Sheneka Adams is a popular Atlanta society girl and owner of S.Adams Hair Collection. She burst onto the scene last week when iCloud leaked her nude photos. Now if you want to see dem nude pics just search her name on Twitter. Some of you men will thank me later..:-). See more pics of her after the cut...
Your body is God's temple
She is beautiful .....
Cick here to see the great benefits of HONEY plus how to Prevent and eliminate UTERINE FIBROID
But Linda why do u keep showing pictures of naked women? What do u want us to do with them? Are u not a Christian???
#lips sealed
leaked ko licked ni.. Taaah!! I can swear that she personally sent those nudes out to 'expand her ministry''
society gal.. Aka glorified ashiii
R breast be like slippers
D breast don prostrate.....
Pretty indeed #bright bravo#
search her name again? she is naked on this ones na
Nice woman
Linda yr own nude dem neva hack am...#ab1
She sabi cook?
Shit happens
Linda is funny, Thank for nude I mad? Huh
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Linda haven't u seen onyx profile picture? Abeg upload am make we cuss am small,him mouth too sharp,nonsense small boy with bad mouth! Upload am oo
@least it's natural
Linda ooooooo.dis is ukwu.she was carefully put together by God himself.hackers mere unu.
Sagging breast
stop copying news from and make it your own news. i have noticed this alot. smh. I like your original stories more.
Nice hips, but her Boobs get low self esteem, e dey look shoe!
Really kul u said dat mur nude pics ere! Tayad of
Its d same thing boobs and ass there's nothing else inside d female body
sweet and slender
Wait! They are still leaking nude pictures?! Thought that was over and done with?!
Damn dis girl got a great pussy....u don't need to spread her legs....Bcos it naturally spread....all u have to do is dive in
Fallen boobs
That body is banging!! Choi!
She is gorgeous.
Killer body
Not to sound too judgmental, but what exactly do you stand for. ??? They should go and check nude pics?? Are you encouraging immorality??
Do you even understand the type of platform you have? Which you can use positively. God would ask you what you used this platform He gave you to do. Stop encouraging nudes and immorality. You are a powerful influence!!! Use it well. If you like you post, if you like, you use am cook soup. Have a rethink!!
I feel like taking those boobs out of those dress and squeezing every juice frm them.. She is so damn hot no doubt....
Olympus has fallen.............
Linda who will tell u thank you.
hmmmm....women n nudity....can't d men show us dia's for once....
Cynthia Tasha.... 7a54154d
WHAT?...Kim's butt can't stand dis one.
What is the moral lesson here? I don't get why you post all this? Is it so all the guys can begin to daydream 'bout ladies with big butt n boobs or what?
But her boobs nor dey equal. Like one is higher than the other
Plastic surgery at work.
Fear catch me I think say nah Adams Oshimole daughter.
# Linda if you like take my comment cook soup no post am#
LInda always acknowledge were you got your story from because some of your readers also visit media takeout
not gud 4 d ministry
Oboi C Figure8, via CocaCola factory Fitted bottle
Me no see any nude for her twitter acct oooo
This is body perfect!
Nude, nude and nude everywhere. I admire her figure anyway.
Dats what I call hawt
She's hot.
Porn star with a body full of Afrodisiacs.
beutiful girl,nice body
Ders notin left to c here jare...we av seen all
mtchewww see her falling intonation breast
Ashawo Atlanta
She's hot! I'm female but I'll go bi with this chick. Nice body!
Beautifl ns sexy
Thank u 4 d info
I ve never hidden my luv 4 God's wonderful creation ( no homo pls), i mean the female sex especially the beautiful n intelligent ones cos as a blessed Gemini, i always find it very difficult 2 settle 4 less, ( prolly y dude stil single ) even though i still got luv 4 the others. That aside, i think Sheneka is build to FUCK. Wish i can have all the beautiful n intelligent women in the World to share great ideas with. Hit me on jamesrare6@. Ops, i think dude's loosin it.
@Vicky Darl. Please show us your 'pointed' breast. Silly Girl!
Ok oo
Y'all be talking about her fallen breast..How do u expect that size of breast to stand without a bra?we pretend like we don't know this only sugery fit make this size stand.#betruthfultoyourselves#
linda,thank you very much.i have seen the nude pics.her toto is,how do i see your own nude pics.
Linda, Thank you!
Jealous bitches who cant rise above the level of pettiness making foolish statement about a 'HUMAN WORK OF ART'.
Madam christian, read ur bible and stop reading linda's blog if it offends you. Hypocrite!!! U make comments on every post aren't u supposed to be reading ur bible or other christian literatures or maybe even praying? Mumu
I hate hypocrites!!!! Linda's blog touches various subjects. politics, fashion, celebrities, sports, erotic stuff etc. this particular topic says "Photos: The body on Sheneka Adams though..." It is left for u to ignore it and check out other topics that contain ur type of stories. But u chose to open this up to view d pics and read up d story behind it. When u buy a news paper, it contains various headlines various stories, erotic, catoons, fashion, sports, politics etc. I hate hypocrites!!! Liars!!! Pretenders!!! Ur worse than a false prophet!!!! I can bet my life that u will also browse the site to see this ladies full nude pics. Burn in hell u vagabond!! Preaching jargons!! Bloody hypocrite!!! Mac10...
Can't you see her logo?
Linda na you write this thing,Lol
Undiluted jealousy and insecurity is a disease and u need medication
Yeah Linda, for the record, your blog used to be one that I could open at the office without fear of being accused visiting pornographic sites.. These days, you seem to focus a lot on semi naked male and female flesh. Please don't turn this great site of yours into a waste yes?
On behalf of all the men, Thank you Linda.
Thank you...
@Anon 3:26 AM. Thank you for telling them. A nice big breast MUST tilt.
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