The Bahamas Ministry of Foreign affairs and Immigration issued a travel warning to its male citizens travelling to the US, especially to those travelling to the cities involved in the shootings of the 2 black males by police officers to use extreme caution when they interact with the Police. Read the full statement below:

Ok oooo
Is well
Linda don't take note!
To be forewarned is to be forearmed. When those meant to protect lives, now take the lives entrusted to them.
Nigeria should do the same but our useless government doesn't care about us.
Don't blame them
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Good move cuz USA is so quick in judging and labeling others, it is her turn to be label according her value of human life.
More countries ar going to follow suit
It is well
...merited happiness
God help us all! Linda take note!
It's hard for them to condemn the cruel activities of their police instead they chose to warn the public without cautioning the police.
... LIB doctor
Hmmmmmmmm ok
Bahamas!!! next destination
make sense... If the US government gives warning to their own citizens visiting some country of possible dangers in that country ... it only makes sense countries warn their citizens too visiting the US of the dangers they are exposed to when they are interacting with the US police
I really like this, treat them like the terrorists they are. The difference is that they are in uniform. its really sad, for a nation that claims to b the most sophisticated, to have police officers behaving like savages with no respect for human lives.
I really like this, treat them like the terrorists they are. The difference is that they are in uniform. its really sad, for a nation that claims to b the most sophisticated, to have police officers behaving like savages with no respect for human lives.
This is what it has come to. USA that was renowned for upholding justice and equity now being seen as a country where the cops have no respect for black lives..pity
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