Judge orders a makeup artist to cover a Neo Nazi's supremacist face tattoos, to prevent Jury bias | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday 29 July 2016

Judge orders a makeup artist to cover a Neo Nazi's supremacist face tattoos, to prevent Jury bias

White supremacist, Bayzle Morgan, is being allowed to cover up his Neo Nazi face tattoos as he goes on trial for armed robbery. Bayzle is being accused of stealing a man's motorcycle at gunpoint in Las Vegas, back in 2013.

District Judge, Richard Scotti, ruled that Morgan's numerous Nazi-themed face tattoos should be covered from the neck up, because prosecutors are concerned that jurors will not give the 24-year-old a fair hearing when they see them.

The robbery suspect has the words 'Most Wanted' inked across his forehead, a 'teardrop tattoo' - which can indicate that the wearer has killed someone or lost a fellow gang member - under his left eye, the phrase 'Baby Nazi' tattooed on his neck, a swastika in a four leaf clover on his cheek, an Iron Cross on the back of his bald head, along with 'skin head' - a reference to Neo Nazis - tattooed where his eyebrows should be.

The court took the unusual decision after a group of potential jurors admitted they could not be fair and impartial after seeing the racist tattoos. According to most of them, certain tattoos like the 'teardrop' signified that the wearer 'did something inappropriate, or did something that was not acceptable to society. Also, the designs would make them nervous in court.

Facing bias from the jury, the judge delayed the trial. 'How is this man supposed to get a fair trial if everybody comes in here and thinks they might be influenced by the tattoos?' he asked. Taking a decision, he ordered that all the suspect's tattoos to be hidden from the jury. Hence, every morning before the trial, a cosmetologist will spend two hours applying makeup to cover up the tattoos.

Source: Mail Online


Unknown said...

Chaiiii n Chaiiii again

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...


~glo rule your world~ cos I do•

Anonymous said...

Would they do this for a black man?

Unknown said...

This is corruption

BREAKING: See What This Frustrated Man Did after He Caught his Wife Doing it With Pastor - Watch Video

LIB REP (中华人民共和国) said...


Chizzy Liz said...

***********************************he ix demented ************wor kinda ugly tacky tatoos ix he wearing ????????????

Chizzy Liz said...

***********************************he ix demented ************wor kinda ugly tacky tatoos ix he wearing ????????????

Unknown said...

Crazy fellow

Alloy Chikezie said...

The tattoos are really crazy.

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Unknown said...

How can someone be this messed up.,sigh

baba said...


NaijaDeltaBabe said...

D makeup artist is d baddest. Shuu!

...merited happiness

Unknown said...

shitty thing

Anonymous said...

Ask dem oo....apes

Unknown said...

Na wa o! Linda take note!

Godson said...

Hmm.covering the tattoo are unfair because he should be made to lay on the bed he laid for himself whether fair or not.racist animal

Unknown said...



Unknown said...


Unknown said...

And u intentionally Messed ur self up like this? Nawaoh

Unknown said...

haha smart
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

Really don't wanna know why people decide to live like this. Will not experience what makes them to IJN.

Anonymous said...

That's the problem with people in this world, we judge people on gave value. You have tattoos, you wear skinny jeans, you wear hijab, you even wear your skin and people will pre-judge you. Prejudice is symptomatic of lack of interest in others, whatever the reason this man has his tattoos, go beyond..."He's messed up" who messed him up? Why, how, when, what can be done to rehabilitate him, how can such circumstances like his, be prevented in the future...is just misunderstood...etc.

You of all people, should know what it feels like to be judged by your appearance, you mustnt perpetuate that same kind of attitude.

Unknown said...

Them get time sha.linda BIKO...

Abbey said...

Tattoo or no tattoo if found guilty he should face the full wrath. How Banky W Heartfelt Feeling Towards A Female Artiste Was Friend Zoned

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm linda BIKO...

Unknown said...

Crack head

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