Kiss & Tell will be premiered at the Silverbird Galleria, V.I on the 19th of June by 6pm. The film is produced by Monalisa Chinda and Emem Isong and directed by Desmond Elliot. Its stars Monalisa Chinda, Joeseph Benjamin, Nse Ikpe Etim, Uche Jombo, Desmond Elliot, Bhaira McNwizu.
There seems to be like a clique in Nollywood, where the same set of people produce, direct and act in each others' movies, all they do is switch roles. You guys noticed it?
Good luck to them. Cheap skates!
they even copied the cover of the proposal
Linda I've started Loving U cos U talk Truth!!!
Why do i think the movie jacket is inspired by THE PROPOSAL-Sandra bullock and Ryan Reynolds / Obsessed-Beyonce & Idris Elba. Well what can i say Monalisa is gorgeous and so is Benjamin, so they did justice to the photocopy and thats wats up.
GOD BLESS YOU LINDA IN SHORT I GO KISS YOU FOR PUBLIC IF I SEE YOU..BUT AIR KISS THROUGH MY PC..WHO ARE THEY FOOLING? THEY ARE JUST DECEIVING THEIR LIVES.i thought i was the only one that noticed it.Such mediocrity.the young talents in the industry are wasting away.i know a theatre arts film graduate 2.1 best graduating student in his set.He will go for is waka pass these fools will give him.Now his in the bank..But for how long will this continue to happen Nollywood abi royal arts academy...Emem Isong Msweeewwwww...This Joseph benjamin is soo boring Yawn
I've made my suggestions to Emem's advicers.Ok already,we know that it's always easier to work with people whom you know and are familiar with.But it's getting a little boring with Desmond,Uche,Mona,Nse,Stephanie,Mbongand Ini in your movies everytime.O gini di?There's a whoooole lotta talent waiting to be explored in Naija and royal arts academy could be on it's way to setting the standard,if only you guys are willing to step out of the G-7 paroles.
The bunch listed are certainly in a little clique of their own - Emem Isong is the Den Mother, I don't if she had a falling out with Lancelot Imasuen her favorite director but Desmond Eliot is her go to director these days then Uche Jumbo, Nse Ikpe-Etim and Mona Lisa is new to the clique. They write, produce, direct, share out the parts and hire some people for the parts that they can fulfill in their clique.
It is great and not so great because then we become saturated with the same faces, similar stories, same directing styles for every movie especially because they churn these things out like every other week. They are making money but they are not giving the audience QUALITY work!
I love this poster! Monalisa is solovely! Joe is my kind of guy! I love this! cant wait!
You people are so sad! Why do you always dwell on negativity? You're so full BS! if they use new faces will you notice or even buy the film? abeg, stop singing this old tune! Its getting tired! yawn!
I love monalisa shoes and Joseph benjamin is my dream man-I havent seen any of his movies sp don't know about his acting.
They definately copied the proposal poster. Thats the first thing that came to my mind when i saw the poster
Linda,Na truth be ur second name.from today,i go dey cal u truth.its stupid, Check any Royal arts film,it will be Desmond,Ini,Monalisa,Uche,Mbong,Nse,and susan.directed by Desmond,who knws no jack abt directin.people are begining to complain Emem.Gosh.its becomin a borin routine.kiss and tell ko,kiss and hold nii.mscwewwwww...go back to ur drawin board Emem,this click thing is abt to spell ur doom.nobody looks forward to ur movies anymore.
Anybody who has a problem with it should vomit money and shoot their own film. Simple! These people work with those they're comfortable with and that's their perogative. They don't owe you guys any damn explanation! They're business people not the freaking United Nations! Gosh!
this Benjamin boy is flipping boring,both on set and in real live.
how does he get these roles?the guy almost put me to sleep when he and Genny came around to BeatFM.
he is so stiff for an actor that i just wonder.
This is probably the 6th film i'm going to watch with the same group of people!! I know they want to stay in the game and keep being relevant but its getting right up my crack now!! Emem seriously!! wants the point of your 'Royal Arts Academy'. I dont see the new talent you're grooming. Dont make me turn away from you NOW! WE ARE TIRED OF SEEING THESE PEOPLE. GROOM FRESH TALENT PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!
I just cant stop looking at this pictures the body language is off you might think that these guys hate each other or something. The lady is just too straight and the smile looks forced and the guy with crossed hands and feet!!!! thats just off...what is the movie about again???
Sorry ass haters! With your sad lives! what is bad about the poster? And since when was anythg completely original? Im sure half of the comment here are from fake actresses that failed at her auditions!! Nonsense! If you care so much about bringing out new talent why dont you fund a film and put your so-called 'talents' there! *long hissss!
If they are business people then they should say so and stop parading themselves as people who have true passion for the industry and want to see it grow. For crying out loud Nse wasn't known a few years back...she was discovered now una won ova use am!I even hear all the staffs @ emem isong's office are from her tribe...what's that! They remind me of high school kids were u have d cool kids clique n d not cool kids clique. If they say they have groomed new talents let us see them nau!
Mona Lisa looks like Joseph's mama in this poster and from the preview of the movie I saw, she was wrong for the role. And I agree with someone who mentioned here that Desmond is a poor director. Even an NTA trained Tales By Moonlight Director can direct better than him. Whatver happened to the greats like Tade Ogidan, Charles Novia, Izu Ojukwu and others? They have been silent lately.
As for the clique thing, I hear from Nolly insiders that Elliott is doing more than directing Emem's movies. Go figure.
And am I the only one who knows that Emem steals most of her stories from Mills and Boon and other romance paperbacks? Because we don't read much in Nigeria, we oogle over her movies which are blatant plagiarism.
I guess you can't please everyone!When Linda put up the promo of the film with new actors a few days ago, people still found something to complain about-producer is razz e.t.c.
Na wa
What you people dont know is they don't charge each other in the clique. Rub my back and i will rub yours when you are shooting. They only pay those outside the clique so if you ask me its saving cost LOL
Emem thinks its not necessary to use fresh faces anymore so i wonder what that her acting Academy is about (must be a joke)
And i forgot to say, Benjamin might be ok for hosting/ presenting but Acting? blaaah Switch on the camera and scream action...the brother is dead!
What are you people complaining about? really. WHat they are doing goes on in every movie industry. If you look in Hollywood, Martin scorcese has been using the same actors over and over: in the 80's it was De niro and then he moved to Pacino; His latest favorite being Leonardo dicaprio,he does not shy about admitting he gives preferences to italian american actors. Quentin Tarantino does the same with Uma Thurman, Rosario and one asian chick like that I forgot her name... Uma being his muse. Guy richie has his own little crew you see in almost all of his movies... You gotta look at the final result no matter which cast she uses Emem movies are still above most the nollywood productions; That is just the truth!
dlapikin,that does not make it right.
we are complaining because we are the buying public and we feel we deserve more for our money.anyway, me i am voting with my pocket.
Benjamin is too stiff for an actor.
Anonymous 12:04AM; I can't believe you used the names Tade Ogidan and Charles Novia/Izu Ojukwu in the same sentence. Greats? Those last two? So sad
joseph benjamins movie with omoni oboli was so boring. As for desmond elliot, you are not even a great actor and you dont know shit about directing.
Is it just me. I thot monalisa cld`nt act.
@Anon 12.43
And I suppose you do, hunh? I laugh long and loud! Most of you that commented here dont know jack about what you are saying! You are mostly actresses that that are mad that you didnt make the cut at here auditions because your acting was not up to par! If you are good, your talent will shine through! Simple! So you dont need anybody to 'put you through'! For your information, Emem is credited to have discovered Stella Damasus, Dakore Egbuson, Nse Ikpe Etim and relaunched the careers of Stephanie Okereke, Uche Jombo and Mike Ezuruonye! Thats just to name a few. Go do your research! If she has contributed that, i thinks she deserves the right to whoever she wants to use in her film! Come to think of it, I would rather work with friends than unknown, untested 'actors'.
@Anon 11.38 Your comment is so lame! So what if all the people in her office are at from her place? How many offices have you walked into and seen only Ibo people or just yoruba people there? Just looking at film credits alone, you will see! What about some big organisations like Zenith Bank, Bank PHB, Unity Bank etc In the latter is not just mainly Hausa people there? But when it comes to Royal Arts it should be United Nations! Una try o! Did she tell you she is a charity worker? *long hisss! And as for that comment (of employing only pple from her tribe) it is NOT true. Emem is one of the few de-tribalised producers in the industry! And that includes those in her office.Why don't you do your snitching well and see?! Jealousy no go kill person o! Chai! Go on, Emem and co! Nothing do you! People are just jealous!
i hope it wont be as silly as desmond's other movie.. a man's mind or whatevr it was called filled with 'chickalas' psssssssshhhhhheeeeewwwwww
seriously they bore me like hell, after opening the so called royal film academy they still cant boast of one student they are able to bring to limelight,go for their movie premier and they use the students as ushers wearing cheap ass branded t-shirts or turn them to cd sellers. WTF who are they deceiving all in the name of clique,too bad. its so unbelievable when we saw ini edo's memories of heart movie that was the worst directed movie i have ever seen regardless the noise, low picture quality,copied storyline from a ghanian movie, horrible acting. if their movies are doing so well how come they have never recorded good cinema sales like FIGURINE, IJE,ANCHOR BABY, or even stephanie okereke's wacked THROUGH THE GLASS. as for mr desmond elliot who dabbled into directing, he strikes me like a failed actor with his over the top so acting skills get a life mr director. Emem Isong take it or leave it you cant fool your audience for a long time, Go back to the drawing board you are loosing it stop this clique bullshit and spread your wings even across that nollywood industry there are way better actors. #dope#
;LaffDonScatterMyBaffUp; OMG this is so true because its so obvious they are stuck on same clique rubbish. SMH even the regular commercial nollywood movies do better movies to the rubbish they chunk out this days yet they are so quick to hit the cinemas and make noise with copycat works.(GOLLYWOOD IS BETTER) Bunch of boring actors i am very sure old razz looking uche jombo and wrinkled faced Nse ikpe,will tag along and obviously get a role that is so odd out. Cheapmunks, royal art academy crap are a collosal failure that is why you are so angry and bitter! Whatever you may want to say, these people are in front of you and will continue to be in front of you while you remain in your fakeness and mediocrity! Your verbal diarrhea does not hold water but stinks as much as you do! Keep hiding behind the anonymity of your laptop! Green-eyed monster!
thumbs up @truthHURTS you just nailed it, well said as for others thinking its jealousy they are so way beyound limit guess its same 'clique'ass lickers commenting
on to the next one pleeeeeease.
@Truthhurts .... na wa for you o! How do you know that Memories of my heart is the 'worst directed' film? A film that has not yet come out? You see how you have exposed yourself? You are obviously a disgruntled element that will be fished out as soon as possible! They call people like you 'Frenemies'! Jealous thing! You praise mediocrity and other people trying to improve the industry you try to bring down! Keep up your good work! Karma is a bitch! What goes round comes round!
Linda put up my comment pls!
@ delicious u are seriously delicious!!!! how can people be so.... i don't even know what to say. when i saw the pic the first thing that came to my mind was 'the Proposal', in fact i don't need to watch it to know that the storyline is similar to that of the proposal. Gosh!!!!!!! Y cant we be novel with our ideas????
and pls people have u forgotten that people are selfish and would want to save all for their own pockets....
@Gina and @Big G I attended the noise making premier with my friends dumbos, and thats our 2cents opinion which i am effing entitled to. Even the smaller roles were still occupied by the same so called bunch of stars not giving a chance to at least a fresher. speak all your collosal english it doesnt change the fact that truthHURTS, mr and mrs fishermen
KMT(Kiss my teeth) incase y'all dont know the meaning.
Dlapikin, you are right in your assertion but can I just say that when Scorcese, Tarantino and even Woody Allen use the same actors in their films, those films are spaced YEARS apart? They don't use them back to back every month in a new film! That is the BIG difference! Leonardo DiCaprio appeared in Departed by Scorcese in 2006 BUT he didn't appear in another Scorcese film until 2010 when he was hired for Inception.
The person talking about Emem hiring her own tribes people, please let's not go there! Let's not drag this entire posting into the murky waters of tribal politics! I could care less about Emem Isong and her clique but I will say this, do you know how long and hard she fought to gain any sort of respect in an industry ran by men and Igbo men at that? Why shouldn't she offer her own people a chance to work? And Is Uche, Desmond, Mona Lisa and even this guy Joseph, Ibibio? Are Dakore, Stephanie, Genevieve, Rita, Stella Damasus, Richard Mofe Damijo, Joke Silva, Ramsey Nouah Lancelot Imasuen from Akwa Ibom? NO! She has hired every single on her projects as actors, directors, writers and producers so SHELF that foolish talk about her staff or whatever being from her region!
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