Speaking from Luzira prison, Jolly Tumuhiirwe told Ugandaonline.net
“My dad in Kabale was very sick and my mom did not have any money. I asked my bosses for some money to send to my dad but they told me that I hadn’t made a month yet and my father was dying, so it kept on haunting me. That is the more reason I referred the anger to the baby but I’m sorry.
"But that madam (Arnella’s mom) is not easy. She used to say that I steal money from the clothes and Eric’s wallet, I eat the babies food…and yet I can’t eat the food, I’m not a baby, those were all lies, so, I was also not happy from my heart.”
“I feel guilty..ok when I was doing it I thought I was disciplining the baby because also the mother sometimes slaps her, I also saw from the mom. The torch I used was small and it’s not hard. I think, I will never do it again”Jolly’s experience of Prison
“It’s not good at all even my fellow prisoners don’t want to associate with me, they want to beat me up. In fact they were saying that I should join them in their rooms, nobody likes me and I’m feeling bad I will never do it again, I ask the world to forgive me and also tell the bosses who have maids to treat them well.”(Pic above: Jolly holds up the top she was wearing when she was beaten by Arnella's father - it has blood stains. I don't think a man should ever hit a woman, but I will make an exception in this case )
1 – 200 of 203 Newer› Newest»I make an exception to this i beg. She deserves all the beating she got from that man. I pray this bastard rots in jail, this nanny can kill.
She's very stupid. All pretense, let her suffer the conciquences for her actions. Foolish human being, there's no excuse at all for what she did. Absolute no excuse
If any woman beats my child I won't beat her. Its not right. Even if she kills d child ill not touch her cos she is a woman
If I hear....... I go kill am with slap. Kick her boobs out of her chest
This one is not a woman. An animal. She sure deserved the hells-out-of-beat from the father. Some would have killed her and be contempt to face the wrought of the law for it.
I empathise with the nanny because the condition of her Dad could be traumatizing. Notwithstanding it is not enough to bully an innocent toddler no matter what her parents must have done. The excuse is not just acceptable and wise. Nakedness is not an excuse to rape a woman, so it is when you transfer aggression. What if the baby dies?
you are lucky. hit my kid and you wont even live to apologise
She doesn't luk beaten!!! I swear she's lucky...so bcos he refused to give u sm money u nau unleashed ur anger on dat small baby,threw her to d ground nd kept marching her!!!God purnish u!!
Linda make a very very big exception.
You ate the baby's food..we saw it in d video,apology not accepted,face d consequence wicked witch!
plz dont apologise nobody wants to hear you, you jt started dey should beat you very well in the prison. and the 15 years is even too small.
God will punish u plzzzz nobody shld 4give her she is a witch
Its unfortunate for her, there is nothing like sorry in the language of the law.
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Her act is grossly unethical but her boss shouldn't have lay his hand on her.
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
a do not accept a beggarly situation after the evil has being done.how about if the baby had died? will you still be sorry?
Heartless girl...oniranu somebody
Babe all this one wey yu dey talk na film trick bcos it wont work and yu must pay for ur sins and in full fool.....
May she rot in hell. That is all
Oohhhh please she should kill herself already. Talking trash. Why should you transfer anger to a helpless baby? Thunder strike her there.
Shw must be jailes and beaten thoroughly by her fellow prisoners. Nonsense.
She never see anything. Na she go use her hand choke herself to death. Ekwensu!
....The torch I used was small and it’s not hard. I think, I will never do it again”.......Witch!
Witch, was your weight also small as you stepped and kicked the poor baby?
You should rot in jail in preparation for part 2 in HELL.
She's a bloody liar that's looking for sympathy. Wasn't she seen eating the baby's food in the video. Bitch you are going to be in prison for a long time!
Rly....u nw feel so sorry...it's better u jst beg straight instead of giving flimsy excuses..smh
This woman is a big liar as the video shows her eating the baby's food. I don't believe she is repentant over the little girl more like she is upset she was caught.
The man has every right to hit the fool 100 times over.. i dont think a normal human being will see the video of his child battered that way and just act like nothing happened.. My husband personally said he would ve committed murder..
Stay in prison abeg! **DION**
God punish u there. U must suffer, u get luck no b my kid,am ready2 give them millions to poison u.
I can see some sense but still u need to pay for what you did
you are very foolosh
no one is an ignorant of the law. you are in for 15years in prison with hard labour. Engr Emy
This was not a man beating a woman, this was man beating an animal. She shouldn't be called a woman. There is no explanation to that act.
They can forgive her after 5 years in prison first, the beating was too severe
See this bastard retard.. U only worked for a month and u want the woman to give u money.. Ur father sef na bastard.. Hey no beat u well sef.. I would have killed u if it was my child... Ugly devil..
See this bastard retard.. U only worked for a month and u want the woman to give u money.. Ur father sef na bastard.. Hey no beat u well sef.. I would have killed u if it was my child... Ugly devil..
Abeg..... death by hanging is too cheap, maybe burning alive sha or stoning to death.... nd is dere soft torch
Abegi! Story for d gods. Nothing on earth justifies what you did to dat lil girl.
She is mental , there is no excuse for her action, what if the baby had died what would have happened, holding up a shirt is nothing, the blood is even small
God punish am there! I hate transfer of aggression and I Hate that she chose to transfer it on an 18 month old baby! I would have killed her if that was my baby
Yes oh linda am with u on dis one. Her excuses are extremely stupid! I will also make an exception in dis case.cause she deserved d beating. Winch maid
With wat u did, u still have the gots to show ur urgly evil face and ask for forgiveness.
u are tryin to justify urself by draging Madam into this right.
wat has wat u did to the innocent baby got to do with how ur boss is treating or has treated u?
if u ar not happy with the way u said they hav treated or treating pack ur bags and go
its not byforce
The world saw u eat the bavies food so stop lying
U are just pure evil hearted wicked maid and there is nothing u can say that wld make the world forgive u woman
pay for the price u deserve worst than wat u ar facing now.
As for the blood on ur tshirt, U are very lucky bcus if that was my child u would hav bn dead by now
rot in jail Witch.
Nice it should be a lesson to everyone.
I am Coonett
She doesn't eat the baby's food, she used a small torch to hit the girl? Didn't we all watch the video? For this girl to keep lying,it simply means she's not remorseful. Wasn't she eating the girl's food in the video? Didn't we see her fling the girl onto hard tiles, stomp on her little body while the girl wailed? She's showing us the blood stained shirt? What I wanted to see was a raw back from flogging with wire. Stupid girl. Even if the mother slaps her, should you do the same? Why take your frustrations out on an innocent little girl? You deserve life in prison. Your video has haunted millions of parents around the world, me inclusive.
That's not enough excuse ..wicked girl
The video shows you are eating the baby's food and also your stomach is an evident shut-up. Are they owing you? . You hate the family out of nothing. You contract is to take care of the baby and they pay your salary. any other thing is a favour and not by force wicked heart.
Shocking confession: girl reveals what she saw on her private part after sex
D blood on d cloth dey small, was expecting her to b blind by now or her two of her front teeth go fall out. If they maltreated u why didn't u leave d house. Lucky u my dear, u hear cos is not my kid u did dat to... i ll just pour acid on ur pu**y n inside ur eye balls.
She is only sorry because she was caught! If she wasn't she do it all over again, everyday until the baby dies. what is the essence of holding the tee shirt, you are lucky the dude , didn't kill you! Abeg serve, you time in jail well well.
Linda I don't understand you, a man should not hit a woman, but a maid can kill a baby, abi? If it was your baby wont you ask your hubby to even kill the maid?
Awww. I feel pity for her a tad bit. Dats d problem wit me, I always feel sorry for d victim even when such victim was a bloody villain. Dat said, I hope we all learn from dis experience and endeavour to treat others as our conscience dictates even when we detest dem
Ah pity her sha..buh she spoke some sense
You don't think a man should ever hit a woman......(idiot), but you as an adult think you has the damn right to kill a child you will rot in jail
forgiving you doesn't mean you won't serve your jail terms,but atleast you that shows you now know the gravity of your actions
GoD will punish u n ur generations. Rot in jail
Kitikpa lachaa gi anya. Didn't we see u eating the child's akamu on the video. Ur just a wicked soul.
The father of the girl did not beat that nanny at all. I swear if it were me, she would be dead by now. This mad nanny deserves to rot in jail for the rest of her life. I could not even bear to watch the video completely, I just broke down crying when she threw the baby from the chair. This woman does not deserve pity, see she is a blatant liar too, saying she cannot eat baby food. ha! devils on the lose.
The father of the girl did not beat that nanny at all. I swear if it were me, she would be dead by now. This mad nanny deserves to rot in jail for the rest of her life. I could not even bear to watch the video completely, I just broke down crying when she threw the baby from the chair. This woman does not deserve pity, see she is a blatant liar too, saying she cannot eat baby food. ha! devils on the lose.
u dey craze for ur head. where is the blood? i assure u to thank ur gods that u didnt do that in Nigeria cus u for no get mouth to beg for forgiveness. Trust Nigerians to put tyre for ur neck and burn u up. Aask God for mercy. There is no justification for what u did young woman.
Apology NOT accepted.She is simple a threat to our society!So because your dad is dying ,you want the young girl to die? Your boss has no obligation to help you and your family =(
Story for the gods.... akuko mike ajara... mtchewwwww
Oh dear! It's not good for a man to hit a woman, I agree but dearie did u watch that your WWE video again? You were angry for not getting funds to save your dad's life and u think taking a defenseless child's life would be a very wonderful replacement! Spend some time in jail ugly witch(Undertaker)! Heard you or whoever wrote this piece of shit for you said your madam is not easy! Hmmmm! Jolly(Undertaker) I can see how easy you are, at least my wife just stopped bringing up the issue of employing a house maid
she's only sorry she got caught. she should ROT in jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not a good reason to treat a bby like that...pleading is not Acpted..face d law..#YMYB
She should rot in hell! Just to tell u that she's a liar and a thief, she said she doesn't eat the baby's food, but in the footage, she was clearly seen eating the baby's food as she was maltreating the poor girl. What sort of discipline can u give a baby by throwing her on the floor and stepping on her... That's absolute bullshit. Uve bn barely in their house for a month, the madam doesn't lay hands on u, wat anger do u claim to transfer to a poor innocent child?
Sentiments!!!!!.....people always want to buy pity. What does battering an 18 months old child have to do with your parents?....and weren't u seen in the video eating the baby's food so what exactly are you saying?? and lets I forget,you are in NO POSITION to ADVICE Parents who have house helps!!!!!.....iwe ji mu here!!!...mtcheew...Daughter of Jezebel
Oh puleaseeee, this girl is evil and should rot in jail.
Nanny witch u deserve to die,u don't have to be tendered any mercy at all 👿 U witch
cmon will u shut up u silly thing.can u imagine the rubbish coming out from this idiot's mouth.u were disciplining which baby,hmmmn this girl is not sorry o
so that is she almost killed the baby and pushed her down like that. a helpless and harmless baby, abeg that was wicked. Good you have realized your mistakes but you will still be punished.
A very big lesson to all d parents. Honestly, I don't know wat d court is still waiting for o
If your bosses ain't treating you right you resign and leave biko and not kill someone's little baby
Story for d gods,u ve done dis nd u shld b severely punished,wat if d child had developed a heart problem wen u were standin on him,or wat if he became deaf wen u gave him dt hot slap,wld "I am sorry ve resolved d problem. Just pay d price, beg God nd d lil child for 4giveness
A very big lesson to all d parents. Honestly, I don't know wat d court is still waiting for o
Doesnt justify what she did.
Jolly ugly bitch, I don't think Arnella's dad gave you the beating you deserve. Trust me you deserve to be battered with a hot knife.
If I were in his shoes, i would have done worse to the maid. Only God knows what i would've done to this maid had it been that my daughter was the one in question, in fact i would've settled the case myself. Nonsense girl
Waco J
No words. I can only hiss at her. *Long hiss*
She does not eat baby food...videos dnt lie raybabs
She does not eat baby food...videos dnt lie raybabs
Stupid girl, so u want to kill her bosses kid cos ur dad is sick??? What stupid reasons she gave...biiig witch
Linda can be a dunce sometimes. What's with men beating women in this issue. Mshew
See ur mouth,,as u were beatin dat innocent girl did ur father get any better??? And as u re in d prison has ur dad died??? U re very wicked and heartless!!!
to er is human
You are even still talking!! Oh God, please punish this woman!
Nawa oh. GOD DEY.
From her comments she is not sorry for what she did. Even in the video she was eating the baby's food. Liar and evil maid.
She is only sorry because she was caught! If she wasn't she do it all over again, everyday until the baby dies. what is the essence of holding the tee shirt, you are lucky the dude , didn't kill you! Abeg serve, you time in jail well well.
If God forbid the girl was gravely injured will she come with all this stories!!! Murderer!!! Witch!!! Ogbanje... you are lucky he didn't break your legs... my father would have beaten you half to death.
She's not serious, Arnella's dad did well.
She wasn't beaten like I expected if not she wouldn't have d legs to walk to the police station to report. Ask God for forgiveness cos u are wicked and evil. There's no justification for ur evil act. Look at how robust u are and u say that u are being maltreated. For u to report at the police station after u were beaten shows that if truly u were maltreated as claimed. U would know what to do to address ur wrong. U deserve to be jailed... D day pple like u will appear before me, I will make sure u don't see d rainbow till u pass ur menopause. Cos one who can't take care of children, shouldn't have them.
Just jeje enter the jail.
Let her rot in hell. Animal.
She says she doesn't eat the baby's food but yet she was caught doing just that when d baby rejected the food. She says the touch handle is small and light then she should come and stand naked let me flog her with it. Why didn't she beat the people that refused to gv her money and not the baby? May she rot in prison. Useless girl.
she is out of her mind. No matter wat is going on with her it doesnt justify what she did to that baby. For there to be an hidden camera means she has been maltreating the baby and her parents has been seeing marks on her body. She deserves to die and rot in hell.....
we all saw her eat the baby's food in the video. what the heck does she mean the mum was lying.
I dont want her to rot in jail , but i need her to stay there for a while.
she is wicked..evil jare.
There is always an excuse for every guilty soul but does it worth it,the answer is No.Thank God she survived it.
I already want to strangle the witch....heartless psycho, she needs help.
I already want to strangle the witch....heartless psycho, she needs help.
Satan ! Nw u want 4giveness is too late! enjoy ur stay over dere!
The man even took it lightly with her. Someone does that to my baby; a baby girl for that matter, I will KILL her before reporting to the police. I'm really disappointed in that statement '...beating a woman' being used in this case.
Again, I repeat, she is lucky!
A baby 'girl' fa?
She deserves no forgiveness, she is sorry coz of what she is going tru
Omg.... I will kill this murderer.Go rot in hell
15years in jail is small life imprisonment, thats a living witch, nonsense and heartless witch. send her to jail.
Linda this Oye ara still get mouth to talk abi? I think say the lil girl papa remove her yeye mouth....devil's pikin...sighs....You'll grow bia bia in jail...
She deserves to be in jail. What if the child had died? She no be baby but the video showed her eating the baby's food! Big liar.
Its a pity this monster share my beautiful name with me..... She's just a pathological liar she was seeing eating the baby food na or was it only me that saw that part? I would do worse if I'm in the man's shoe. I would have deformed the hand and leg she used to beat and kick my baby. Hope she rot in that jail!
But u were eating d baby s food in the video b4 the baby threw up so how is ur madam lying besides it wasn't d first time u beat d baby, it was bruises on d baby dat made d dad set up cameras meaning u ve been on it for a while. U are a very wicked nanny, every one has had one sick relative or d oda. It just wasn't enough. U should go to jail.
Pls I want to know if the baby is still alive.
If na my pikin I go bury her for back of house no police
these are lies and flimsy excuses. devil in disguise. she will never know peace
Hmmmmm. Why do bad people always seek for empathy when they are caught? # it keeps getting better and better @ www.nemerulez.blogspot.com#
This animal isn't remorseful at all...talking about the Mother also slaps the baby. If the apology is sincere why try to implicate someone else with an obvious lie? Besides the video clearly shows her eating the baby's food and she's here saying it's false accusation. This babe should jasi Konga abeg
This animal isn't remorseful at all...talking about the Mother also slaps the baby. If the apology is sincere why try to implicate someone else with an obvious lie? Besides the video clearly shows her eating the baby's food and she's here saying it's false accusation. This babe should jasi Konga abeg
May she rot in jail, I wish her inmates can drive up a rod in her anus! Bastard!
Taking out your frustration on a helpless toddler. Shebi u dey prison wey your mates dey, oyo, lie them on the floor and step on their backs.
Animal, even if d mother disciplines her child, dat gives you no right wot so eva to lay your poverty infected hands on her. You are lucky your boss beat you remain. Plz let the wardens put up the video for the inmates to watch, so the can see the instructions on how to give her 3slaps, fling her on the floor, brake her spinal cord and use a heavy duty touch on her ass, then grab her by one hand nd fling her to d corner. Wat a swine. You are sorry coz you were caught, only God knows how long this is was going on before you where caught. May happiness depart from you life forever.
D nanny is a foolish idiot..so cos her mum slaps u den u wanna kill d baby..if I were to b d parents of dt child I will mak sure u eat dose hands n legs of urs u use in hitting my child..ekwensu..pls dey shld jst sentence her to death wif hard labour
I was too scared to watch the video till I heard that crazy maid had been beaten and arrested. I watched it two days back and honestly can not find an excuse for that behaviour! How? Why? Would a woman do that to a child!!!
Abeg I don't support beating a woman o but meen! This one deserve am. It's in her.
Let her rot in hell joor....
She is a devil, thats all. All this is worthless excuses.
But she was eating d food...or did I not see well. Moreover, they are not responsible for your dad, if they help him,its out of kindness not responsibility.
She said she didn't eat d baby's food bt on the vedio I saw her eating eating the child food wen she refused 2 eat. Liar, rot in jail.
I was too scared to watch the video till I heard that crazy maid had been beaten and arrested. I watched it two days back and honestly can not find an excuse for that behaviour! How? Why? Would a woman do that to a child!!!
Abeg I don't support beating a woman o but meen! This one deserve am. It's in her.
I was too scared to watch the video till I heard that crazy maid had been beaten and arrested. I watched it two days back and honestly can not find an excuse for that behaviour! How? Why? Would a woman do that to a child!!!
Abeg I don't support beating a woman o but meen! This one deserve am. It's in her.
Linda u r sick for taking exception. I pray dey do d same to ur child. If u like dont post my comment
Linda you must be mad for dt comment u knw. What if that was ur child. Rubbish
she is stupiid.
Wiz Khalifa Goes Nudes
Wiz Khalifa Goes Nudes
I'm really gettin scared of dis world
she kicked the baby severally and trampled on her.how is that supposed to be discipline?she shut just shut the fuck up and wait for her judgement.
She is crazy wit this silly excuse. Hmconcept2000@gmail.com
There is no normal human being that can beat a child like. This girl is a beast. The excusses she is giving is just to defend her selfish self. How I wish I can lay my hands on you then I will tell u who it hurts to carry a baby in the womb for 9months. Die in jail. Idoit
Anon 3:05 at first i was confused, thinking you are in support of the maid's callousness,but i rolled on the floor laughing after reading your last sentence. The evil nanny deserve to rot in jail.
She should be served due punishment. Shikena!
Eyah, next time dont beat up another mans daughter, i hope u enjoy ur prison time.
She claimed she doesn't eat the babys food,This I am sure I saw from the video, she was eating d baby's food afta slapping her.. I Hope God will forgive u!
Hahahahaha. I was wondering o till I saw ur last statement. Lmfao
Idiot! So u ll kill the child because ur madam was harsh on u? May u rot foreva in jail. D girl's father didnt try o. He should av put u in a coma b4 sending u to prison
Gosh! This is how people fail exams by not reading completely. She added that she makes an exception in a case like this...smh!
Lol! You no well, I wan fear o..
Exactly ooo my dear!!
It's ur type dt participates in mob action/jungle justice...deres no need to kill her,she was thoroughly beaten and she got 15yrs plus what awaits her in jail,she got wht she deserves,no need having her blood on ur hands
Why can't u read?if u won't read a post till d end don't don't start reading it @all...a little learning is indeed dangerous
Lmao @ Kitikpa lachaa gi anya haha easy oh
She is a bloody liar did it not even show in d video dat she eats d baby's food plus ow would she say d torch is soft is the whole weight she put on that girl soft ow would she call throwing and an 18 month old from d chair to the flow and kick her so hard on her face discipline......may God punish her and may she die a slow and painful death ijn amen
For the first time in my life I feel no pity for a fellow human, God help me
Ya ya, serve your time bitch!
Infact the dad should have killed her.
Thank u oo, linda a man should not hit a woman abi dis is def an exceptional case this lady should live in the jungle with animals.
Abi ooo wicked soul she is jo she shld rot and die in prison
Very true. Shee waas caught on camera.. ole jatijati. Ajefood
Pls someone shd give her kill n dry on my behalf.
Linda I beg get real, which one is a man shouldn't hit a woman, are you kidding me? If Na your pickin will u call her a woman, abi what are you trying to form here? Please don't let people leave the evil witch and descend on you instead.
Wow the girl is worse than the devil...is that blackmail on the Childs parents I see there,blood of God!!....she should get double of what ever she gets...u don't eat baby food but you obviously did in the video.after you are condemned here,you surely will be condemned in heaven.Linda this girl is not just a witch,she is a leader
Look at this wicked witch....." You are sorry you won't do it again".......In whose house now? In your house or another persons house...?who will employ you...you are doomed for life, just come out of prison and suffer for life! You are lucky, I would have given you everlasting marks on your face...as I can see your face is still smooth!
What is this one saying?
U r so stupid to say this!!!U prolly don't know wat it means to have a child& some beast of a nanny beats d hell out of d innocent toddler in d callous way she did! She would hav killed her if not for God on d lil girl's side,or was it anoda video u watched???u r pathetic!smh
I thk d fada of d child is naturally kind. D wicked witch is still lookin fresh wetin stop him frm removing d devil's teeth,
this lady is possess by evil spirit.. the way she throw the baby on the floor baffles me
Foolish gal...wil u shut up nd ve fun wit ur cell mates...useless tin..
Smh..which sense?? Wasnt she seen eating the baby's food in the video??? Why shd she get paid when the month hasn't yet ended????....The girl is heartless, and was out to kill the poor child....stepping on a child with all that weight...Jeez..i can't deal
God punish her......let her fellow cell mate kill her.......Devil..
Same fin on my mind+the part she denied eatin the baby's food! Omg @The torch I used was small and it’s not hard. I think, I will never do it again” I feel like piercing a knife through her stupid mouth. Video is jst an eye opener, most maids r like this
It's only God dt can 4give her..... cos we humans I dnt tink we can... wat rubbish... maids shaaa.. cos u were nt given money u beat up a child like dt nd hve d guts 2still b sayn her mum used 2slap u... may God 4give u ooo cos clearly u r still nt apologetic..
Don't tell us u sorry, cos u not. Mumu when we know u are only sorry u got u got caught.
Okay Dats all. If I add join Wetin I don wrrite, na death u go die, no be only die, Yeye fowl.
shes been beaten, seriously what she did was horrible but I don't think a jail sentence is what she needs; someone like her will come out from jail with more demons. She need JESUS and counselling
She is am in poster
She will so rot in jail,look at her wicked face
You are a damn liar, you were eating the baby's food right in the video. This is all pretense, i suggest and additional 5 years imprisonment for this.
Wicked nanny. Instead of being sorry and apologizing from ur heart, u are there justifying ur actions and painting ur bosses black. U r a devil. May u rot in hell devil incarnate. May u be raped and beaten to death as soon as u enter d prison.
Gbam..waz expecting to see a shirt turned pure red with blood.. and am seeing this drops n she has mouth to even say "that woman sef" kai i feel like getting her
No mind her.. Ode
Bia shine shine ..e be like say u no shine ur eyes well b4 this comment.. so if that was even ur niece u no go break that gal bones? Abeg go and shine eyes n come back.. mcheeeww
My dear anonymous Linda should never hv added i dont think a man should beat a woman in this case at all.. that line is so annoying in this issue.
Lmao as in eeehhhh i wish i can
I wonder ooooo.. hiannnn so now favour is by fire by force when you dont kno how many problems they ve got on their own coz they didnt tell her..
Come Linda na u dey use anonymous dey attack pple wey mention ur name.. take time ooo... that line "a man should not hit a woman" nobody wanted to read it in this particular case.. i finished ur post and am still mad at that particular line plz
No she has mouth to say dat madam sef.. if to say all her teeth comot she for no dey talk now.. anu mpam... ihe ka kitikpa rachaaa pu ya anya
Lmao.. lol well said
Liar liar, she was caught eating the food, beating the baby with the biggest torch light, the story about her employers obviously made up. Let her rot in jail.
Dear lady Biko we have heard your plea but you will still go serve your term ok?
For those of us that employ these girls, lets be mindful of how we treat them ooooo we no get CCTV camera for our houses for niaja oooo
For the man wey carry vex wan kill dis quilty helper, pls violence against women is highly not acceptable, as a woman I no fancy that act ooo. Report me go police abeg
We have to forgive her! Yes she would be punished for her actions but we still need to forgive her as God forgives us all... It's hard but for Gods sake...
People are funny sha, Linda said she takes an exception to this case, meaning she doesn't usally like the idea of men beating ladies BUT in this case it was allowed. That is the meaning for those of you who failed English in school, u know yourself. Always so quick to comment without reading properly, smh.
People are funny sha, Linda said she takes an exception to it meaning she doesn't usually like the idea of men beating ladies BUT in this case it was allowed. For those of you that failed English in school, you know yourself. Always so quick to comment without reading properly, smh
Abi ooo.i just cldnt watch d videi..my 3 yr old son was right beside me dt day n i just drew him closer..This anumal pulled dt baby from the chair into her own vomit,and stood on her back with the whole of her weight..God will judge dt girl oo..pls her felliw inmates shd deal wt her seriously n the heaviest among them shd stand on her back..WITCH
The animal called 'nanny' said she didn't eat the baby's food, she forgot we saw that vividly in the video. She claims she made light touches on the baby, she forgot many still shed tears when they watch how cruelly she beat up dat innocent, helpless baby. Better settle your scores with God first...
Wait ooh. .unless she wants to convince me der were 2 identical plates n d camera skipped one in d video?!Unfortunately Ekwensu Jolly, cameras don't know how to lie! Ur a heartless, disgusting waste of human space....n to evn fink ur a woman *longhiss* God have mercy!
Apology not accepted. Go rot in jail cos you deserve no life. Anu mpama ...
The way God will do you ehnn no be small. When my friend and i watched that horrific video i was awestruck and my friend broke down in tears. We are just a bunch 14 year olds but we could feel the pain of what that child felt. I am completely annoyed of the stupid excuse that she gave , she can as well rot in hell because that is just child abuse!!!!!!!**GBUGSBUNNY*
god willpunish will punish you. god is watching you and ur on earth is numbered u devilina death is on your door.i will ur eyes and cut your breast and tell me hw u feel after i burn ur dead body.
devillina y u dey lialia? hell fire ur 2nd home prison ur 1st home.ur papa no go know u when u waka come after the 15 yrs. devils wife, jezebel. **P**
Mercy truimphs over judgement
Typical case of "write first, think later". Sometimes also, understanding English language is the real problem.
She's only running her mouth, she must Rot in Jail
She's only running her mouth, she must Rot in Jail
U are definitely not fit to be a father!!! U seem like the kind of man that will abuse his own kids
You mean this THING still lives?!!!! Yikes she is WITCH i swear if she did that to my baby i would have BBQ her alive mxiuuuu.
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