My tweet using (actresses photo) misunderstood - Chioma Akpotha | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 29 January 2016

My tweet using (actresses photo) misunderstood - Chioma Akpotha

Yesterday, actresses Uche Jombo, Omoni Oboli, Blessing Egbe and Ufoma McDemott clapped back after their colleague Chioma Akpotha shared a photo of them together and wrote "Sometimes...sisters aren't really sisters! #2016MindingMyOwnBusiness"

Reacting today, Chioma said that she meant no harm with the tweet and that she was misunderstood. Her explanation after the cut...


Anonymous said...

I didn't read her tweet as malicious. I read it as she was calling them her sisters. The women jumped in and overreacted like the Bush girls that they are.

Unknown said...

Amasadorial people

joy Egbunu said...

I knew she was misunderstood!

shuga diva said...

We hear u buh who cares?

Olaaliu said...

That one concern them

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

I tot as much.

Eddy Ogbunambala said...


shuga diva said...

Seems is the trending tin now
Is alright!!!!

Unknown said...

OK nice one

Anon said...

If I hear

Unknown said...

I knew it,and the so called "sisters" cldnt even call her to confirm. They just went off the hook. Sisters indeed!

Darrel tom said...

Good tin u ve verify it dear, before that ikom gal @ blessing go transfer her aggression from her almost failed marriage to u. Becareful next tin dear, I know Joblessness can cause so much. But plz anytim u feel like posting something on social media, just go to bed, it helps a lot, before the devil use u. OK bye.

Linda's last son

Darrel tom said...

Good tin u ve verify it dear, before that ikom gal @ blessing go transfer her aggression from her almost failed marriage to u. Becareful next tin dear, I know Joblessness can cause so much. But plz anytim u feel like posting something on social media, just go to bed, it helps a lot, before the devil use u. OK bye.

Linda's last son

Abbie said...

Choi! English language is a bitch mehn! Lmao... And everyone jumped into believing she started a beef! Linda wey kuku need the drama to keep rolling in make business for dey move no waste time to post am here! This is quite funny sha, lol... Next time, read well, assimilate before you reply... I just knew Chioma isn't one to stir up "such drama".

°°Abbie says so via Tecno Camon C8°°

Unknown said...

Lin Lin post Lib giveaway winners nah.

Unknown said...

Chioma should have ignored them.

Anonymous said...

We don hear.

Yemi said...


sex btw 2 ikorodu sec. Schl students on schl premises(download) click here

Unknown said...

Ds her so called sisters messed up.for dem to hav responded.if a frnd writes such thing and u can't place whr its coming frm.dbest u cud hav done was put a call across and ask her wat d mata was.but all of dem wr busy talking nonsense. They jes monkey demselves

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

OK,we don hear.

Anonymous said...

Everyone just want drama - including you Linda. Maybe if Chioma herself was in the pix it wouldn't have been so readily misunderstood.

michael George (the Fulani Prince) said...

Okey. Madam I know u to be cool headed anyway.

Unknown said...

Sincerely, when i first read her tweet i understood that she meant well, but couldn't understand why she was misunderstood. I Was even saying that if she actually didn't mean well, that she didn't say the right thing to make them understand the fact that she wasn't happy with them. To my greatest surprise, it was even her own friends that misunderstood her simple English. Wow.

S L I M M Z said...

I jst knew d outlash was sensless cos no previous beef

SongsOfSUSSAN said...

Chioma darling, people are frustrated with the economy, what do you expect? Are you not in Nigeria? These days even if you smile too much, people might react negatively. Don't blame them.

Anonymous said...

Enter your 1st time here

Unknown said...

Well, let's think of it Sincerely English dey hard sometimes.

Unknown said...

Even Chioma, dis is serious. Linda I think d next case is u

Unknown said...

Misunderstood indeed

Redhot said...

We've become a generation obsessed with finding and minding trouble where there is none.

Dear Linda - even you sef, you have obviously become a "Kilishi retailer" seeking to make sure beef is everywhere.

Dear intellectually-challenged-Nigerian-actresses,Please read properly before you tweet or react. Only Kanye can get away with it.

Unknown said...

Na she know watin she mean...minding my buisness


Ok noted

Anonymous said...

Oloshi Omoni married woman jumping from one man to another I know about all ur escapades I go expose u soon wicked woman.

Unknown said...

Misunderstanding on twitter upanda..

~Make I go drink one bottle of beer~

Okogba said...

Liar...what about the hashtag

Unknown said...

For a second I thought if it that way but she messed it up by writing #MindingMyOwnBusiness so it felt like a beef
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Linda's daughter aka Nwa Linda said...

Awwww e di kwa sure

Unknown said...

Na una sabi ooooo

kemisiwealth said...

Make she dey phrase her talk well.

Unknown said...

In as much as I lyk Chioma, I want to tell her DAT her tweets shows may be they re having problem. so she decided to be on her own. pls don't blame anybody dat misunderstd it cos ur grammer is nt well structured if u really mean otherwise as you replied. *my opinion*

Tefe said...

if she was misunderstood,thenbit is good for her, because now she knows her real friends.

Bawcee said...

He he he. watching

Unknown said...

@Akpotha some readers understand You jawe...

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Chioma you too talk! next time zip it! If you want to make any reference don't use people's pictures especially when you are not really close to them. Apparently, you are not close to them, if you were, they would not have misunderstood you.

Oluwaseuntemi said...

Hmmmmm. pple should take time to read post before they react.

Unknown said...

Imagine all they said to her yesterday...... innocent Chioma. Don't mind them.

Nenyechi said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

My thought yesterday was she didn't mean it in a bad way but her sentence construction put her in trouble.The reaction from the sisters didn't help matters.If there is or was no malice or beef going on their responses should have been different,their responses should have been that of shock.Chioma,next time construct your sentences better.You could have written "sisters are not only sisters by blood".

Anonymous said...

My thought yesterday was she didn't mean it in a bad way but her sentence construction put her in trouble.The reaction from the sisters didn't help matters.If there is or was no malice or beef going on their responses should have been different,their responses should have been that of shock.Chioma,next time construct your sentences better.You could have written "sisters are not only sisters by blood".

Unknown said...

I have always belived in chioma

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

You see...

Unknown said...

The thing sounded somehow.. *linda see me *

Momo said...

Everyone so touchy these days. That is exactly what I figured when I read the tweet, you do not have to be blood to be sisters but everyone stays making up drama & jumping to conclusions. Although her hashtags kinda got you wondering but why so juvenile and hashing out issues for the whole world to see??

Have a dramaful 2016!! :D

chidi akachukwu said...


Unknown said...

U c! And dt foolish Blessin girl tuk it so personal lyk she had bin waitin 2 clap bk @ chioma. Mtchewwwwwwwww

InkDrop said...

why should married women have second thoughts about what was posted.. hmm.. maybe they know what we do not know

Royalbeau said...

Lol she is talking thrash. So what brought about minding my own business if the interpretation she just posted is what she wants us to believe. I think she is just bored.

Unknown said...

Ok noted

Unknown said...

I thought as much cos i know Chioma can't do such thing...


Arsenal said...

A woman of substance.
Your clarification makes lots of sense and quite understandable.
Much love.

Anonymous said...

But how come you added #2016stillmindingmyownbusiness,bekee usuru bu maka ndi na ese okwu!

Unknown said...

Were is dat tweet I use microscope

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

See them....

Enugu's second shoe designer

Demmy said...

D hashtag xpressed her mind.

Unknown said... dem sabi...

Unknown said...

Lol...nnem pls mind your own biz like lindaikeja

Anonymous said...

She's not educated ... Was that the best way she could express that .

Unknown said...

I knew it,cos de chioma I knw is nt a trouble maker...


Anonymous said...

What happened to the normal "friends turn blood or something like that. Na she Cus am

Unknown said...

I swear....real bush girls........"drinking pulpy and Lays chips"

PomPom said...

Thought as much. But it goes to show how these celebrities don't like themselves. Instead of them to call and confirm what she meant, they started vomiting hatred.

Unknown said... time choose your words wisely.

Arewa and beyond matterz said...

Haha,chioma u now knw dat it's only Uche Jombo dat is ur true sister n frnd,bcos she knw u well enuf,dat she handled d case maturedly,but Blessing biko!Chioma is not d cause of ur misfortune,go get a lyf!bcos we dnt even knw u.#minding my biz lyk chioma darling.

pretty face said...

Na wa o. This whole drama. But I just knew she won't be getting at them in public. But for those pair that couldn't look before they leap and started off their insults, so disappointed. It was only Uche Jumbo that acted with maturity.

Unknown said...

First class bush galzzzz....
When i first read dat post/tweet, i didn't see d beef in it dor...

Anonymous said...

There is surely something going on wt dz women. Y? Thank U for d kwenshion. If there was no previous beef or animosity before, they would not all have jumped on Chioma. Some of dz gals r quite refined. Bia, Chioma, just apologise n U all, agbaya et al, should move off social media n sort urselves out. If Chioma so wants to be part of una, just gv am one small waka pass role. She sabi do that part wella. Deemee

...Ma say...NWUNYE EMI

Unknown said...

That tweet would have easily been misunderstood by almost anyone with the tag na.


Anonymous said...

Talk if u want her to connect u to a man. Cheap olosho like u... dee

jasmine said...

She should av just slept instead of tweeting

Unknown said...

Iro nla

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

Okay. Make una settle una fight.


Unknown said...

Pls shut ur dirty mouth.

Unknown said...

Honestly , if to say she no explain Wetin she mean, me sef been no understand the tweet o. ¶ Daddy J ¶

Unknown said...

Well the tweet could easily be understood wrongly.


Unknown said...

Grammatical misunderstanding.


Anonymous said...

Chioma, please, it's JESUS not Jizoz!

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