Amber Rose pours her heart out in an article for Time | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 29 January 2016

Amber Rose pours her heart out in an article for Time

In an Op-Ed for Time, Amber Rose poured out her heart like never seen before. She wrote on having to endure the judgement of others and constantly explaining herself. She revealed she has gotten over caring what people think and has chosen instead to just be herself. She wrote the piece a day after her tweet fight with Kanye. Read below...
"Ever since high school, I’ve been called a slut. All the boys were attracted to me—that wasn’t my fault! Then, when I started getting famous, the shaming got even worse.
All these messed up stories came out about me, and I was like, “That’s not true! I’m not that kind of girl!” But even things I had done—things a man would never be judged for—got me lots of hate.

After my ex-husband Wiz Khalifa and I got a divorce, I’d go out for a date at a restaurant like any normal single human and people would say, “Man, she’s such a ho. She’s out at restaurants with guys.” Then they would see my ex-husband with a bunch of women. They would say, “He’s the man! That’s so cool.” So when I went on a date, I’m a whore, and when he’s piling girls in a car, he’s the man? There’s something wrong here.

It wasn’t just men saying these types of things. There were a lot of women saying hateful things to me. I was getting torn down constantly. But in the past year, I’ve just started not caring.
People would actually say things like, “Who would ever love you? You were a stripper. Why are you in relationships?” And I used to feel like I had to explain that maybe it was because I’m a good person.

But I realized that I can’t make everyone believe. And I can’t talk to everyone and tell them who I really am. They’re still going to have their own opinions. If you know me, you love me. If you don’t know me, you might love me, but you might not—and that’s cool. And you know what? Now I sleep like a baby at night.

It wasn’t even that hard to stop caring what other people thought. I wasn’t married, and I didn’t have a boyfriend so I didn’t have to care about anyone else’s feelings or protect anyone’s heart. I thought, “This is my life. This is about me. If you don’t like it, I don’t care. I’m going to do anything and everything I want with my own life.”

What I’ve realized is that, when you care too much, you’re not living at your full potential. When you really stop caring about what people say, that’s when you really start living. It’s such an amazing feeling. It’s about loving who you are, owning who you are and knowing that it’s O.K. to live your life how you want to live it. We’re all human, which means we’re not all perfect. It’s so cool to think that I might help women think about who they want to be and then encourage them to be that person with no remorse. I want to help women just be happy in their own skin.

So please: Before you judge someone—especially another woman—put yourself in her shoes and also look at your past. That’s what a lot of women fail to do. They’re so quick to call another girl names, but it’s like: You know what? There may have been a time where you looked back and said, “I probably shouldn’t have done that.” Does that make you a ho? No, it makes you a human."


Olaaliu said...

Make she go sitdown jare

S L I M M Z said...

Amber d husler

Unknown said...

Wisdom knows when to keep shut...

Unknown said...

Eyah. I feel ur pain

LIB ADDICT#just passing#

Unknown said...

Illiterate talk
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Mofokosobonla said...


Anonymous said...

I just love this lady, can't help it

Unknown said...

Eyah,i feel ur pain

LIB ADDICT#just passing#

Unknown said...



Mofokosobonla said...


Unknown said...

Ok... Heard!

Anonymous said...

Please park

Unknown said...

Awww... poor chic but who cares.

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Awww! It's well Amber

Unknown said...

She still a Hoe.

Unknown said...

Abeg oooo....make she collect it back

Tina Collins said...

Good to knw dat she had stopped carin abt pple wordz.... Pple mouth 👄 can kill...

STERN said...


Unknown said...

So there is sense in dis ya gong head. Nice piece tho


Unknown said...

Shes so right

Unknown said...

Observed, ok good, with all humility and honesty I have feelings for Linda Ikeji and would sincerely wish to meet her in person this year as part of my resolution.

Unknown said...

Ambassadorial babe

Yemi said...

Good for her

sex btw 2 ikorodu sec. Schl students on schl premises(download) click here

Unknown said...

I'm so touched... God bless you Amber Rose. Live your life to the fullest.

Mo said...

Heard this kind of talk before..sounds so cliché but hey..she is human.

Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

Cute smiles

Unknown said...



Becky with the good hair said... touchnig..plp need 2 stp judgin plp witout hearing der stories

Becky with the good hair said... touchnig..plp need 2 stp judgin plp witout hearing der stories

Davido's driver said...

Olosho with feelings

moss said...

Amber said it all love u. Asap

moss said...

Je ko ma hate. We love u. Asap

Nkemy said...

I can truly relate to what she said...some women are full of ish but they don't blink before dissing a fellow woman. Truth of the matter is love Yourself and the one who created you then you can really appreciate who and what you are. As for the badmouthers they can always speak to the ✋🏽

CEO said...

Amber Rose deserves to be happy

Anonymous said...

For once, I agree with everything she said. Live ya freekin life and stop caring what people have to say!

Unknown said...

Shut ur gutters, what is so interesting being a stripper?


We have heard you

Unknown said...

she is right, is a crime to be beautiful!

ben soccer said...

so she get sense like dis ok oh

waje's white teeth

Gamme said...

hmm Nice.

Anonymous said...

But you also called Kim Names when she didn't even talk to you,so what are you talking about,women are their greatest enemies.Go and find sit and sit down.if you truely don't care why the long epistle.Live a better life,cause your lifestyle is actually bad.

Unknown said...

Wow. n look at me thinking she is an iron lady.
Well,deal with it Amber,after all...its a man's world.

Gamme said...

Nice. Girl.

Unknown said...

#Sobs....I just started loving dis lady cos i think she is very cool and might not be as bad or worse some thought she is... Bless Up dear


Unknown said...

Amber darling...I love you too

Unknown said...

So touching! You have said it all

Unknown said...

love the

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Story for the gods..Linda observe carefully

Unknown said...

Very true. Humans are bound to make mistake but we should also learn from it.

bunmi said...


Unknown said...

I love you Amber❤

Unknown said...

I love you Amber

bunmi said...


Anonymous said...

My girl amber

Unknown said...

its sha somehow true sha.... I wont judge anybody tho... if woman follow man na Whore, if man follow Woman, Na Genius.. thats true u cant blame us.. Na so God make us.. d fact is we Guys dont eeally hav Pride or anyfin whatsover at stake buh women hav alot at stake so dont miss it still JUDGE NO QNE.

Unknown said...

Very nice write up,human beings arjudgemental,I wish we can learn to appreciate other people without having to judge them.
Linda you need body guards at the mansion asap.

Unknown said...

Very nice write up,human beings are very judgemental,I wish we can learn to appreciate other people without having to judge them.
Linda you need body guards at the mansion asap.

Unknown said...

Hmm, I guess she Is correct -befor you judge some1, put ursef in the person shoe

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

We don hear. Next abeg.


Unknown said...

I hate wen ppl judge others it's so hypocritical no1 is a saint check ur fucking self!

danex said...

oh..... so touching. i just love her right now.

Anonymous said...

enu pa e.......Your mouth sweet

Anonymous said...

fine woman

pls visit my Blog AdeneGift's Blog

Unknown said...

Good for her

Anonymous said...

True story. Hoe's, get in here!

Anonymous said...

See where celebs make their money. Join them and register at

sparkle said...

Thats right girl, live ur life.

Anonymous said...

old news...............

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

tell us current news abegi.............

Anonymous said...

I luv u no matter what ppl say,

bhaire said...

4 d very first time she is talking like a human being dat has brains

Steady said...


Anonymous said...

So true !!!

Unknown said...

Dat is true

Unknown said...

Let her pour his nose, eyes, ass oo, na she sabi#Lindangwanu#

Anonymous said...

Only a slut will take a job as a stripper. Then you top that by twerking and posting raunchy photos. If it looks like a slut, it's a slut

Unknown said...

She is right I kinda agree with her!!so true.

Unknown said...

That was touching, I had to comment...

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Go amber! Yes, real shit you said there, men do things and aren't judged but a woman would do the same and get criticised. Fuck those days where men had the world, women too have half of the world. Fuck what people say about others, you're not perfect so why judge others? If some people were given chances they would do worse than the people they criticise. fuck peoples judgement!!!!

Unknown said...

Dont mind them.You are your own women.A successful woman.You are not an Ashi...

Anonymous said...

Why should people judge your ex husband when he carries many women? Men and women aint the same. You women have to get that into your head. Solomon was the wisest man on earth and yet he had 700 wives and 300 concubines. Try it as a lady and see. You feel bad when they call you a ho because you fail to realize that you and him aint the same.

Unknown said...

Dress how u want to be addressed, move with good, hardworking people, be decent in your job, wats her occupation?.....she shud just give her life to Christ.

Ukeje Ifeoma said...

Enter your comment...Its only those who ar new on lib or doz dt ar easy to forget events or even doz who got to know Amber rose recently dt would fall 4 dis story. I wander wen a striper becoms inocent.I only agree wit what she said abt d way dey judge ladies.

Anonymous said...

U still a whore... Period.

Anonymous said...

That's nice and a very good way to start a good life, the haters are just jealous of your outstanding achievement in spite of your negative background. (c) ROO

Unknown said...

Hm. Words!

Anonymous said...

Gbamest!..... women are their own worst enemies dear

Anonymous said...

Wow! Cool

lami said...

The world is full of judgemental people , good or bad they will still judge u.

maimuna rosy said...

On your own!

Unknown said...

Good for her

shuga diva said...

Anytin wey u do for this world they must talk whether good or bad.just continue to do the right tin
Dis world can't be fun and interesting without the haters.

Unknown said...

Good one there Amber..didn't know she was this fluent

Unknown said...

She still a Stripper....

assumpta said...

awwww!!! wat a touching piece

Assumpta said...

lindodo pls post my comment oo dis a first one thoo...let me see how it goes.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm heya......

Check out the Nigerian site that functions like Facebook <a href="></a>

Anonymous said...

Way to go Amber. Lets drink to your liberation. #ching#

Unknown said...



Fifi's blog said...


OYAKS said...

Amber rose. Like ur style jo. Attention seeker, although that's how u get famous.

Unknown said...

Wow! Can't believe this woman can say something reasonable like this...I can't imagine how much I hate her before, but for this, I just start liking her if only she's actually saying this from the bottom of her heart and put it into practice!

Unknown said...

Pls... If ur seeing dis linda or if any commenter here know how I can ask a direct question to her... Or can anyone answer dis pls.. Dos linda have any modeling line by the name El model management... Pls.. A friend is asked to pay some amount nd come do a photo shoot... But we want to be sure before she travels to Lagos.. Thanks..

Mzevilicious DahJESUSbarbie said...

Have always love you rose😘😘, but this made me love you more muva...

Unknown said...

True talk... we are all bad @ some point in life, that's y bible says judge not so u will not be judge!

Mzevilicious DahJESUSbarbie said...

Have always love you rose������,but this made me love you more muva

Chiamaka said...

those words are very nice. thats the truth i life u have to live ur life and not live life for others. pple would always talk. nah dem get their mouth.

Unknown said...

There may have been a time where you looked back and said, “I probably shouldn’t have done that.”

Awwww! Amber must be so emotional @ this point! @mauvqueen@strongwoman@so real!! U rock

Unknown said...

One love sister. I feel you. You are so so right. Thank God for the light you see and carry now and for radiating it. This life is once. You are living your own. Live it fully as happily as you can. The talkers are living theirs. Don't be distracted by their noise. We would all die. So live your life fully well to suit your joy and peace. One love sister.

Redhot said...

Goodness!!! what a load of self serving, self pitying drivel!.
This statement right here takes the cake for BS. "It’s so cool to think that I might help women think about who they want to be and then encourage them to be that person with no remorse. I want to help women just be happy in their own skin."

Woman, there will always be consequences for your choices so don't come and start trying to make yourself a role model?? "This is my life. This is about me. If you don’t like it, I don’t care. I’m going to do anything and everything I want with my own life.” abeg park well jare

Rant over. Not as if Amber Rose will even help us appreciate our Naira again. msschheeew..

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

One love sister. I feel you, and agree fully with you. Thank God for the peace you have found and the wisdom that has found you. It is the now and the future that matter. You are a very good and fine creation from God. Don't apologise for it. Love your life in peace and joy. Life is once. Talkers can use their once in a life time to hate and talk or live. You, just go on with your life. Don't allow them push their judgmental insecurities and boredom or drama into your life story. Live. Be. Let them do theirs. It's good the wisdom that has found you.

Unknown said...

One love sister. I feel you. You are so so right. Thank God for the light you see and carry now and for radiating it. This life is once. You are living your own. Live it fully as happily as you can. The talkers are living theirs. Don't be distracted by their noise. We would all die. So live your life fully well to suit your joy and peace. One love sister.

Anonymous said...

Amber hunnay, in my church they say we shuld not judge but camon ur a hoe, even God will tell u dat himself, but I wuld rather patiently wait till u repent and wife u, dan dose girlz with long skirts and no earings even virgins, hunnay u re beautiful and hot all @ once. And 4 sure I wuld be happy wit ur past dan wit hypocrites..

Unknown said...

Hmmm so true Amber

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

nice one amber

Unknown said...

Love you soo much Amber Rose!!! (no homo)

Unknown said...

The last thing I will ever do is to discuss and create opinion on pple life. How they act, how they breathe, dress, all this are just bull shit!! Let pple be. Provided they are kind and not mean, and provided they find happiness in their way if life, biko let them be!!!

Olatee said...

I hear u

Unknown said...

Thumbs up Amber#usaiditall#

bell said...

I don't kwn if I shld feel sorry for her!

pajon said...

Anon said...


michael George (the Fulani Prince) said...

Abeg madam amber we done hear!!!! You nd BLACK CHINA are the same .birds of the same feather flock together.

joyous babe said...

Well said.

kemisiwealth said...

Hmnnnn words on marbles!

Unknown said...


Linda's daughter aka Nwa Linda said...

Good decision don't ever let people hv a say in ur life

Unknown said...


Sisi De'nim said...

I guess it's pretty lonely walking in those shoes on a lonely path.
It's better to just be you.

Unknown said...

Her ish!!!!

Nenyechi said...

Kinda inspiring though

Anonymous said...

So sad it's men's world

InstaMedia COMMUNICATION said...

This is just one example of the best I've gotten from her. This days she inspires me with her witty saying

Unknown said...

True talk dear..I feel ur pains jareee! Just don't mind what they say. Let them say!

chommy said...

True talk. Linda observe!

Unknown said...

Awww well said Amber

tollyjems said...

People nd stupid mentalies

Unknown said...

Nice talk... I LOVE YOU MORE

Anonymous said...

Nice #Maryannjames

i'm not your friend said...

If u watch her slutwalk, u'll know she's not really what people think she is.

Anonymous said...

Hypocrite you call her?I think u the hypocrite for you to say 'even God will let her know she is a hoe' how sure r u about that r u God do u know your way our way is totally different from the ways of God? Pls is u don't like her ur cup of tea leave her alone but it even seems to b that you just as confused on the situation. You will accept her past and criticise her present calling her a hoe u a case of obsession leaving in denial because of illiteracy

Anonymous said...

Hypocrite you call her?I think u the hypocrite for you to say 'even God will let her know she is a hoe' how sure r u about that r u God do u know your way our way is totally different from the ways of God? Pls is u don't like her ur cup of tea leave her alone but it even seems to b that you just as confused on the situation. You will accept her past and criticise her present calling her a hoe u a case of obsession leaving in denial because of illiteracy

gentle said...

Buh u've been expressing Ur extreme joy on countless posts about how blac and amber will destroy the kardasians. So that's not maliciously talking, and forming unwanted opinions about some else's life? I actually thought you were crazy. U need to get checked if you think any1 will get pulled in with this hypocritical comment.

Unknown said...

Awwww so sorry

Anonymous said...

One chance. Don't pay oh!

Unknown said...

Gud to knw..


lizzy said...

If Jesus, called Mary magdalene names, and pushed her away to be stoned to death, would she be annoit Jesus body while in d tomb?.... U see u ought not to cast d sinful away, for we are not perfect, our love could make a sinner repent, not our judging dem.... I love dis lady... For I feel her inner hurt even dou she is trying to act strong, she is still hurting.... So many ladies are worst dan dis lady, but we do knw bout hers cos she is a celeb.... Let's be wise wit words of judge, and always remember d LORD'S PRAYER...

lizzy said...

Aunty linda I'm tired of dis comment n it doesn't go. Ve been trying to comment for d past 1 hour.


Just like women are hardly ever condemned for committing acts of violence towards men, but men lose careers for hitting women. It's just reality and you have to deal with it. There's double standards on both sides.nobody want a slut for a wife... Period. And if you didn't care, you wouldn't be penning essays.


Just like women are hardly ever condemned for committing acts of violence towards men, but men lose careers for hitting women. It's just reality and you have to deal with it. There's double standards on both sides.nobody want a slut for a wife... Period. And if you didn't care, you wouldn't be penning essays.

nenyo said...

N u re fuckin worse, dats ow fools like u go about showing ur bad home training

nenyo said...

N u re fuckin worse, dats ow fools like u go about showing ur bad home training

Unknown said...

Sometimes I wonder why people hate her? Is it because she is a stripper? What abt Kim who did a sex tape? Kim, Amber and Blac where friends when Kanye was dating Amber but he went and marry Kim, as a lady I will be hurt but instead of sympathizing with her people are insulting her. She is a woman who has feelings. So respect her. Kylie collected Blac boyfriend and Kim collected kanye from Amber but no one complained cos they are the reality stars now. Amber dont mind hypocrite just be urself.

Anonymous said...

Shame unto you! "In high school all the boys got attracted to you cos you're beautiful indeed. It because you were to too cheap to them. Ready to give them at any time." Kezaya"

Anonymous said...

You're a shame

Anonymous said...

Is yours any better?

Unknown said...

I love amber

o.o said...

Love this piece and I love Amber too cause what she's saying is absolutely true.

junia said...

I love u @Gentle. Am jst so surprised @every1 saying judging isn't good but they come here 2 judge d Kardashians everyday. You all are hypocrites

Unknown said...

Ooooo..i lov amber

Unknown said...

Choi, dis almost made me cry.. True words Amber

Anonymous said...

I am a guy but I agree with her coz there is a lot of injustices against women in our societies.

Unknown said...

Guy u are making a fool of your self ND you are beginning to be a disgrace to manhood.

Ele Blessing said...

Correct...people should mind their own business already!

Anonymous said...

Your mother!!!

Anonymous said...

You are a fool

papacy putyy said...

What kinda hoe is she,the one for farming? Please you people shld let her rest jare.

Unknown said...

Fuck Off u smelly fuck.

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