Tobacco Control
Nigeria is a policy change and public health campaign project using Social
Media to advance tobacco control and support the passage of a comprehensive
Tobacco Control (TC) law compliant with the World Health Organization’s
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
kicked off its social media campaign officially in August with the launch of
their website and Tobacco
Dodge Game app. The group also held crowd spellbound with its message on the
streets of Ajegunle in Lagos with the use of Dance and Music performance from
Dathreat dance group and Vocal Slender. The launch
activities continued with quiz, competitions and giveaways on twitter and Facebook.

Meanwhile, Nollywood’s finest diva Stella
Damasus and Motivational Speaker Fela Durotoye have signed up as Tobacco
Control Celebrity Cause Champions. This development is part of implementing a
social media-driven campaign on Tobacco Control. The policy change and public
health campaign project (Tobaccoctrl) is aimed at sensitizing and informing the
general public on Tobacco Control issues with the ultimate goal of advocating
for the use of domestic laws to stringently regulate the use, distribution and
promotion of tobacco products in Nigeria.
can also join Stella Damasus and Fela Durotoye as cause champions here or by sending Send (TC Your name eMail Location) to 39405. e.g
(TC Peter Paul, Lagos).
you would like more information about this campaign, please visit
kul... Start of Something New .. 1st to
comment ... []
Anoda blind venture,,,, let dem try n see if its possible *farts on thread* *ONYX GODWIN*
Abeg tara hold ur man wello cuz this stella na man eater
Na sleep sure pass now!
Goodnight libers!
I doff my hat for d day!
Tobacco control indeed!!!una for hire Tonto Dikeh,,,,heard she quit d habit!!!I go puff my dunhill switch till I d.I.E...waste of resources if u ask me..unlez dia's a ban on tobacco production then all this is BS....
Is her name stella damasus or damascus? I'm confused!
Dear Linda, I know you love your job, but do try to get some sleep. Love Stella, champion of the amazons, now conqueror of the chimneys. Kudos madam.
Nice Initiative!!! 1st to comment...Linda biko post ma comment *biggrin*
Nice Initiative!!! 1st to comment...Linda biko post ma comment *biggrin*
Na ajegunle na I'm dem lie down for ground like dat, mMmmmm stella pls you forgot your benson sorry medcine @ my place
Wow! Dis campaign is gud. I hope dey cum 2bnin 4d campaign too. I njoyd d dance
Abeg make una take am easy dey spoil market for tobacco companies my bf works there b4 he wnt have money to buy the BlackBerry porshe he promised me for My birthday. Mscheeeew. And of all the celebrities they picked Stella bcos she's good at hiding in a bedroom behind a camera and yarning rubbish.
This is the dancers too
we don hear nxt message pls
i see madam stella is stilllooking for credibility at all costs. . next!
Make she nor snatch ds 1 again wt her sweet mouth...Tara,wey u dey?abeg hold ur hubby well oo!!
Haaa.... auntie Tara start praying o, this woman does not leave people's husband the way she met them.
My own is that Tara should better shine her eye b4 stella will snatch Fela from her all in the name of tobacco control....
celebrity things. Noni. Everybody wants to be a celebrity.
I forgot to rejoice, 1st to comment!!!!!
.......Da only illiterate chic
Chai! See agents of change o. So ds boy is a motivational speaker- Kai, this ironic world sef!
nice concept, good way to go.
i like
Dt's gud keep it up
This one no fit stop men from Blau na! Make them go chill.......*brb, lemme smoke some morning purp
Stella abeg no take style corropt fela no seduce dis 1 bicos dat ur job if u try am u don finish b dat so watch it ok
Good! And while they're at it they might as well start SugarCtrl and target coca cola and 7up. As far as I'm concerned, soft drinks are doing more damage than tobacco.
How many times did i call you?
#Draws @Taras ears#
@Stella Damasus will STEAL your man oo
Dont be too sure that,,,nothing fit happen
With Stella,,,anything can happen
Weda dem don dey knack their Sef for one corner sef
Ok,Tara married I really handsome man,dt all I c
Oh my dear Tara...Delilah at your door. Shine your eyes and take control before she strikes!
Y de confusion wen Linda hs written it?It's Stella Damasus!
Tara had beta watch her back the devourer is out for another catch
haba nau..lets keep tryin,one day things will work out..never give up on nigeria..
Stella! Stella! Stella!! Leave Tara's husband alone o.!! Leave Tara's husband Alone o!!
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