A few months ago these two were calling themselves brother and sister on twitter, but there relationship has totally changed. Now there are reports they are planning to elope and get married, after finally going public with their relationship.
Bobbi's grandmother, Cissy Houston, does not approve of the relationship, calling it 'incestuous', but the young couple don't care what anymore thinks. Bobbi is already rocking an engagement ring....
I think these 2 are sick!
Whitney probably knew they were lovers. LET them be. Are they related?? NO.
Hmmmmmm.......dat guy is a smart guy oooo.....he wants to take advantage of d little girl...because of d money her mum left for her...I pity the poor girl ooo....
If he was legally adopted by Whitney, then legally they are not able to marry
This is just her way of dealing with her mothers death. That guy is a fool and an ingrate. Afterall Whitney has done for him. It's not about whether or not they're blood related. They both know that if Whitney was alive, this nonsense would not be happening. The timing of all this shenanigans is too damn wrong!!
~ Menakaya's Baby.
Her mom has only been burried for a few weeks and the saga continues. Na wa... Here we go..
Wen did dey bury her mum dat she wnts to get married now?????hmmmmmmm
Bobbi hve also started d kind of luv d mother had dat she later regret.let her watch it
Both of them r being stupid, obviously whitney was not in support and now that she's gone, there's no one to stop them.
There's nothing wrong with the relationship as he was never legally adopted. However, i think she's making a big mistake by rushing into things. There's something fishy about any man who would propose to you only a few weeks after your mum's death. Methinks he wants that inheritance since he wasn't left anything.
Nah so her mama start ooh. Foolish girl. Her mama never start rest she don dey love. omo oshi
Grief can make people do things they normally would not do. Poor girl. The guy is taking advantage of her.
The heart of man
Iya Bashira; touche!
If na Naija now, we for talk say na d guy kill whitney
Dis is al wrong legal or not,its eithr her mom dint approve of it or she dnt knw abt it dats y it was nt made public.gues d boy is takn advantage of d situatn.well,they say xpernce is d best teachr.
Foolish girl!
Abeg, people close to her have said that she is wearing her mum's ring. I think they have been close before her mum died and he was never legally adopted and just lived in their house. How many people have fallen in love with people that have come to stay with you. She is grieving and who else to know it that someone you are close too. Free them please and stop being judgemental. You guys don't even know them, and because they are celebrities, you feel the right to tell them what to do. mschew
I don't get kids of today o! Wen I was 18, even though I credited biology I wasn't sure wat a boy n a girl did 2geda, I was very naive abt a lot of things. But now the reverse is the case especially with these American kids. Wetin dis girl kno say she dey do? And y didn't this relationship com out b4 her mother's death if she knew she was doin the right thing? Na wah for this children o!
Black people call themselves brother / sister and they not even related by water. Kini big deal ? Ppl like wahala sha. Whitney might have adopted him and he found love in her daughter now that's she not a kid anymore, they can take it to the next level. Whitney treated him like a son, guess she would treat her son -in- law the same way . So free matter abeg
Think Bobbi needs to wash here eyes wit hypo bleach.maka adi amama O kwa O.
He is not adopted........ He just lived with Whitney and family for years. I am sure its the media sensationalism.
Whitney never adopted neither did she provide for him in her will.
Glad many pple here can see the big picture...the dude is just a thief from d pit of hell...all his years with d houstons yet he achieved nuffin tangible except being a parasite...his case is similar to Michael Oer...except BIG MIKE made the best of what was given him...this barawo is cashing in on the poor girls vulnerability instead of trying to make himself useful...I pray she doesn't learn d hard way sha...just wondering though...is it that she finks she's so ugly and can't get a better choice?
Make òna take easy ooo. Biko. Dis luv don too much.
hmmmmm......there is always an end to ever beginning.
Juvenile Deliquency!
Her mama has been resting. Anyways, I just think the girl also inherited the remainder of the madness left behind by Whitney. We all know how she promised never to walk in any man's shadow, yet she lived in Bobby Brown's drug shadow. Her daughter has strated the Season 2. I hear her name is Bobby!
she didnt do this wen her mother was alive. its now that she is supposed to be mourning that she she knws she will come and be misbehaving. silly girl
Whitney did not legally adopt him...So there's nuttin wrong about their relationship with that being said. I just think this is a way of coping with her mother's death.. People deal with things differently... I just prays she doesnt rush into things and then regret it later.
Two sick people.
Nawa o! Everyone trying to make quick money. I heard it was even Whitney's sister who sold the photos of her in d casket! everyone wants money sha! God dey sha.
See what happens when parents don't show a good example!!..she's hardly thinking straight is she...her mom basically committed suicide knowing fully well this girl still needs a lot of guidance from her!!..a lot of don't do what i did sort of advice..like her mom also getting with someone she would have to support..
Can u guys stop condemin her?nd linda get ur facts write..he wasn't legally adopted.he started living wit whitney wen he was 12yrs,,his dad went to jail nd d mom culdnt take care of him..dat was ow he became 'adopted'
Mayb na real love oooo.. Sumtymes we find God in d most unusual place.. She found peace in dat young lad.. I suppose her mom would b happy and pls nobody is taking undue advantage of her.. He understands d pain she is going fru cos he is also going fru same pain.. Lets not forget d late Whitney was like a mom to her.. And seriously life is too short that we need happiness even if it lasts for 1 second.. Dats my own observation.. He might b curing her craze.. She is a smart lonely gurl.. My tots r still wiv her and her brother / lover..
Me I am goin to talk like a Nigerian and say whitney probably knew dis was goin on and cldnt take it any longer so she killed herself wit drugs! She OD'd abeg dats what I imagine! Make nobody jus insult me 4 here!
foolish girl
Wow! She may be more entertaining than her mum o! Na siddon look i dey. Who's with me?
Where there is Whitney's will there is a way. Every girl is entitled to be stupidly in love before age 21 but not when millions are at stake. Pre- nuptial girl.
uesless pickin!
your mama never rotten for grave and
you don dey talk about marriage?
na your type, mama'a dey abort for
belly! ediat! see as she worwor!
with that her forehead!
the guy na gold-digger!
KAI! i for like to flog them with
koboko, wahali! #so angry!#
@ Olatoye Olabanji. Na true U talk ooooooo. U know naija ways very well. thumbs up!!!
It's wrong, whether or not they are related by blood, considering the fact that they were calling each other "big bro" and "little sis".
I guess we are starting to get a trace to withney's killers because if she were to be alive she would never approve of such
She no go rest nw...she hsnt even mourn'd her mum well she wan rush marry...waz dis nt d same dauta dat wanted to commit suicide nw she wntz to elope n gt married she shld be careful nt to let same tin dt happen'd to her mum repeat itself o
e fit b dis guy wey kill Whitney shaa... If not y he go rush propose to d daughter sharperly?
ride on Bobbi...a bird in hand is worth 2 in d bush..all thez haters dnt kno hw hard it is to find husband. if they tink it is eazy they shd ask Linda and myself...lols
Who cares about this two loosers.
d guy is buff sha
The effect of drugs. She doesnt trust her grandma, then its this boy who is washing her brain like omo...smh
If d dude wasnt adopted following due process within the confines of the law then i don't see anythinhg wroung in it o. afterall they arent 'blood'
hmmm, this guy get agenda oo!!
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