For the past 2years .My husband nags about every little thing this days.He picks on anything I say. To the extent of me not being too free to discuss issues or normal conversations as husband and wife anymore. It all started like a joke. sometimes the thoughts that always comes to my mind is men and their stressful moment,i will just allow him to be. But right now the whole thing is making me go gaga.To put pictures of my friends like celebrating their birthdays or Wedding Anniversary with then via what's up or BB is a case. My own picture, OMG!
We may
experience house of commotion that day.If I makes his breakfast with
toast bread he would say the bread is too cold. I should bring it
straight from the toaster and then to his mouth.If u make it hot he
would be like do u want to kill me before my time.If we go outing with
other families and a conversation is raised I dare not contribute.if I
do when we get home wahala.He will be like are u the only woman there
must u show them that ur educated or exposed.I
hardly talks back at him when ever he's nagging or should I say
shouting?If i do,the next call I would get that day or next is my
parent's calls from different angles even from my younger sister
sometimes,telling them how I have been maltreating him,even cries at the
process while complaining.Can u imagine that! Sometimes I will be like
hun! some men sha....LOL...
shading tears at this moment .U know why?I love my kids so much that I
can't even imagine my life without them by doing something so drastic
that we all might leave to regret.when I try to seat him down and talk
some senses into him,he keeps telling me he's facing a lot of pressure
from his business.But what I doesn't seems to understand is when I
complained to 2 people I believed he's a bit close to, because he's not
the type that hangs out with men rather with women or should I say small
small girls. He doesn't keep friends.He's always on his own but never
at home.They were surprised hearing such from me.They Will start
telling me how he talks so much about me how I reorganized his business
since I started working with him. He stopped me from my previous
business.Because he wants me too close to him, how I takes very good
care of the children despite his absence etc.My dad and my husband's
elder brother keeps telling me that my husband they know can't do
without me.One thing I should known is that he's too jealous to a fault
and sometimes it might be complex.That he's scared of facing me whenever
we have issues that he always thinks he might lose me on the process
that's why he keeps coming to them whenever I try to talk back at him he
believes they are the people I respect so much.And yet at my presence
he never believes I can do anything,infact he makes me feel that am
useless most times.But in all he does not hit me,he can only shout and
I just decided to share this basic
ones with other married women and men out there.I seriously wants to
know if am the only one experiencing this.Because am really losing my
this linda self
You just hv to leave with it. 24C632E3
Fa fa fa fowl
Wow! A bit too much tho
The wife has no other option but to bear the her nagging husband. The question is was he not nagging when they were dating?
All you need do is pray. Prayers will change him. Linda post my comment.
Pele o
You dont have to look out for other homes to plan yours. If you need peace Prayer is the key for all issues. But in relationships or marriage you have to understand what your spouse likes and do it more .He should also do the same. But life will be terrible when no one tries to please the other.
as in serious nawa
such a bratty husband
i'm not married, so i'm not in the best position to advise you
meanwhile, i just watched onyx's video...
*surfboard, surfboard, surfboard*
nice voice sha, although i couldnt help LOLing
No be small wa.
The only thing I c here is the very horrible grammar from an educated woman. Hmm! Ok o! I wish d best along with wisdom. And sisi, pls work on it grammar.
E clear say you marry pyscho oooooooooo. God deliver you and your children but I think you saw the signs and ignored it because of nigerian mentality of getting married whether you are happy or not does not matter. Na you are complaining wetin you cone want us to do na?. My ex bf was like that so I understand.
Hmmmmmmmm strange. Ogopage@yahoo.com
It isn't only u dt is experiencing dis........ There are women seeing much more dan dis u are facing........ My advice is dt u shud do all within ur power 2 make tins work for d both of u........ It's said dt men are d head of d house- sure, bt women are d neck dt turn d Head. Also, women own d keys 2 a successful home, bt only a few kw how to use dis keys........ Put it in prayers & den talk 2 him abt it........ Nt with harsh words........ I rest my case!
Marital life no easy oh!!! #immagold# ogishot84@yahoo.com
Bear it he love u so much, he doesn't want 2 lose u nd always obey him u will enjoy him latter
Tectono you be correct person for that comment. she saw it ignored it now she they cry for who na?
Sorry dear,deal wit it ok
Linda....you for try correct her English small nah
May God intervene to your situation,since he doesn't keep male friend's,it's hard to tell where he learn been nagging from
Hello dear,
First off, I can tell 1- your husband is really possesive and 2- you totally depend on him for all your needs. 3- you have nothing going on for you except your husband and children.
Firstly, you need to sit him down and talk to him as a wife.
Secondly, you need to have other things going on for you. I mean like finding other activities that gives you happiness.
I started learning how to play keyboard in the most trying time of my marriage. I played it for 2 hours everyday and today I am very good at it. Even my spouse is very impressed.
Thirdly, seek self actualization. If you have a b.sc, start seeking for n m.sc.
Go further in life. Make yourself too busy physically and intellectually to be depressed by things like this.
Fourthly,, hit the gym. I have this hunch that you might be over weight. Work out 2-3 times a week. If there is no gym around, please take a walk every evening and make sure ur husband comes with you.
Suggest things that could spice up your marriage such as going to the beach or just having a picnick with the kids. Little things like that really matter.
Lastly, always pray together. Share ur problems together. Never bottle up.
April 30, 2015 will make it my 8th year of marriage. Its not easy but I wouldnt trade my marriage for anything in the world.
Take up this issue to a counsellor or an ederly person in the family where both must be willing to pour out your minds. He must be prepared to face you and discuss what is eating him up.
God is in control
Dis one Na long story I go read am wen i'm fully awake
Jt leave d house 4 him.rosepowell0@gmail.com
endure it for the sake of your chilfdren.in
your next life be careful who you marry
Ur bad grammar is so annoying and u said ur educated, plz which Skl is dt.
My dear,that's the worst that can happen to you,s.imoh@yahoo.com
Buhahaha! Ok @ u. Talks back @ him or you makes breakfast for him.....lotsa lotsa other. Gbagaun here.....gurl take it from me....your grammar pisses him off! Pls stop "contribution" in any conv outside u hear? Lmao! Ka nsoro gi nyuo ogbu!
Prayer changes by R.Kelly for you my dear.
Yup, D only solution is to bear wt him n pray earnestly bcos wit GOD all things are possible. Funmicare55@gmail.com
Linda, you no dey try.
It wouldn't have cost you a think to correct her English.
And Madam, the reason your husband nags is because of your poor grammar.
Go and get the whole of the brighter grammar series and mastering English and study them, then your husband can make you talk in public.
Thank me later.
I never saw that you prayed for once. My dear only God can change your husband. I know what am saying fight this battle on your knees. "The heart of a king(man) is in the hand of the
The best thing to do in dis case is to endure him and pray bcos God holds d heart of all human, HE alone can change him 4 d best
Well this memo is for you Alloy Chikezie. It’s hypocritical of you to be commenting on LINDA’S BLOG with SDK BLOGBOO. I thought you had common sense, hence I defended you when people came after you for winning money on LINDA’S BLOG and posting recharge cards on your new family’s blog. “I said since linda’s blog is an international blog and doesn’t give room for such, that people shouldn’t blame you, coupled with the fact that you won the money and had every right to spend it whichever way you deem fit. I really live above pettiness of which I think Linda does too based on how she ignores insults from people daily, but commenting on Linda’s blog with sdk’s blogboo just because Stella asked you to use it, is very wrong and insensitive. If you were smart enough you would have known that Stella only gave you that name to spite Linda bearing in mind you comment regularly on this blog. How does your conscience prick you, commenting on
LINDA’S BLOG with SDK BLOGBOO knowing fully well that your new found blog boo always look for a little opportunity to jab your monthly giveaway benefactor. Though people say it is not common but Alloy you really need to engage your common sense.
My dear keeop praying for ur hubby one day he will change..rosepowell0@gmail.com
This is serious o.nagging?a man?good for you he doesn't hit you.maybe he needs to see a psychologist cos I don't understand this his nagging traits.For the sake of your kids,try to make your hubby understand and above all,talk to God.
Na wao! i cant condole with that
Have You Counted The Cost
What Will Be Your Testimony?
3 Things That Makes People Cry
Lesson from the prodigal son
Sorry and find another option to be happy
Women see this b4 marriage and after marriage they complain.
Sorry,find something to make your self happy
What can I say? "Some men sha" lol
Hmmmm.Patience nd Pray so tins cn get betr..
Am telling u!!! I was thinking it was typo until d thing became persistent... Short of words o but can't deal or stand a nagging hubby.. Maybe u shld threaten to leave him cos of d shit he does
Wrongest place to share this story.ul get mostly insults here.it annoys me wen I hear pple asking if a woman ddnt see d signs wen dey were dating.some men can pretend to get wat dey want and bsides no one is perfect.il advice u to join adorable mum group on facebook.u will learn a lot
Yea... gladchinyere@gmail.com
na wa o
LinLin, are these are exact words? If yes, I think i know why he doesn't want you to talk in public. Madam, just talk to God about it. What works for mrs. A may not for mrs. B. All you need is that connection with your maker.
Hmmm ur English though,pls work on ur English biko,start from there cos thats why he does nt like u speaking while in public
What a pity
Sit him down & tell him how you feel before the situation get out of hand
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
When a man nags over little things towards his partner,it's a simple fact that women should just accept...the man caught the woman with maybe a bad this he does not expect of her...what I want u to know is that,even if something is bothering him on any other issues apart from his wife,i bet it with u,his wife is the best person he will run to share it with as a loving man she claimed...but when a man seems not sharing personal talks with his wife again,that means the woman have done something silly that he has lost trust and confidence in her...my advise for u is to just check urself,even if u think he did not see u,he might just be looking at u simply bcos of the children u mentioned.
When a man nags over little things towards his partner,it's a simple fact that women should just accept...the man caught the woman with maybe a bad this he does not expect of her...what I want u to know is that,even if something is bothering him on any other issues apart from his wife,i bet it with u,his wife is the best person he will run to share it with as a loving man she claimed...but when a man seems not sharing personal talks with his wife again,that means the woman have done something silly that he has lost trust and confidence in her...my advise for u is to just check urself,even if u think he did not see u,he might just be looking at u simply bcos of the children u mentioned.
My dear marriage is a parcel, you can never know what's in it till you open it. So my dear you have opened yours and that's it. If that is the way he truly is aside business pressure and all Mehn you can't change him you can only adjust and one day he will adjust to yours too #onelovefromSnow#
Terrible something.
The wife should discuss the situation to the husband and settle their problem
two flesh becoming one... never easy. pray, and be patient with him
I don't really know why some men behave like that
Anon 4:36, u re crazy nd mad! Idiot!
It's well.
sorry dear
Take heart
Pray. He needs counseling too. It is well
Linda the least you could have done was polish the english of this 'educated' woman! On the matter at hand, well I don't know how people survive with nagging men/women. As a matter of fact I hate nagging so much, that I can't bear to see it in a person no matter the sex.
I believe your english alone is enough to make him shout!
Hahahahaha. Dont worry marry ur boyfriend/best friend 2day n 2yts time u ll come on dis platform. U r not alone my sister. I ve come to accept it. Its becos dy r intimidated by ur level of reasoning n maturity. Solution: make feel like d boss n he is always right even if he is saying d dumbest tinz even, laugh in ur hrt. Allow him his friends ll correct him. Cos immediately dy get married dey think feom their ego n not head. It is well. No married woman ll say she has not experience some of these complains.
Only if i had to share my own
then you will worship and appreciate urs
Its not easy
am in tears nw
So much for your plenty education with this kain English here.
My dear it's everywhere. Marriage ain't easy. Don't envy anyone married. They all pretend to be happy. Just make yourself happy and the kids, don't let his attitude get to u.
Sweety uv got no problem, tho ds is not nice. All u need do is talk to him wen he's in his happiest moods. If it dosnt wrk, ignore him a lil nd see if he'd com ask u wts up, den u pour out ur mind. Most importantly, pray
stop doing things dat make him nag or shout at u...u know dem all, so it's better u stop OK?
I guess he is insecure telojoorabah@yahoo.com
Too bad for you.
Jst shutup if u cnt be helpful...dummy...ah ah..lin lin plz stop acceptin dis knd of pple's comment..2 d married woman,pray 2 ur father in heaven he knws all u need b4 u ask..ds are challenges of lyf, of marriage...goodluck
I think he might have inferiority complex around you. Maybe you intimidate him in a way and he is scared of losing you. he probably doesn't know a better way of going about this. The first step would be getting him to admit it which is the hardest. Then from there you guys can work on he's attitude and you can reassure him that he doesn't need to go to extremes. SHow him that he's attitude is driving you away instead of keeping you
you can check my blog out and write to me for more relationshiop and general life issues. I answer all my writers and still leave room for comments form my readers www.askralph.blogspot.com
I tweeted this yesterday but the other way round, I don't pray my enemy finds a nagging woman. In other words if u have a nagging wife/husband all u need is patience n prayer n u'd be surprised the mysterious ways God works. BE PATIENT
U and ur man needs psychological counselling. He has a lot of insecurites plus an inferiority complex. U need to see a psychologist. Lest i 4get, ur English needs doctoring. Good luck
Chai! dis grammar na wa ooo.
Ignore him always..he'll get tired
mumu wetin u sabi
Do this, over a period of 1 month, secretly record his outburst using your phone (audio only will do). Then walk up to his people and play it for them and let them know you are afraid for yourself and children because of their son's seeming instability. You need someone to hear you out and believe you in his family.
My dear pray for him and is their is anything you do you know he likes try to do it often then whenever he is shouting don't talk back at him just let him be and since he can't even listen to what you say you can write him a letter tell him how you feel but above all pray that things gets better. Don't worry it is only for a moment
Meanwhile, you really need to work on your grammar as well.
Do not give him that chance at all, file a divorce.
How can a husband hang out with girls instead of men and a wife s very comfortable wt it?me wonders if he would feel same if u hang out wt men. As for his nagging behavior, you knew about it when you guys started dating n maybe you felt it was love. You just have to live wt it sorry o.
Dear Linda... your for read this before posting na... that grammar wan blow person head mean... that's the only thing I see #okbye
men n women are great pretenders during courtship. Na after marriage true colour dey show o. So Pls don't blame her. When u see someone u really want to pin down, u do everything possible to get him or her. When u eventually do, no need for further pretence
Did this lady say in the story that her husband considers her educated and exposed???
The grammatical errors in this story is enough to cause commotion. Since U're not seeking any advice, u just wanted to share ur story. Thanks for sharing... SMH
God help u dear!!!!!Newsondan@gmail.com
My brother/sister...Linda u now behave like the westerners.they never correct a blonder,they cast it instead.And to the issue on ground,the husband is only a local low esteem individual,he runs u down to only feel good about himsel,people like them don't talk bad of u outside-the goodnews,but can frustrate u inside-the bad news. And I wonder how u dint find this b4 marriage,it does not hide,Stop arrangee marriage people.One more thing-instead of keeping it to heart or sharing with us,u should have sat him down in tell him to stop the childish behavior,do that ok,he would bend.(But I hope it's not case of him not trusting your judgments,that would demand you work on improving your self)have a great married life
Ddnt u c d signs wen u wea dating em?nw ur in nd complainin,madam u must stay dat marriage n deal wif ur cross
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
Reading the comments above i now see why Nigerian men behave the way they do.
What fuckery...!!
She's in an emotionally abusive marriage and you people are telling her to make it work..!! From her story i can tell you for free that her husband is dangerous.
Am i the only one that saw the part where he hangs out with small girls but complains when his own wife updates her bbm picture? Or the fact that he doesn't let her speak in public because he's probably afraid that she will outshine him?
The comments really got me upset because i have been a victim of emotional abuse. Very soon, my dear poster, he may transition to serious violence. Take it from me, I've been down this road before. It takes the grace of God to escape in one piece. I'm pretty sure that this same husband has tried to cut off all her friends and relatives. If he hasn't done that already I'd be shocked.
Tell tale signs of a psycho and people are telling her to pray and make her marriage work!! It takes two praying people to make a marriage work o. She wasn't married to him to be his pastor. ( it's the other way round. Read your bible well).
As for those saying she saw the signs while dating, i disagree. As a victim myself, i can tell you for free that some men are just evil and have perfected the craft of pretence. Because when i look back in retrospect, there was no sign to show that he would be emotionally abusive.
It's easier to spot a physically abusive partner than it is to spot an emotionally abusive one.
Thank God i was able to escape intact. It took me years to rebuild my confidence and trust, but God has been faithful.
Let's not be here advising her to pray and what not until she becomes another Titi Arowolo (if i didn't run for my life I'm sure I'd have been dead by now).
Emotional abuse is real and 8 out of 10 times it transitions to serious physical abuse. This man is capable of killing her.
Poster, your husband needs counselling. If he won't go, please find a way to secretly save up money for yourself and your kids. Run as far as you can for as long as possible without contacting your family members that he is always going to report to. Find a confidant, your mum is probably the best option after God.
Sorry for my long epistle, it's just that this story hit a bit too close to home for me.
I wish you all the best.
Most times u truly know ur partner after marriage....lots of character gets hidden during dating...anything dat happens yle dating gets worse during marriage...its possible u saw slight signs buh ignored it or believed he wud change....person nor dey change after marriage oooo....just pray abt it sha..God will intervene
Leave all dem holier than thou talk. My ex husband was like that. I tried to only have 1 child for him. D attitude was madddd! I gave him time to change, no way. This nagging. It gave me a better insight on d bible saying about a man marrying a nagging wife. Nagging is horrible. It will shorten ur life. If he's not changing, leave him so u will have peace! Those that haven't been in this situation won't understand. There was a day I just couldn't stop crying, I actually felt death was better. I was suicidal. Anything that isn't giving u peace, leave it. Now, the peace I have, I can only thank God I had d courage to leave all that behind not minding what people say.
I'm really pissed at some of the comments here. It is obvious the commenters are very young and inexperienced. Yes,this is social media, freedom of speech/comment is allowed but you don't have to show your ignorance to the world.
On the matter at hand, madam, I feel your pain. People handle things differently, it's observes your husband is in a lot of stress thus frustration and maybe depression has set in. From your post it seems inferiority complex and fear of losing you makes him react even more negatively by talking you down or ' not making you feel good about yourself' so that you don't leave him. He has a problem and he desperately knows it. I'm sorry you are going through this and I also feel sorry for your husband because I think he needs help(counselling). That is my opinion, I not a marriage counsellor. I strongly suggest you see a good one( marriage counsellor). You can tune in to 92.3 inspiration fm on saturdays 1-2pm and 7-8pm, Sunday 7-8pm. Call in on the show and talk to Aunt Landa, she is a certified counsellor and is very good at her job. Pls call her, don't wait till your problem gets way over your heads or after you have done something really silly. The earlier you do something positive about it the better the chances of saving your marriage. Also be careful who you go to for advice so that their words don't put you in trouble. I think I have said too much already. All the best.
Na everybody dey date before marriage nawao.
See English sha..smh..Y wont he nag, when you are trying to kill him with grammatical error.
This ur English fa, little wonder he doesn't let u speak in public
Patience, patience, patience nd prayers all time
She should be patient and pray more.
@ david ogbonna u r right my dear d best person u can go to is God, some times we table our problem to people dat will never bring solution to us instead dey keep talking off point. My dear take it to God in prayers, u might hv prayed pls pray more u will hv testimony ijn. Linda pls post my comment tnx
Why are u talkin like a learner? Havnt you seem dat will be blue durin the relationship period and wen u marry dem they will turn red? Most husband dat hit their wives was neva doin so durin d relationship period, so i don't blame her, the husband might hav acted like an angel wen they were datin. It happens wella. So Nne open ur eyes oo, don't judge a man entirely with the way he is treatin u durin the relationship, real colour go show wen u start poppin out the kids.
There is one behavior he didnt like about you,madam you need to stop that behavior your husband is not just nagging.....we men dont just nag
i see myself in ur story becos it is xactly wat i am experiencing. he is ur cross that u must carry and with prayers notin is impossible. the situation is not an easy one at all. i really do feel u.
Nice comment
Its not much of a problem.
There are ways to tame him to an extent,by limiting extensive exchange of words and pray about it.
oga oooo
My dear, you need to see this movie "MR & MRS
Educated Madam?
I pray oh
See your dead grammatical composition.
If truly your husband thinks you are educated, then he must be a stark illiterate.
If truly your husband is a stark illiterate, then it is only normal that his behaviour will be irrational.
If truly his behaviour is irrational, then what kind of advice do you expect us to give you for him, that will work?
She only wanted your advice and not to abuse her English. Ma'am, pls pray and fast for like 3days. Beg God to deliver him cos dts hw devil operates. he likes to put sorrow in a happy home. Aftermath, wake him in d middle of d night n pour ur feelings to him. Tell him u ain't happy wt his behaviour n make him realize u love him sooo much. Tell him all d sweet sweet tins. I Blv he will change.
You talking about grammar! Is that the advise she ask you to give? Nigerians and their horrible mentality. You read her story and you understood it, Didn't you? Ewu!
Sorry pearl_emerald@ymail.com
pele.. marriage sha
it is well with you
No mind linda..how am i sure dis story is even real? See grammatical bullshit.. u want pple to say It's her diction dats making d man behave like a cow yeah? U gotta chill girlfriend, bye!
No mind linda..how am i sure dis story is even real? See grammatical bullshit.. u want pple to say It's her diction dats making d man behave like a cow yeah? U gotta chill girlfriend, bye!
Lord be with you
Stella pls reach me wit 08164016362 or ping me 27AE9AEF
sorry dear, u just bear with him...
na wa o
Lets not dwell on the english ...the message was conveyed. Pray for him. Obviously he loves u
When you guys were in courtship you should have noticed this behavior but you failed to do so, there is no reaction with out an action check your self very well an see if you are really the cause of his actions, tell yourself the truth, an pray for the fruit of the spirit of jehovah upon your home because if you continue like this it will not only affect your marriage it may affect your children's communication skills in life
all these grammatical errors you are using to kill us this morning, daris God oh!!
I think the best thing to do is call on God to help you touch his mind. Prayer is the answer to every problem
God help you to understand him
I can relate with u...Infact I tell hubby that we are supposed to exchange genders- he the female and I the male. I will say my situation is much better now tho' he still needs to improve on the nagging. My advise to u firstly is to pray for him. Also assure him that u're in or marriage to stay and prove to him that he can trust u. He most likely is insecure so u need to boost his confidence in you. One th8ng is for sure...he loves you. He just doesn't know how to show it without over-reacting. I can assure you that in the long run, it will pay off and u'll both enjoy each other. Already enjoying mine; not where I want us to be yet tho' but we're getting there gradually. Pls don't listen to negative advice/comments. Choose to concentrate on the positive.
U wish u all the best.
Ur english is d major problem in ur marriage. Go to grammar sch nd he'd change trust me it works like magic
y sit dere and die dere?
do like d 4 lepers in d bible
sad tale. pray about it
The grammar is enough to make her husband nag her. Choi
My dear you are not the only one.I had to move out with the children cos i couldnt take the psycho behaviour anymore.
What the husband is doing is called manipulation. You should visit a counselor.
Buy quality fashion items. Click on my name
U no get wahala Abeg, pple face worse issues. Find a way to deal with it, for better or for worse
Your hubby is psycho. He is also a witch. lol.
I have dated a man who was more or less semi illiterate he could not read properly or really write at all, even a simple letter, after about six months of verbally harassing me unnecessarily, I told my self the truth that it could not work, the man is not educated period and it would not just work.
I think you need to advise your husband to seek serious psychological evaluation and psychotherapy.
He is emotionally of the kilter, he needs help.
It is not about prayers for most of you ignorant ones, in this part of the world we think everything should be solved by prayers not at all, this is a clear cut case of an emotionally abusive man.
His wife is his wife she is not a professionally trained psychotherapist to help a man who is emotionally five years old,insecure and probably suffering a high dose of inferiority complex and abandonment issues. People are here asking her to put up with his s..t with prayers,it is one thing for her to adjust and live with his crap and it is another thing for him to go get help.
For your information there are christian psychotherapists, pastors only really reel out bible quotations and are not trained psychologists.
My own take
God help u. benotekcomputers@gmail.com
U for put ur pic here so we can see the block head behind this
Is he going through difficult times?it could be the reason he nags even at that its not an excuse to continually vent your anger on your wife.eventually he ll pass it on to the children and start finding fault with them too. prayers might not help,you have to find a way and stand up to him too even if it means screaming at him to let him know how you feel and if it doesnt work leave him... men dont know what they have until they loose it especially when they are taking that person for granted or some oda foolish lady is deceiving them
This is the truth so dear poster...read this well......
You are probably street smart or book smart than hes..
-he showers you love so much outside that close friends n relatives think you are the one with the issue.
its all insecurity and it can be dangerous....jealousy,envy leads to despise....despise can be bad
You should find a way to tell him how you feel without getting screamed at....you know him well and his time of the month
Hmmm I'm in dis wit u oh! But mine is on d basis of not using pictures or display messages that it means I'm telling friends of my private life.
@ukbliss, u are such a bastard, ignorant article of no commercial value, impudent, insolent, idiot. Ur taking note of typos of a heavy hearted woman who is in tears. U must be mad, can u speak or write better? Foolish fowl. Oloshi.
Wat sort of advice is this? Divorce? Just like that? Hell no! Ppl think marriage is some child's play which u run in n out of anyhow. Pls talk to him, pray for him and pray with him. Try to show him more affection. All will be well in Jesus' name
Bernice sweet, u got me there, d commenters in linda's blog are very young indeed, d only thing they see in her write up is her blunders, which is unfair, most educated pple can speak and they can't write, while some can write and they can speak English fluently, we should try as much as possible to help her with advice rather than cuss her out with her English or writeup , rest my case
Madam, I think he is cheating on u. I am very sure u fact. That's why u are no longer able to please him and everything u do is never good enough. But I think he loves u sha cos u are d mother of his children so ur space in his heart is different from those girls he's sleeping with. Just go on ur knees and pray about it sha. Pele. Marriage is not a bed of roses. Make God dey helep us all.
Anon 7.46am, even a half brained fool will see that all those supposed mistakes are typographical error. Smart ASS!
And Anon 9.42am, you self righteous bitch! Yes, her grammar is all I see. Now, run into a brick wall.
Dear LIB reader
First and foremost your language and vocabulary is appalling - I really struggled to read that, however it seems as though your Oga may be going through some kind of mid life crisis. I would wait it out and be patient and hopefully it passes because your family come 1st. Do you both have a spiritual father / mother whom you both look up to?? Yeah ?? Go down that route, it works a treat most times!!
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