According to what she said yesterday, the non-governmental organization will partner with schools, hospitals, Motherless babies homes clinics, therapeutic counsellors, mosques, churches, government ministries, government agencies and well meaning Nigerians and other NGOs, Charity foundations who wants to make positive impact in our country. See pics from the press conference after the cut.
Tonto said she's focusing on giving support to young girls who have been either raped, molested or assaulted and will also cater for pregnant and nursing mothers who have been displaced due to flood and insurgency in some areas in Nigeria.
Good initiative coming from her.
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Good for you Tonto, i love every areas except for the mosque...can you scratch that out pls?
She looks cute. Good idea Hmconcept2000@gmail.com
Nice one Tonto baby #onelovefromSnow#
That's what the country needs @ the moment. "Positive impact" it is well with all of us. Deut 28:1-10. BishopDammy#
@Poko baby
All na to make more money in disguise and gain more popularity. Good one tho
Poko from Tha Lee Temple, DB cover e. Osheaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Very good of her.where did she get people from,they look hungry.
That's a good step towards positive recognition...Though people may not like you now but soon,if you continue in the goodlight,you may achieve more fame than being controversially famous.#thumb up#
Good move, God bleSs Her for dis
All the best to her
Tonto na fine woman i swear.... Niceone gal....
Good child. But will I ever see u dress completely decent?
God bless u so much for this wonderful work u are doing. your pocket will know no lack.
Tonto dike,must u always expose your breasts?or are you looking for husband?
Poko is beautiful when she smile
Tonto fine yellow babe
Is it camera flash or is Tonto albino now? # I still love her sha# ****QUEENMAYA******
Each actress has foundation, I hope they know what they are doing?
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Nice 1
good one tonto, love ur outfit, but I dn't tink I can wear dt pant
she's truly beautiful
Nice one #tonto
Nice one Tonto, congrat!
Nice of her to do something positive.
Nice one tonto
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Something positive.....Nice one
Every1 wants to be relevant...its a good thing dt u want to seem to be helping bt try n focus on a specific group so u don't seem aimless
Go gurl...good of uuuuuu
She looks like a witch
ok na..
Did Tonto actually use the word insurgency in that write up or Linda you are the helping to make her English sound posh.
You and I know that babe can not speak or write proper English to save her life.
Wow, this girl has turned the corner for the best. This actually suits her.
Nice1....cont d gudwork iyanufemi2@gmail.com
Lol. Was wondering why she gave that dude 500k, I knew it was a stunt but I thought she was releasing one of her fakelee jams
I reserve my comment for now...
This is the part I give kudos to d artists amongst all, they have been giving back to d society one way or the other!...this is a huge shame to d politicians care about is themselves...little wonder they crashing one by one
Good for her
Good Moves Re-brand yourself and move forward. Congrats
Weldone girl.
U try joor, e no esy... meanwhile who b dat black guy wey dey feel like actor for ur bck?
When I read Tonto n foundation I almost thought u meant make up foundation. We thank God for her life o
Nice on Tonto... But abeg reduce this ur bleaching sha... u don too white.
O boy keep ur email to ur self... Haba. Giveaway neva pass. Use ur brain jor
That's the GOD in you Tonto. GOD bless you more. # It keeps getting better and better @ www.nemerulez.blogspot.com#
Nice one girl.......
I prefer Tonto. She's real about who she is flaws and all and has a big heart unlike that runs girl, silver spoon wannabee Genevieve forming posh when she's a raz goat.
Tonto Dikeh looks stunning. Her make up looks fleek.
Is poko baby...... #singing #Godmakeyoubigger
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
How very retarded of you. You are very shallow minded.
Am beginning to change my towards this Tonto girl
Nice one anyway
You are a fool, who asked for your opinion. Fucken hypocrite. Its people like you that put wrong ideas into people 's head. Okponu aiye ati orun.
U be bastard.....u that has a PhD in English... Wot has it fetched u...if not wasting d little u have on blogs....to not can feed u and ur useless clan......A graduate of chem engr and an actress.who has spent more than 10 yrs in d movie industry can speak and wtite shey.........go and beg d witches in ur Village to free u....before dey turn u against ursef.....just fan
welldone. Hope it works out well.
See through the facade...
Stepping Stone to Polithieves!
Political moves, more money, better name. Smart gal.
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