I have not disowned my children - FFK | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 9 August 2015

I have not disowned my children - FFK

As he posted on Twitter...


Anonymous said...




Unknown said...

Don't mind them ffk...

Anonymous said...

Shut up man, who cares. We all know ur just a sperm donor. I pity your old age, you go cryband your new chick would have left you then.
Not all men are fathers, ur lucky they even gave you the chance to be part of their wedding ceremony when you were not a part of their life.
I pity this man. God is watching you.

Unknown said...

Story for d gods.....

Anonymous said...

Just shut up, man!
By the way don't mess /w that Ibo girl u r tagging along with.


And the second tweet contradicts the first.
Anyway I've learnt how to u look when it comes to FFK, its no longer news he's unwell.


Unknown said...

Keep d original 2 ur self, we r ok wt d fake

Unknown said...

But they "written" something okwaya

Unknown said...

Your palaver!

ujunwa said...

Don't mind them sweetheart

Unknown said...

Poor damage control.

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm. Its well wit them and I wish them all d best. Its well wit their soul's.

Blog It With Olivia said...

Ok heard.


Unknown said...

Poor damage control.
Sick Fuck.

knowurway.com said...

Ok good. But u re a bad father shall

Unknown said...

Your family! Your business sir

Unknown said...

Because he saw the bashing on lib, he decided to change his mouth immediately.

JOYCHY said...

Go and sit down abeg!! I dnt care so I wld read anyfin in ThisdayLive!!! Irresponsible father!!!


***adult content***


Mzz_Mary said...


Anonymous said...

Well that good of him. Whether Hes their real father or not, they r his kids cos he raised them!

Unknown said...

Too much drama

Unknown said...


seyi crown said...

He as not disowned his family....that means he as plan to disowned them later

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Mind Treasures said...

Good for him, i was wondering if the new wife prepared efo riro for him that got into him intoxicated

Anonymous said...

Crazy family!

Meenora said...

This ain't pleasant at all. Please all involved should stop this washing if dirty linen outside. Is it only blood that makes one someone's child?

Juleslouis said...

Nawah! Whoever wrote that is wicked sha.

Unknown said...

Good for him.

Anonymous said...


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Unknown said...

I'm glad you've not.

Anonymous said...

A liar! He is a very sick man!

Fan Emmanuel said...

You don't need to apologise to any one my manest man.Even if you are the one that wrote that i still support your decision. Don't mind the fools spewing rubbish. They are all nonentities. Ndi uchu gbagburu!

*Linda's best friend*

joyous babe said...

So who wrote it? Ok waiting for season 2

Fyna said...

if it is in America They Ll Sue The Person Dat Wrote It But Nigerians Like Ova Lookin Things

Anonymous said...

Backlash is real. Mumu


Fyna said...

Is better @least she didnt break de internet

TRUTH OF FFK said...

Shut your fucking mouth you imbecile.
Did you not retweet that article off your houseboy Deji Adeyanjus tweet? Deji Adeyanju tweeted it and you retweeted.
Typical you,always hiding behind jobless online thugs to do your dirty jobs.
Na your way now.
Did you not?
Was it not on your TL throughout yesterday?
Retarded numbskull!

Shame on you.
You behaved like the typical coward that you are,deleted the tweet and then you come out to tweet crap to save face.
Only because you are ashamed the world has seen you for what you are.
A useless old fool who will die lonely,unloved,shitting on himself while sentenced to a life in a wheelchair.
All you will have going for you to torture you for the rest of your days will be the memories of all your atrocities!!

It is your style.

Yemisi Wada,
That picture you uploaded of the bride and her REAL father Dahiru Wada was a KNOCKOUT!
Na you get Femi Fani-Kayode medicine for hand.
You did not respond to his madness,you just served him one dosage and look at him,he retreats like the coward the world knows he is.

Femi you honestly believe Temi,Tobi amd Tumi care if you disown them?

Bia,"the girls and our mummy"
Some of us love you...

As for you Femi Fani-Kayode,the rain of your shame is still gathering storm...
When it pours....

Bastard man,did one of these girls not try to reach you a few years ago?
Imagine world people and help us judge.
What sort of father would only have Facebook as the point of contact with his children?
One of these stunning girls he "disowned", wrote him a lengthy mail on FB even going as far as saying that they had to contend with interacting with "aunty Chioma" before reaching him.
Ask me who Chioma is
His ex girlfriend he was parading up and down while married to Regina.
Imagine subjecting your kids to such,and having them call Chioma,aunty.
But now is not the time for all that.

Femi Fani-Kayode,please tell the world what your response to your "disowned daughters" email was.
Oloshi ni e Femi!!

This man more or less told her and her sisters to fuck off.

You now come out and disown them!

We can see that you can never be cured of your madness.

LIBERS please go to original article on this blog and read my 9 PART comment exposing this animal called Femi Fani-Kayode
U never hala


Unknown said...

Lol...the drama

Jasmine Joseph said...

This attention seeker, make he go sleep abeg

Jasmine Joseph said...

This attention seeker, make he go sleep abeg

Samuel Elizabeth said...

Na wa. Make dem do d test self

Anonymous said...

But u sure u know nothing about it?common sir stranger wont write shit about ur kids without ur authorization

Unknown said...

hmmmmmm.....like i said before...family affair shud remain in d family nd not social media

Moye says so via BB Passport courtesy LIB...

Unknown said...

What is happening to these people?
Who wrote that term paper I read yesterday?

Unknown said...

RCCG Annual Special Convention Hymn
There is a God, All-Sufficient
To cleanse frm sins,
With His own blood
He can make u whiter than snow
Worthy of my Halleluyah

Halleluyah, All-Sufficient
Halleluyah, 2u my Lord
There is no god lik u my Lord
Worthy of my Halleluyah

Unknown said...

Na u sabi, with your mouth that leaks like a basket

Anonymous said...

This is the only truth i have heard from FFK

Anonymous said...

like I care

Anonymous said...

Utter nonsense...how can he allow any one write such about his own children....

Anonymous said...

Mad Family , y'all need to go beg ya fore fathers

boardmateventures said...

Nice move by a man who is family oriented and would not like his family private issues in public

Unknown said...

ur cup of tea...@ffk

Anonymous said...

I will not put it pass this man to have disowned his kids before.

This is a man, i thought had the mental capacity of an 18 Year old boy, and i had to change it to a 10 year old when he started, listing all the women he had dated/slept with.

This guy reminds me of Peter Pan, the boy child that refuses to grow up.

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Nenelicious said...

Your headache abeg,if u lik disown dem na

Anonymous said...

I thot u didn't know urself again nonsense

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda! I don't like commenting much on family issues. But this man Fani needs to apologises to his daughters. What kind of father is this? I cried most times because my dad is late hence so many challenges I am facing as an unemployed graduate. I admired a lot people who have fathers. But this Fani of father is a no no for me.

Fani! I know You will read this; one advise I have for you, be a man and make peace with your children. I know the pains I passed through everyday as a fatherless girl so I know your daughters too definitely will be passing through a lot of pains. Thank The Lord for their step dad who obviously stood by them as a father. Please seek for peace.

The Lord help you and your daughters.

Rukky from PH

Unknown said...

His cup of coffee jare mtewww!!!

Jay said...

Psycotic FFK. hahahaha. I laugh in Spanish.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Ur business

Unknown said...

Na wa oooo

ary said...

He is not even denying the essay

Anonymous said...

Cocaine and weed na bad mixture. FFK, sorry OOK? take note

Anonymous said...

Cocaine and weed na bad mixture. FFK, sorry OOK? take note

Ɛß♥ИY™ said...

Medicine after death

Anonymous said...

He definitely will cry, playing with his old age. I sorry for this FFK. His father already cursed him, we can all see the reparcaution. This man will die lonely, I hope the Yemisi lady ignores his foolishness and do not grant anyone interview on this issue as we all know FFK is not to be taken serious. God has given him several chances to repent but he will never listen like Pharaoh.
I pity this sperm donor.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Father, do those kids miss him one bit? May the Lord prosper their mum. My dad was not a part of our life and I do not miss him one bit, I thank God for blessing my mum so much and givng her the grace to bear it. FFK is just a sperm donor. I pity his old age

Anonymous said...

E Gbammest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Exactly! He def has something to do with it! Talking about I didn't write but read d original on thisdaylive.. Mumu man! They'll be just fine without u! Enjoy ur bitter life with ur transparent girlfriend

Mr 47 said...

Trust me,U gonna get what's coming for you Femi. Its just a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

As stupid as u are.always abusing Yorubas.I assume u are his igbo girlfriend.anuofia ngbeke

Anonymous said...

some of the idiots dat comment here, are all brainless kids talking rubbish. u all are condemning FFk, but is it ryt for a woman to poison her kids mind against their dad. so mrs wada is a saint abi, fools talking out of ignorance especially u retarded igwe adaobi as regards ur comments d oda day dat d gals r doin well, so? does dat give them d ryt 2 disrespect deir father? i hav a female cousin whom d mum poison her mind against her dad dat cared so much for her, dey abandoned d man and left for d states, some years back. dis ma stupid cousin even got married to a white dude, got pregnant and gave birth without informin d dad of all dis happenings. d dad stil cries up til dis day dat his only child abandoned him. let's say 2morrow dis jezebel of a woman in question comes up wit lies and useless allegations dat d man was a wife beater, dat he didn't take care of ma cousin, something we all are witnesses wen it all happened, d ignorant retarded and biased youths of dis day nigerian, d lyks of brainless igwe adaobi will start ranting rubbish cursing and abusing and innocent man, without knowing d true story. FFK has his own shortcomings, we all as human beings have our faults, i have mine too, but ma holy bible says we should honoured our fathers and mothers so dat our days would be long on earth. so people exemptin mrs wada sld hav a rethink cos she didn't play her role as a prudent woman, she isn't one either. evn if i hav a wayward father or mother, i would stil honor dem no matter wot. o ye youths of nigeria for ow long wld most of d retards amongst u continue being sentimental and baised. yea western enlightenment is cool, but at d same time we sld respect d principles of our forefathers so dat it shall be wel with us both in life and in death. FFk has his own share of d blame, mrs wada has her own share, then the girls have the greater share of the blame becos they are all adults now and sld do what is ryt which is 2 honor their father no matter wot. ma own opinion tho.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7.38pm, God bless u!

Unknown said...

Yeye, his father did not attend his wedding and e did not attend his children's wedding too. Hmmm ur family needs prayer

isa uk said...

U have spoken well my dear.

Anonymous said...

Hes defo retarded. On drugs too.

Anonymous said...

Lol! D fake stinks enough, we dont need to go hear d original shit. Omo eranko jati jati.

Anonymous said...

The poster Truth Of FFK is the embittered Used and DUMPED Tomi Kusamotu and Vivian Agbaza. Why must they hide behind pseudonyms obviously the love for FFK still dey dem body well well. Second base o jare. Shekena.

Unknown said...

Better for him

Unknown said...

Better for him

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