Photos: Troops dismantle Boko Haram fuel depot | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday 24 September 2015

Photos: Troops dismantle Boko Haram fuel depot

Following a tip off by well meaning citizens, troops of 3 Division yesterday swooped over and dismantled a Boko Haram fuel dump located at Ladu Dumbawa ward, Guzamala Local Government Area of Borno State. It would be recalled that suspected Boko Haram terrorists had abducted 7 persons in Gajabere and took them to the same location.

Those kidnapped were 3 local wards heads called “Lawani” and their respective deputies, as well as the Chief Imam of the town.

However, through sheer guts and bravery, 3 of them escaped and reported the matter to the security which led to the rescue of the rest and discovery of the well concealed terrorists fuel depot which was also destroyed by troops. The troops have further blocked the terrorists supply route that led to Babangida in Tarmuwa Local Government Area of Yobe State where they mostly get the supplies. Troops are intensifying efforts to identify and neutralise all Boko Haram logistic bases to further constrict the terrorists and hasten their total defeat. Citizens are please requested to furnish the military and security agencies with information on all known terrorsists location, routes, suppliers of fuel, food, clothing and any good or service to the terrorists.

Thank you for your usual cooperation.
Colonel Sani Kukasheka Usman Acting Director Army Public Relations


Unknown said...

Am not surprised at the death in Mecca. How can they say they are stoning the devil. Where have they seen the devil that they want to stone him to death?
If the Islam religion can stone the devil why is all terrorist group in the world coming from them? Why haven't they stoned the devil to death?
If there's a way that religion should be abolished let it be.

Alloy Chikezie said...

Good of them.

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Bonita Bislam said...

BH would soon be history. I'm very very optimistic about that and I'm so much looking for the future.A free northeast.A free north.A free home!


To God be the glory.
The end of boko haram is nigh.
Change is here.


Unknown said...

Boko Haram must go down.

Jules said...

Nice one! Good job...may God continue to fight the battle for y'all

Unknown said...

All Glory be to God Almighty for His Grace. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

All Glory be to God Almighty for His Grace. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

All Glory be to God Almighty for His Grace. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

That's a good one.

liz swt 16 said...

Morale is too high, kudos!

Unknown said...

Thank God for victory.

Unknown said...

There fucking end is near no doubt.....

GALORE said...

Thank God....God will discomfit them in Jesus name


NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Well done guys

Jacob said...

I love this news. It gives me job. Nice Job Nigeria Military, victory is yours

Unknown said...

I kinda doubt this news..naija army will definitely upload photos of those rescued and caught if this were to be off is something they dope at..quote me wrong

Unknown said...

Hmmmm said...

Good job from our great Army well done.... Eloka riche, u re 100% right dear. I bust into laughter wen I saw the post that they where stoning the devil. Lol

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Ignorant has not only made u look stupid but it has made u an idiot. If it was someone dat insulted ur Christian faith how would you feel ode

Unknown said...

Wow! Dis news is so great and lovely to behold all thru d day. I wish our boys all d best and thumbs up to them.

Unknown said...

We give God the glory that those enemies of Islam who call themselves boko haram who are using the name of Islam to carry out their evil act are being put to shame

Unknown said...

Their end is near. God bless our soldiers.


Anonymous said...

Seek and you shall find, stoning the devil is not literal, it has meaning.

Jasmine Joseph said...

That's great news

Jasmine Joseph said...

That's great news

Unknown said...

Nice job kudos to nigeria army Muslim her not terrorist terrorist is scam and is a way of making money for some pple

Unknown said...

GOD is great,boko haram your end is now. TIMILEYIN BLESSING

GR8BABE said...

can u imagine, God at work!!

Unknown said...

I have a dreeeeeeeeeam that very soooooooooooon boko haram will gooooooooooooo down kpatakpata and dat devil leading dem shall be caught and stoned like they are dieing tryin to stone him at meccaaaaaaaaa ...:mmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

What meaning does it have. Dumb brainwashed fools. Ode

ary said...

Who supplies them cos it doesn't fall from heaven.

Anonymous said...

You are just a fool with no sense At All.

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