get there brows plucked.
Attention seekers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are pretending!# 4 higher rating 4 their show
Transgender? Does she know what that means? She means transsexual, that git of a woman. Well with Kris she will always denigrate anyone except herself and kids.
Kanye, you are next...watch out! The media hype machine IS still working properly! THE GREMLIN HAS SPOKEN!
shame on this woman... and she expects kendel and kylie to still respect her after this?
I have a lot I want to ask u Linda but let's just forget it,bearing in mind that this is a gossip blog. But just a quick one,how authentic is this ur story or u just jump into Wat any blog abroad reports just to be the first to carry the news in naija. Moreover,star magazine is wack,and of course u know why I said that.
Bitches evn deir mother nawa oo
Star magazine always report the wrong stuffs and lies!!!!!!
But wen he was fuckin her all dis yrs, she ddnt know abi, y ddnt she spoil Rob k's name like dat. Stupid family
This family should rest....we really don't care nymore bout who cross dresses nd stuff, there just camera and limelight whores...psst
Kris kris!!! This woman is a pathetic old hag always wanting things her way.
Issokei o! By the time Kim/Kanye terminates, we won't be surprised to hear 'Reason we broke up; Kanye is gay'. #patientlywaitingalready#
Is that all she has to destroy him? She's a complete mumu.
Kardashian kardashian kardashian u jst can't stop hearin one new thing abt them and dats coz they always wanna get d attention of d media.
this women is Crazy ,thus why people hate kardashians family mmh
I just hate this dashian family,everything about them is stupid.4 d luv of God,kris and Bruce were togeda 4 20yrs nd even if they get divorced,4 the sake of the 20yrs they've been togedaa she shud accord him some. Respect.Everybody has a secret why must she come out and wash Bruce's own in the public.Abeg this kris is jst plain annoying aand irritating
dey re doing all dis bullshit to promote there show, why his she jst exposing him now after 20yrs of there marriage. wo's nxt to divorce 4rm d Kadashian?
Thank you! It was Rob that made him get his ears pierced. Watched it too.
101 dalmatian's evil CRUella deVIL*
U̶̲̥̅̊ got d word out of ma mouth
My thought exactly, anything to sell that dyi g show b of theirs, they don't care who they hurt in the process. Without d show they 'l become irrelevant.
well I'm not surprised ..why won't he want to be a woman when Kris took the pants from him and wore it in the marriage...winch
The term "cross-dressing" denotes an action or a behavior without attributing or implying any specific causes for that behavior. Some people automatically connect cross-dressing behavior to transgender identity or sexual, fetishist, and homosexual behavior, but the term itself does not imply any motives.
That is what you kardashian family has turned the innocent man into...
And this while she was with him with two kids she didnt realize it!!!shame on u,when u were enjoyin d sex with d feminine body you still didnt know...i feel sorry for her.
Huh???dafuk re u blabbing?Nawa *i must. Comment!
She's scandalous! -.-
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to think you linda also thot this was made up by kris ,lol. Now we all know.
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