Is 'Your type' the reason you're still single? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 29 January 2016

Is 'Your type' the reason you're still single?

Who agrees with this life coach?


Olaaliu said...

I do

Unknown said...

I agree sometimes..

Enugu's second shoe designer

Unknown said...

Uche bu akpa! * it's well*

Unknown said...

True Talk!

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Gbam! I concur supported


chidi akachukwu said...

Me I like tall slim curvy ladies...Believe

Anonymous said...

Mmba nu! I disagree to agree with him. Tgif

Anonymous said...

True. I concur

Unknown said...

Very true i've always told pple d same tin

Unknown said...

Correct Man!

Admin said...

...aka.. Lindaikeji'son said

yes....odi owk

Unknown said...

I concur


Anonymous said...

I most certainly do!!

CEO said...

i agree with him tho

Unknown said...

I agree totally

DAUGHTER _ OF _ A _ SOMEBODY... said...

Soooo true if you ask me.


Elizabeth said...

May God forgive me.

Unknown said...

His own thought..

Anonymous said...


TUNEin said...



Aproko Queen said...

So true



Unknown said...


zoranx said...

I go with him...checkout find you type of woman

bimia said...

So so true.

tollyjems said...

I actually do

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

True talk

Unknown said...

Good for you.

Unknown said...

Its not a crime.

sally said...

I totally agree!!!!

sally said...

I totally agree!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My wife and myself love light skinned people! We both dark and happily married!

Anonymous said...

The reason why I'm still single is because I don't know "who's doing me". Two failed marriages under 7years. I don tire. What do men want?

RILWAYNE said...

Girls of now aday prefer rich men no matter d size, shape,height..wowo fat short wit big tummy, as long as you are rich

Unknown said...

Yea .. is so true.Some people won't compromise. My TYPe are tall guys but i can dat any guy who is great

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...

anytime my wife says so she will find her luggage on my doorstep whenever she comes back

Anonymous said...

When preferred is not available, Available should be preferable .

Cookie said...

He should shattap o jare. His opinion doesn't make it true. Everybody is giving relationship advice on the internet cos they know there are many single gullible people out there who are looking for reasons for their singlehood. Looking for explanations. Sometimes there is no reason period, it's just this journey called life. Two people could meet and it works, or not. For no specific reason. Married or single, there are no winners. No awards. Everybody got a cross to bear.

Unknown said...

To some extent.

Anonymous said...

It's possible.

chi said...

True talk

chi said...

True talk

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I agree with them totally.

gold said...

Exactly wen we are waiting for the perfect one we end up missing our true partner n settle for d worst


Anonymous said...

I totally agree. We sometimes have this picture of who and what we want our partners to be, to look like and all that. But the reality is, if you are lucky enough to find exactly what you want, you are indeed lucky, but if you are with someone who treats you just as lovely, and doesn't fit your picture, pls, open your eyes and hearts to reality and let go of them fantasies.

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

Not sure.

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

Not sure.

Unknown said...

True talk, linda post o

Unknown said...

True talk, linda post o

Unknown said...

Type?at this age and moment of unequaled austerity measure...u go tire!


Unknown said...

Linda mkn money snc 2000
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Tee said...

His kinda making a point

Arsenal said...

Ndi asa anwuru be looking for 'your type'

Tee said...

His kinda making a point,love grows

chinoni said...

She fell inlove with your money

Nwa Aba said...

Fool he said sometimes it's the reason why u single that means he knows that it's not always the case. But you had to be a fool and comment smh

Unknown said...

If d guy is resp, issok like dat.becos ur type might evn becom a monster tomorrow

Anonymous said...

My dear its an Error!i refer ur case to Mountain Of Fire and miracles ministries.there is dis programme dey hold every 1st saturday of d is called POWERS MUST CHANGE HANDS.My dear if u attend dis programe ur life will neva remain d same.try it n c.And my other advice is if u ar hot tempered try n calm down.learn to percevie n tolerate tins.cos marriage is not a bed of roses at times av funny attitudes dat are irritating.u learn to bear tins.

Anonymous said...

wat men want is ur obedeience,ur tolerance,ur respect,ur humility and above all ur love n dont lik women dat are too PROUD AND ARROGANT!or NAG.dem go run.

WHO U HELP? said...

Enter your comment...

Anonymous said...

My dear its an Error!i refer ur case to Mountain Of Fire and miracles ministries.there is dis programme dey hold every 1st saturday of d is called POWERS MUST CHANGE HANDS.My dear if u attend dis programe ur life will neva remain d same.try it n c.And my other advice is if u ar hot tempered try n calm down.learn to percevie n tolerate tins.cos marriage is not a bed of roses at times av funny attitudes dat are irritating.u learn to bear tins.

doraDora said...

U dey vex o. U make point sha. #investingForNextGiveaway

sandra edah said...

The man married his type cos she's short , and he's preaching about not marrying our types, men are allowed to be choosy but women can't? Wat nonsense

Unknown said...

Kind of true!

Unknown said...

true,there is sense in his words.

Anonymous said...

I am inviting you to Winners Chapel in Otta come this sunday. That spell must be broken in Jesus name. It's an anointing service,after 21 days of fasting and prayer. Come and receive super breakthrough and thrive in this season.

Unknown said...

A perfect analysis


Anon 6:30 u said it all.... BTW I totally agree

BLUNT said...

I will NEVER compromise marrying a tall, beautiful, slim or relatively slim lady. That's what I want! Will never marry till I get this spec. Don't wanna cheat, so I need to get my type! Been waiting for 3yrs for this. Ready to keep waiting. My advice people: Go for your type,it prevents many troubles.

Otuonye Chidera said...

Linda answer the question


Otuonye Chidera said...




Unknown said...

I can't believe you didn't post my earlier comments. That's why I barely comment. What's the essence of commenting when they are not being posted. So not happy now.


Unknown said...

I agree shaa.mana your wife need to work on h hips biko. All I see is hipaaa!lol#Lindangwanu#

Anonymous said...

my bf wud've preferred if i was shorter and i wud hv preferred if he was taller but i'll pick him 10 times over the tall good-looking, smelly mouth fellow.

Unknown said...

I agree 100%

Anonymous said...

Ok. So all you men expecting small waist big nyash girls should swallow those fantasies and settle for big belly. Medium size yansh. No Nicki minaj or kim k. Settle! Cus thats what im seeing here. This guy is telling us to settle. Hope u men were listening. Women have to deal with your less than perfect bodies so u too have to start settling

Mimi said...


Unknown said...

I do.....

Unknown said...

I really do agree with them

Anonymous said...

gbam!!!!! but i married my type o lol!!!

Unknown said...

Your choice

daarl said...

Linda is your type why you are still single?

Ele Blessing said...

I concur 100%

Unknown said...

Yea am still searching for my type

Gsword said...

So so tru


Unknown said...

Your Bae ass is every man type

Anonymous said...

Yea, Happily married but not in love because your mother chased d love of your life away. U are frustrated dear. D days of that happiness is numbered.

Posh mum said...

Yes true, am light in complexion so my type was dark guys but am married to a fair dude , 11yrs now n still counting

Unknown said...

I concur

ADMIN said...

I am in agreement

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Agreeded! Lol!

dayjahvoo said...

If you like throw away a good thing because it's not "your type"

Tilda said...

Blunt,its not all in d looks. A tall slim girl might end up irritating u so much that her loojs will repel you. No one is saying u should settle for an unattractive woman. If u will cheat,you will cheat even if u have a tall,slimn,light....

Unknown said...

Hmmm, everything depends on the personalities of each partner and how well you both understand each other. To me, one having a successful relationship got nothing to do with the physical appearances of both partners. All the same, we view things differently though

Unknown said...

I agree oooo

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you

seneo said...

I agree

Unknown said...

true to some extent.....
But me I can go wit any1 dat cms ma way provided she ain't ugly or less dan 4.5feet, & she sudnt be chubby.
Wait a minute I Jst made some characteristic. I guess a man can't do wit out choice.

Kere is back!
Who missed me?

Luciana Chinda said...


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