Check out this question paper set for a mid-semester test at LAUTECH | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 13 May 2016

Check out this question paper set for a mid-semester test at LAUTECH

According to twitter user @CooldamXbone, a lecturer set this mid semester test for 500 Level Science Laboratory & Technology students in Lautech yesterday. How many students do you think will pass this test? Lol... #TestofPatience!


Unknown said...

😂😂😂😂 wada heck

Dee Tee said...


Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

Lol epic questions

Unknown said...

Lol...this man wicked, he just want to frustrate his students! And under 3mins!many people will fail stil,lol,i for one didn't know most of my course title.. Lol..i just knew i had a class at so so so time..hehe!

Bonita Bislam said...

This is where most NIGERIANS will fail.Patience no dey again for this country.Everyone is wearing a harassed look, no thanks to the economy loool

Anonymous said...

He should have added one more:
Any cancellation on the script attracts negative marking

Anonymous said...

Man on FB Leaks The Photos and video OF Him having SEXX with Girlfriend On His Birthday(download)

Unknown said...


Pakman said...

Dis was giving to my friend in a job interview, it's used to test if you. Can adhere to instructions mainly for safety department test.

Unknown said...

What in the world....Seriously??

Anonymous said...

Trust me you ll be shocked at the percentage that will pass this exams because most Nigerians rarely read instructions not just students. I've written an exam that is quite simple but the instruction is 'write FALSE if the answer is correct and TRUE if the answer is wrong. Guess how many percent of us passed? 15%. My jaw dropped for like 5mins that day.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

WOW, that's epic.


Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

Chaii.. Majority would fail woefully.

Unknown said...

Thats why its a university of technology, d question seem simple but its tactical,only the student would understand.

Anonymous said...

Onyx Godwin, stop embarassing your parents and yourself online. Chinekeee!!! look at the questions again and find out how stupid you are. The answer to the test doesn't include writing the course title and course code.

Choiii, is this how dumb you are? Even in the comfort of where you are, you cannot even see that the question paper contains both the course title and course code incase for fools like you who attend lectures without knowing the course title. Then I wonder how you will know the content of the course, still you call yourself a student. Choiiiiii we are finished in Nigeria.

tobygnite said...

Lautech....Smiles... You guyz haven't seen much... That's y it's a technology institution...everything is technical.....That's ma school!!! 😂😂😂

Anonymous said...

Onyx its obvious that with what you wrote up there,even if you are given the whole day, you are far from passing the exam. Who asked. you to write the course title, moreover you can't see the course title on the question paper?

Unknown said...

Wow...mass failure! #Patience

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

This is a sorry case because many will fail.

Pretty face said...


Unknown said...

Okay ooo.


Unknown said...


olagamalin said...

Did you bother reading at all dont need 3minutes to write your matric number at the top corner.

Anonymous said...

This test has been around for decades in different versions. I'm surprised that this is news on this blog.

Ollie 78 said...

That man is King Solomon incarnate. That is how you know and separate the chaff from the wheat.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Dis can really drive one bonkers. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Hahaha. Funny qst lol

Anonymous said...

Simplest exam ever. Just write your matric number at the upper right hand corner of your script and submit. Of course most idiots won't comprehend.

Anonymous said...

U see u av failed it already
read the instructions carefully
and last one says do only no1&2. Lol

Being Tochi said...

E gO shock u there would be mass failure

Anonymous said...

For those that are very observant and patient will pass.

Course code and course name already on top of the question paper.

quadratic equation. My best topic in maths

Unknown said...

Na to tear new paper asap, write name & matric no. go submit. 😂

Unknown said...

I ve written exam like dis for my uni

adelajadaret said...

Lmfao, d man is Rilly wicked ooh, but majority will still fail


ST. KIZITO BOUTIQUE IG: @stkizitoboutique said...


Unknown said...

I'd be surprised if anyone passed this test. How can one be given 3mins and be expected to read through the whole question b4 answering.. Original brain teaser mehn!!

Anonymous said...

This is really cool and hilarious.

The morale is to pay attention to details and be meticulous. A life skill that will make people excel at work places- which a lot of our new graduates need.

Kudos to the lecturer.

A fun and wise way to impart and impact a life. :)

I for one was tempted to start answering/writing down the instructions before reading through, but I remembered that understanding requirements thoroughly make you know how best to execute tasks. So I read the instructions... which take lesser time and ultimately meant I could finish the 'puzzle/logical quiz' in time allocated.:).

Will try it on my colleagues. heheheh.

Alhassan Almustapha said...

all you need do is write ur name and matric number as instructed in number 2.

Anonymous said...

That means they have just two questions to answer..

Alhassan Almustapha said...

all you need do is write ur name and matric number as instructed in number 2.

Anonymous said...

Sorry just one question

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Lol,see tickets for failure

amakaluvlyG said...

Lol I would have gotten an A cos I read instructions and read through my questions before I even start answering any ? Cos in my year one I got a D in a course I would have gotten and A cos I didn't read instruction.. Lol....#inspired by Linda

Dominic Ohanaka said...

Working in a lab u got to follow instructions carefully. Not a bad one.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

what if i decided to answer question 1 - 9 and neglect question 10...

Anonymous said...

I think the lecturer is building the students for future endevious.
They have to follow instruction before answer question at all time.
That is character building.

joey joe said...

haha, gangster Lecturer.

Unknown said...

True lol*

Unknown said...

Shows how important it is to follow simple instructions i recall i was given something similar at sea school for GUS in 2014

Anonymous said...

Yeaaaa ladokites only

Bee said...

I remember how i got FREE admission into uni immediately i finishd secondary school. The post UME instruction then was 'write one page essay abt the last primary school u attended, do not write ur name on ur answer sheet. Shooo! After burning candle for several weeks reading all subject! I just gave up,wrote one poor essay nd submitted without writing my name on my answer sheet! Na so my name came out for dat year admission merit list,d course i applied for gangan! Whoop whoop. It was later we were told dat d main reason y they ask us to print out a plain sheet frm d uni site after we register was bcus there is a random code at d base of d plain sheet we wrote d essay on, which will link dem to out name. Thk God i followd d instruction. I for write jamb/post jamb taya bcus i was just an average student #unilorin #2006postume #sciencefaculty

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

As naijacious as I am, I will have done 1 to 9 trying to save time.
When I get to 10 I will realise my stupidity. Three options: cancel 3 to 9 and submit rough sheet, run out of time, start over if time left. Which ever "omo don fail ni"

Yetty k said...

I would v passd it

JAO said...

For me, that's incomplete instruction.

Unknown said...

And u failed😛😜😛😜

God Dey?! said...

meanwhile when I took computational physics I had to use programming language to solve problems.. them for give me this kind test. Thats why i love Naija sometimes, teacher know how to help students even though some go still fail this test

Escalante said...

This would get any student #gobe

Anonymous said...

no wonder ibi 3 minutes

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