"On a beautiful sunny Sydney spring morning, surrounded by his family, in the arms of his loving wife, our beautiful young warrior Andy Whitfield lost his 18 month battle with lymphoma cancer," Whitfield's wife Vashti said in a statement. "He passed peacefully surrounded by love. Thank you to all his fans whose love and support have help carry him to this point. He will be remembered as the inspiring, courageous and gentle man, father and husband he was."
Whitfield appeared in all 13 episodes of the first season of Spartacus that aired in 2010, and was preparing to shoot the second when he was diagnosed with cancer. Whitfield is survived by his wife Vashti and their two children
I am so saddened by this news. May his soul rest in peace...amen.
aw.....SAD. RIP
Rest in peace my star..amen
omg... omg ..
my whole da is spoilt.. such a promising young talent
i cant believe this..
may andys soul rest in peace
Cried throughout. Still crying though. Such a young vibrant lad. He made Spartacus live!. Andy Whitfield........(Sobbing). He was totally amazing. Cried throughout. Still crying though. Such a young vibrant lad. He made Spartacus live!. Andy Whitfield........(Sobbing). He was totally amazing.
Aabeg shay na too much fuck cus am.....hv nt really seen d fil,,,but i hear say na SEX GALORE.........May His gentle soul RIP.....Aabeg shay na too much fuck cus am.....hv nt really seen d fil,,,but i hear say na SEX GALORE.........May His gentle soul RIP.....
WOW. rest in Peace brother. If it was just spartacus you left behind, we are forever grateful.
This world could have been a better place without diseases. So sad!!!
Eeyah, I hope he received Christ before he died. I'd like to see him in heaven
Aachhhh!!!! A great actor was looking forward to seeing him in the third season after the prequel was shot without him. God keep his family and console them at this time. A sad loss. He wont be forgotten, He's a good thespian. Gave fantastic interpretation to the role/character of Spartacus.
The thing is I have always known of ur blog, but I never for one day visite. Now Spartacus is dead, and here I am.
R.I.P Andy Whitfield.The thing is I have always known of ur blog, but I never for one day visite. Now Spartacus is dead, and here I am.
R.I.P Andy Whitfield.
Awww, RIP Andy!
Non Hodgkins is so deadly and mortality rates are not just high but death happens so quickly.
Reminds us that life on earth is but a passing phase. God is the only certain thing.
Such a sad thing, he died in his prime. He made me love the series. RIP, you'll be missed. You fought well and hard but I guess it was your time to go.
Damn, he was such a good actor. Made watching spartacus worth watching. RIP
kai...RIP my brother
I am so sad to hear this. i really loved his acting and he made spartacus, spartacus.may his soul rest in peace.
awwwww... This is sooo sad... RIP...
May his gentle soul rest in the bosom of the Lord Jesus Christ...
Mehn...sooooo sad *sobs*
Such a great man, a beauty to behold =(
may your soul rest in the lord ANDY we will miss u
Ahhhh, may his soul rest in peace, couldnt take me eyes off Spartacus cos of him, ahhh was looking forward to seeing anoda season, wont be same without him.
Rest in Peace, Spartacus!!!!
May his soul rest in peace...
Oh! No!!! I hate it when people die young. It depresses me. May he rest in peace. May God grant his family the strength τ̅☺ bear the loss.
There was a bomb blast in jos last night
Rip Andy White...
Ahhhhhhhhh, soooooo saaaaaad. May his soul rest in perfect peace.He will be missed.
Ahhhhhhhhh, soooooo saaaaaad. May his soul rest in perfect peace.He will be missed.
RIP Spatacus..Its a pity..I loved the series,,,he had so much energy ...its a pity
Oh how have the mighty fallen. Andy it is indeed a great relieve after battling with this painful cancer for 18months. Sleep on as God grants your soul rest.And to your bereaved wife, kids, family and friends may God grant them the fortitude to bear the loss
RIP, actually liked dis dude. 2 sad, wats up wit all dis plenty plenty cancer tins sef,
R I P Spartan
RIP Spartan
na wa o. may his soul RIP.
Chei! May God keep his soul in the bosom of our father Abraham! He was so young, what a loss to his family and the acting community! LIVE YOUR LIFE WELL O, TOMORROW IS NOT GUARANTEED TO ANYONE!
oh my God,is that why he didn't feature in the second season?
May ur soul rest in peace Andy...u were a brilliant actor....
this cancer sha.....baba God pass u o...ah RIP man
a very good actor,was worth his 2 pence
hope that ppl continue to remember u 4 ur great skill,RIP
OMG this is really SAD...May his soul RIP....Amen...
RIP Andy .... Spartacus wud neva b d same
@galore....y do u alwyz make it seem like gays must make dmslves heard/stand out by bein sexually expletive always. dats jst sad. trying too hard to be heard/knwn as lesbian yet using a cover name?@galore....y do u alwyz make it seem like gays must make dmslves heard/stand out by bein sexually expletive always. dats jst sad. trying too hard to be heard/knwn as lesbian yet using a cover name?
@platinum Upgrade dem send you........?I dont hv anythin to say to you,,,,Let me respect the DEAD.....If u don get headache finish,,,,No forget to take PANADOL or ALABUKUN@platinum Upgrade dem send you........?I dont hv anythin to say to you,,,,Let me respect the DEAD.....If u don get headache finish,,,,No forget to take PANADOL or ALABUKUN
This Pikin too fine to die. This is a real actor not some of the 9ja actors well day make me dey vex . RIP
well galore av taken aspirin already.
RIP andy u will surely be missed, i really loved spartacus and am watching it again for the 6th time, really cant believe ur gone
may God bless his soul. RIP!
@Platinum Upgrade LOL.......i like ur spirit..................Hv a blessed day.@Platinum Upgrade LOL.......i like ur spirit..................Hv a blessed day.
oh! may his soul rest in peace......
RIP.. So saddened.. My heart warmth sympathies to his family
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