Was I wrong to apologize to Susan Peters? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday 11 March 2012

Was I wrong to apologize to Susan Peters?

For the record, I've never met Susan Peters, never spoken to her, don't care if she likes me or what she thinks of me. The only reason I apologized to her was because from the way she was ranting on twitter after the BB Porsche phone post on LIB, it seemed to me like she was deeply hurt and I kinda felt bad that I was responsible for making another person feel that way (Yes, contrary to popular opinion, I have a conscience...lol). She was getting a lot of bashing on twitter and I wanted it to stop, so I sent her a DM. She made the DM public.

I have absolutely no problem saying sorry to anyone, whether I'm right or wrong. If saying sorry will make another person feel better, then I will say it! Only now there are those who think I was wrong to have apologised to the actress. Continue to read what they wrote about the whole episode and share your thoughts.

LIB/Susan Peters Faceoff: Apologies My Foot!
Written by Nigeria Bulletin

When last Tuesday, Linda Ikeji published on her entertainment blog, the picture of Nollywood actress Susan Peters posing with her latest acquisition – a Blackberry Porsche smart phone, nothing in the picture or the accompanying article suggests the slightest intent of malicious attack on the self-perceived superstar nor the cyber war the article would generate.

As it has become synonymous with such posts on LIB, the Susan Peters article turned out not only to be a juicy piece considering the number of hits and comments it generated (some 216 comments as yesterday), but was equally devoured , appropriately digested and judgmentally spewed by readers and lovers of the blog.

Quite unfortunately, Susan Peters retaliatory rants on Twitter over the comments of some of LIB readers and her targeted vituperation against Linda Ikeji, together with the controversial tendered apology of the latter to the former, has questioned the moral ethics of unbiased and factual reportage in journalism.

For starters, if Linda Ikeji was to be a true professional journalist in the real sense of it, she would have understood she owed Susan Peters absolutely no apologies for publishing both the article and the comments made by the readers. The tenets of the journalistic trade have it that such actions are solely reserved in cases where the writer has published erroneous or untrue stories.

By quickly aligning herself with Susan Peters and tendering an apology, Linda Ikeji has proven firstly, that she’d rather curry the favour of some selected few to discharging her duties professionally and secondly, has indirectly stated that the opinions and actions of her fans meant little or nothing to her. (Dear Nigeria Bulletin, not true. I love my readers). For the records, the millions of readers of the blog made what LIB is today. Least Linda forgets, whatever she publishes on her blog can be readily sourced on other online and print entertainment platforms.

Back to Peters, the uncouth mannerisms with which she attacked, Linda Ikeji, her sister and LIB readers who by extension can arguably be said to be her fans, further depicts the careless, arrogant and senseless attitude of some of Nigerian entertainers to their audience and fans. Calling her fans ‘nonentities’ and Linda ‘failed human being’ is the height of being irresponsible. These two set of people by extension are the media and fans that made her! Like the proverbial river that forgets its source, Susan Peters will fade fast into obscurity and irrelevance if not for these category of people. Common sense should have prevailed on her to first reason the consequences of having the paparazzi take the picture or make it public in the first instance.

If Susan Peters understood the essence of PR, an intelligent thing she ought to have done is made her publicist (that is if she has one) handle the matter professionally rather that cursing and raving like the average omo alata over the social media.

As a parting shot, Linda Ikeji should take a clue from Yahoo! News and other reputable media houses that has never for once apologised for their publications simply because of the bruised ego of some affected persons. If there is anyone or group of people she should apologise to, it is her fans whose unwavering readership and support made her blog what it is today. In similar vein, Susan Peters should tender apologies to her fans too for the embarrassment, employ a publicist to manage her public affairs and better still, get herself enrolled in anger management classes..

Some of her twitter rants...

And the controversial apology...
To LIB readers, I didn't apologize to insult my readers, and I apologize if it seems that way. I apologized to Susan Peters to make her feel better....it was a private message, she made it public.

I never should apologize again, no matter what? Or was my apology OK? Please let me know what you think...


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Ayodeji said...

Never ever apologize for a post on your wall. Silence is always golden. by apologizing, you admitted you actually did something wrong.

Anonymous said...

Mehn Linda i gbadun your style o sha,to have the humility to apologize even though you were clearly hailing her, because i really think that Susan is showing she is unable to take criticism and lacks self control.
Please i dont think you need to apologize at all,babe needs to get the memo,when ur a star,nt everyone is going to like you or your public image,she should deal with that,that is not your responsibility. No worry jare.

Anonymous said...

lol............Nigerians have issues is all i can say. we keep chasing irrelevant shadows, issues and topic

susan peters move on, it was just one topic in the blog, we have all forgotten about that topic and moved on.

Anonymous said...

It was mature of you and more importantly kind of you and I for one have acquired brand new respect for you... The apology was good, since you felt bad about it. The Susan woman is just a childish, immature arse.. However sha maybe in the future you shouldn't offer any apologies unless you actually meant to spite the person.

Anonymous said...

Linda I didn't see any wrong you did, after reading all her insults I think she is an IDIOT with a teaspoon-full of brain and you shouldn't have apologized. Am your big fun, nobody should put you down and that BITCH should shut the f*ck.

Semira said...

life na one o linda. your blog has made u a public person and this comes with the territory. what would be a shame is if u change who u are because of pressure or peoples opinions. i personally dont think you did wrong with your post.if your decision to apologise is in line with your character and philosophy then thats good.. plus the post by the other blog was unnecessary. wetin concern apology with journalistic ethics abeg ur a blogger not an investigative or political journalist the rules differ. keep doing you thats the most important thing my sister. it is well. MIMI

ifu said...

@lindaikeji you never should have apologized to that bitch aka @realsusanpeters ...blackblonde doesn't Know people like you made her

Anonymous said...

LINDA U SHOULDN'T HAVE APOLOGIZED she is supposed to be a star/celebrity n so she will be talked about all d time they talk about beyonce carry a 350k bag n she didn't blink that's a true star,her making ur apology public just shows how small minded she is abeg bone her n pls don't discuss this topic again, not worth it at all,next gist hisssss

Anonymous said...

Hey Linda, u absolutely did the right thing because u put urself in her position and u felt wat she was feeling. Pls ignore d nonsense "nigeria Bulleting" criticising you. There r Journalists and there are Journalists.you fall under the sensible category

Bella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alicia says... said...

Yes, you SHOULDN'T have apologized. Who the hell is she? Just posting your apology like that to make it seem as if she "won." She is so razz (as you guys call it) and that is why she will continue to be a C-lister and never be on level of omo, genny, and their likes. She is simply a "celebrity" that can't take the heat. She should just stop forming. And if she is not the first to buy a BB, then who was she posing for?? Mtchewwww.

Anonymous said...

Professionally, u shouldnt have bcos it is just an open blog where free ple can state their opinion freely....However, ur true being and conscience played the better part of u (i.e apologising to her even if it wasnt ur fault)...SHE IS JUST BEING A TODDLER RANTING OVER SMTN SILLY...u should have known her level of reasoning (by HER POSTING A PRIVATE APOLOGY) and stop disturbing yourself over senseless issue...abeg post better for ur Blog and let us move ahead...what next ...

Anonymous said...

Am so disappointed Linda, how could you apologise to this fool Susan,I thought highly of you ,not anymore.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Linda, an apology was in order but not the fact that you wrote "people will always talk", thereby referring to us.

For the publication, 1st they should know the difference between a blogger and a journalist. As a blogger, you owe no one any explanation over what you post, though in all honesty you review the comments before posting them. Nonetheless, we forgive you and love you still.

Now to Susan Peters, I hope you read this because you need some good talking to. LIB was NOT the only blog that posted that ridiculous pic. Maestromedia did as well, alongside many other blogs. Why is it LIB you're attacking so visciously?

Secondly, it was a pic of you, posing and flashing your "phone". I personally did not have a problem with you owning a bb porsche cos I know it was NOT your money, I only questioned why you would hold it up like a university girl. Like those girls who'll hold their car keys up for all to see. Big girls who own properties don't go around holding their C of O's for all to see. If you were posing for a pic, why did you have to hold your phone up? Your twitter rants made you out to be a village girl with no class whatsoever, and apology or not, LI was the bigger person. U're pathetic almost!

Blak kofee

lady Q said...

I wud have made a public apology if I felt d need to, which in this case I don't think was necessary

Anonymous said...

who is she? nawa for this unknown actress trying to form star.please my dear linda dont mind her she took it overboard.she has shown that she is just a closed minded cretin thinking the world is at her feet without knowing nobody dey see am.she should go and hug transformer or better still go and dive inside pacific ocean

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't ve apologised!! I don't think joan Rivers apologise to those celebrities she bashes on her Fashion police ish! You shd take full responsiblities for ur Actions. We got ur back any day! Leave Susan to Rant, she's absolutely baseless!!!btw I knew her well until I started reading ur blogs! I love ur Blogs n I always look forward!! X0

Nuffsaid said...

Yep!! U were wrong. If she did not want ppl talking about her, she shld never have made that pic public.
Since the story was true, did u do anything wrong in putting it on ur blog? Its a celebrity n gossip blog after all.

MizTee said...

Linda Linda Linda, how many times did I call you? You too dey beee (You are too forward). Why in the world would you apologize? I don't get it! For real. You only apologize if you did something wrong. Did you post a lie about her? no. She owns a blackberry and you posted it.
You have time sha.
And the idiot has the guts to insult you and your sister! The nerve of her! We still love you Linda but don't let all this no-good celeb ride on you. You are a celebrity too and I am sure you can afford this stupid demo blackberry sef...lol

Berrykiss said...

Susan Peters should also tender an apology to you, infact a zillion of those. I was very disturbed by her tweets, was going to write something about it too on my blog, only thing that kept me from doing that was cos I realised you apologized and prolly wanted it to not cause more riots...and men, was I furious you did? My only consolation was that you did it in good faith and it brought her back down to earth from the stupid pedestal she placed herself. I was glad that you handled it pretty well too, without going down to her level.. As Nigeria Bulletin mentioned, people like you, myself inclusive contributed largely to the celebrity status of these peeps but some ill-mannered ones will always forget their place.. There are still great celebs out there, kudos to them..

My conclusion, Susan Peters needs you more than you need her.. Simples. She was obviously vexed cos you supposedly never mentioned her on your blog before noni.. I'm so ashamed of her, those words she used.. unbecoming is an understatement for them.

Oya, takea of you Linda, I'm outta here

Amirah said...

You are about to start WW4, i think you want to continue where you left off. Please let it go, Linda it part of being a "Journalist" oops I meant blogger. if you like post this comment at least I know you go read am before you delete.

Back to the question, obviously Susan Peter no get thick skin, if she does the comment no go pain her. If you are a "celebrity" learn to develop thick skin, so when you are reading comment from faceless, nameless people from Linda's blog it will not bother.

As for your "apology" i don't see anything wrong with it, even though the tone of it doesn't show you are sincere about it, it just a cover up from your part. Shikena, goodnight goodmorning

Roxie said...

Hey Linda,

I honestly don't see anything wrong with you apology.

Susan got hurt by your post, and you apologized. That was very big of you.

she needs to go and sit on a cactus. the insults were unwarranted. Angry buffoon.
instead of her to use all that energy to learn how to apply makeup properly, she's using it to insult you over comments your readers made.

if she dey vex, she should go and look for the readers that insulted her, and she should tell them to Pick Pin..lmao! that was a pun! as per BB pin...hahahha

love ya linda.

Anonymous said...

Honestly Linda, there are a lot of people's names that have been dragged into the mud simply because of your posts and hateful comments from readers. A lot of personal information put out there, a lot of family members insulted. I don't want to name any names as i'm sure you know them yourself and the pain your blog caused them. You say you have a conscience but why didnt you apologize to the others who got worse? Instead you allowed the comments to keep going. Or do they have to go on twitter before you know they are hurt?

MY POINT IS...If you want to blog then blog. Be proud of your work, professional and with no regrets. If you say you have a conscience then you shouldn't be accepting certain comments or blogging at all. It makes no sense to do what you do and then apologize for it.

Anonymous said...

come on ms ikeji..you just acted like a lil scarecrow,you definitely think she's bigger than you?guess what,she ain't shit...you are not her bitch and you owe her nothing..next time don't act like a little scary pussy..

Anonymous said...

Wow! Over just a blackberry phone. Only in Alaba market will Susan Peters be classified as a celebrity. She does not need to go on BBC and rant because she happens to be able to afford a BB phone. She would have been matured about the whole situation and sent Linda a private message to explain her distaste. I guess she, herself, needs the attention because without the attention of the public, she would be a fish seller.
Modelling is not for everyone just as pink lip stick is not for every being, most especially you. Atleast Linda realized that early, unlike you. I hope you realize how disastrous you look when you wear pink lip stick before it's too late. And if you're too rich, get some work done on your body. I can easily mistake you for a man even with lights on. Seriously though, grow the heck up and don't make a public scene over a mere blackberry article. Emulate the likes of Genevive Nnaji, Stephanie Okereke, and Kate Henshaw. They can teach you one or two lessons about being classy. Until then please keep a low profile, lest you disgrace the poor country, Nigeria.
Linda, if you did what you deemed right, you need not worry what people think. Two wrongs never make a right anyways.

Candice said...

judging from her rants i think she deserved all the insults and more, and u really didn't have to apologise, no basis for that at all, u can't please everyone uno...

Anonymous said...

she's really childish and has no class. i dont even get why she's mad. if pple are on her case, why listen? its not their money. people need to learn to ignore some things. i see absolutely nothing wrong with your apology. its very thoughtful and nice of you to do.

Anonymous said...

judging from her rants i think she deserved all the insults and more, and u really didn't have to apologise, no basis for that at all, u can't please everyone uno...

omogoriola said...

Linda, I love your blog! You definitively meant well by apologizing and I commend you for doing what you feel you need to do. However, you should never apologize for speaking your opinion. I follow your blog and I read the post about Susan Peters. That was nothing! You were only giving her publicity and letting everyone know she is a big girl thats all. Susan Peters def. overreacted with her twits. Its not that serious! I even read a similar post about Susan Peters on another website and I don't see Susan cussing those people out for telling people that she has a BB porsche. Please don't feel bad. Shes just been dramatic and having a "I am a celebrity and I can do what I want" moment. If she did not want people to know about the BB, she should not have taken a picture with it. So you did your job and wrote about it. Have a nice day and keep Shining Linda! You are awesome!

Anonymous said...

U shudnt hav....period

Anonymous said...

Linda start promoting positive things instead of materials things like cell phone, cars, house etc. More reason why I appreciate bella naija you will not read this kind of post on her blog. Please re-organize your self aburo, find better things that will be beneficials to nigerians to post on your blog.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
VIEN BLOG said...

babe leave that girl. this goes to show her low self esteem. we are here happy for her and she is busy insulting others. if its paining her that people are rejoicing with her she should go and DIE. '


Anonymous said...

How is Linda Ikeji a failed person?I consider that a huge insult on her behalf, she's obviously doing very well and if anyone fels not, GO AND DIE! (perhaps her recent trip to the US hurts more people than she can even imagine, eyah!).As far as i'm concerned these so called nollywood(I still hate that name) actresses are nothing but cheap whores, home wreckers, empty barrels, runs girls and ritualists that are empty headed and have nothing positive to offer the world than their emptiness and stupid vanity. Susan Peters has not exempted herself form their lot, there are very few that stand out and she's definitely not one of them. This is a step she is bound to regret.I'm truly ashamed of her for doing this!

Anonymous said...

Linda,i m gona be honest.u did the right thing,dont let anybody tell u otherwise.sorry heals a lot of wounds.u shd nt ve posted this bcos as usual,it s gona attract more hate comments.

Misseducationofyinyin said...

i absolutely love your apology Linda, u were the bigger person and this is the kind of role models we wanna be seeing. I understand what Nigeria bulletin meant by professionalism, but unlike the likes of yahoo, u are your blog and thats your image, and u have earned an upgraded respect from me. Love you Linda. don't be letting no one try to knock ur hustle :* do ur thang gurrllll

Sasha said...

Linda you did the right thing. It never hurts to apologize.It definately makes you appear like the mature and classy one. But a word of advice never be apologetic for being you. Susan needs to realize that when you are in the public eye, you should be extra watchful. From the way she was posing with that phone, its obvious she wanted attn but didnt get the right kind of attention and then she decides to blame you who did nothing wrong but take an already publicized pic on put on your blog. Susan you need to learn how to compose yourself. Bushwoman!!!

Anonymous said...

that phrase "pple will always talk" sounds more like you just betrayed your readers. its like you chose sides (which in this case sounds like you sided Susan and saying "dnt mind these LIB readers coz they go always talk nonsense or beef person").u sounded like a coward with that phrase. dnt use it in the future coz its like someone joining an opponent army in a battle field.
However, its takes humility and wisdom to even say "am sorry" coz many pple cnt.

Anonymous said...

100% WRONG! If u ask me.. R u trin2say if err1u talk bout on ere -vely on twitter2rant u'll b begging up&down? Dere was noin wrong bout d post in ny way.. She's jus a useless bitch.. She couldn't jus laff ova it.. &i also feel like u really don't care bout ppl d@pass on comments.. Like d mag said dere was no mailicious intent.. So y d hell do u need2gve her a freaking apology? Who d4k is she oda dan a freaking dead actress yea SUSAN u r DEAD.. Bite me.. *hobbii* Linda u v no business apologizing cos u did noin wrong.. #hian# Its not like u were making mockery of her in any way.. Abi r u now responsible4w@LIB readers say? B wise ma'am

Anonymous said...

Linda u fall my hand jor ... y u go appologized?
Is like u dt value ur own fan & out opinion on ur blog. u sayin ppl will always talk is indirect insult to ur readers. yes u post a pics of her so Wat, i live in London n i swear down i dt know her cos i dt watch 9ja movies. am a doctor so my job does nt give Me time 4 tv. am sure she was hapi wit d attention she got, a lot of dis actress will be login 2 appear on ur blog weda is gud or bad story just to be relevant. se her rant on twitter,i erase my mind on nollywood bcos of dis ugly faces.
Linda i might go on strike frm ur blog wit dis ur apology. even some of my friends re nt ur fan cos dey think u ve some celebrity dat u kiss their ass but i always defend u anyway i still luv u. take lesson frm tmz, necole bitchie etc u re a bloger nt ass kisser. Xxx

Megzy said...

Linda! Your the biggest girl i've seen so far. Your so matured.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww......Linda, you are such a nice person, i admire your honesty, but the milk had been spilt, you did not need to apologise. Sometimes, niceness doesnt always pay off!

Anonymous said...

But this Susan breast sha! O_o
The thing b like groundnut, judging from her twirra Avi, u cud see d obvious difference of d sizes one is bigga than d other! Instead of purchasing a bbporsche, just get ur titties done, a Dcup precisely!!!

tunmi said...

I did not read your Direct Message (DM) as an apology. More like something to massage her bruised ego. Ms. Peters is seriously at fault and in need of a PR person. Linda, you do not post lies. Even if something is wrong, you use the term "allegedly." Ms. Peters is the one who went on the rant, you were courteous and professional. Thank you for what you do and keep it up. Just don't apologize for the truths you post. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I personally do not think u should have apologised. She certainly does not deserve an apology with that nasty attitude of hers.

Why make d apology public? To prove a point? Yeah right......

Anonymous said...

Linda u were very wrong o,u for nor apologize.I mean it was not as if u fixed her head on anoda body holding d fone,it was d real her and she wantd to show off,since fans(even if she doesnt have) reacted to it negatively,why it dey peper am.I laffed hard when i erd she called u failed model cos dis useless wannabe actress is a failure,she aint in any list in 9ja,not even a z-list.How many fans does she have,she nor compare ur followers to her own,how much is d runz dirty gal making, she collects less dan d amnt of fone she bought but we all knw it's frm runs.Linda uno tell her 20million pple read ur blog,susan u bera luk for a job cos i dont think ur an actress,when last did u go on location,susan i can count ur movies and dey are not even lead roles,u lack acting skills.Linda chai u soo cool,how can she call u fail and has d guts to insult ur sister,linda u no talk abi but we ur readers dey ur back lyk hunch,we go finish d useless fowl.Susan u need more pple,usless wannabe wasting her timw on twitter,u berra apply as an assistant to linda ikeji so u could help linda update cos susan u nor reach.Linda u must post my comment or else if u no talk,we go talk.It's very hurtful to call someone a failure,i was really hurt,infact i dey vex wella for here o.How dare she!!!

Anonymous said...

to be frank, i think u apologized out of fear...and also because you kinder want to fit into the "celebrity click" in Nigeria without people raising an eye brow at you.......... cos really, you had no reason to apologize to her? and if u felt the need to apologize, you should have done it publicly....after the insult she rained down on you, you still apologized.... na wa ohhh, be your own person...

Anonymous said...

I love you linda you are literally my role model...I think that was maturity right there. A lesson should be learnt...when wrong apologise and forget about pride.Don't feel bad okay...shit happens. Hope this message makes you feel a bit better.

Cynthia said...

Wats up with the illitrate that wrote the article about Linda not being a true journalist. Are you out of newsworthy ideas for your column? Abeg free the babe! Susan, Susan, Susan...I just dont knw where to start. You just acted a fool. Even if you were rightfully angry at the comments. Your childlike ranting, and below the belt insults makes you come across as someone who reacts without thinking.

mk said...

my 1st comment on ur blog:). this is quite serious and yh the apology was nt necessary bt u did anyway so move on. this is an entertainment blog you shouldn't be apologising.'well if she plays ur salary u should'

Anonymous said...

Did she just say u used her name to shine jeez she aint even a celeb,how many followers she get frm wat i can see u have more fans dan her.Susan #nawash u aint a star who is deceiving u,u should be happy linda gave u free publicity cos girl no one knws u and ur boring movies.Wannabe,dis susan is annoying and disgusting,old haggard woman luk at her moustache and baboon looking skin.It aint as if u commented we ur readers commented on d way we felt,u rily shouldnt have apologized.

lulu king said...

the girl is obviously very classless .Calling you names and ranting on twitter was highly uncalled for . I think you handled the situation very well by apologizing. But next time dont apologize because some people just dont get it!!!!!!

NativePals.com said...

Linda to remain in this field, you have to learn how to do it better. We readers understand. You concern is noted. With time, all the celebrities in Nigeria will start respecting your blog. But you need to work towards it too. Spend some money to pay real journalists/paparazzi to source out news for you, real news, I mean unreported news/gossips. That way, they will know this your blog is not a child's play or a mere blog.

Anonymous said...

Right?????? :| she needs to get over herself kmt!

Anonymous said...

its sad she susan took this this far, and she is a UN AMBASSADOR for peace? hmmm, looks like she loves waging war. She should go and employ a publicist, because she has just hurt her fan base. Plus who is she anyways, she is just a regular citizen who vexed in movies and got her sugar daddies to pay for production, she should watch how she talks, before her dirty laundry gets into the hands of people she wouldnt like having it, and she would never have the audacity to show her face in public again. I will recommend that she make a public apology as soon as possible.Linda my dear, do you, and leave this hopless spinster to her blackberry porsche and stupidity

Kilode said...

Susan If I am you, I would sell off that phone and use the money to hire Linda as your PR. While you are at it, Please throw way that ugly a** pink lipstick. It just dnt look right madam.

Anonymous said...

I think that was maturity right there. A lesson should be learnt...When wrong apologise and forget about pride. Then again Linda, not all things should be posted on your blog...you should weigh in on how relevant and news-worthy the information is. However, you weren't wrong to apologise. Shit happens...I hope this makes you feel better:)

lady Q said...

I cant get over Fatimah's comment "*Calling your blog commenters idiot like we asked her to have bad knuckles or for her BB Porsche to be hotter than her".... Ouch!

Anonymous said...

Shut up linda u are such a pretender and an ass licker. All Susan peters said about you was right. You enjoy putting people down on your blog, U upload personal pictures of people and put up on ur blog knowing that most of ur readers are sad, virle, depresses and have no life. I used to enjoy ur blog alot but I must say thay u are indeed a sadist, I remember how u acted during the Nicole, Amaka Arurume and Naetco c debacle. U put up pictures of married women like basket mouth and AY wives and uploaded comments where they were called protstiues, you put u a story which u culled from a mental woman like stella dimokos blog and have people slander Ebube Nwagbo beliving she is the one when u dont even know whether is any atom of truth in the story. Apart from the most of ur useless commentors most people that matter dont take u seriously and see u for what u are. I know u wouldnt post this, You little sister Laura `s attitude in the susan peters matters by insluting her on twitter depeicts the kind of upbring u have. I read all susan peters tweets she wasnt hurt but was angry. She described u perfectly and I like how she outed you cowardice by sending her a DM.
The are certain comments that are hurtful to people that you shouldnt put up on this blog. We all have secrets and have things we are ashamed of so you are no different. I know u wouldnt post this. Enjoy ur sad life and ur coins cause it is all blood money.

nana said...

I think that was maturity right there. A lesson should be learnt...When wrong apologise and forget about pride. Then again Linda, not all things should be posted on your blog...you should weigh in on how relevant and news-worthy the information is. However, you weren't wrong to apologise. Shit happens...I hope this makes you feel better:)

Anonymous said...

She was getting bashed PUBLICLY on twitter so you sent her a PRIVATE MESSAGE because you wanted it to stop??? Lol. Why did you not tweet the apology to the world so that we can see na? Or post your apology on your blog for us to really see how apologetic you are. You went to go and do secret secret until she opened your nyash to us all and tweeted your dm. Linda it doesn't add up ooo!

Anonymous said...

To me your apology was totally wrong, would u keep apologizing to everyone, someone on ur blog has insulted. No that's not professional in any way and besides you didn't do anything to her, your readers insulted her not you and Susan Peters should stop acting like a child joh, is she the first "celebrity" to be insulted? nd she's def not the last either. She was so silly insulting you on twitter because you did nothing to her if she has self esteem problems she should seek for help and drop from her walker pass acting while she's at it. Susan Peters if u can't handle stardom nd what comes with it step down nd give others a chance or stay there nd swallow it. It comes with the territory.

Anonymous said...

i knew u were a spineless punk the day i saw u at silverbird looking like u had low self esteem. i wish u the very best and hope u can make something out of ur life. the gist on your blog >>>>>>>> the human being that you are <<<<<<<<

Anonymous said...

If there was no picture then there will be no story! News should be reported as it is and no apologies should be made as such, my darling Linda you showed so much maturity apologizing to her and you shouldn't feel any less than that!
Susan Peters just showed how shallow and shortsighted she can be with all the unnecessary comments she posted on twitter and displaying a private is the height of classlessness!!!
whatever the case maybe people have their own ideas and thoughts concerning everything but once you are at peace then you know that you are on the right path.
Linda you are really doing a great job and this should let you know how much impact you have, keep doing your thing dear.

Anonymous said...

Linda. Na wa oo. You ought to have dropped the matter instead of publishing this post to drag things and allowing your readers to insult someone who did nothing wrong to you in the first place. There once was a website that was high, mighty and powerful, but today, most people don't go there anymore. I'm talking about MySpace.com

You're not infallible. A day will come when no one visits your blog. You are damn too arrogant. Get a life.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Susan is a fool...she dares 2 call my darln linda a failed model...c susan o..abeg I need 2 b reminded of d film she's acted in....who knw her?atleast u don't av 2 sell ur body 2 eat...appology my big ass...u shldn't av appoligized....yeye woman in manle form

Anonymous said...

Susan Peters has no respect for her fans and I don't think anybody should even support her with her mannerless rants!!! Why was she too posing with the phone. She was so proud of it, she's now gonna act like the phone is not a big deal to her.
Linda owes her no apology but because she has a good heart, she apologized. As long as you (Linda) didn't write any lie about her, your conscience should be clear.
We love you Linda.
We DO NOT love you Susan Peters and you're not even cute.

Anonymous said...

It was wrong for u to apologise to her. I took time to go to her twitter page and saw the insults and unprintable names and things she said about u. Honestly, susan owes you and your sister laura an apology. U are not responsible for what people say or how they feel about any news u post on your blog.

Anonymous said...

linda you meant well but you didn't express it well. from the text it seems like you were condemning your readers for commenting on something you posted, even though you definitely knew it may turn controversial. i don't think you should apologize but if you did say something like "i'm sorry the post offended you"..noni! and that journalist should relax abeg!..its never that serious..you're a blogger not a journalist, so of course you may get personal sometimes. all in all, you meant well..so don't worry too much..x

NanaDamba said...

she don die today cos this one na more curses go follow her. hian mumu tin. Anyways did is done! move on

Anonymous said...

u really goofed by apologising, how about apologising to all who you have written about that didnt like what was written about them, u need to make up your mind and be professional about your writing! you owe no one no apology least of all the lady in question, you are even helping her non existent career by keeping her in the news, i never ever thought you would stoop this low Linda, that means you may have been sending out underG apologies to others you may have written about in the past! NOT COOL

Anonymous said...

Well DUH!!! Susan is looking for fame LOL :-p.
Linda darling, I understand your point of apologizing but now you've learnt your lesson and next time you know what to do.
Susan again, IS FREAKIN NOBODY!! Isn't it obvious she looks like one of those who sleeps around to get roles ? HAHAHA
Susan baby, your just looking for fame. Abeg I am in north america and linda feels me in with all the news I need to know so PLEASE, leave her for me.

Anonymous said...

Well lyn u shouldn't have apologised cos is against d ethics of journalism and all.. But I felt sorry for her cos people really came hard on her.. Now u knw watsup, no moresorry and all.. Don't take wat she said abt u seriously.. I seriously cannot believe my eyes wiv her rants and all.. She is classless.. Na runs woman wey no send anybody.. No dignity watsoeva.. She made me laugh so hard wen she said u use THEM 2 shine.. As in who r d dem? Is Saul also amongst the prophets? She is daft, Susan peters has no shame and is not a celebrity.. Not fit to b a celeb.. Mayb cos she goes to all d functions uninvited she finks dat makes her a celeb.. No way.. The last time at Eucharia's ordination she was Dere and have issues wiv a legend by d name CLarion Chukwurah.. Hw can a madam of her age be caught posing wiv porse BB .. And she said NA BEANS? MAKE PEOPLE GO BUY AM if na BEANS.. Unbelievable.. Lyn pls ignore dat madam wey all d Senators don collect all in luck.. Useless old bitch.. She should have apologised to her fans and cooked up sum story as in mayb na person wan set am up or even beta still na photoshop.. She is from d gutters.. Absolute shame.. Dey pray ooo Lee.. She fit begin pursue u wiv jazz.. She is a very desperate woman.. She blew her chance.. If she handled dis well mayb producers for remember am.. She lost awhole lot of fans cos of stupid phone.. She should b ashamed of herself... Gross irresponsibility..

Anonymous said...

You apologized & u were not wrong for doing so, as a fellow human being, I'm sure a Christian & the lady u're did it. Her making it public shows her need for validation & low self-esteem. Move on & do what u do best!

Anonymous said...

Bloody hellll man!! 1st of all i have lost eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery single atom of respect i have for susan, loved her b4.

I am hugely disappointed that she'll go that far cos of a blog, and linda didnt say anything malicious, she even 'bigged u up',twat! .

Who the hell are u to call some a non-entity.. soooo freaking disappointed.

i will neeeever ever in my life waste my money to buy any of her movies again nor support anything she does.. ahhhhhhh seeee insult abeg..for what? couldnt u have ignored it, are u the 1st person to be talked about?

Declare assets??? so what, u have some few thousands of pounds..booohooo..

Linda i know u meant well, and plz dnt mind her (ur sister didnt deserve the insult too)..

Wooow soo shocked.. shame on u susan, shame..
what gives u the right to call some1 a 'failed human being'...

Piece of scruffy shaiiiit

tsho said...

1. your r nt a proofessional journalist. u blog ur opinons n its great.. so you shudnt question urself.
2. u gts 2 find out if she had beef wv u prior ur post.
3. u r wonderful blogger.. kip it up hun...

Lau said...

Nigeria Bulletin is just trying to start unnecessary drama. It's cool if they think of themselves as professional journalists, but you are a blogger. So let them keep their "professional journalism ethics" to themselves. Linda I think you should be free to do what you want. I won't stop reading your blogs because (of ALL things) you apologized to someone.

Anonymous said...

Linda you are ass kissing person nd we know already, notice how u hv toned down the gossip on ur blog? Same gossip blog that brought u small lime light? ....thank goodness we have Ladun Liadi and co now. Do ur job, make ur money and please no mo'fo except urself. Please people and they will still fuck with you in everyday possible . And YES that apology was a sellout to ur readers. Don't do damage control, apologize to ur readers and don't do it again. Shikena.

Kunle said...

I'm confused, who is she? If not becuz u posted her picture, I've never heard of her before, I swear.

It's a lesson 4 u Linda, not to associate with "nonentities" like her.

Anonymous said...

In the first place, you weren't wrong to apologize, I would say you did the right thing if that was what you felt. I read the post that week, I believe the reactions she got wasn't your intended purpose. You meant otherwise but your readers probably took it too far.

Secondly, there is a difference between a Journalist and a blogger. You are more of a blogger than a Journalist. So, the post that said you were wrong to apologize did not judge correctly. A blogger is free to say anything and does not have strict limitations. Unlike the journalist who has ethics restricting him.

A blogger has opinions, publishes what he/she deems fit, collects comments and analyzes a situation. A blogger is different from a Journalist, People should know the difference.

Social Media has made it possible for us to share our views, Linda Ikeji has taken advantage of it as a blogger, if you have contrary opinions, take advantage of it too and air your views.

Anonymous said...

The truth is, she doesnt have the right to call anybody failed human being......... Because i can even count how many movies she's done and all those award they gave her is just man no man!! she should get a life a instead of trying to get in the news so that pple can think she is important. Apologising doesnt mean you are weak its just a way of making peace. Even if the whole world stop reading LIB i will never stop. Using us to shine my foot!!

Anonymous said...

Linda u sef no try... dat sussan wateva is an idiot...Ode and 'mbok' so uncouth. u owe no one no apologies.
somethings i feel mad at some of ur stories but it dont mean dat i will attack ur person like that. be true to wat you do and let the idiots rant. if no be for ur blog i dont think i will ever hear about any stupid Susan Idiot.

Miss Pepeye said...

She called Linda a failed model and failed this and that. What about her? Is she a tangible actress? Who even knows her? Desperate social climber. Pot calling kettle black. Not that i'm taking sides with Linda but Sussanah *lol*, was so immature ranting on and on etc.

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda,if Miss Peters have a problem with you ,it does not give the right to insult your family members. She could have trash out any issues without including your family. I am also annoyed the way she disrespected LIB readers.There is an old saying in the Caribbean,'Ungratefulness is worst than witchcraft'. The same people who read Linda's blog are the same people who watch and purchase Susan Peters' movies. I for one would not be watching any of her movies until she publicly apologize to you and your family. In addition Susan , Linda does not control the way her readers think.

Anonymous said...

so basically, she just called all LIB readers 'non-entities'???... riiiiiiiiiiiight all holy, spotless innocent susan.. F#cking B##tch, with ur ugly looking face..

Be grateful u are where u are 2day, cos we 'non-entities help get u were u are..

How dare u call a human being 'failed human being'??? like who the fk r u... im hating myself for even saying positive things about u.. END OF IT!!!!

Declare assets by yansh, bcoz u don make money.

So its only positive stories u want to be reading about urself, and people kissing u ugly behind bah..

Even Beyonce dem, get -ve stories about them, u dnt see them cursing some1s family (linda and her sister).

Aisha said...

Linda there was no need for an apology, shes too SENSITIVE for a person in the public, u owe your readers an aopolgy BIGTIME. did I forget the SUSan needs to enroll in ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES like Asap

Anonymous said...

shes a big time Looser, she has proved that shes a village girl


Did she call herself a star, LI used her star to shine???
Damn man in dress, wig & make-up must be trippin
I only got to know her on this blog just like the rest of mgbekes that parade every social function e.g Rukky Sanda

Dear SUSANNA PETERS, MS JUMP-OFF you need to sit your 2c dry ass down....be glad we even have time to address your tackiness and invest more in your femininity like i suggested in my early post.


wale said...

didnt know who she was until you made her popular. may God help her with her tantrum. shameless agbaya
God bless and keep doing your thing. most people who know you for you know you are not a trouble maker you are only doing your job at least you didnt force her to do the photo. she didnt look forced to do it so what is her headache.
wale - yes that old wale. i still read your blog and do i get paid? love you my sister. keeep doing your thing.

Anonymous said...

Your blog wasnt the only place where her story was published (i initially read it somewhrelse), so why did she pick on u? She is supposed to be a UN peace ambassador and she is so vile over a simple blog feature.
I feel you shouldnt have apologized cause you didnt insult her. u published a story and readers commented so why do you apologize? even after sending her a private message apologizing she makes the message public...Where they do that at?! in my opinion i guess she was seeking attention knowing alot of people read your blog so she specifically picked on you. Lesson 1: Never apologize for what you do that makes you a living!
Linda learn to stand for what you believe in! you need to have your professional ethics since this is what you do for a living(YOU ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR READERS COMMENTS ON A PARTICULAR FEATURE).
We live and learn and i am sure you have learnt from it. we all can see that owning an expensive phone doesn't kill insecurities.!

Anonymous said...

No need for an apology Linda. Please don't let things like this bother you.

Anonymous said...

I salute u Linda for keeping things simple, one thing i like about u is dat u dont give a fuck of wot people says about u bcos i hv never seen a person some Critics would post bad comments about the blogger e.g "Gbenga" and u would still hv mind to paste such a comment, say sorry to some issue does not belittle or downgraded u and it is not even strange to me that u could do such a thing.
Back to the case of Susan Pharaoh or wotever her name is, u think dat u hv arrived and u can toy with the word of journalism, they can build or destroy career, so it will be better for u to soft the pedal bcos there are some celebrities b4 u and u will never be the last one.
Is she even a celebrity?

Anonymous said...

ahhhh this girl is a big fat MUMU.. the biggest LOSER iv seen/heard of in a long time..

See how she just degraded linda and her sister. For what? because readers dissed u.. are u the 1st human being to be dissed?

I so much dislike her now (not that i cared about her before sef)..

Idiotic looking cow.. imagine the insult wey dis girl just give people..

and she now deleted the tweets from her twitter page (and NO i dnt follow her, went to check if she really said those things)..

How dare u broadcast a DM, probably feeling like a queen B..

Linda might have been a model before, but shes making something out of her life, she aint sitting at home waiting for money to hit her bank...

Anonymous said...

Hi Lindda
This will be the first time I am making a comment despite been a regular reader of your blog. You actually owed the actress no apology because the article was not an offensive one neither did you have any control over the emotions and comments of your readers.

The said picture of the actress and her phone was not the job of a nosey paparazzi but a delibrate attempt to actually declare her asset. Hence she should question how the picture got to the public

you owe your readers an unbiased professional outlook. I have read worst articles about other individuals in this blog, will you apologise to every one when they rant? The actress needs to be professional and work on how she addresses news she detest.

In summary dearie, its ok to have apologised but you did not have to do it. By doing this any other "celebrity" you blog about will feel he/she can twitt about it and you will apologise.

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda, dnt even feel bad, she just dug her own hole and definitely went OVERRRRRRRRR board. Not cool to have insulted u and ur sis like that..

Aunty Susan, please take a seat in that corner over there................................ |_______

AKT PRINCE said...

Listen linda, ur vacation visit to america is causing all this wahala, bad belly people full everywhere. For the blackberry lady and her issue, I call it drama. .... I STILL DEY PROVOKE.. MAKE I SEE U FOR AMERICA!...AKT PRINCE.

Anonymous said...

Never ever apologize my dear, as long as what you wrote was true. You sold your readers out. This girl is nothing but razz. She is an omoalata, money miss road. As a journalist, never ever apologize for a true story.

Anonymous said...


all of una no get work
keep on entertaining us when we need some stress relief!

Anonymous said...

Saying sorry rather!

Ant said...

Na wa o! Well, you can't say not to apologise no matter what. You must know to choose your battles and be ready to apologise when you are wrong and/or for the sake of peace. That said, I honestly didn't see anything wrong with your post on Susan's porsche. What I find amazing is the number and quality of insults she rained down on top the post. Biko, she be naija and she knows how people go dey always run their mouth. I can't see why that is your fault Linda. All in all, she just showed that she be real omo ita! I can so reconcile this to her character in "bursting out". She should go and hug transformer.
Linda dear, biko continue the good work.

Mention said...

Don't mind her. VERY stupid woman.
The lack of class coupled with the lack of tact has already shown that she is undeserving of mention.
When you first posted the picture I did not even know who this person was (she she should be glad you brought her some attention).

As to the apology - I agree that it was unnecessary HOWEVER it had been a sweet thought (proving no good deed goes unpunished).
That said - I'd not have exteneded one to her for the initial article. It was extremely benign.

Stay strong
Love you much

Dinma said...

you knew what you did was wrong, and you knew the kind of attention it would bring. It was very mean of you to post that picture so do not pretend to be naive.

I think it is high time you did something more useful with yourself. If I were you personally, I would consider going into serious prayers. This blog thing is seriously getting to your head.

You may regret wasting your time when you are 40 years old, and your blog is an out-dated pile of junk.

I actually think you are a decent woman, but you are believing your own hype. It's sad to watch.

Anonymous said...

This susan is really full of her self o.. Her ego is sooo big, its needs to be massaged with positive stories everytime..

Uncle Susan, YUMadtho? so much hate haba..

NOpe linda, u werent wrong dnt feel bad about it.. She just made a seemly innocent blog post about her into something huge..

However, what i do know is that she needs (1) a stylist (2) make-up artist (3) dermatologist (4) PR/Spokesperson and lastly, a good arse-whooping cos she just called LIB readers non-entities... with her bedbug looking eyes..

Anonymous said...

The mgbeke doesn't deserve the apology. If i were u Linda,I wouldn't have apologised after all the rants.

Anonymous said...

You are not perfect Linda. but you have a good heart. Sometimes I feel you go 2 hard on people like Denica for instance but in this case you have 0% of the blame
1. If she didn't want the picture to go viral, why did she pose with the phone?
2. Anyone that calls anybody a failed human being is in the same boat with HItler IMHO. WHo made her judge? If she goes this far over a tiny blog post, God help you if you bash her car or break her heart or something.
3. It's okay that you apologized. You can definitely do it again in the future if your spirit leads you to it. Nobody is perfect, we are all on the learning curve.
4. You've made name with this news blog, however unfortunately news generally no matter what channel is often bad news. Life would be a lot easier if we all avoid controversial things like a plague and cling to positive things like our lives depended on it.

Let it go Linda, on to the next one. I never met you before and I probably never will but I pray for you every now and then that you'll be happy, find your prince charming and just be fulfilled(isn't that what everybody wants- I know I want that). Anyway be all you can be Linda darling and remember "To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing."

Anonymous said...

hahahah she quickly deleted those comments from her twirra page.. Fear dnt grip am now, she knows the consequences of her actions will catch up with her in the morning..

Me cnt wait..
But on a serious note, why did she insult your sister? That for me was veery disrespectful and mean..

Linda ur doing a good job, plz dnt feel bad.

Anonymous said...

Yep you were wrong to apologize...cos you said nothing wrong in the blog. And for the article, you are a blogger not a journalist so the person that wrote that article should take his/her rant somewhere else. As for Susan Peters, she is as razz as they come and she is a nobody. When she gets into hollywood then she can open her mouth and say crap.

Anonymous said...

I don't see why you shuda apologised. This person took shots at you for no reason. In this case, I doubt the apology was a sign of strength on your part.

You did not falsify the picture and therefore have no reason to tender any apologies. Its not your fault though, its market women with no brains like her that Nollywood has given fame I blame.

Anonymous said...

Dis Susan is highly deluded.. If Porshe na b big deal why pose wiv am like dat.. She messed up and should admit it.. Humility indeed.. Na pride cos all dis wahala it would have been better if she kept quiet.. Susu went on to say Linda has no assets I mean she is a pyschobOb.. Wat?say na only blog linda get.. Wat assets does she susu have? I can't believe my Eyes.. Anyways as UN Ambassdor, multi award winning actress, D Duchess and a managing director she must have assets major assets and supadupa investments.. Na for dat same reason she carry Porshe BB to pose as one major acquisition.. This woman should be getting ready to b a grandma by now not all these.. U get assets and u can't sort ur skin out.. U dey carry piercing for face as youngie.. Shame no dey catch u? U don't knw ur mates Abi? And susu had d impetus to call Linda names.. Grandiose tots and rants I must say.. Person wey dey wax strong pass u upon say no b unto runs level like u susu.. She works hard, tons of sleepless night.. She is a brand now.. Both in Nigeria and abroad.. Susan u disappointed me and other nigerians wey u call nonentities.. U r a supahooker with nofin much to show for it.. Get a spokesperson well u no get career so u don actually need one apparently.. Learn from NSE, BIMBO and MERCY JOHNSON... Top ladies.. WIth so much grace.. NSE in particular.. I love NSE her carriage and everything so on point.. She b A lister no b beans wannabe actress/airhostess.. Humility is d way forward.. Learn dat apply it to everything u do in ur life..

Anonymous said...

so hold on oo..... all those posts u made about her (best dressed/who wore it better/fashion premier stuffs, she didnt complain about those ones bah?

Cos she was dissed now, shes pained? buhahahhahaahahaha.

Miss susana biko to the left, to the left.... village girll..mbuk ko, edikikan (sp) ni..

She should have just ignored it, now she made it 100x worse..

You didnt owe her an apology, however, since u did dnt feel bad about it..

Anonymous said...

Who is Susan Peters....not being sarcastic :/

Anonymous said...

Oh Please! Susan should be ashamed. Throwing a tantrum like a little girl! Isn't she a celebrity? Shouldn't she be immuned to the harsh criticisms of strangers? Besides, we all know how raw LIB commentators are. Some of us exaggerate an insult for the fun of it. Linda babe, you were NOT wrong to apologise. That's what nice people do when they realise something they've done has upset another. Keep doing you jare.

~Menakaya's Baby!

Ijeoma O said...

My dear Linda, I beg, forget this person. You've shown yourself to be way more classy than this character. Even the way she posed with that phone showed it was like fulfilling a life ambition for her. Even in the apology, you said it was for the comments, not for the article. Now she's gloating as if you apologized for the article. And about you using her name to shine, seriously? Who's she? I've only ever heard her name a few times. This is even the first time I'm seeing her picture.

She should go and rest. You did the right thing. Don't let all these people make you second guess yourself. You come across as a fair-minded person. Don't let it bother you. Full steam ahead.

Anonymous said...

I can't load the last comments on dat Susan's story.. Why is not loading when I click on it..

Anonymous said...

It was natural to apologize. But a DM was a bad idea. Plz focus on better pple next tym not rude pple.

Croixxx said...

There was no need for the apology...cos it kinda makes you look lyk U̶̲̅я trying to gain favour with a̷ selected few as dis article rightly points out. Did you apologize to tonto when she beefed you????????

Anonymous said...

Linda, you were absolutely wrong to apologize, even worse that you did so behind the back of your LIB'ers through a private message. Truth of the matter is that you did let your fans down just so that you can massage a the bruised ego of an undeserving and uncouth individual. We are all responsible for our words and actions, and Susan should have owned the comment in the same way she exhibited pride while showing off the phone. Linda please don't ever sell yourself or your fans this short again!

ronke said...

lmao...so linda can beg! *surprised look*,linda buh hope u knw u re sometimes annoying...the way u go about like u d first person to ever own a blog.
dats aside d point,..I dont think you were wrong apologising to her. as a person, it shows u ve feelings for oda pple..buh as a journalist, u thrive on stories to mke ur money..so pple shud understand.
p.s publish dis oo, coz if dey yab u small d comment wont see the light of day ...lol..luv u jare

Anonymous said...

Linda, the only reason you apologize is when the story is false. She posed for a picture with her BB she was showing off. You did not make up the picture. Now you have put yourself in a position where u might have to keep apologizing to all this uncouth and untrained actresses who do not understand what it means to be a public figure.

Olawumi said...

This "Lady"definitely not one. Its a disgrace the calibre of people that rep the movie industry and there small mindedness. Linda didn't do anything wrong by d apology as u just wanted peace to rain at all cost.
To susan who is obviously un cultured and sounding like and educated villager,GROW UP and pls try to acquire class if it can be acquired. U don't know where you or linda wld be in a few years.
The future wld tell and Linda has more integrity than u do and understands that ther is dignity in labour.

ykay said...

Highly disappointed in you,apology for what,so every story u cover now you will go and apologise,is like you don't even have heart for what you are doing,who were the peeps you were referring to that they will always talk*smh*......too bad !

Akpan said...

Linda,I think u did the right thing, ask for Susan, i felt like she blew the case out of proportion.

Anonymous said...

First of all Susan is one word,CLASSLESS!better celebrities hv bn talked about on this blog n they either kept quiet or joked about it.This Idoma bushmeat should STFU!!!with ur eye bags the size of my butt.U no even see LINDA IKEJI back sef for anything.Bitch who knows u?ure posing with bb porshe see ur dirty kpakororo hands,abeg am indoma n u calling urself the dutchess of idoma is a fantasy.Linda u better don't try this shit again,apologies my 'arse'Susan oine try clean up ok? N step up too.U just used petrol to quench the fire sha.Bloody tacky rat ass!*Long hiss*

Anonymous said...

Next time you do not apologize. She already went on a rant, that's her apology.

Anonymous said...

Susan peters gave u what u derserved, like i always told u, LInda...ur blog has noting educative to offer, just rumours and fake jist...u r really a failed model, using peeps to make ur name....get a life bitch

Anonymous said...

smh!!! you actually do not owe this susan peters an apology..its media.she should deal with it,instead of being a total razz kid..

Peace said...

Hey Linda how are you....You see we all dont realize that what you or any other news media post about these so called 9ja celebrities wont stop people from giving their own personal opinion....I like that you are trying to make peace....but pls be careful about these people you write about

xoxo said...

You're the better human being for apologising, she's a lesser human being for tweeting it.
You shouldn't have apologised. I mean, you didn't insult her, you just wrote a piece. She needs to chill alll the way to Antarctica biko. Next time, as long as you did not directly insult anyone, don't bother with an apology. Smh.
Love you, Linda. xx

Anonymous said...

ONOME says..........................
I just chop one better peppersoup so i get una time proper proper.I go address each matter one by one
1.The writer of the article:
A:...having the paparazzi took the picture.....
B....she ought to have done is made her publicist
C....rather that cursing...
D.....has never for once....
olboy/olgirl;professionaljournalism requires you proof read your articles before sending them to print.Occasional typo's are admissible;e.g maket instead of market;i can forgive but when you start to commit such blunders I begin to query whether basic grammatical structure and lexical composition are seriously lacking in your backyard....

2.Now to Londa;I started reading your blog around Dec 2011 and started commenting in Jan 2012 I think.Some of the reasons I enjoy reading your blog are cos I find the stories catchy,gossipy and damn hilarious!!!Your stories/posts are funny;some are already repeated on other blogs;some are from dailymail.uk etc so some of the stories/posts are not exactly hot gists:)))),I have already read them somewhere.So it obviously means I do not just read your posts cos I dey look for gist alone I READ ALSO BECAUSE I DEY ENJOY THE COMMENTS OF OTHER COMMENTERS;and as I have mentioned before on some of your posts;you need to hail your commenters;they do make visiting your blog worthwhile.It's also what I posted on that Susan Peters story.
HOW DARE YOU APOLOGIZE FOR MY COMMENTS AND THOSE OF OTHER COMMENTERS??????Then to cap it all you said 'people must always talk'??????????
You need to tell me Linda if you would rather I stop commenting on your posts and your blog.YOU NEED TO BE VERY EXPLICIT ABOUT IT.You cannot apologize on my behalf to someone,WTH for?????Are you indirectly saying that I am not in a 'correct place' when I make my comments?or that I and other commenters are babies who need direction??What you did was PATRONIZING at the very least...
Anyways I still enjoy your blog die sha but you berrer send me an iphone shaperly:)))))

3.Susannnniii Peters,for insulting my baby girl Linda I dey vex true.YOU HAD NO RIGHT!!I went back to check the post just for clarification purposes and to make sure I didn't miss anything and for Christ's sakes wetin Linda do you??Even if she mah havebeen slightly sarcastic in the post there was ABSOLUTELY nothing FUNDAMENTALLY ABUSIVE about it.HOW DARE YOU CALL HER A FAILED HUMAN BEING/MODEL????
She has posted on her other people so what the f*** is so special about yours that you choose to insult her like this???She is blog writer and on her blog she clearly states "gossip"so what is your problem???This is a new type of low and it stinks!Get over yourself!!!Get a grip woman.That post became old news the next day and people have totally forgotten about it;infact as at last time I checked I was the last to post a comment!!You would have been a bigger woman and totally classy lady if you had posted on her blog and laughed over it all even though I admit that some of the comments were totally spiteful;or simply ignored it and allowed it to wear itself out.DON'T YOU DARE INSULT ME OR ANY OTHER COMMENTER AGAIN.Have you not read some of the comments passed about Linda on her own blog??People have insulted,yabbed,cursed,berrated,praised Linda ON HER OWN BLOG.And this is why i absolutely love Linda she still posts such comments and doesn't respond to them.
UP LINDA YOU ARE THE BIGGER WOMAN HERE.Keep doing what you are doing but dey rara se sha!!!
Phew can't believe I wrote all this.Who send me?????????????

rossyprist said...

u did well to apologise, pple will always talk. luv u and luv susan peters

Clouds said...

From her tweets, it is clear she has no class at all. Never heard of her so I'm not sure what 'name' she's going on about. Apologizing to the tart was prob not the best thing but was somewhat honourable. For her to actually share the DM was low and cheap (not really surprised tho). If she thinks having a blog is beans, I suggest she puts up one. Dumb b*t!#.

Anonymous said...

Yes you were wrong Linda! why did u bloody apologize to the brat? i just read her tweets and this babe is a complete bloody omo alata! DAMN! WOW! she has absolutely no regards for her fans! What!

Anonymous said...

Abeg! Who is Susan Peters? Is she the person they call suzy Q?

Why did she take the pic above? Is she the face of RIM?

Anonymous said...

Na wa o!! Did she just say that you used her name to shine???? Why is she in showbiz if she doesn't want her name to be mentioned in the media??

Susan, learn the first rule of showbiz "There is no such thing as bad publicity".

Linda, you took the high road. Let the kindergartner ramble on.

Anonymous said...

Linda,i think u did the right thing with a good sense of humor. ask for Susan, i felt like she blew the case out of proportion.

Anonymous said...

Some times you do cross the line like suggesting that two guys hugging means they are gay. In this case you did nothing wrong, but post a pic. In Mercy Johnson case the wife came to you. This Susan chick in an idiot, she needs to go to school, fix her hair, buy some body lotion, learn how to act and start looking like a woman. Next time you decide to apologize, ask this question first and rest of us will take care of the fool. You are NOT a model, you are a blogger and you are dame good at it (the best in Nigeria). At least you are good at something, that Susan woman is useless all around. I can't believe I spent this much time defending you Linda.

Akpan said...

Linda,i think u did the right thing with a good sense of humor. ask for Susan, i felt like she blew the case out of proportion.

Anonymous said...

Susan Peter's Response = Proof that money can't buy class!!! Susan dear, you should have accepted the apology and kept it moving like any classy lady would. As it is, you've proven to be not much better than the average agbero girl running the streets. Redeem yourself!

PS: Please ladies, lay off the oddly colored lipstick. It makes you look a tad clownish. Would any man want to kiss THAT?? Anyways xxo

Anointed0ne said...

Linda, your apology shows you are well bred.It is Well!

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda,

I guess you can say "it is one of those things" I remember the post, and the comment, beneath the picture states, "Gbo gbo bigz girls gadget. When you are big, you do only big thingz! :-)." You did not insult her in any way, if anything you "gave her props"...
I dont think you were wrong for apologizing, that was the mature thing to do. However, her statements on her twitter, I personally found very distastefull... I personally believe, that NOBODY has the right to call anyone else a "nonentity" or "failed human being"... But at the end of the day, who are we to judge, really?
You are doing what you love, it pays the bills, and hey, you are good at it...
As humans, we are a very difficult race to please, Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
If this will put a smile on your face, I am addicted to your blog, I love your openness to your readers (insults or not), I think you are great at what you do, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavours... And from one girl to another, I think you are a very beautiful lady! No Homo ;)

Deola said...

Linda,Linda,Linda,u fall my hand o. Y on earth will u apologise to this 'non entity',all d comments people made were true na,she has bad skin,bad taste in fashion,dwindling career etc,y she cm dey vex. Abeg make she go stand infront of BRT joor,nonsense.between u and her who benefit more from the 'publicity' at least one producer fit pity her use d story make movie make she see small work dis year.

Anonymous said...

Linda,i think u did the right thing with a good sense of humor. ask for Susan, i felt like she blew the case out of proportion.

Anonymous said...

na wa! you're too nice sha. that was very unprofessional of her and she's meant to be a "star" abi wetin den dey call am for naija...mscheeew pure disgrace she is..ranting like a village girl, aproko.

Pls Linda, don't apologize next time because you didn't mean any harm. she should go try that with national enquirer...her whole generation go hear am...this is a blog and you're free to post what you want, as long as they're not lies

Anonymous said...

"people will always talk" does not seem like u had ur readers back ms two face! Kai! I'm glad susan made this public. U are so wishy-washy i swear! U were definitely trying to suck up to her and throwing ur fans under the bus in the process. After she expose ur small nyash u come realize sey the tin fit affect the traffic for ur blog and then came and made this useless post?? Well, i aint buying it! U only cared to ask us cos without us u are nothing, and u are desperate to have us believe that u didnt mean to hurt us. infact u are 3 faced sef.

Anonymous said...

Linda u suck! not for apologising, but for talking about your readers in such a way privately.

Anonymous said...

every hidden thing shall be exposed. linda has been caught!

Anonymous said...

well, lindagbiish, u are not wrong for apologizing, but me tinks u were foul for talking about ur fans that way

Anonymous said...

Dearest Linda,I am sorry, i have to agree with the article. You owe her no freaking apology either publicly or privately. Infact you should have just ignored her, she is a low class piece of trash. Yes Susan, i am an LIB reader, i dint comment in the first blog with the BB, but now i am calling you out, you are a low class piece of trash and such a complete dissapoinment cos i actually thought you were a lady of virtue but after reading your twitter rants,there are no words. I saw the blog post and it was not malicious in any way. The comments were opinions of the readers ( which they are perfectly entitled to anyway) and they are not in anyway representative of Linda's. Susan, you are a public figure, and you of all people should know that praises and bashing come with the territory. To come out and attack her like you did calling her a failed human being is soo not cool.The last time i checked , Linda's blog was valued at 1.2million dollars, so how much are you worth, madam successful human being.I am sure you are not worth a fraction of that. Like the article rightly pointed out, why did you ( i mean Susan) allow the picture with the BB to be taken in the first place if she did not want to make it public.Did Linda take the picture. Silly girl, please go away already!! And to you Linda, please learn more about the etiquette of your profession to save yourself from this kind of harassment in the future. Your apologizing to her really makes you come off as unprofessional and really is an insult to your readers although i know you dint mean to insult us ( your loyalty is first to us and not Susan, LOL). Low lives like her will always seize opportunies to take advantage of you if you do not sit up. Need i say more!!!

No one said...

Hey Linda,a good way to decide what to do in these kind of situation is to do what your gut tells you to do not what others tell you to do. Do that which gives you a clean conscience and lets you sleep peacefully at night;)

Anonymous said...

susan peter gt name mtsssss who knws dis failed actress

Anonymous said...

lwkmdddd...lwkmdddd....lwkmdddddd. Linda why why why did u even bother...its obvious she is a certified mumu! She is an entertainer of course she knows she is going to be under the public eye therefore people are not always going to agree with things she does. She can only keep her head up and know her true worth. SMDH. Linda bico sshecck your email:) (MF)

Zizzy said...

Linda, first and foremost, you are a human being first and if you saw it fit to apologize to Ms. Peters, then you did no wrong. Forget, the methodologies of journalism. After all, you're a blogger ;P

tith said...

Linda you should have ignored her. there was no need apologizing. you did nothing wrong putting it up on your blog. u fall my hand big time.

Peace Maker said...

I am not your fan Linda I'm just a concerned citizen of the universe.
I admire your work, your courage.Some girls are out there hustling so hard for some cash, caught in shameless acts.You Linda have been working hard behind your computer waiting for the day of recognition, you even published a book. Now you want to throw it all out of the window because of someone who lacks common sense? NOOOOOOOO.
As I was saying there is a big difference between being well-mannered and being professional. Don't play with your image. Keep the sweet Linda for your friends and family; here you are the fierce one, the personality, strong-minded character; you stand for your readers and they stand for you.Follow you bumper to bumper. That's why you get freebies, that's why sponsors come to you and that's why the US Embassy gave you a visa for the assets Susan P. made a mockery of. Do you really want to jump off the lagoon like Susan P. told you? Shame. You are Number 1 blogger in Naija. Were you not in yankee some days ago? That's upgrading. Then the next faux-pas you do is apologising for something not worth it, now that's what I call downgrading. And they even called you a non-entity. Girlfriend don't do that again. A word is eneough for the wise. AMEN. LOVE & PEACE

Anonymous said...

Linda Ikeji..you are a COWARD! and a coward you will remain! Im the one who vented about how you came to the states and did not hook up or communicate with any LIB readers while you were in the States.I reminded you that it was LIB readers who made you and dat soon you would reap what you sow...i.e. how you treat LIB readers.I told you not to post my comment if you like and you shamelessly did not post it because you are a COWARD! Your apology to susan peters to a great extent shows how you hold your readers...it shows you hold them in contempt with little or no respect. What did you mean by "people will always talk".Who are the "people"? Are you kidding me? Because we come on here to comment we have now become "people"? I dont blame you linda ikeji..and who is susan peters that you are currying favor from? Is it the babe with craw craw skin? The one that would rather buy a phone than look after her depreciated skin? I shake my head for you linda...Mark my words linda;we the LIB readers made your blog what it is today and we could 'break it'. Remember you put up this post and asked for comments abi? If you like, do not post my comment..I'm going to boycott your blog if you do not tender an unreserved apology to LIB readers(yes, if it makes me happy i will and i dont care what you or anyone says). Just like the one you sent to susan peters.The way you do not know her; that's the way you do not know me and other LIB readers....but chose to send her a DM..for what? oh Linda ikeji... pls where is your confidence and self esteem? Smh for you linda.The so called susan peters just chewed and spat you out! Do you think she did not know it was a private dm but chose to take you to the cleaners? Now i know you will drop dead when you ever come face to face with Kola Boof.That's a fact!

Anonymous said...

Linda, I would have to say your apology was warranted. There will be a backlash if you think journalism is usurping people's intellectual properties; such as Facebook or twitter pics and posting them on your blog. Yes its entertaining, but what people choose to share with their friends/fans/followers is perhaps a matter for their judgement. Put yourself in people's position, would you feel comfortable with your property being shared to third parties without your consent....

Anyways, you should be more concerned with the media vultures keeping a close eye on you and your blog. You're under scrutiny and must be wary of getting too complacent with over enthusiasm. Passion and creativity are to be appluaded, but respect and humility ensure longevity in the industry.

Build relationships and support the underdogs. Big dogs sometimes bite back.

Anonymous said...

I think it's good you apologised. You cause too many people heart ache Linda. Sometime I think it's demonic.

Blackknight said...

Linda - Hell No....Never ever apologize for reporting your news.Insult is one of the hazards of the job and developing a thick skin in doing your job is also part of it.People no doubt will get hurt,upset et al.....they will insult you,threaten you and all that....Stand your ground and never ever apologize.You are a journalist and should never be afraid but courageous.Be DEAF to what they say.You are doing a great job sweetie and we are proud of you.
Suzan Peters is a disgrace by showing off a Blackkberry Porsche as if it's an achievement.If it didn't hurt her feelings,she wouldn't hv gone on twitter to ramble like a little girl.
I am a REMAN exec (if at all she knows what it is) at RIM Toronto....Showing off a BB Porsche the way she did was an indication of an inferiority complex and mark of insecurity.Trust me,she has learnt her lesson and would never do that rubbish again.Apologizing will make you loose your readership....Don't do it again.Now the story will be that you came to apologize to her...Linda why????But I forgive you..

Anonymous said...

Linda, sebi u re not a journalist again? Then y d need to apologise? Yes! U were wrong to hav apologized to her, abi no be she put her new bb porche for news by herself? If u too chicken to do.journalist work make u go learn tailoring I beg.

Anonymous said...

Linda you F* up...who the heck is susan kini? peters?I swear i dont even know her..and dont wish to ever know her...no more apologies..who wan die make e die..am sure she is one of those fuckeries using jazz..."tender assets"?non entities?may thunder strike that your ugly face..with ur hairy nipples..you dare say my linda wan use u get level?you went to the blog to read na abi?if linda no get level pass you...y u come go her blog?dog wan get fame..lool...slippers get size...Linda you pass them...peaceout..

Kelly said...

Susan Peters is such a kid...#thatisall

Anonymous said...

Linda!! Why did you apologize? Aaaaahhhhh! What have people not said about jay z and beyonce! Do you see them stooping down to respond? True celebrities keep it moving. And as for Mrs Peters calling her fans non entities......wowzers. This so called non entity will def not knowingly support a movie or anything she advertises. She is a celebrity. It comes with the territory. You did nothing wrong. What she said bout you was so mean spirited.

Anonymous said...

Linda, Seems Susan & Nigerian bulletin r blowing dis up. technically, most journalists don't apologize but that doesn't mean it's right. You did great apologizing. I actually respect you more. Do your thing however you think it's right. At the end of the day, whatever you do is between you and God.

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed at Susan I thought she was classy... Linda the way you handled it, made you a bigger and a better person.

Anonymous said...

Linda, i understand why you apologised. You care about people's feelings which is a good quality to have but i don't think you should have apologised in this case. It wasn't like you posted a "fake"/false picture. Nigeria Bulletin has made lots of valid points. It's just like tmz/ daily mail apologising for comments made against Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. There's freedom to publish and comment on true info. Susan Peters should be ashamed of herself - very uncouth comments from her. My opinion of her has changed completely after this.

Anonymous said...

The above article was quite stupid. First of all, you're not a journalist, you are an entertainment/gbegborun blogger. And sometimes, even journalists have to apologize if defamation occurs(not saying it did). For the writer to accuse you of not upholding journalists' ethics is RIDUNCULOUS(emphasis on the dun because e don pass ridiculous). It's up to you to decide how you would want to relate with your readers and your subjects. Abeg, next. You no do anything wrong. Once again, next story please!

Beautyo said...

dear u didnt make any mstk by apologising, wot u hav to 2 undstnd is dat all human beings arent d same, sm easily msundstnd pple. My advice to u is neva to regret d apology u rendered. Kip d flag flying, we ur readers love uuuu.

Anonymous said...

Linda you shouldn't have apologized... As an entertainer ( that I have never heard of until the who bb thing) she should have known that negativity comes with the job. And how dare she insult your accomplishments, your in your 20's and run a very successful blog that receives tons of hits per day and she is a z list Nigerian actress.

Wateva said...

Linda nwannem Biko keep your head up..you showed yourself a beautiful and bigger person by trying to make her feel better..u did absolutely nothing wrong by doing that. Don't change who you are Biko and don't let any angry bird do that for you. Xoxo

Anonymous said...

linda, what you posted was not wrong but by apologising to her, you not only put us in a bad light but also showed you have little regard for our opinions. how can you ''say people will always talk''? so we're now gossips? only because we responded to your post? why did susan peters pose with her phone like a village girl that she is? and why is she ranting like a fool? abeg she should go and sit down jor.

Anonymous said...

Who be this Susan sef wey dey rant like ashawo girls??

It is obvious Suzan needs to go back to school. As a public figure, she should go to court if she feels her image is dented.

Linda, you have done the right thing. Apologizing doesn't remove anything from you. Instead, it gives you maturity. Bravo! You will always be shinning.

As for the ashawo actress, let her talk. She's only jealous of what your blog is bringing. Many of us that started blogging early left because we couldn't keep it consistent but you chose to stay, so you deserve the reward. Let her talk jor! Your blog will still lead you to the White House...That's my prayer for you.

As for LIB readers, please keep doing the good work. If we don't criticize these entertainers, they will not have common sense.


AKT PRINCE said...



Hmm,am surprised people doesn't know how much your Blog worth,if they know,they will shut up their mouth,your blog will surpass Facebook soon,when the money comes,please remember me ooo

Jay O said...

Who is Susan Peters?? Sorry I really dont know her or care to.

I'm quite disgusted with the way she chose to go on about it, very unruly and so not lady like and professional.

I dont always agree with all your articles but I dont like how she played you with this one. You are obviously a nice person, hence the apology. Continue to do you, nothing spoil.

Anonymous said...

Linda this apology is wrong.
Don't do that again.
She went too far in insulting you

Dee dee said...

As far as I'm concerned you didn't owe her an apology. Your post wasn't malicious in any way. The LIB readers are vicious but you already knew this. Most of the comments were dissing her makeup which did look ridiculous. Obviously she couldn't attack all LIB readers so she had to direct her anger at you, the leader...lol!

HOWEVER whether you realise it or not your blog is widely read and therefore you have a certain amount of responsibility for what is posted on your blog either by you or your readers e.g. Tribalistic comments etc.. You keep publishing comments by that ugly toe rag Gbenga even though you know his comments foster tribalistic hatred. I don't know whether you do it for hits or not but I think you should be better than cheap tactics like that. I respect you so please don't use your blog to provide a forum for anything ugly. My humble two cents.

Anonymous said...

Abeg no mind susana peterside. Na bcos dem talk say she wowo na y d tin dey pain am. abeg abeg abeg make she go plank 4 inside casket! hiss!


You should never apologies to anyone again, that's my opinion

Mary Jay said...

point of correction Linda you shouldnt have apologize to this idiot. you been a model before her. who the fuck is susan peter or whatever they call her?! you are a blogger thats your job. she called you a fail model she ugly as hell herself.only a fool with buy a phone and show it off. all this stupid Nigeria celeb pissing people off:-(

Anonymous said...

Susan or whatever the hell your name is!!! You are calling Linda a failed human being? Are you serious??? You are a failed, desperate, ugly ass wanna-be actress, that is trying so hard to get attention! Linda even made your name shine! She has reached the height that you would never reach in your entire miserable life!! U ain't shit, but you are still arrogant as hell! If I see you on the streets, I would spit on your ugly, man-looking ass!! Useless lesbo!!

Mama said...

long hiss.I still feel u shldnt av apologised,for what?for stealing her money or snatching her boyfriend or for smashing the BB porsche on d floor.she shld get a life,i was so dissapointed i unfollowed her on twitter like wtf.wetin.how can u take pic holding a phone like oscar awards plaque.and linda dat statement pple will always talk is rather insultive to your readers.dats all.post ooooooo no do me wayo ooooo.

MissK said...

Not at all! Honestly, I think it just goes to show the kind of person you are :) With her being a 'celebrity' it comes with the territory plus all publicity is good publicity right? Oh well, you didn't have to but I'm not surprised you did, you're just an undercover sweetie ;)

Anonymous said...

abegi! dont take these people seriously!.... its not bad to apologize... if you feel the need to, the do it! no biggy.... people are using your own name to get web hits... hehehehehe

BLOGLORD said...

okkkkkk! i really used to respect susan peters, knew her from "DISCLOSURE" but with this public show of insult on linda, i have lost all sense of respect for her. what rubbish! everybody must not like u susan.
SUSAN PETERS for the records,
it is not linda's fault that her readers n a whole lot of people are not ur fans n dont like ur shaft skin, ur eyebrow, ur "achievement of a bb porche pose n all.
people insulted DBANJ wen he was insensitive to the Fuel SUBSIDY stuff on lib; why didnt he come up on twitter to rave n rant. susan ur level of maturity is really low. its high time u realize that not everybody will like u, u definitely have haterz, lovers n those that are indifferent bout u. get that into ur head.

LINDA, u see why i just love u, u are way too matured in handling issues. u did nothing wrong apologising. it doesnt remove a pin from u being linda and u know what? it makes u more popular n makes SUSAN more stupid.

BTW i cant help laughing with susan's silly talk on how " all linda has n knows is her blog.
my reaction- at least she has something she is doing that has made her very famous. i bet a million people knows linda without asking. as for u susan, people go "who the fuck is susan?" u are trying too hard, u are not even an A-list actress. no wonder body de pepper for small yabs wey people throw in. mschewwwww!

babe uve really lost all respect from me take it.(like u give a fuck in it?)

Anonymous said...

Who does this idiot think she is, she has only acted in like two films and she's already feeling like a superstar with her receding hairline, Make she park well joor. Abeg Linda no vex o, no mind that mgbeke feeling funky fool.

Anonymous said...

why apologize if na only to make her feel better. It makes you look silly. If you dont believe in an apology dont give it. Have you now made her feel better. She accepted your apology and you are still going on and on about it. you are not a very nice person are you?

BLOGLORD said...

Ur mates r getting better achievements i.e endosrsements here n there, urs is an acquisition of BB porshe; n u r shamelessly posing with it. shame no catch u? u de scream twitter down. old woman with fish brain.

uve really lost my respect n am fucking pissed at u til u apologise.

Anonymous said...

Who is she? To hell with her... Who knows her?? She's a fool... An idiot... Is she really an actress or an amebo??? Mtsheeeewwww... Some people sef... She no de shame... Imbecile.

Lindy love... Don't mind her nd her stupid behaviour... I think wen u post negative or erronious or untrue something about some valuable people not like dis fool... U shud let dem understand or rather appologise...

She's just using ur name to get followers n to be popular... #noffsaid

ade said...

its just a bruised ego if u ask me. if shez a professional entertainment, that shd be d least of something she shd be responding to.
She shd stand by her own stupidity for using a 3k phone in a community that she has given NOTHING to!!!

you shdnt have apologized. If you did sth wrong, you shd. But you posted a pic she proudly took, you shdnt hav..i think...

Anonymous said...

Linda don't let the Susan or whatever her name is use you to get popular, I've never even heard of her till u made the post about her.. she player-hating right now.

tisha said...

Linda apologising is one thing but throwing those who commented under the bus is another. i'm happy she made your apology public, that way we get to know how you value our opinions. so many people visit your blog without commenting but i think the people who are bold enough to leave comments deserve to be protected.

Olubabafemi said...

The wordings...."...people would always talk,...so keep ur head up" is the greatest insult on our personalities!
You mean, LIB'ers would always say and write their rubbish....and you would keep smiling to the BANK!

#I am sure you learnt something personally#

We NeEd An OpEn ApOlOgY tOo!!!!


Anonymous said...

ur apology was nt k nd ur choice of words is disappointing... re u tryin to say ur readers re jobless nd we will always talk.... u can't just post a picture on ur blog nd nt expects comments. besides u re nt responsible for ur readers'comments.

Anonymous said...

Linda saying u said sorry to make her feel better is wrong.u dnt need to defend ur actions at all times.wen I read d apology I was impressed wit u,all u did was to reach out to her and d tiff ended and now dis...u seem very confused,u re changing ur mouth again bcos anor newspaper wrote sth.shame on u!

Anonymous said...

Ya u were wrong to apologize... re u tryin to say ur readers re jobless nd we will always talk.... u can't just post a picture on ur blog nd nt expects comments. besides u re nt responsible for ur readers'comments. Next time don't post anytin if u can't take d heat... Most "wanna be" celebs will do anytin for attention.

Anonymous said...

this woman has a complex and serious self esteem issues... she's just attention seeking, pay her no mind

Shakara Natural Tips said...

Linda, I blog myself and I am thankful to my readers because without them there is no blog! You do an awesome job and you are one of my inspirations to start blogging. I don't know if you'll read this but if you do, keep your head up! You did what you thought was right, there is no problem with that. I just got back from seeing Angelique Kidjo and she put a lot of things in life into perspective for me. My sister your good nature attracts your fans to your page. Keep being yourself and don't worry about what others think or say about you. Forever a fan, Yemi.

Anonymous said...


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