Reasons and why you should enjoy sleep more, visit the gym less and have your body shaped evenly | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 13 May 2016

Reasons and why you should enjoy sleep more, visit the gym less and have your body shaped evenly

What is liposuction? Liposuctioning is a minimally invasive surgery done to shape the body. Liposuction is a minimal risk procedure which is safe and use in improving and reshaping of the body. Liposuction does not require you spending days after the procedure, you can return to daily activity as soon as you feel comfortable.

The procedure is not a whole day thing, its takes few hours or less and you’re ready to go. Fat removed from one part of the body can be injected to other part where contouring is desired (fat transfer).This same fat can serve as a good substitute for prosthetics breast implants or silicon breast  implant which we noticed  n many especially the colored skin that they are averse to it.
Areas of concern for body sculpturing are the abdomen, thighs, breasts, hips, pubis, buttocks, male breast tissue (gynaecomastia), chin/neck, back of the arms, the love handles, the legs and the forehand.

How we work
In our clinic, we make use of the power assisted liposuction machine (2015 edition Moller) with tumescent technique in liposuction and fat transfer. This technique uses cannula that has a spinning end to break the fat while the fat is being suctioned. In this procedure we use standard markings and incisions less than 5mm to pass the cannula under the skin to the fat layer while the cannula with a spinning end breaks the deep and superficial fats and simultaneously suck the fats.

This technique has been proven to reduce bruising and bleeding, less risk and discomfort. Liposuction is usually done as an outpatient procedure in our properly equipped clinic for localized areas of the body especially when there is no other major procedure to be done. In general, it does not require an overnight hospital stay unless a large volume of fat is being removed or additional procedure is done. Local anesthesia is used in some cases and you may or may not be given a sedative to help you relax. If a large area or volume of fat is being removed, general anesthesia or deep sedation with a local anesthetic may be used.

Our fat transfer is by use of Tulip cannula an American device after careful separation of the fat before transfer is done to request areas of the body e.g. the butt or the face.

Varicose veins are enlarged veins that can be blue, red, or flesh-colored. They often look like cords and appear twisted and bulging. Varicose veins are often found on the thighs, backs of the calves, or the inside of the leg. During pregnancy, varicose veins can form around the vagina and buttocks.

Varicose veins can be caused by weak or damaged valves in the veins. As your leg muscles squeeze, they push blood back to the heart from your lower body against the flow of gravity. Veins have valves that act as one-way flaps to prevent blood from flowing backwards as it moves up your legs. If the valves become weak, blood can leak back into the veins and collect there. (This problem is called venous insufficiency.) When backed-up blood makes the veins bigger, they can become varicose.

1)  Age,
2) Hereditary
3) Hormonal changes. (Puberty, pregnancy, and menopause).
4) Taking birth control pills and other medicines containing estrogen and progesterone also may contribute to the forming of varicose or spider veins.
5) Obesity.
6) Lack of movement- Sitting or standing for a long time may force your veins to work harder to pump blood to your heart. This may be a bigger problem if you sit with your legs bent or crossed.
7) Sun exposure.
Treatments Options
Use of compression garment, sclerosant, Radiofrequency, surgical and laser including endovascular laser are common intervention available. All methods can be used in our clinic after evaluation.

• The treatment takes less than an hour and provides immediate relief of symptoms.
• Immediate return to normal activity with little or no pain. There may be minor soreness or bruising, which can be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers.
• No scars or stitches - because the procedure does not require a surgical incision, just a nick in the skin, about the size of a pencil tip.

Cleft lip and cleft palate are birth defects that occur when a baby’s lip or mouth do not form properly during pregnancy. Together, these birth defects commonly are called “orofacial clefts”. These birth defects happen early during pregnancy. A baby can have a cleft lip, a cleft palate, or both a cleft lip and cleft palate.

This is one of the commonest childhood anomalies. The body during the process of face forming in utero may end up with structural failure appearing as deformities. Children or adult born with this deformity are not nuisance to the society and are normal children and they are as intelligent as any other children born without a defect.
With our smile train partnership we offer free surgery to both children and adult born with the defect involving the lip and the palate. We offer world class reconstructive surgery of this defect.

Stretch marks occur when skin doesn't bounce back after it's been stretched due to pregnancy, rapid weight gain, extreme weight loss, or use of toning and bleaching products. Hence, stretch marks seem to be caused, literally, by stretching of the skin.

Many have been asking how effective, how true can stretch marks be treated. Some even wished the stretch could disappear overnight; the truth is we can assure you best treatment that can rejuvenate and bring back the beauty of your skin.

How We Work
We use the fraxel or fractional laser or simply called the CO2 in the treatment of stretch mark.
With a fraxel or CO2 laser, you are sure of the result of treatment. This laser works on two principles which is removing some layer of the skin involved and also sending heat to the dermis to stimulate more collagen formation.

The first few days will cause reddening and darkening of the area involved with exfoliation and discomfort.
Subsequently there will be total removal of the stretch mark in the involve area because new skin formation and collagen formation in the involved area.

The down time is between 2-4 weeks and you are sure of a clear new skin. This procedure requires multiple sessions especially if they are old stretch mark.

The areas treated with the CO2 laser or fraxel laser might be sore for some days but the skin strength and integrity is restored back in no time. Other functions of the CO2 laser include vaginal tightening, acne scars, post burn scars, keloids, hypertrophic scars, wrinkles, pigment removal, skin resurfacing etc.
There is also option of micro needling, derma brasion and chemical peeling with combine use of medical products to cause new cell renewal and collagen stimulation.

Just in case you’re too far from our clinic and thinking about the distance, do not be discourage, you can place order for some of our products which in fact its effective as you can expect. Just simply combine any of the following products:-Copper Serum, SND Corrector, and Intensive Scar repair with Microneedle Roller.
These products contain medical ingredients that either increases or stimulate collagen formation.
Common complications are: Redness, Pain, Hyperpigmentation, Scarring, Superficial wound.

This is a common skin problem that affects both young and old, either in the active phase or reminiscences stage with scarring of the face, arm, back and shoulder. While it might sound funny from our observation and experience, acne affects teenagers and it is also common in people in their early age. Many adult are also living with the consequence of acne they had in past or the complications from the acne or as a result of products recommended by people or cosmetic shops.

It should be clear that a block or clog of the skin pore will result into acne after the sebaceous gland secretion fails to get to the surface of the skin. In addition there are also organisms in or on the skin that facilitate more oil product with resultant effect of more acne or oil production. A lot of people having active acne, in addition to excess oil secretion, while people look for solution, many problems therefore occur as a result of using all sorts of skin care products.

What can be done?
Understanding of what is good and appropriate for the face is very important. Treatment of the menace starts from visit of specialist doctor or getting the right recommendation of products.
Treatment with a peel ranging from Vitamin A propionate peel, one of our Favourites peel with no downtime. You come in for the peel and you don't peel at all which means you can go home and to work the same hour without any skin flaking after the treatment and the resultant reduction and clearance of the black spots.

Glutathione Skin Whitening Treatment
Glutathione is an antioxidant that helps whiten the skin, synthesize and repair DNA, facilitate the recycling of vitamins C and E and it is made of all-natural amino acids that occur in nature and are beneficial to our bodies. Glutathione can be found in many healthy foods that people eat on a regular basis, some of which are actually considered among the healthiest foods in the world such as asparagus, broccoli, spinach, garlic, raw tomatoes and avocadoes however they won’t actually work to whiten your skin because of low amount gotten from this foods.

Glutathione is commonly taken in pill form or it can also be taken via intravenous injection, though you’ll need to visit your dermatologist to have this procedure done. Glutathione injections are highly effective and as such many dermatologists recommend Glutathione injections because they get 100-percent of the dose into your bloodstream. This antioxidant slows your body’s aging process and helps the body to detoxify. Most people use glutathione in the treatment of skin blemishes such as moles, freckles, uneven skin tone, age spot, skin patches, spots, wrinkles and getting a light skin. Therefore it is the best anti-aging product in the market now. It can also be done in combination with other skin procedures to enhance the effect of the drug.
Women are not only concern about their body; they feel more concern about their Vagina. Some men even categories women based on how wide or loose the vaginal. They seem to forget age, child birth, how frequently they make love to their woman affect the firmness of the vaginal. Some are even opting for caesarian section to reduce this effect. Loose Vagina is one of the most embarrassing problems that can negatively affect a satisfied relationship and vaginal dryness which is extremely uncomfortable and painful during sex may be misinterpreted by your partner as uncaring attitude and lack of interest in sex. Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation is about a one-hour outpatient procedure designed to enhance sexual gratification. While the details of this procedure will be discussed with the Consultant during your consultation, it is important to understand the primary goal of vaginal tightening is to enhance sexual gratification for the patient. This is achieved by reducing the external diameter of the vagina and tightening the internal muscles to a patient’s specifications, thereby increasing friction experienced during intercourse. It also increases the collagen production in the mucous layer in the vagina area leading to more firm introitus.

Botox in Facial Ageing
Botox as it name may sound is not used for the butt but rather to cancel out wrinkles in common areas of the body like the face and the neck. Botulinium toxin injections are used to temporarily paralyze muscle activities in specific areas of the body. Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxin used to make Botox (Allergan) and some other brand names. There’re 7 types of Botulinium toxins, which are: botulinium toxin A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Botulinium toxin A and C are the recommended and widely used Botox.

Mode of Action/How it works
Botox blocks the release of a chemical called acetylcholine which triggers the muscle contractions that create wrinkles. Botox works beneath the skin’s surface and targets the
Underlying muscle activity that causes frown lines and crow’s feet. The needles use in
Administering Botox is so thin and fine that the procedure is often painless. It should only be
Injected with sterile instruments in a doctor's office or a medical spa, not at Botox parties at your
Local nail salon or neighbour's living room. Results are visible within one week after treatment and remain for a minimum of six months and more. Though it could be longer or shorter in duration based on the muscle built ad activity in the specific area of the body. Depending on the extent of treatment, the procedure can take few minutes or more.

• Frown lines between the eyebrows
• Crow's-feet (the lines that fan out from the corners of the eyes)
• Forehead furrows (the horizontal lines that form when you raise your eyebrows)
• Ocular muscle spasms disorder
• Problem with eye coordination
• Severe armpit perspiration (excessive sweating).
• Migraine headaches
• Overactive bladder/ Urinary incontinence

Common Side Effect
Botox cosmetic may cause headache, nausea, flu-like symptoms loss of strength or general
muscle weakness, vision problems, or dizziness after taking Botox cosmetic. If this happens, do
not drive a car, operate machinery, or do other dangerous activities. These side effects usually
resolve within hours or days.

For more details and enquiries, please call the phone numbers below. We will be there to help you.
Powered by Grandville Medical and Laser at 36, Ogunlana drive, Surulere, Lagos., Instagram:@grandvillemedlaser, Facebook: Grandville Med, Twitter:@grandvillelaser, Email:,,
BBM 5C436024 .
Tel: 09091770981, 08120208868        


Unknown said...

Linda mkn money snc 2000
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I want to add fat to my bumbum,can i?

amazin_space said...

But enlargement again? Hmmmm

yawanow said...

One word,"MBA"

KEY-POINT said...


Unknown said...

The same liposuction that killed Stella obasanjo.... #I no want ooo#

Anonymous said...

Yes you can. Welcome to the 21st century

Pretty face said...


Unknown said...

Okk seen

Unknown said...

Okay. .


Anonymous said...

Is this advertorial? If so pls. say so because it can also kill people. Kanye West's mum died doing a tummytuck. It is not for everyone. Dangerous?

Ollie 78 said...

Una don start now!!! Make pipo no die for una hand o!!!

Unknown said...

Issokay seen! Linda take note!

Being Tochi said...

Nigeria is getting there too. ..smh

APPLE said...

I love everything about me. Nigerian women please don't fall for this, you will end up regretting it. LOVE YOURSELVES THE WAY YOU ARE.

Unknown said...

All the pics looks scary.

Lady T. said...

Wahala dey o

Unknown said...

I see, I still think the gym and good diet have no replacement. 😕

Anonymous said...

The title is misleading. This is fantastically corrupt

Unknown said...

All the pics looks scary.

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