The discovery of the episodes in Nigeria will cause much excitement for devotees of the long-running series, for which there are dozens of missing episodes dating back to its early years. The previously lost nine shows were among 11 traced to a television relay station and the find brings back to life an entire six-episode story, while another is almost complete.
Phillip Morris, the director of Television International Enterprises Archive, unearthed the programmes by looking up the records of overseas shipments of tapes made by the BBC
The stories, The Enemy Of The World (1967) and The Web Of Fear (1968) and both starring Patrick Troughton as the second Doctor, have now been remastered by BBC Worldwide, the corporation's commercial arm.
Mr Morris said: 'I remember wiping the dust off the masking tape on the canisters and my heart missed a beat as I saw the words Doctor Who. When I read the story code, I realised I'd found something pretty special.'
Only one episode of The Enemy Of The World - which featured Deborah Watling as companion Victoria, and Frazer Hines, later to find fame in Emmerdale as Jamie - had remained in the archives, so the addition of programmes one, two, four, five and six have completed the story.
Fiona Eastwood, director of consumer products, BBC Worldwide, said: 'We are thrilled with the recent discovery of The Web Of Fear and The Enemy Of The World and we're very happy to be launching re-mastered versions of these treasured episodes to fans as we celebrate the 50th year of Doctor Who.'
The BBC still had the first edition in the Web Of Fear story, and the new finds mean only number three is missing. The tale introduced Nicholas Courtney as Lethbridge-Stewart, who began with the rank of Colonel but later became Brigadier.
The missing episode has been recreated using 37 still images which were available and the original audio which survived.
Many programmes from the era, along with many classic shows, disappeared as a result of efforts to save space. There are still 27 Doctor Who stories which have not been recovered or for which episodes are missing.
In total, 97 episodes are still unaccounted for.
One episode from both The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear were shown at a special BBC event in London yesterday.
Episode one of The Enemy of the World is said to be akin to an early James Bond film, with armed villains, a foreign villain and a scene featuring an exploding helicopter.
The Web of fear meanwhile sees the Doctor locked in battle with the Great Intelligence in the tunnels of the London Underground.
The BBC was even accused of secretly filming at an Underground station at the time as its sets were deemed so realistic.
izz nothing
Naija boys in action! I am so sure the person who had the episodes in his/her custody will be smiling to the bank now.
Duh! wish I understood anything from this post.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Only in naija..... Lol.
Lol Aunty linda Aba boyz hands ar clean ooo. Nd pls post my comment ooooo# jaymez orange.
~D great anonymous!
What is the Aba connection ?
The tapes were found at a TV station in Jos and no credit was given to the station. Naija lets be proud of our own, BBC destroyed their copies and could only get them from us. Am so proud of my Country.
Am I d only 1 dat read dat 2wce n stil ddnt gt it???Okk,,, coool! *ONYX GODWIN*
hmmm this Oyinbo people no go killed black with their discovery ooo
Make dem put am for vcd n dvd Mbok!
Wow.. Amazing story actually.. But -ve never heard of it.
I dnt understand o
I dnt understand o
Doctor who is one of the best sci-fi series ever. I know from my mum that it was one of the programs shown on tv in their days. Though i didn't watch those, I'm currently hooked on the seasons started in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston as the doctor and Billie Piper his companion. But my favourite doctor was played by David Tennant.
Nigeria is a gold mine, even lost tapes are hidden here! Aba has been in action since 1960s
Aba boys I hail o! No dulling
9ja boys no de carry last.
Good for them
Nawao wetin those men find go aba na?
Lol,we'r happy 4 dem.they shld check some more d cupboard may have mre archives.
I don't understand. Where in Nigeria did they find it and WHO owned the store where it was found? Did the BBC get it back for FREE?!!!!! The answer had better not be 'no' because I bet the owner could have made a lot of money off that. It's 2013 and we're still letting the British come in and take, take, take like it's 1870.
Chai! I have to read this story twice and still i dont understand.Pls someone should break this down biko
The good old days!
NAIJA I HAIL OOOO!But me i want i loved Doctor who back in the day, i am still wrapping my head around the more modren episodes, i won't mind watches a few of these episodes.
If I tok say I understand this Doctor Who story,I dey lie..Linda wetin concern us and Doctor Who na?..Mbok temme sometn wey go blow ma mind.
*Nita Briggs*
Yes, its bn all over the news in the UK, was happy wen I heard it on the radio, atleast we dint steal !
So in other words naija was their dumping ground, cus they wanted to save space they moved stuff down here. smh. These folks have themselves to blame
These guys just have themselves to blame. They stated quite clearly loads of stuff were moved in an effort to save space-indirectly saying naija is the dumping ground of choice. smh who knws what else you'll find in NTA.
LINDA!!!!! Why? Why "aba"? Jeez! i cnt believe U!...besides No comments here...why? Hmm guess because they dont understand lolz
Chai!!! These people have finally caught Oji Uzor Kalu. That hidden treasure was the secret behind his wealth. He stole the thing when he was a cleaner in London years ago. Don't say I told you o
So e don tey wey 9ja boys don dey steal dey do piracy!
Alaba boys e don tey! Ndigbo madu!
Baba bona try and understand please. very pragmatic
Chai illiterate
Yeeeee guy do u want to kill us with ur english ni
Finally, someone who knows about dr who. I watchee and became a Whovian in the 90s with tom baker as the doctor, he and tennant are the best ever. Whovian forever!
Just to correct somethings and enlighten a few
- it was found in a tv station in jos. Nothing to do with aba boys
- doctor who was/still is a popular sci-fi series shown in d uk
- d bbc made copies of it in d sixties before they destroyed it and sold to other countries
- it used to be shown then on nta5 and nta10 in d late eighties and early nineties here
- I remember watching it then growing up n it was scary to me. I was quite young then
I've turned on d light. Hope I've brightened myself and enlightened u
This our country Nigeria is a great country oo!!there is nothing u can't find here so am not suprised.most bbc programmes are aired live here in Nigeria.I also remember that the Tv stations showed current movies late at nite growing up in the 90's,even though they opened by 4pm(RSTV)
Since I ws young in d 80s aba NTA hs bn showin dis series
Kidnapping thing Aba I hailooo
Anon 4:20,ur comment indirectly indicates u'r clueless abt d post also.so instead of shuttin d hell up u'r bizi queryin Linda.Na her fault say u no undstnd?U nid exorcism coz I see a spirit of ignorance
Me too @bona
Sipping henessy n listening to channels news
Nigerians can like to borrow something and never return it dating back to 1960's... Kai. We must change
Leave aba boys out of this o, any lit thn u call aba boys is it dier faulth dat God made dem so smart?
ignorance and loose mouth is one of the problems Nigerians suffer from. Nigerians like to form like they are out there and intelligent but a lot are just plain clue less but they hide this by yarning dust!. Now, any person that grew up in Nigeria, presenrtly in their 30s upwards and always watched TV (NTA channel 5)back when they were younger would remember prgrammes like voltron, danger mouse, robin hood , G-force, terra hawks, secret squiurel, rent -a -ghost and Doctor who.(played by Tom baker) amongst other classic TV shows that dominated the TV screens back then.
The lost episodes of Doctor Who they found was at a TV station in Nigeria..there's no Aba connnection and it is not a pirated copy found in somebody's cupboard.
for y'all info, doctor who is one of the longest running and most successful SCi Fi TV series in the UK. if u dont know now u know-WORD!
Reading this narrative is like reading Macbeth.
Linda, what do you mean by 'Aba boys in action?'. I think that's negative talk and doesn't even blend with the topic in question. The 9 lost episodes were even found in a TV station in Jos, Plateau state. So I wonder how Aba boys came into this.
Hahaahaha, my tots exactly
Wow! And for those that are still confuse you didn't just missed your childhood you were raped of It
Is it a movie
When dem dey talk about dr.who..all this small pikin wey dem just born go dey comment say dem no understand..how u go understand?dem never born u wen dem begin show d series...lmao
Aunty lindodo ehn I have went to just to say that i doesnt understanding this oyibo u half put in does post. Biko write it is better English make we understanding. Tank ma
Make we hear word,my dad has much more in his achives. I'm thinking of doing a garage sale on them soon
Linda; wetin aba boys do u now? Ehn??
Bricks,u were very right.Children of 80's won't know Doctor Who or even Simon Templer way back during NTA 2 Channel 5 days.What they'll understand is Ben 10,Lion King and a little bit of Voltron bcos that was late 80's.
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