Found this article titled
'Each time a man connects with a woman sexually
and releases his life form energy within her, he leaves a part of his
information (DNA) in her birth canal" on
BlackSupremacy, and thought to share. Read below and tell us if you agree with the writer's school of thoughts...
Each time a man connects with a woman sexually and releases his life
form energy within her, he leaves a part of his information (DNA) in her
birth canal. If she doesn’t clean herself, his energy remain inside of
her. That imprint can often create illusion sexual addiction to the

When some one decide to have multiple partners, it can sometimes send
mixed emotional signals within the inside of the body’s vibration
system. Women must be careful of different energies or spiritual forces
polluting their internal temple. You are a sacred doorway, where life is
intended to pass through, respect yourself, use your gifts wisely!
Just think about it and ask yourself… Ever wonder why they call it
sexual intercourse (INTER-Course)? It’s an internal course that unites
man and woman, mind with mind, spirit with spirit, or energy with
energy. This is something that a condom can’t protect you against
because energy is behind the elements of all flesh.
There is no such thing as “casual” sex or “friends with benefits”.
No, No, No, I Don’t Think So!!! Intimate activity intricately entwines
the energies between two people. Sex creates a powerful exchange of
energy between those involved. These connections, imprints and debris
are left upon the mind, soul and spirit for a long time because they are
not easily purged or cleansed.
Casual sex’ with multiple partners can intertwine the energies and
spirits of a lot of people into your own aura if they are not severed
and cleansed. You become joined to every person with whom your partner
has slept, as well as all the partners those people had.
This type of “soul clutter” can be felt by your partner’s
subconscious. Even if they are not completely in tune or aware of the
extra-curricular sexual activities, they still are able to sense the
subtle disturbances of multiple energies and/or familiar spirits that
have entered causing restlessness and inner turmoil.
The longer and more intimate the contact with another person, the
more powerful the reinforcement and the interaction of the bond becomes,
and all the more difficult it is for them to untangle and leave.
Soul stains, transference of odors, perceptive connections and even
mutually formed habits are now left to burden the psyche long after that
relationship has ended.
~use your conjuring powers wisely in every aspect of your life. Sexual energy is sacred~
What do you guys think?
Lol. Omg . Wow
So true, love making is like a covenant.
When we make love we taste each others souls. Its more than the physical 10mins action.
Our bodies are the dwelling place of spirits,in love making these spirits meet.
Sounds like a Voodoo write up wt all it's philosophical terminologies. Would've been more appealing if based on Health Research Hypothesis.
Now this is some scary shit
But does nt apply to me tho
Oya all the oloshos in the house start arguing
#Use your conjuring power wisely! That got me lmfao. Its real though.
Ashawo go get enough energy to compete against Nepa if it was true
True talk
So truEeeee
Poor Bow Wow! Na legion follow am now
And gullible Nigerians will believe dis... Mtchwwww
Abege, na lie. We are all connected then. I don't believe this thing at all.
Don't know
It's called love making,not soul or spirit making!! Must spirituality be attached to everything! Ur two cents is foolish abeg
DOn't know...but that's definitely not what intercourse means....the word inter-course
inter means "between two different"..or basically "with an external"
if you were say to have self sex, it would have been called intracourse...
take it like internet (external) and intranet (internal/self)
So what is written in this post is definitely not why it is called intercourse..and as such I could feel it's all made up
Waooo! What a writeup..but whatever the case may be .. Let it be btw you and you wife..between married people sort out the rest yourselves. It is well. Gen 2:18-19. BishopDammy#
Sooooo true oo. We shld b careful. . Sex is mor spiritual dan we tinl
Waooo! What a writeup..but whatever the case may be .. Let it be btw you and your wife..between married people sort out the rest yourselves. It is well. Gen 2:18-19. BishopDammy#
Very true.
Lmao let me just respect my self and stay wit one partner!!
Absolutely 2ru.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
I think this article is purely right and well explained. But those already initiated won't agree to this... See them comment soon lol
One side of my brain(logical side) would like to scream out - BALDERDASH /Jargons / Crap/ unfounded Nonsense.. I mean. Its just Sex. We humans named it sexual intercourse, Not God. Its JUST SEX. Animals do it. Even the least evolved of them. I don fink dogs hav experience this intertwining of spirits. I know I know. Your going to say dogs do not have spirits and that my broda is where u begin to contradict yourself. On the other hand, the other half of my brain(emotional, subjective) side kinda agree's with all Uve said a lil. Pin:2BB00AEE (Hot male)
I concur.
They forget to add spiritual aspect of it.
If you sleep with a devil/ witch/ demon, what do you expect? That's where the spiritual aspect of it should come into your mind/ flash into your head.
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Very true Linda, when u sleep with someone, soul ties occur
Wow!!! This is really an eye-opener, it's actually left me wondering n thinking deep....God help me!!!!!!
This is EXACTLY True. A renowned western psychologist said this before and Its very simple to understand. Hmm runs gals that sleep around for me and ladies with numerous boyfriends(Baby I hate Condoms)take note.
I agree to some extent on what he has said.Where he uses energy,replace it with spirit.
Sexual intercurrent is a mixing and mingling and exchange of spirits.
When you have sex with a person,you have indirectly had sexually with all of that persons sexually partners and their partners partners too.
So think about that when engaging in pre marital,extramarital or casual sex.A word is enough for the wise.AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis,gonorrhea,herpes, is real
My dear your right , you know the more you sleep around the more you carry different spirit around .CHI.
na wetin mke dem talk say love makin no b play play..if spirituality go dey involved den we al should b careful
@onyx I see why people hate you nw, you r just too artificial and plastic. Get d fuck outta here, go read ur books or get banged frm behind, u hungry mofo.
So so true, let's be careful.
na which church write this thing?but for sex havin several partnes reduces postrate cancer ryt?una try,well done,
Onyx now I. Can imagine how stupid u r 4rm ds comment. Dere's more 2 Sex dan d few mins pleasure u experience.d writer hv sed it all n Bonario is right. His two cent is wiser dan u
This is some tai_chi sh*t! Sounds credible but I don't think it will sink in with everybody! And y'all notice how it is focused on women? What about the men, ain't our body sacred too?
Lol,bow wow na really legion him go connect wit
Lmaoooooooo! Wherey! You burst my head just now Lmfao! Shit funny AF!
I agree with Bonario.. Ehen Bonny, Na 10mins u dey joking) @didi_jonah
@Onyx, thank God you are gay. Wait till you are used for ritual purposes! Or your star being taken away ... (By the time the number of the comments your posts received on this blog reduced from 1, 000 plus to 100 plus. You go hear wen !!! Aunty Linda, post my comment, thanks!
Village Girls dancing while bathing in the river [Pic/video]
Pls onyx is right,we mustn't attach spirituality to can fuck whoever pleases your fancy and not be "spiritually" or "soully" involved. Pls dnt get it twisted love is a beautiful thing. Ijeoma from KD
Oh I just pity Bow Wow, the spirit wey dey follow him dey go, is more then 50,000
Oh I just pity Bow Wow, the spirit wey dey follow him dey go, is more then 50,000
Stupid write up. He didn't even suggest a way to cleanse the spirit. I'm sure if he had it would have had a price tag attached to the cleansing. All dat part abt deposits in the woman was completely unnecessary.
Sounds like a fuck't-up philosophical terminologies Rubbish. God is not a fool.
Just make sure you have a good partner.
Rubbish.....I'm shocked a lot of you are believing this crap....liesss
So true, I have always had this concept. Sea is more than what we call it "fun".
Even the bible made it clear, read 1 Corinthians 6:15
"Know you not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of a harlot? God forbid"
To all d guys wey dey like fuck ashawo,,, ur gf is cheating and u still dey fuck her pussy wise up now ,,,
It takes u just 10mins!?!
God bless u my brother!
Kids will always be kids,if you don't quite understand or agree with an opinion simply seek more clarification instead of speaking simply because you've got a mouth.Even God said the two shall become one so where is the controversial angle to this simple insightful information.God bless the writer
What a load of rubbish and why Linda are you visiting racist blogs?
Many women as well as men are able to fuck with no emotional attachment. And why the emphasis on women.
Male propaganda
Very true, but a little scary
Bonario 10 mins man? Phew!!! This geh for your account go dey die oh. 10 mins the woman just dey get turned on but you are done! Shit!
This is real!
Ooo please keep ur insults to ur stupid selves,as spiritual as u guys are Nigeria is still in dis pathetic state compared to other less spiritual countries...its ur business what u believe, Idiots,keep insulting urselves
Mumu bishop,u wen suppose know bible sef dey do wow! Olodo oshi,leading ur gullible members astray
Help me ask dem... Always about women and d women sef are sooo gullible
So true
Thank God I dey use CD..
This is reason talking! Nigerians are always looking for more reasons to put burden on women including women themselves. People should think more with their heads and nut their anus.
This article is 100% true. I'm not the most religious person and I stand by this 100%. Has nothing to do with religion and I've experienced it. Especially for someone who loves friends with benefits. Also with oxytocin coming into play. Also I think this theory been said by a couple of notable people. Definitely some truth to it
Bitter Truth!!!
Popularity quest Linda i don't that thrash
This is so true. I am married but still see my ex in my dreams. I hate it,I don't want it but it keep coming...praying about it though...i wonder what runs girls who have had multiple dicks n soul ties go through..
Dis one na wombolombo something!
This is so true... Have you ever thought about what makes husband and wife after a period of time look alike?
#Licking Ebola sweet
and this is begining to sound like Pastor Nwandu talking.
I think it's true, so mny school of thoughts and men of God have said similar thing!
Whichever way, erryone needs to mindful of their acts!
*My two cents*
Tooh.. im short of words. It is well.
U guys should cut onyx some slack, he is judging from the capacity of his Brain . U don't need to hate him, his Brain is actually vr small.
I quite agree wit u 100%
the whole thing is pointing to what the scription said
if only we can avoid sin of all kind we will not only make the world a better place but also live a healthy life. sin is bad and unhealthy.
good write up.
there is an iota of truth in the article but the image is an obscene.linda,you should have blurred that masculine part na.haba.are you a learner?
If that's the case.... Just use a condom and move on... Period
It's true.
Not just hot male, stupid male. Comparing humans to dogs cos you're a dog. That's y u keep leaving ur pin here. Looking for girls to bang.
Duuurh!!!...Abegii...same old shit everyday...Me I no believe am jor...
I don't think people like him understands what's going on here.
U ar righ.
Yes is true
There is a way that seemth right unto a man but the end leads 2 destruction.
Sex has rendered some destinies useless and it's only a matter of time before they know.
True talk, my pastor once said it in church.....i bless God for m
Holy shit, looks like i m screwed. Wait a minute, if dude is gettin all this shit from pussy, what are faggots gettin 4rom the shithole, i think somethin worst. Bt its like the luv for pussy gonna cloud all these scary true facts. Ain't ashamed 2 say this, i think i need help.
It is not only the man but also the woman that leaves traces of his/her essence in the sex partner. Both release and absorb from each other which is why diseases can be transmitted both ways. The more sex you have with a partner, the more you become used to him/her to the extent of being taken for granted or addicted to. This is the root of marital dysfunction or bonding.
yup, when you have intercourse with someone, you carry a part of that person's essence with you.. the more people you sleep with, the more essence you carry. therefore, he more sex you have, the more liable you are to have multiple personalty disorder...
on a more serious note whatever you choose to believe,remember AIDS is real
@anon 11:04 LMAO
@onyx, people are entitled to have their own beliefs...and just because it differs from yours doesn't make them gullible or foolish.
Story for the saints...abeg make Una no spoil my package
Hmm! People no go comment now o! LOL!
Na d man blokos me just de look...abeg linda i no fit read long essay. Choi! See beta blokos@
Linda! This article is focused mainly on women, what about the men? Please is it that our bodies (Men) isn't sacred as that of the women or what?
Man/girl I think you need help. Your sense of reasoning is like that of a cow
Lol , this Blog make people look at me funny during lunch break! Can't stop laughing at legion! I bet his sperm will not make it to his mind not to talk of spirit 😂😃😆😅
Seriously onyx r u just hearing ds for d 1st u kno dt a major risk factor for cervical cancer in women is male partner dt has engaged in sex wit many my dear lil boy wen u have sex wit some1 kno ur also doin it wit oda pple indirectly.
For some people, sex isn't that deep. It fulfills a physical need and nothing more.
Na una holy pass.....bloody pretenders.How sure am I you are not getting laid now@chinyere
This is absolutely true. u should ask why these native doctors often asked most desperate rich men to go and sleep with a Mad woman. It just like when having intercourse with the spirit/devil. The write up it's all true. A person you had sex could hunt you spiritually for the rest of your life if care is not taking, mostly those highly possess girls.
Hahaahhahahhahahhahhahahah...ogbu m egbu o...chei!
ladies take this really serious. May God help us to put this under control. Amen!
You're on point
If u get down with demon, that's total captivity(bondage)
You are the most gullible, most naive, dullest, and most unreasonable nigerian kid I have ever seen or read from. How dull can one be? Dammn I am full of pity for ur parents. I pray that at the end of the day God help u make meaning out of ur life.
When I was a young naive and virgin... I use to laugh when the Pastor said this... I said haba... how can blood mix. when they explain this in reproduction I still laughed.
It wasn't a joking matter when I sensed my partners lies and deception. (covers face).
Some men are crocodiles and sheep in wolves clothing... It's not about being unfaithful it's what they use sex for...
Only Jesus Christ covenant blood can break all of these. And gear your mind in the right direction. The funniest thing is that with or without condom.. this sex is no joke. the intimacy is spiritual...
By God's grace I don't want to have any sexual partner till I get married. A faithful partner it will be...
Its very true and correct!!!!
Once fucked, can always be fucked, provided the fucker and the fuckee have agreed that the last fuck was well fucked.
God:sex is for marriage.
prepare to meet your creator wether u like it or not.are u ready?
This bastard gay u too dey form....wot do u think u no...the fact that u are opportuned to have a self fone doesn't mean u shld be exhibiting trash all d sure u feel like a 21st century kid...but d ugly truth is that u are just being a slave to d western world.....wch makes u think anything Nigerians believes in is stupid or "gullible"...
Adonbiliv it!
Cow...the writer didn't say u shld believe in it...its just his own contribution to society through his research...wot hv u or ur parents discovered....ur brain is free...make use of it
It is quite amazing how naive somebody can be because from some of the comments here, it shows that most people are not really aware of the spiritual connections in love making. That when u sleep with somebody there's usually a spiritual transfer. No wonder some ladies/men can afford to sleep with different kinds of people without knowing the kind of spirit they're exposing themselves.
Guys way dey fuck ashawo nko? Or runs girls
True talk, it actually got me thinking.
Guys that have personal gains would not wantu agree but deep down, we all know that Sex is Overrated and at the same time a sacred thing. Most of us FORGET.
i urge all youths to stick to "SAY NO TO SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE"...if i can do it irrespective of my social lifestyle at 32,you too can do it..#4yrs and counting# though,by GOD's grace and not by my ability..its important we all know it,that in each sexual intercourse,your souls are tied and has a very deep spiritual implication that could be detrimental to our future lives. may GOD HELP us all...especially those who see sex as a common stuff...*DODO BAYANA*
DODO BAYANA TALK AM!! no be lie.
wen I read some of this comments I can't help but wonder. hasn't any1 read the words "and two become one" dis isn't actualized at the altar, it happens right after a man and woman consummates their marriage! thus as Sex was intended for the married as a way of sealing their union and the two merging in spirit to be one so shall it be with any1 who indulges whether married or unmarried. imagine becoming one with someone who is demon possessed? haven't u heard stories of people dat after sleeping with some guy or girl their businesses begin to fail and everything just turns upside down. think Nigerians think.
It's true...that write is true.. I have attended a seminar on Sex,Lies and ur Soul 10years ago..Pastor Bimbo,Myles Munroe,Agu Irukwu,Mathew Ashimolowo taught us alot. Sex outside marriage do not have Spiritual covering,so ancestral spirits hovering will definetly find its way into U,deposits as Linda write up say...its serious. we are Learning. Thank u linda.
Just like the Bible says, NO fornication.
Onyx wen will U grow?????????
Apparently, science says that when a woman has sex with a man, she releases pheromones (or whatever) that mimic the feeling of being in love...
You don't believe that? you better dearie. But you believe you can transfer disease like Hiv, Gornoh, you don't know the same way disease are transfer through blood and body fluid, that is the same way spirit and whatever in the persons body will be transfer. Have you ponder on why spouse behave alike after sometimes? Have you ever imagine why you smell like or perceive the scent or body odor of somebody you slept with? Think deep.
Ure right lindodo, it happens to my uncle,ever since he made luv to dis woman his life has never be desame,so miserable.thou dis is my first time am commenting here,reading pples comments is so fun for me dat I hav 2 laught out loudLolz.pls post my comment nd dnt disappoint me for d 1st time o
The bible says that he that is joined to an harlot is one spirit with her...what I dont understand is why people love to talk about what they know nothing of...u cant be one with someone u dont have sex with! I dont know where people got this idea of communal spirits thing from...
I'm a virgin.
The bible says he that is joined to an harlot is one spirit with her...which means that the two becoming one which only occurs spiritually during sexual I dont know where people got this communal spirits idea from...without sex there is no joining. ..people should stop saying things they know nothing about...
Watch who you share yourself with, sex or no sex, it will come back and bite you when u least expec it
I don't believe dis..its not biblical or proven..never had sex tho..but wen u have sex with sumone,u indirectly havin sex with everyone he/she has had sex with???so if I have sex,nd pick up all d spirits of doz my partner had sex with in d past,drop my own spirit in him,wont my spirit now b d only one spirit in him?abi na pick nd drop??i don't even get it
Story for the gods
Lol. Ignorant people will never understand this. And to everyone in this comment section saying this is bullshit ? YOU ARE IGNORANT AS FUCK. READ A BOOK. BLOODY ILLITERATES
Lol. Ignorant people will never understand this. And to everyone in this comment section saying this is bullshit ? YOU ARE IGNORANT AS FUCK. READ A BOOK. BLOODY ILLITERATES
This' a very well articulated write-up,can someone tell my big dick to stay his pants?
I totally subscribe to everything he said
Nice piece
Yeah.. I Know This... Yoruba Call It Agbeere Meaning Agba Ire!
Stick To One Partner!! Yes One!
Looool NEXT!!!!!!!!!!
This is why ppl have soul ties and never forget a man or woman they have slept with..we are not animals designed to have licentious sex with every Tom duck and Harry. If you sleep with a man or woman you have as slept with eve they slept we with. God forbids fornication and adultery. Can't u see that ppl that sleep around just cannot commit to a relationship. A word is enough for the wise.
I agree with onyx and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, leave him d fuck alone, hypocrites, madam chinyere don't u sleep with pple's husbands?idiot
This write up is absolutely true, the author got the gist but not entirely, he left out the biblical proof. Sex is beyond physical, deposits are made in the spirit hence "soul ties" and many other consequences. To learn more with biblical proofs follow @soultiestweets and @solaadio on twitter Scroll thru the TL and u will be amazed. Pray for God to reveal the truth to you, He will..
Na waooooohhhh,so some people carry like 30 different spirits. Cheiiiii. Der is God oooooo
This write up is absolutely true, the author got the gist but entirely, he left out the biblical proof. Sex is beyond physical, deposits are made in the spirit hence "soul ties" and many other consequences. To learn more with biblical proofs follow @soultiestweets and @solaadio on twitter Scroll thru the TL and u will be amazed. Pray for God to reveal the truth to you, He will..
Linda this is in metaphysics the law of vibraturgy.
what about masturbation does that involve spirits too?
Sadly ignorance is one of the devils tools to keep people in bondage. Pride prevents us from accepting so many truths. This guy is right he only failed to explain it with biblical proof. follow @soultiestweets on twitter, so much info there
Am glad,people can see how foolish n senseless you are onyx,grow up toothpick
Bia this lil boy,must everybody bang from behind like you? Abeg park well with your Moses walking stick you call legs.
...Mama J...
no time for thoughts,! ask God for forgiveness and renounce every spiritual tie and deposit that has infected ur destiny
This is sort of true, there is no such thing as casual sex whenever a female has sex with a male there is an hormone released which causes her to be somewhat connected to the guy..... i learnt this in my anatomy and physiology class which I believe that female shouldn't just have sex with just any guy... I know people might not believe in scientific view of things but in religion too having sexual intercourse with different guy is frown upon... all these evidences both scientifically and religiously that is making me keep myself for the right person most like my husband.
Make no mistake, condoms cannot prevent us from soul ties, the spiritual consequences of sex. Thers no such thing as safe sex only with your legal spouse. God knows why He made those rules..
don't gerrit....are they trying to market virginal wash? *confusedface*
Lovemaking is stronger than blood conversant and people don't even know it. When I found out in 2004 I respected my self.
Poor Onyx i blame the nurse who let you bang your head on the floor during the birthing process. Its obvious your thinking was reset
broad is d way to hell.if u love havin sex all over d place, u re simply confused.full of strange spirits!christ can save u.
I am with Onyx. This is a crock of shit.
What of if a woman is f**ked with a condom nko.
It amazes me how truly scared men tend to be of a woman who truly enjoys a good dick.
I am rolling my eyes now.
This foolish onyxx guy how old are you sef ?? Ehh , you just open your smelling mouth yab bishop ? Na your mate ehh ... And btw , bishop is right .. Sex is for married couples not small boys and girls .....
I think we should all practice safe sex n multiple partners. Atleast for the sake of health related diseases.
Onyx or whatever your retarded being calls himself, it seems all the beatings and trauma inflicted on you by your dumbass father seriously damaged you,kiddo. You need deliverance asap, c'mon! You need God. Lin, post this
This is my current situation right now
Having multiple sexual partner is wrong.
I don't know what to believe but more on the side of not believing any of those shit.
True talk lynda. Onyx if u don't want to learn or believe zip ur mouth or better still screw u ur comments ain't funny nd does Nt mk sense.if it was to create humour sorry u r boarding on lame. Got that!
Story for the Gods. Some people can't even remember the names of some of their sexual partners not to talk of their souls staying behind in her body. This person must have smoken some really strong weed before he/she started hallucinating. What about BJ? Does that also make your soul intertwine with hers and stay behind?
What happens if she swallows? lol
Hahaha,na ur comment sweet pass,dont mind them...wen u make love,u share blessings and curses with ur sex mate buh people refuse to believe and it's biblical
Oga I pity u...u just talk anyhow..i'm not trying to correct you buh it's not right please,thank you
Onyx, must u use abusive words? Come on bro, I know you can do bettter
thanks for this article.. i noticed this but seems am the only one saying it but now i have someone to explain it the more, more grace..
You are a sacred doorway, where life is intended to pass through
am touched
true talk!
@Onyx.. i really feel you jor. This is why we are so backward, and am sure idiots like delphine and bonaria sleeps in church to be richer than dangote, cunt sucking dick heads. And if ur sex last for 10 minutes, then u definitly have personal spiritual issues.
Why do u think it is called spiritual konji? Sex is not just physical. U connect on the soul level, mixing and sharing in in each other's good and bad. Research on the eastern religions where sex is considered a way of gaining spiritual power. U mess with u God -given power, u destroy urself. Look thru history how many people with reckless sexual life were ruined. Sex is sacred and powerful.
Only the spiritual people will understand this write up, foolish people will argue. Hahahahahaha oya start abusing me.
This is so true pls,God help us with dis sex thing,especially me
This is so true pls,God help us with dis sex thing,especially me
This is so true pls,God help us with dis sex thing,especially me
I didn't expect less from my Nigerian myopic citizens... Yet Sexual activities is at its rise.
Your mind is the engine room of your life...
Systmatically guide what enters your mind.
For me, the above topic is crap. Anyways, its about the state of the mind.
All of u ignorant fools should shut the f*** up don't open that hole u call mouth and spit out watever BS u think,this is not spiritualism many of u are now quoting bible,abeg,everything no be by holy pass. This is pure naturalism it shudnt be ignored
onyx, i understand y u can talk like dis, bcos u're a sexually deviant individual ur opinion bout sex is very shallow considering d number of partners u ve...u need help hun! being gay dsnt mean u shld be stupid too
Onyx that chopping stick comment oga Bonario made still they vex you o. Lmfao!!!
All those supporting onyx keep decieving urselves.hehehehe truth is very bitter u can not run from it.dnt gt it twisted at all
It will be so unfair if we bring spirituality into this..from my researches and finding,I know and can certify that sex urges tends to be linked with libido(rate of sexual sensitivity) and genetic makeups..this only gets to the peak at the ages of 18-30..this is where spirituality comes in...I have never seen a white virgin (if I hear) I seriously say a big NO to misinterpretation and bad orientation of educational values..this is why we are still backward..if your body is the temple of christ what is ur heart? The alter? Mothers are the main causes of this problem..I grew up talking to my mum about everything..wen I kiss? Wen I meet new people..we I start dating..wen am fed up and so on..she know who you are dating and virtually errthing bout ur sexual life..the parental care and closeness gave me better reasons to attach value to the existence of women..spirituality played a bigger role too but education should be done with no other things attached.. 2A21DFCC phyzzle (hypeman/comedian)
It is not crap. It is reality.
Put ur ugly looking dick in everything you see please so you can get a disease and be gone soon. desperate fool!
What is true 4 1 should be 4 all...Jonathan and David had soul ties...did they have sex? Twins have been reported to have soul they too have sex? We have cases of protegees becoming like their they establish this connection via sex? Even if its a case of 'pick and drop' how come only the negative is picked? What protects a woman who married a man with multiple partners when she has had none? Will it be fair to burden her soul with so many others? If marriage protects her, what if the wedding wasn't done in church? Truth is sex is not a tool to b abused...but please let's stop with all this nonsense talk of soul ties via sex...know the truth and walk in the light of it!
Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to but nothing comes out.. But a bunch of gibberish jabbering cunt smell.. @onyx.. @chinyere @ anonymous.. @everyone that like perching like flies on any post they see.. SHUT UP we don't care.
The world is deeper than you think. Sex has both physical and spiritual implications unfortunately as humans we think very much at the physical level - audio visuals, emotions etc but the spiritual manifestation is not so obvious. It may take days, months and even years to manifest in several ways. That sweet, misty, cloudy and horny one night stand may be ones Achilles hill
We all need to understand that the greatest battle is the spiritual warfare we engage in which so many people are not aware of until the evil incantation comes to fruition in the form of blindness, cancer,organ faliure, barrenness...
well I dnt bliv all what was written there
most readers tend to shy away from the hard truth and facts,people hinge more on health than spiritual aspect of the whole forgetting that, spiritual hygiene translates to physical hygiene.@ Linda, this is the truth. nice job
This is very True.
Linda, you are so on point. we as men and women need to be very careful who takes our virginity(this is very key, who we have our first child with and children with.
You all can think this is bullshit but there is a very strong notion about this and seriously we all need to be very careful.
This can either Mar or Make your life.
Much Love
woow.... this is a powerful topic i must confess. got me paused for a while.
I had sex with a lady and after some months, i still perceived her around me. It's not an illusion or hallucination, it was so real... I personally thinks there's more to life than the EYES can see. Definition of SOUL says it all.
WORD!!! confirmed making is a convenant dat is sacred...and dat is y u find husband nd wife resembling each other after being married for years....
this is a gospel truth, whosoever
that commit sexual immorality or adultery has sin against his own body
Firstly, you're nothing but a foolishly foolish fool for this post. Are you sooo scared to have sex with anyone you want because you don't want to be judged?
Why does 'soul ties' have to be assigned to only the female gender? Men don't get soul ties when you cum?
Taking about use your 'gift' wisely? What is your definition of 'gift? Coming like an unwashed goat.
Not surprised anyways, is it not you? Kmmt.
U need spiritual healing. U this stupid grave maggot.
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