The girl in these photos is 9year old Favour. You can see conspicuous marks of canes all over her body. Favour also has a blood-shot eye. Injuries inflicted on her by her madam, one Alhaja Amina Ukegbu, who she served as a house-help. She was also raped on a daily basis by grown men who lived in her madam's house...
The first incident that signaled this innocent girl's unpleasant journey in life began when she was three years-old, after her mother walked out on her father, leaving behind three children.
Unable to meet up with her upkeep, the little girl found herself in the home of her madam last year. But unknown to her, it was just the beginning of her traumatic experience.
Aside receiving severe beatings, allegedly from her madam and members of her household on a daily basis, it was also discovered that she was allegedly raped daily by two grown up men in the house.
The bubble burst last week after her aunt simply identified as Chioma visited, only to behold Favour in the shadow of herself, with marks all over her body.
Her aggrieved father was said to have contacted the Police, where the girl revealed how she was made to sleep on the balcony, from where two grown up men had canal knowledge of her on a daily basis, with a threat to deal with her if she told anyone.
Narrating how Favour found her self in her madam's Festac home, Chioma said, " Her mother left when she was three. My mother took custody of her and her two other siblings but when she could not take care of them, I had to take Favour. But because of financial constraints, I could not cope at a point because I have my own children.
Then one of my friends, Ebere said she wanted to take Favour in November last year and I agreed. I never knew she had given her out to Alhaja Amina until recently and when I asked who the person was, she said the person was rich. I was glad because I concluded that at least, she would be able to go to school."
Asked where Favour's father was all the while, Chioma kept quiet and responded (in a low tone) that he neglected the children. Also asked if she was receiving any money from the said Alhaja, she responded in the negative. Asked again if she ever bothered to check on her niece while in Alhajia's place, she revealed that she visited there last week but did not see neither the madam nor Favour.
Continuing, she stated, "Last Monday, I received a call from Hajia, saying I should come and take Favour away before she would kill her. When I got there, I saw Favour with blood -stained eyes but I was told Hajia had travelled out of the country.
When I asked what was wrong with Favour, she lied that she had a domestic accident but Hajia's son told me one Aunty Oluchi beat Favour and was demonstrating how she was beaten. When I asked why, he said it was because she ate gala. While waiting, thinking Hajia would come, she called someone on the phone and instructed that Favour's property be given to her in order for her to leave. When I left there with Favour, I did not see any mark on her. It was her father that discovered the marks and called the Police."
According to the organisation's project co-coordinator, Maria Jones, "she claimed she was raped on a daily basis by two men . She said they usually carried her from the balcony on the ground floor of the duplex which she was sleeping, while every other person had gone to bed.
They would take her to their room and have canal knowledge of her. This continued without the knowledge of Alhaja because she said Hajia was always travelling.
"If you look at her properly, you will notice that her left finger has disappeared and also, she has burns on her hand.
When we asked her, she said she was asked by one of Alhaja's relatives to boil water and when she was going to check, it poured on her. She gave the names of the boys who usually had carnal knowledge of her as Aboy and Japan.
The most pathetic aspect of it is that the girl claims she was never enrolled in any school. She told us that the last beating she received from her guardian's relatives was because she was hungry and ate gala without their permission. She said she was usually given food only in the morning and afternoon."
On further check , Jones stated that the girl's underwear was blood stained. She was thereafter taken to the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja, from where the result which was made available to Crime Alert, confirmed that the little girl's hymen had been tampered with.
Speaking with Crime Alert on the development, the National Human Rights Commission Zonal Coordinator, South west, Mrs Mausi Segun, informed that the little girl would be taken from the NGO soon. According to her, " we are interested in the child.
We are going to file a civil suite against those that raped her. Somebody has to answer to the question of the rape."
Meanwhile, Crime Alert investigation revealed that those suspected to have raped the little girl were initially arrested and detained at Zone 2, Onikan, Lagos but were later released on the orders of a top ranking police officer accused of trying to sweep the case under the carpet. There were also reported threats on the little girls' aunt's life, as she was accused of blowing the case out of proportion.
All these accusations, according to Segun, would be looked into. "We first deal with that of the AIG's office here and if he is not doing what he is supposed to do, we will take it to the IG's office", she stated
Source: Vanguard
I wonder how a fully grown man will rape a small girl of 9years on such condition,those guys should be send to jail for rehabilitation
This is ridiculous.
*Sigh* this is so pathetic. That poor innocent child. I'm sure this happens to plenty of house helps. Biko, someone please tell me- what kind of joy does an adult get in beating a child simply for eating Gala? How can they only feed her in the morn and afternoon- a growing child?! They should also arrest that useless aunty oluchi and charge her with assault! All of them should be charged.
The aunt should equally be ashamed. Your friend took her over 1 year ago- in the same city, yet you never went to see this little child even once. There are monsters looking for children with no family to prey on. Every adult in this case failed that little child. Nonsense.
My soul cries for this little child. I was once a little girl like and I can't imagine going through this at this age. God, where is your face?
How long would this barbaric act continue. Well typical of nigeria I'm not expecting d culprits be punished. It will blow with the wind just like the case of the lady dat was killed by her husband; and several others. They just hype the matter to the public(You know naija dey like this kind gist), and then sweep it under d rug. By the way, the idiots dat took advantage of this lil girl nufin but animals...I HOPE THIS WOULD BE DIFFERENT AND JUSTICE TAKES ITS FULL CAUSE
Sad!Sad!Sad! This morning i woke up and the thought that came to mind was that.....The human heart is desperately wicked,who can know it?
It is unfortunate that some children have to be used for labour and are maltreated like this.How can u beat a child so much and leave marks on her body,beat her so much that she has blood shot eyes and make her sleep on a balcony,when she is not a chicken or a dog.Even some dogs are treated better than this.
As for the guys who raped her,its all just so sad.When people decide to walk out on their marriages,these are some of the ripples that it all causes.She needs so much healing as she has been battered, bruised and traumatised and will need a long time and the grace of God to heal and forgive!
She can never recover from the horror she went through because her life is ruined.
When she grows up, she should hired a mafia to kill off Alhaja and the evil men one by one or at a go. Awon oloshi!
The marks on her body will never fade away. She can never trust people and have a normal sexual life.
We,the women should get ourselves educated and stop having children that we cannot look after.
Let us use more birth control methods because no child should work as a slave or house help.
Her parents should enslave themselves instead of her; in order to look after her. African parents are selfish and sex maniacs. Must we fu*k all the time?
this is so wicked. i don't know what to say. my goodness. at such a young age, she has been dealt such a harsh blow in life. i hope they offer her therapy and
i hope those people are prosecuted.
hmmm... this is really ridiculous, hw can people be so mean?
Sad story.
The writer and editor need to re-learn how to write...
Canal knowledge? Swept under the carpet, as opposed to swept under the rug, etc.
They really need to introduce social service in Nigeria, I know that in the UK, people don't see eye to eye with them, but it's situations like this that you wish there was some kind of authority to step in. Besides, this "house help" thing should not continue in this age we are living in!I understand there are many people who do not treat their house help in this way, but there are also crazy people in this world. This kind of abuse is disgusting!
@1967ad, thanks for spotting those mistakes, i am sure the girl feels better now, pssssccchhhheeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww.
The woman should be sentenced to death...this is so wicked
Even if she was willingly donating it to the grown men absolutely does not mean they should accept. What is wrong with some men? Dipping it into shit hole,into unconcenting little children,into animals,into unconcenting very old women.
God!some pple should just be given their ears to eat!imagine wickedness.n their ears to eat!imagine wickedness.
This Alhaja Amina Ukaegbu is Igbo and is mainly known as Hajia. The woman is very tough and fights at will. I know her so i would not doubt this story at all. She is a very razz lady. She lives somewhere on 3rd Avenue, Festac Town.
The most heartbreaking thing is that nothing will happen to those disgusting animals or that demon of a woman. They will bribe someone and continue to do this to other vulnerable children with no one to protect them. Nigerian police are utterly reprehensible. No wonder there is so much vigilante justice in Nigeria. You can't trust the police to uphold the law, because even if you pay them (and they will definitely make you pay), someone else might pay them more. They are a disgrace.
"We are going to file a civil suite against those that raped her." WHAT. THE. !@#$%???? Since when is rape and child molestation a civil matter? Those men should be answering criminal charges, not a civil suit.
The perpetrators of this crime must be brought to justice, and hell is being ignited a thousand fold to consume their soulless spirits, and remain eternally incarcerated for all eternity! so despicable!!
@1976, are you for real? you must be high on something very foul! I mean seriously how loathsome of you to make such inane comments..is that the main gist you got from the story? pointing out so called grammatical errors? for your information carpet and rug can be used interchangeably, and writing canal instead of carnal knowledge must have been a mere typographical error, I guess if he had used a more graphic word your twisted mind would have been satisfied. Clueless so called English teacher who can't even speak English.
A child is being dehumanized and all you could take from this piece is correcting typographical errors shame on you!!
My God! Dis is so heart breaking! Why. And how can anyone do dis to a little girl? For all the adults that has failed dis child, u will surely get your rewrd! Women a pice of advise to us all: NEVER leave u child or children behind if and when u want to walk out of a marriage! Cos no one, I repeat no one can ever treat ur child better than urself. If its only garri u can afford, ur child will drink it wit luv as long as u give him or her wit d same luv. Slave for ur child/ children, in future u will surely rip the fruits of motherhood. This is a lession for us all (both mothers and mothers to be)....Meggy
Firstly, I blame the mum who walked out on her kids. Secondly, the guardians of this gurl just kept handing her over to someone elso like she was some piece of cloth without checking up on her.
THirdly, dat insane hadjia shud be jailed and the rapist killed. Pedophilia and rape? That's nat acceptable. I believe in the capital punishment.
God pls avenge all those that have wronged this child. Amen
Fuckin' ridiculous... Some people in this country are fucked!! Pathetic.. Those men should be strangled with their own intestines.. mua'fuckers!!! arg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope someone who knows this razz alhaja fool will see her somewhere in Festac town and deal with her like the animal she is.
Alhaja Amina Ukaegbu?Igbo woman asnwering these names?she surely must be razz nah.Before nkoh?She is a disoriented woman no doubt.she can do every and anything...
All these people on Linda Ikeji blog saying "trust nigeria,they will sweep it under the rug" and blah blah blah...
Quick question,"Are you not a nigerian as well?" Being based abroad and forming first class citizen doesn't make you immune or an exemption...
If you have seen a need come and fill it and stop critizing..;
i cant stop weeping!!!poor child!!!!
Jesus Christ...May God keep the helpless...as for the parties involved, i have nothing to say to y'all
Why all the tears? Why all the rage? Could it all be for this little innocent girl name favour? Or could it be for the thousands of innocent little girls being sold into slavery everyday in Nigeria ? those passed on as maids and house helps only to be abused and de- humanized like favor or is it those 9 year old girls given away in marriage in the north to old men and then left to rot away once they become a "burden" to their degenerate husbands after developing illness or damages to their reproductive organs. Are we just waking up to this capital crime which has plagued our country for so long or is this just another session of the usual wailing without a will to act?!! if otherwise please contact me on saint_byby@yahoo.com
There is no justice in Nigeria. Someone has revealed the wicked Alhaja's address. Thanks for that!
Why can't Boko Haram find her and teach her a lesson. She is a fake Alhaji because Islam does not accept this type of cruelty to innocent kids.
This case MUST not be swept under the carpet. There are many such cases and others need to learn from this.
How can any normal or should I say God fearing person do such.
Totally out of order.
Plus the Alhaja and the boys should be locked away. Who is the top police official? He should be fished out and disgraced too.Shameless
this is rilly sad,wonder y pple can be so wicked.i bet this pple plan to have children one day.My prayers go out to this girl at this time.And to the person who left a comment called 1976ad, you re talking about the grammatical errors made by the writer,is that what you should be talking about,some little girl has just been raped and thats what u can talk about.Sad
@1976AD...Mr English teacher, i believe you have a dictionary. Please look up the idiom "Sweep under the carpet/rug". I hope you know how to do so...If you don't, just look up the word SWEEP and read through. Either way is correct. Next time, go through your dictionary before forming HOD English Language.
Kudos to the editor and writer jare.
This little girl has been scarred for life. The funny thing is that nothing is going to be done to those responsible, and the wicked hajia. There's nothing like justice in this STUPID country. Money talks, bullshit works! I just HATE this country...
dis is ridiculous,those men should not go unpunished cos dey r evil.dey should b castrated 4 such evil act,God dt means if given d chance they can also use fingers on a day old baby. stupid evil men.
Such a gut wrenching story and scene to watch.How can anyone do this to a child?Cant help but shed tears.
1976ad,am glad pple had something to write about your comment.Am sure pple like u dont even speak proper english.Is that all u can say,a little girl has been raped and all u can say is sad and point out errors.You need help and add a heart to that.
All ths righteoua indignation is well and good but how many of you commentators have spoken out against the practice when you went to your friends or reltives house and saw a girl just like Favour doing cinderella work when she should have been in school. The fact that your friend or relative fed thier own pet/slave/house girl 3 times a day and treated her kindly does not make this practice of child labor right or lawful
Am not Nigerian, but this is very sad, I have a ten year old daughter and cannot imagine a 9 year old treated in this manner. How can a 9 year old work as a house girl? I don't know your labor laws in Nigeria, or the child was like.... oh am short of words.
Both men and women need to be educated on birth control especially in marriage. A lot of Nigerian men are just too damn ignorant concerning having children...its not about the physical act of producing babies! I believe in having the amount of children you are financially able to cope with from birth to graduation and beyond!
Hot nigeria news really.but this is absolutely wickedness.i think someone need to be sacrificied.those japan or aboy.because they don't deserve to leave.i need a breathing space to kill someone.pls hold me before i send some one to hell.
All the adults failed this little girl, starting from her own parents. They should be ashamed of themselves.
m i am nt intersted in dem goin 2 jail ooo,dats d rapist,dey shud be cut,infact by nw der hands shud hv bin chooped off,den we move ahead 4rm der
I think the parents of the so-called Favour should also be punished, for leaving such a small child alone and uncaterred for. What come may! This is too ridiculous.
ARGH! Bloody hell! Did you put this poor girl's real name up?!
If i know where those bastards are, i would definitely commit murder and go to jail. This is criminal case and civil. I rain curse on that Alhaja to meet her waterloo soon.
Anonymous mine is to put a cause on who ever did that to this little girl you will never have children in your life and they will never have peace of mind on till the day they will die
Sick men..any chance to abuse a small girl..this cases are getting way too rampant in 9ja...thanks to Technology..we probs never hear about this!!
Na wa o!!..from Parental neglect to those evil relatives and of course you have the leeches waiting to pounce on innocent souls..
Sad, really sad, tears welled up in my eyes already. the sort of things neglect can do to kids. I agree someone has to answer to some questions.
What a very sad and heart bugging story! The Alhaja should be arrested and jailed. The people trying to sweep the case under the carpet in the police station should be investigated and sacked. The paedophiles (a person who is sexually attracted to children) should be castrated and jailed. The girl should be treated and taken to a convent to become a nun and serve God (if it is allowed).
"Anonymous said...
All these people on Linda Ikeji blog saying "trust nigeria,they will sweep it under the rug" and blah blah blah...
Quick question,"Are you not a nigerian as well?" Being based abroad and forming first class citizen doesn't make you immune or an exemption...
If you have seen a need come and fill it and stop critizing..;
September 11, 2011 7:42 PM"
Oh please. You are deceiving yourself if you don't know things like this get swept under the rug all the time. Excuse us for being sick of it.
this is height of man inhumanity to man. alot of children are suffering in the hands of their so called madams.i hope the authorities concerned will actually take action .those beasts thae violated this child should be prosecuted.justice must be prevailed.
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