'Paris is a nightmare now. I lived in a world that no longer exists' - Fashion legend Karl Lagerfeld | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 15 July 2016

'Paris is a nightmare now. I lived in a world that no longer exists' - Fashion legend Karl Lagerfeld

82-year-old Fashion Designer Karl Lagerfeld said this in a recent interview with CNN. The German-born designer who moved to Paris in 1950 to take up his first job under French fashion giant Pierre Balmain and has been at the helm of Chanel since 1983, said
"Paris by night is a nightmare now. It is not a cliché anymore. This is not the most glamorous moment in Paris. I must say, in my whole life I never saw Paris that gloomy. It was another world. There was no feeling of danger, and not even a boy of 16 years old could walk in the street. Things are changing. I have the feeling I lived in a world that no longer exists."


Anonymous said...

Too many African migrants....Tunisia, Algeria,.....too many. Sorry!

Unknown said...

azn eh
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

No place is safe to b now.

Unknown said...

Oh well... It's like endtime already, God help us!

NaijaStore said...


Unknown said...

I agree with him. Linda take note!

OSINANL said...

The whole world is a nightmare cos of these God-forsaken islamists

Unknown said...

Lord Help your people..."lINdA BIKO...

Unknown said...

Awwwwwww i feel ur pain my man.
That is what u get when u allow people that dont eat,wear,share or worship the way u do PARIS IS THE BEST COUNTRY I AM PROUD TO CALL A HOME ONES I VISITED IT.

#sad indeed

Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

He should warn his Germans people because the same fate will befall them in the next 30-50 years to come....If you understand what am saying,you will not ask me why am saying Germans should be warned..about taking too many refugees that they can handle mostly from middle-east.

Anonymous said...

come abuja naa, flexing no dey like before cos people are afraid of bombing, and some people dont see reasons with donald trump

Anonymous said...

Yep. Rather than settle down and blend with the culture in which they have found refuge, they bring the gabbage they fled from.

Anonymous said...

Well thats wat you should expect. Too many islamic migrants

Unknown said...

It's true, I remember when they refuse visa to nigerian and gave to light skin north African just because of our color they discrimate against us..now the whole Paris is turning Islamic nation, may the soul of departed rest in peace.

Unknown said...

Lord help us

Anonymous said...

Muslims causing pains all over

Unknown said...

Wahala everywhere#Lindangwanu#

Anonymous said...

Islam is the new disease.

Anonymous said...

Liberal, Godless EUROPE brought it upon themselves. Sinful freedom that ignored ISLAMIC satanic agenda is merely unfolding . This is a tip of the iceberg. The worse is yet to come. A time of ten trucks and heavily armed men killing and slaughtering will come. Politicians will be massacred en mass. When they would want to call a spade a spade, it will be too late. The Islamists are determined to take over EUROPE and any countries governed by blind leaders. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

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