“We do not pray for accidents but they are inevitable. But we will continue to do everything to ensure that we do not have accidents. But an accident is an act of God".Former Aviation minister Femi Fani Kayode took to twitter to respond to Mrs Oduah's comments...

1 – 200 of 202 Newer› Newest»I'm guessing what she meant to say was that whatever happened was the Lord's Will.
Typically of d GEJ administration. No brain whatsoever!
Wtf!!!! An act of God?? I guess we don't save d same God. Is dis woman Cray? No sorry, dis woman crazy!!!! How can a minister say dat out loud and to d bloody press??? She needs flog *now plucking cane from near by abicus flower tree* Nigeria,......I'm speechless.
This Femi Fani Kayode Idiot is possessed with demon and his entire generation is cursed. Nothing good comes from his mouth. He spews gutter and shit...is there no elder in his clan to call him to order?
#fact# am beginin to lyk dis man
You see the difference between the white man and the stupid ass black man... The white man and woman will spend time and money on finding the root cause of the accidents, d black man will dismiss it as an act of God..
If you have your ears to the ground, you will know that some bastards have been selling fake aviation fuel to aircrafts, especially private jets and the airline operators are buying it cos it is cheaper...
Is that an act of God?? I think not
How could she say that? When goodluck was replacing ministers she should have been the first to go.
Though! I do not like dis man but wat he said was absoutely d truth! Most often human being atimes do things wtout considering d effects ☺f̶̲̥̅̊ it or behaving like pple dat has no conscience . That's bringing cause upon our generations!
Even though FFK talk a lot of rubbish ,these is d first time he is making sense. Abi he don stop sniffing coke?
Ok I actually was about to say this is the 1st thing he has said that makes sense.....then i saw "it's not God, it's the devil".
NO PPLE, in the case of Nigeria it is greed, Corruption, Incompetence, Lack of regulation, turning a blind eye that cause accidents.
Rubbish people.
Well FFK is right on dis one...ofcourse everyone know everything is an act of God but to say that as Aviation Minister is like rubbing salt on a wound.....cos if the woman is not crazy how could a mother say such a thing...and that was supposed to be the condolence MSG from the FG....what a country...moreover how could u say negligence is an act of God because if they had done the proper checking and maintenance then we MIGHT not be here now...
Nice one FFK....that avaition jagons woman is talking nonsense..an heartless woman indeed
See the minister thing sef, ngbeke! God visited you and told you, innit? God have mercy on you. Clueless somebody!
Never knew ffk was this ignorant......
Yes,I know he rants
Yes, he is a fame whore
But I really thought he was educated
Act of God is a legal term[1] for events outside human control, such as sudden floods or other natural disasters, for which no one can be held responsible.
His semantics to confuse youths on twitter and garner up port can't work.we ain't in the 60's.
We know who is real or not.
How can you be criticising a sector where you were minister and did nothing.
Do you think we don't understand legal terms?
Do you think everyone reasons in the retarded way you do?
Grow up! I'm beginning to think this man does not need a shrink but an exorcist
Amen kayode. I dnt lik u but i agree wt u on ds one. Wen u av an unserious president wat do u expct de ministers to b? In de first place dat associated aircraft wsnt evn fit to fly, if she ws doin her wrk well she wud av knwn. Nonsense!
That's too hard FFK
I agree with ffk on dis one!
Madam shut up if u dont know wat to say!
The Minister's statement shows how clueless most of our leaders are.
For d first time, I agree wit FFK, dis woman was spurting rubbish outta her mouf, she acts in a Nonchalant way lyk wat happened is a normal occurrence, in fact wen I watched her interview, I felt like entering d TV nd Suckerpunch her in d throat, Senseless woman!
Must this man comment on every issue arising in Nigeria?, I think this man just wanto be everywhere. When He was the aviation minister, the ministry was much worse.
FFK, button up your lips for once! I wonder why you are always filled with rancour! It makes you come off as a simpleton! After all, doing your time as minister, your watch words were corruption and nepotism!
it happens everywhere in the world,just that our own country is used to buying old aircraft for other countries,nig govt pls try and up grade
Inevitable Air Accident, right? Well, not for me in Jesus name. As inevitable as it is then you and your family must have a portion of this inevitable air accidents. Can't imagine this is coming from a minister of Aviation. She should be more concerned about how to build a strong aviation system in Nigeria and thereby reducing the inevitability of air accidents. Who doesn't know that death is inevitable but must air accidents be inevitable I see a level of low competency and professional misconduct from this low ebb minister. Abeg who made this mofo a minister She should be a minister in her kitchen cabinet.
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I have said that this man will end up as his likes soon. I dont know what is his problem. He harrasses everyone he knows/hears. For our information, if this man does not know lets tell him that 'NOTHING HAPPENS UNDER THE SUN AND ON THIS OUR PLANET EARTH WITHOUT GOD ALLOWING SUCH THING TO HAPPEN. If God doesnt allow the devil, he will not be unleashing havoc on people. Besides thats the reason why one has to go closer to God Almighty through His son Jesus Christ whom He has given all the powers in Heaven and on earth (Mat 28:18)for protection of ones property & life. Finally, Jesus said in Matthew 10:28 that we should not fear those (devil inclusive) who kill the body but cant kill the soul. But we're to fear the person (GOD) who has the power both to kill body and subsequently throw the soul into hellfire. Please let Mr Kayode know this.
If plane crashes were acts of God. God must hate Nigeria then. When will people realize that our criminal negligence, fraud and incompetence is to blame. Sooner or later we will learn to out source our domestic flight to foreigners since we cannot keep our own house clean.
FFK, voice of the people.....I wish you can translate this your radical opposition to leadership...Naija will be better 4 it..keep it real bro....1st to comment.
This Minister needs stylists for her hair and wardrobe. Why is she always wearing these awful lace wigs?
Saw the minister make those comments and I couldn't help but cringe. What a ridiculous thing to say. Utterly daft. But then, what do u expect from politically incorrect idiots.
FFK: Sometimes God allows bad things happen. The Devil had no powers unless God permits it.
Minister S: I think recent plane crashes in Nigeria is due to carelessness.
can somebody tell me if this woman do open her bible atall.how can she say that the accident is the will of God,while the bible said he¨s thought for us is for good and not for evil.stella u better be careful and am beginning to suspect u.
hmmmm what a loss,we've lost this man.
may God give his family the fortitude to bear this loss. awww! FFK
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Ignorant woman with ignorant statement. This is the kind of leaders we have in our nation. Senseless people. for once i agree with the FFK.
She sure look like a vampire, since non of her relative is affected during the two major crash 2012 and 2013 why wont she say God cause accident, i believe is the little god in her pocket that is causing these accidents, may God Punish these blood tasty demons. father protect your innocent children in this country.
mr ffk u always have a way of making ur points pointless how will u call her vimper minister, wen u were once an aviation minister.
mr ffk u always have a way of making ur points pointless how will u call her vimper minister, wen u were once an aviation minister.
Hahahaha lobatan....minister fire for fire...let the game begin...waiting for stellar's response.LoL
Dis man dsn't understand d@ he is too old 2 be using certain words. Den for d new avaition minister, she is just a big iti. Dnt confused human error as an act of God. God hlp Nigeria
The aviation minister is clearly a stupid imbecile, that can't perform her duties as needed and she is hiding under the shadow of ignorance
N ASUU strike is still on...
But why do yoruba people talk too much,the worst of it is that what they say makes no sense, alwaz shouting to be noticed!...comentators without sense..awo oloshi buruku
This ffk guy should just take it easy. Aftterall, what did he do as minister. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones#comment by that sharp NCAA boy#
abeg make dis ffk go sitdon, wetin him do, when he got dia he publicly said u dont talk while eating, betrayal like u, shut the f up. nonsense.
but madam minister, u too no try, wen u pick pple who are not professionals into a professional fields, dats wat happens, f.cuk retardeds
This man isn't so smart is he? He took the expression literally..lol
Act of God means happenings beyond human control. This is funny.
this minister of aviatoin is really daft a-times as if God will come down and remove some part of d plane so d plane could crash.#idiat
What a stupid thing to say Stella.
Lol, FFK @it again!! True talk sha, God does not permit or cause accidents of any kind, only dat f**king liar (devil) does.
Wow..I guess like tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes..cant believe she said that.
This is my first time I have to aggree with FFK...How can she said that....cos she is not a victim..."May God rescue us from this V.....Minister"
i believe is not an act of God but God has already known even bf it happens
Fani WHY NOWWWWWW>>>>>>>
Is that a beaver fur glued to the Aviation minister's head?
By the way Linda, any news on the Bianca/FFK lawsuit, or all parties involved have suddenly lost their cojones? Linda please tell them not to dull us oh, we need more expose from both parties oh, anytime you provide juicy news about the 'former' love birds I'm sure I'm not the only one that clicks with feverish fingers.
Why does FFK always go personal in his commentaries???
Why create enemies for yourself needlessly???
The dude fall my hand big time...
Thought folks like him are addressed as statesmen...
He could object to the minister without ballistic sarcasm..
For all his claim of Christian discipleship, it's a shame FFK hasn't read that portion of the Bible where God is quoted as saying, "I created both good and evil, light and darkness..."
If that passage of the Bible is anything to go by, then it is logical to say God also causes accidents!!!!!
Who created cancers, HIV/AIDS, earthquakes and sundry natural disasters, etc, that claim lives in huge numbers???
If it is not God, who else????
Ds journalist dem ehnn, abi dem wan choke madam minister wit der mic?? Lol. Her lace wig sef na wa! Mishaps are no act of God abeg, get enlightened b4 u com out to talk in public madam minister.
When she has bleached her brain out how will it work?
I'm not a fan of FFK,but I lik Stella Odua,but @ this junction I must say I quite agree wit FFK. Was she under cheap drugs when she gave that stupis utterance?. Well,d tweet on d correction is ok,but blasting her that much?,LOL,cool though**winks**,nxt time she'll mind her utterance esp when she's talking abt our mighty God.
Acts of God in deed! That's how we blame God for foolish things
Yes oooooo! Well said Mr femi fani kayode. May God deliver us. Plz tk a chill pill Stella Oduah. Smh
What a story...a former aviation minister
Ffk is rite..... Is not of God 4us to die young... She sed ineveitable of deir carelessness.... God does not wish 4 bad tin to apun, its possible we dnt xperience if dey take note of the plane... Jesus has redeemed us 4m all evil.... BE POSITIVE...
Maybe d day her whole family will crash plus her self, while in hell she will surely kn accidents happens, foolish woman
this ffk sef somtimes he tweets like an insane person
aahahahahahahahahahahah i cant stop laughing.
Onye nsogbu@realffk.
Dz FkK is really an idle man...quarrellin wit one woman to anoda
What is wrong with this Man what are his acheivement from. Being aviation Minister. He couldn't reduce the. Fare for British Airways pls keep quite he is making so GEJ can notice him and give him. A portfolio
This Fani Kayode is just everywhere!
This avation minister need some psychological testing.....crazy ass bitch
What is wrong with this FFK sef over sabi too dey worry him Na only him sabi talk ffk u r digging ur grave. Irawa lindodo post my comment
This attention seeking idiot again!! Enof of dis mad man already!
Is dis woman mentally ΌwƘαƔ?is she really functioning well upstairs?anyway nemesis is a bitch,she can ask Agagu if she is in doubt. I hope when nemesis catches up with Ʊ n U̶̲̥̅̊R family,Ʊ will accept dis "act of God" with so much grace
Well said FFK,making sense for the first time in ur life.
He's rite on dis one, buh wasn't he once Aviation Minister too?
Nice one kayode,God dosnt lyk to c us suffer,God is nt evil,she dosnt knw God,she's of d devil
She is a fool! Her statement just shows her level of intelligence,silly person.
Accidents are caused by the devil. I support FFK
And I agree with him 100%
African politicians using GOD to excuse THEIR FAILURES, is the oldest trick in their book and absolutely unacceptable especially when such failures have caused deaths. They always try to get away by pulling this trick instead of fixing issues that need to be dealt with in order for such tragedies not to occur again.
She is basically saying that since it is God's will, there is nothing she will do about it and more people would keep on dieing!! UNACCEPTABLE!!!
She should be fired for her total incompetence is putting us all at risk!
We as Africans will be cursed as long as imbeciles such as this woman keep using God's name to excuse PREVENTABLE DEATHS!
I have a love-hate relationship with FFK. It is clear that he is very intelligent but far too often, he let his ego overpower his reason and judgment.
This aviation minister won't kill me oo! How can u say that plane crash is an act of God! Hmmm!!
Hmmm... FFK is really angry with her comments.
FFK is jst an attention seeking whore, but this woman sha, it depends on d God u r serving cos my God does not cause accidents.
Mr Femi, idon too much for u ooo, ur mouth be like say e dey leak. U be former minister weting u do? Talk more do nothing.
FFK needs to shut the fuck up. For real. People need to stop paying attention to this idiot. Freaking Maniac.
Amen,what manner of human being is she? God does not propose evil on his people,she needs deliverance
FFK, you loose mouthed media vampire, I am positive she meant "act of God" in the legal, not moralistic way. You had a chance to make a difference in the same position, you did not. NOW SHUT UP!
I was also shocked when I saw that word "inevitable" used in her expression of the accident. May God continue to save and deliver us from this country! I think our leaders should ask for guide and direction from God when handling or responding to issues. This is highly dissappointing nd shameful!!!
This is the exact word a gov from d North used when we loss about 6 youth corps...is either she's lossing it or she's truly a vimpire....somfin that's avoidable your saying that its an act of God! Your own god abi?? What do you expect from someone that's only a self-seeking, servile flatterer and fawning parasite that calls herself a minister to crappy president!
For d 1st time me n dis man r on d same page! Dis dauta of Belial! I detest her. Just be using our money to bleach n buy dead ppl hair n colored contacts, wit lips painted wiv d blood of abt 200 souls. N yes I'm hating! Dis woman is d reason I lost loved ones in Dana. N she showed no remorse there after. I am very very bitter, true. God will hold dat blood on ur head Stella till a 1000 generations.
Funny enough, FFK that is trying to correct her is wrong himself... Neither God nor devil cause most accidents, careless/reckless/incompetent humans do...
Nice comment to her stupid talk.... How will she say that accident is an act of God? Nonsense!!!
She's drunk, if she was among d dead she'll not have opened her ugly mouth to utter such comment. *brownie*
I dont understand our ministers sometimes. well, this rubbish is what you get when the wrong people are in the right offices. the fact that she could boldly come out to say this rubbish shows she knows nothing about the sector. how does these ministers get nominated.
well said FFK, God dont cause air accidents and God dont kill people by air crash. God bless you more FFK AND LONG LIFE. THE TRUTH IS BITTER.
really dis woman has no human heart..if ur child or husband died in a crash sure u wudnt say a tin like dis...am so so loving FFK.he speaks d truth no mata hw LIBers dnt like him.the truth is bitter
What type or kind of people are this for crying out loud?!!!!! She call herself Aviation Minister! Act of God? #confusedface#
NIGERIANS!!!!!!!! Pls grow up plssssss! Jeeeez!! Her Irresponsibility is sky rocketing. #longhiss#
C pot callin kettle black!!!
although, what stella said is wrong but FFk you have diarrhoea of mouth, why must you put mouth in everything
really dis woman has no human heart..if ur child or husband died in a crash sure u wudnt say a tin like dis...am so so loving FFK.he speaks d truth no mata hw LIBers dnt like him.the truth is bitter
hahahaahahahahaahahahahaha! this man is just an attack dog!!! but why would the minister say a thing like that!
FFK ebiakwa ozo
although, what stella said is wrong but FFk you have diarrhoea of mouth, why must you put mouth in everything
Make FFK enter latrine go rest.
Lol.... Vampire minister.
But why didn't our dear incompetent president fire this one? I think that stupid weave on her hair has covered her brain and she's now saying they are acts of God.
If it were to be her family involved I'm sure she wouldn't sound this way. God pls continue to guide $ protect us from flesh eaters $ blood suckers, amen.
airspace. This demonstrates the type of gullible people we have at the top ruling our so called Nigeria. She is clueless and not fit for purpose. This is not sort of comment you would expect from clued up individuals when there's still an investigation ongoing to unravel the technical cause of the crash. Act of God or act of her recklessness in allowing written off aircraft to be flown in our airspace.
They're both correct, bt Oduah insinuated wrongly! She shd hav sd "God knws best" simply!
~D great anonymous!
Av bn waitn 2 read sumfin lyk dis! U r on point!
I keep saying it, our politicians should go and learn the art of public speaking.
Well God's will,will never be to take lives!!! Read ur bible!!!
Most of d ministers don't even know deir work,I'm so sure she didn't know Edo has an airport not until dat boy traveled for free,our minister of sport doesn't know how many FC we ve in nigeria,minister of education thought ASUU strike was over... Non functioning ministers.. Same as d twitter man.
And I think u're just as ignorant as he is,or worse
U are so dumb. U see, Nigerians hate correction. He's correcting d dumb ass in government n u empty head is talking nonsense. Anofiya
FFK was former aviation minister, he is part of the corruption and inefficiency in aviation sector. What contribution did he do or add and now he is condeming the likes of him. Woe to all of them that was and is in govt. For oduah, God does not cause evil to befall man, it is the mistake of those that has responsibility of making things right but did not do that like oduah and her cohorts FFK.
See mumu like u. If u truly av a head like u are claiming here, pls put it to gud use. Plane crash isn't a natural disaster mumu.
It took associated to crash, Kabo to almost crash before Dana was grounded. Pls stop talking bullshit, go sleep.
Who made this bitch a minister?
Nw dnt u play dumb and put ur foolishness on display for all to see. For all is nt blind to see that this is Jonathan and his cabinet foolery
Always learn to speak truth and know something true when u see it. God gave u brains
U wasted ur time to write meaningless epistle.
His will is not of evil,open ur bible smtimes
Well said!!!
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How can God contradict Himself, HE wishes us to live long and prosper in health yet you are saying HE wants to kill us! Please let us human start taking responsibility for our actions and leave God out of everything. Anyhow sha, is it me or all the ministers serving under GEJ are just as clueless and somewhat stupid like their boss? Talk of the bird of the same feathers flocking together.
You are more stupid and ignorant than anything I can imagine. Even the devil will exclaim at your heresy....cos even he couldn't have come up with such railing accusations against God for he knows much better.
Shut that ur gutter of a mouth.......u must not comment.....if God does all the evil, what does the devil do outside of spending time teaching u rubbish?
You don't have to make this a tribe matter and start insulting the Yorubas please. His character is a personal one, not a tribal one.
Fucking Bitch!!!
That babe is on drugs I swear.... Where in this world do people say things like that at times of tragedy.... She should make sure she's sober before she tAke any press conference.
The leaders should watch whatever they say on media. if this news is actually true thou.
I loved him long time,his bluntness makes me cum!
That is why they do everything in the name of god,private jet from god,boko haram killing fromgod,jimiyke delievery from god,accident act of god,bad government god,asuu strike in the handof god.I'm starting to develop hatred for nigeria god.regret to be a nigerian.
You are dumb fool.that woman must be your suger mummy.go lick her pussy as usual.idiot.
LOL your hate is sure killing you!omo irankiran!!
God don't crash planes, collecting bribe to clear a run done plane crash planes, please Nigerians stop blaming God n the devil for ur sins. The deliv ran away from nigeria back in 1985.
Death is part of life and can come anytime and to anyone. Even Christ died in his 30s, so the time they died is d will of God, if not it wont happen. Except someone is saying the Devil is more powerful than God.
Thank you. She's as dumb as the moron that hired her. 2015 is on the way sha. I hope my people vote wisely.
FFK is seekin relevance afta pouting unnecessary rubbish dis past few wks.He's tryin to extend an olive branch 2 nigerians in d weirdest way.All dsame,the aviation woman is evidently lost...
Act of God indeed God is nt wicked and heartless he does nt want us †☺ just die like that he has good plans for us
Yes its an act of †ђǝ devil bc greed,corruption,and all bad things are works of †ђǝ devil and †ђǝ pple the devil is using †o commit all these evil are his children. Its an act of †̥̥Ђε̲̣̣̣̥ devil her god.
This man is an attention-seeker! Hatred aint good, but I hate him! Must you comment on everything? The impression he's eager to propagate obviously isn't what the Minister has in mind. As far as I can recollect, his tenure as Aviation minister is one of the deadliest and most gory in recent memory in Nigeria.
@anon4:14,wot is president's own wit wot hapund?dats y u av appointd heads in d designated areas2 tk charge,if u wer a president den u cn point fingers buh shut up for now..d best u cn do z pray for d country,smeday all will. B well...instead of all of dis ogas @ d top blabbing,dey shud commence work nd do d right thing pls...dat aircraft wosnt fit,enof of all dis cheap talks nd dey shud do d rite thing,its lyk dese peeps. Dnt av a conscience sha,errtin wears me out,its well
i keep looking at her hair...y would you fix such bad weave...
Stupid ass moderfucka..pls,stop dis hating shit.u dis money boring ass moderfucker...##middlefinger##
I hate 2 admit it....am seriously starting 2 lyk dis man, he writes rubbish full of sense! His last write-up about the cause of plane crash is so on point, some evil hands behind all the causes! #wordupman #FFKnowrocks #opentheirnyash
Last I checked "Act of God" meant natural disaster/ force of nature etc. how on earth would anyone interprete poor maintenance resulting in engine failure as an "Act of God"? I think she should just have sympathized with the families whose relatives died in the crash and promised to identify what could have caused the crash as the investigation unfolds. Abi them no find black box?
Madame Minister, I just may be the solution you have been looking for! Call me to learn how to better express yourself.
For real though, getting inside people's minds and enhancing communication is my forte.
During FFK's time as the aviation minister, there was no single plane crash....get ur facts! So all u asking what he did when he was minister, u got ur answers now! There was no record of a single plane crash when FFK was aviation minister, yea I said it
NYC-1 says: Its really troubling to come to terms with words such as this especially when it is coming from a Minister. In civilized countries, comments such as this is more than enough to force the Minister to resign. The comment is an indicator that she lacks the ability and proficiency to run the ministries. Anyway, Nigeria is a place where ineptitudes thrives. If it is an act of God, why did you suspend the license of the airline to operate; why bother even investigating the cause, since you know the cause? The comment suggests that the so called investigation, is nothing, but a slogan. Nonsense! its an act of God to allow the inportation of grounded planes from other countries? Why is Nigeria so bad and messed up? A reasonable person would first and foremost extend her condolence to the bereaved families, not justifying neglegence. Why must tragedies happen before the right things are done? We have only one life to live, and proactive measures MUST be taken to protect it at all times.
inasmuch as I do not agree with it being "an act of God". FFK should sometimes not politicize everything or try to get attention at everything. is he not a Lawyer? is that not the term used for such act?
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Nigerian youths will never read and how do we build our country? "act of God" is a legal term.
BTW, FFK was a minister in that same ministry and did nothing, why is he now talking?
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Yup! Dey go as far as altering kerosene n voila!!!! cheap-ass jet fuel! Smh
All of you should STFU, "ACT OF GOD" is a̷̷̴ legal safety term used to explain unexpected disasters e.g natural disasters. A plane might be cleared to be totally fit to fly, but it can develop a fault mid-air & crash, such unexpected situations are called ACTS OF GOD in the safety field. That's what the minister meant, not that the Almighty God caused the crash, please be informed. *u guys can now shoot me, am wearing my bullet proof vest now*
A nation of superstitious natives. It's what the colonist used to snake their way in. They saw how gullible the people were . That is what these new breed of fat cats are using , they act on the superstitious unscientific idiot logic of the natives. From greedy thieving, adulterous pastors to vile corrupt politicians. Act of God. Lack of accountability, let's blame it on God or the devil. Anything to take the heat of themselves. The sick thing is that most of the populace buy into this mess. And a minority don't. The scientific logic is that majority rules. Were does that leave Nigeria.
Kettle dey call pot black all dem na thief ki,ling Nigeria anyr anyr
The minister's statement is in very bad taste, People died here! not animals! I wonder what happen's to this people when they get to Aso rock???
FFK u get mouth die. You are directly and indirectly putting GEJ ministers on their toes by their words and by their acts.
Well said FFK. Hope u have private security guards around u always so dat u can last n live long?
I swear MHan she don get *patience jonathan syndrome* No brain!
Forget abt FFK d main problem here is Nigeria govt. Dat associated aircraft is 23 years old. It was first used by American army for 17 years b4 it was sold out to a British firm wen it was den used for another 4 years b4 selling it finally to Nigeria govt. D question is wen will nigeria ever buy a new aircraft and stop purchasing outdated properties
Oga know it all,A plane crash is not an act of God please. Did thunder strike the plane? Have you not heard that the plane looked old and worn out? Was it God that flew it till it looked like that? Didnt you read that it made crackling noises during take off and would shake mid- air (mind you not turbulence o). Was it God that was shaking it?
Maybe this 'Princess minister' bought her lace wig from you. Thats the reason both of you think alike.
If u check dat man's life while he was in office u will know he was kicked out of seat....nd is he trying 2 say dat there weren't amy plane crash in his tenure ....mtchew....in all situations we live evrytin in God's hands .
All of you are talking trash. We belong to the relatively few that Fani-whatever can never influence. He is a loud-mouth, atention-seeker, addict...I can never agree wt his person whatsoever...@Anon.Oct 8,2013 4:14pm- Thumbs up!
In everything wwe give thanks to GOD.......whether good or bad.......
What do u expect when u have incompetents and greedy fools @ the helms of affair of this FORMER great nation, coupled with citizens who are mostly ignorant, always accepting religious, spiritual, tribal and emotional blackmail from their leaders as a justification for their incompetence. Knowing how gullible some Nigerians are, these justification are accepted without questioning /holding them accountable.
@Anon 7.20, wut exactly did Nigeria do dat med d 'deliv' to run away in 1985.lol.
xxx..What nonsense from a MINISTER (or is it MONSTER). thunder fire you. If it was your husband and son that died in one day, you'll be with PAMPERS under you and DIAPERS cleaning your tears. Old witch. Are these the technocrats GEJ brot to nija? obviously he's equally crappy.
Everything happens as God wills it, but flying passagers wit a plane on a scheduled TEST FLIGHT?? Its a deliberate act! This woman wil tell us very soon, its also an act of God whn sum1 falls n break his/her legs in Abj airport, whr she has replaced granite tile wit ceramic tile. For. God's sake, hw do u replace expensive granite tiles with a cheap smooth surface(Slippery) ceramic tiles at a humongous contract sum! To her n her master, She's working! Its high time we put Round pegs in round holes!
NIgerians go to school but they are not educated. I still can't believe after going through so many comments that no one knew that an act of god is a legalistic idiomatic expression. Act of God is a legal term[1] for events outside human control, such as sudden floods or other natural disasters, for which no one can be held responsible.
No be BK or CRS biko!!!
It's @ds JUNCTURE, not JUNCTION, thank me lerra.
*does* open..odee.
According to Tunde a Bakare , GEJ has three witches in key positions in Nigeria! A witch as finance minister, another witch as petroleum and the aviation witch as well:) in her tenure it's been one crash to another,why because they are are all square pegs in round holes, a Country where everything is attributed to God, and they would not do the right thing!
The Northern Elites hiding behind religion to perpetrate violence because a southerner is in power.
Even the Southern President riding on stupid advise from his sycophants advisers like Rehoboam in the Bible, may God not let Nigeria go in piece like former Yugoslavia!
juncture..nt junction...i 1da wer u're travelling to
ffk..busy body..gbasaquin...c hu is talkin...criticizing smonelse wen he was neva any beta wile in dsam position...if i recal very wel..his ineficiency cost him his office.,,olodo...loud mouth wizard
Good say!
She would call it an act of God in other not to investigate individuals responsible for the accident because she has been paid off.FFK is right this time.Shame on Nigerian leadership.Pain and anguish await them all on the day of judgement.
U my dear, needs skool
@ 4.14 I love your comment. What did Kayode do while in Office? They all are thieves. He's only trying to tarnish them because he wasn't selected. May God give the family of the deceased the strength to bear the loss, and grant the deceased Alijant Firdaus *AMEEN
The problem with us is that we quickly equate our stupidity and incompetence to God's doing. The Minister should hold her head in shame. Was it an act of God not to service the plane or the Minister was too out of touch when the Ekiti state ban the plane from flying any f their staff. Mrs Minister you goofed on this
Voice of the people? Chai I hope I'm not part of what makes your PEOPLE ain't a fool like you and your role model
Have you ask yourself how this heavy machine is flying in the sky?It is an act of God.so if it goes down it is also an act of God.some of you who drive cars,dont your car stalls while driving
?Europlane is heavier than trailer and train locomotive engine.so it must encounter mechanical fault mid air.
This man is mad..... Publicity seeker
My Home insurance papers say I'm not covered when it's the act of God. What does Mr. FFK have to say about that?
In Law, there is an act of God clause which relates to acts that is outside human
control, such as sudden floods or other natural disasters, for
which no one can be held responsible. An act of God is generally considered an
act attributable to nature without human interference. For
example, damage from a tornado or a lightning strike would be
considered an act of God. Damage would not be considered an
act of God if it is caused by the property owner.
Acts of God have legal significance because "acts of God" are a
legal excuse for delay or failure to fulfill an obligation or to
complete a construction project. Many insurance policies don't
cover damage caused by acts of God. At times disputes arise as
to whether a violent storm or other disaster was an act of God
(and therefore exempt from a claim) or a foreseeable natural
event. The big question is "would an aeroplane crash be considered as an act of God? There are contributing factors that led to d plane crash like carrying "too much fuel", old engine etc. The truth is that the Nigerian Aviation sector is still lagging behind. I expected FFK to be quite narrative before hurling his usual insults. FFK shouldn't even get me started cos when he was a Minister of Aviation, he did nothing. There are two sides to what Mrs. Stella Oduah said
They are both foolish. One is blaming God and the other idiot is blaming the devil. How about the fact that airplanes are man made, man maintained machines. If not maintained well or put out of circulation when need be, instead of trying to squeeze every last dollar put into the plane out of it, then accidents such as this will happen and continue to happen. Do the thorough investigation needed and find out how to prevent it from happening again and stop talking nonsense.
A plane doesn't just fall out of the sky. Go and investigate it, so that we learn from mistakes and prevent it ever happening again. Me thinks we all know why that plane and others have dropped out of the sky. No system can be trusted in a corrupt nation. From healthcare,education aviation . It is an act of God that people survive in Nigeria.
Linda, I thought you studied English language? Stop misleading your ignorant followers. An act of God is an idiomatic expression which suggest that is beyond human control. It does not mean God planned it.
its a legal term, but this was not beyond their control. There was no rain or storm, the plane was plain rickety, therefore it is not an act of God.
old looking heartless biatch....y on earth should she certify an aircraft dat hasn't flown for a year to leave d airport nt to tok of flying...she wouldn't be saying its God's doing if any of her family was involved in the crash..The innocent souls,the crew nd the undertakers trying to make endsmeet...its really sad...That plane is as old as stella's 1st child,if nt older sef...mtschew....she cant even board dat kinda plane...the mumu woman now stopped dana air 4rm flying so we ll think shes working....FUCK U MADAME STELLA,FUCK UR ASS,FUCK UR POST....God is watching u
Hellooo!!!...you are to keep your idiomatic expressions and other lingua or legal jagon to yourself when addressing a sensitive issue of such magnitude, Especially when a population of 170m people wt illiteracy rate of about 70%.
A Minister of the federal republic should know better. Abeg abeg abeg
Stella Oduah go and pay your staffs, you have three months salary to pay them. You don't know God abeg
well in evrytin jes giv 10kns 2 GOD
@ Anonymous October 8, 2013 at 4:07 PM ,you are a fool, dont be daft, read before you say shit ... Femi Fani is right
Air accidents are inevitable,they occur fairly often even in the so called "developed" parts of the world. Aircraft like other man-made objects are not averse to faults,whilst we pray against such happening we shouldn't all act like it happens only in our part of the world.
Anonymous 9:59 u said it all correct but hey knowing that ur car is bad and u still drive it into the road and get accident and die is not an act of God ok, in as much as Nigerians dint understand what she meant of which I feel is a correct statement coming from a wrong person.she should not dismiss it as an act of God but check the root cause of the crash as from what I read from a survival the plane was in a bad shape. Sweetie please is that an act of God? Now that is not outside human control. Nice day and I want to read a reply from u. U sound enlightened.
I think she would av sd God kws all nt its God will
October 8, 2013 at 4:14 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Never knew ffk was this ignorant......
Yes,I know he rants
Yes, he is a fame whore
But I really thought he was educated
Act of God is a legal term[1] for events outside human control, such as sudden floods or other natural disasters, for which no one can be held responsible.
the act of God u described here is a force majeure, which is used in contracts when conditions outside the control of the parties prevents the contract terms from being enforced. planes falling out of the sky do not comprise acts of God.
Bros FFK ride on joor with all ur yaabis. Sha remember me in your kingdom when the appointment come oooo. I like it.....kodurosoke
Plz read job 34:10 and james 1:13,14 Our lovely father is never d cause of evil rather 1 of d major cause is d greed and corruption of our leaders.Anty linda plz post o 1st time here I love u muah#runs away#
Sept. 1992 Military plane goes down in Lagos 158 ppl died
Nov. 1996 ADC Airline plunges into Lagoon in Lagos - 142 pple died
May 2002 EAS Airline crashed in Kano State -148 pple died
Oct. 2005 Bellview Airline crashed in Ogun State- 117 pple died
Dec. 2005 Sosoliso Airline crashed in Port Harcourt- 96 pple died. Femi Fani Kayode tell us who were the vampires of those years and during ur time no plane crashed?
Am truly disappointed by the kind of leaders we have, to think that femi fani-kayode use to be a former leader of our great nation should be termed a mistaken identity. no disrespect, however why should he use abusive words on people at every point in time such as i quote "May God deliver us from this vampire woman" this is totally wrong and unacceptable
for a man of his status. i just pray that the purpose of which God brought every mankind upon this world and not only Nigeria would be established...the purpose of LOVE.
You my dear, need schooling
Don't correct peoples English when your own leaves a lot to be desired.
Thank me later.
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