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Genevieve with the Editor of New African Woman magazine, Regina Jane |
NAW Mag - "You've been linked romantically to several people, are there any wedding bells in the future?"
Genny - "Yes, I am dating. But there won't be any chiming of any wedding bells, although I want to get married. I am looking for someone who can keep me excited because I get easily bored. I need someone who is there to support me, who is confident. Anyone who's with me needs to be confident. I haven't got time to be massaging any man's ego. My ideal man is someone with a Johnny Depp personality and with Boris Kodjo's lip (laughs)." Genevieve said in her interview with New African Woman magazine.
Me I want a man with Vin Diesel's voice, Vin Diesel's body, Vin Diesel's lips, Vin Diesel's personality, Vin Diesel's...I want Vin Diesel period! lol
@Linda, Vin Diesel's babe better hold him with super glue with the way you're going.
As for genny she'd better get real. That combo only comes in a woman's dreams except if she only wants a fine boy package with no heart. cos the fire she wants comes with the ego.
lmao linda calm down o..but genny is so right i have my eyes on johnny depp that man is the truth
See pomposity speaking. Go and sit down. Johnyy depp is too complex for you genny. Someone with Johhny depps personality will not fit you at all. U feel too much to massage anyones ego, I hear u. and u get easily bored??? I laff in Cantonese. U try not to bore ur hubby. Thats all I ask....LOL
so she is still being picky at 31? like seriously? i think she has lost her brains cos of all the money she has.. thank God she has finally admitted that she is dating dbanj! she needs to grow up! she sounds like she is in a relationship which she knows cannot lead to marriage! who still plays around at her age?silly child
this girl no dey serious. no be by force make u marry!
yeyayeyayeyanera rubbish...na so auty nike oshinowo talk with plastic smile so tay she go marry baba wey don marry like 6wives before her.
get real baby, if u no wan get marry ..go siddon. jonny deep ko, jonny cash ni...
Sounds like her 'date' is boring and she wants out! **sobs**
linda please leave vin diesel alone for mi,he is mine go search for ya own 'oyibo'.
You dis girl will like big things sha!!! and u knw wot i mean...
linda you such a clown
I don't even think she digs Johnny Depp that much, she just thinks it sounds kool 'cos he is quirky and everyone screams about his hotness. Johnny Depp if given the opportunity, will never date a genevieve - too fake & all about looks and publicity. He will go for a Dakore, she has more edge. Genny is pretty but plastic plus she hugs the limelight, pele my luv but please Stick to your razz fake DBanj, una suit each other well well.
**Yawning** Keep dreaming Genny until ur daughter starts plucking ur Gray hair. You are so not a good role model, so disappointed**Sleeping**
Linda, and Vin Diesel does not want you because he is not into black women.
I am getting tired of Genevieve talking about her ideal man when we know that she is dating D'banj.She needs to either tell the world that, or shut her mouth.
i want Idris Elba!!! period....
okay to be realistic... even if the guy has Johnny Depp's personality, she still needs to massage the man's ego... cos overconfidence kills
Goodluck to her sha....
Genie...all u nid to do is get Denrele Adun. And pls be fast about it before ur daughter marry before u...*straight face*
As for for my dear Linda...if u criosly crave so much Diesel...drive to the nearest filling station...lol *winks* Diesel ko, Kerosine ni
AH! SHE don tire for dbanj 'long thing" just now now? As for you linda......u can have vin, i gats me some raw Dwane "the rock" johnson o.lol and his last name is "johnson", get it?
SERIOUSLY, CAN YOU GUYS SHUT THE FUCK UP?! why the hell do you guys have a stick up your ass all the time that you can't see a simple joke. SHEESH. it makes us look BAD. anything genny says, the losers come out to start bad-mouthing her. lemme ask you, don't you guys have or had those dreams of marrying those fine actors like Idris Elba etc.....cause when Linda posts stories on them, all the comments are "he is so fine, he is mine, blah blah blah blah" now that Genny is actually ACTING like a human being, people don't like it. she has EVERY right to be picky, look at her status, and tell me she should be marrying a common secretary in an office. or maybe you should have married a peanut seller at the local market. JUST SHUT UP, DAMN. and she said Johnny Depp's PERSONALITY, not Johnny Depp himself, so why is someone even mentioning Dakore here? all of you have standards, otherwise you'd all be dating guys like Mr. Ibu, abi? man, some serious hating going on in here. Genny can have standards if she wants to, and her ideal doesn't sound picky to me, just sounds like a normal, level-headed guy. DAMN. if Genny is picky, then i wonder the type of guys you date and marry. YAHOO BOYS?
and where did she mention D'banj anywhere? damn, some people are really SICK!
I guess it's true when some people say Nigerians never appreciate their own. it takes a foreigner like an american or a european before the ass-kissers come out to say "I'm a proud Nigerian because blah blah"
Nigerians and the scary thirty mentality. @ anon 12.19pm So because a woman is 31 she should marry any man who comes along? And where did she admit that she is dating Dbanj? How do you know that she is "playing around"? Gosh.
Genny is a beautiful woman. She needs a confident man who is comfortable with her fame and fortune. If she wants to have fun and go on dates it's nobody's business. After all she is single. So what if she wants a man like Johnny Depp? Everyone's allowed to dream.
Lol@Linda! Maybe Genny can hook you up with Vin Diesel when she arrives in Hollywood for the Bond movie ;-)
@anony 12:19, why shouldn't she be picky at 31? Sounds like she knows what she wants. If she's waited this long to find the right man for her it would be a shame for her to 'lower her standards' and settle for someone she's going to divorce 4 years later. Each to their own.
linda have u watched fast five??if u havent,.,u need 2 asap
Linda you and this Vin Diesel all the time.... Lol ... Haba!!!
Linda, guess what? Vin Diesel is gay!!!
LWKMD does she know who Johnny Depp is? I doubt let her be chosey at her age i am so so sorry for her. Very bad role model to young stars her daughter included. It is obvious that the person she is with does not want her then LEAVE and stop being an attention seeker your own is now getting to much and irritating get a life mschew very long hisssssss and hope you would not be like nike oshinowo husband snatcher!!!
Alice in Wonder Land. You will secretly go and beg men to marry you if you continue this way except you want to remain single for life.
Linda, where is my comment oooo?!
there's (good) life in being single.
if l were this girl, l will not marry, there's too much wahala in the union.
if it is '2dig', she can av a bf (married or single) and they can do it anytime. she can av a guy's company anytime so pls genny u don't av to look for any jonny deep. God so good, she has a child already. 1 should is enough for this 9ja, now.
linda u2 can try this...l am serious.
who is boris kodjo?
Linda!!! chai. Another man's meat is truly another man's poison loool. A lot of girls dont actually like Vin diesel. They say they will do him only if they are drunk hahahaa.
annon 2:58, God bless you for that comment.
@Alicia and Dee dee, both of you are FOOLS with peanut brains..
Alicia, i seriously pray you dont remain single for the rest of your life cos you never post comments that makes sense!
anon 12:54 you understand jare. She is only mentioning him to sound cool and she knows thats who most American women like. She is trying to feel among and yet for all her popularity in Africa Johnny Depp would not even blink at her twice.
she is trying way to hard to get on Johnny Depp's Radar....everything Johnny Depp, Johnny Depp..all na marketing
She def is following Nike Oshinowo's footsteps. Afterall, Nike Oshinowo AKA Home Wrecker introduced genevive to Atiku who bought her her first house in lekki and her first RAV4 and she gave him alot of anal sex in return ! Genevive told me this herself! She is a slut! When she is through with dbanj , she will show him the door too..For now, its all SEX!
Alicia u too yarn i beg...so secretaries r not human beings abi..what s common being a secretary? u need to see d kind of training they go thru to become one, maybe d ones n ur village when to typewriter school that's y u think all secretaries r common..wake up from ur slumber no profession s common anymore, even Lady mechanic get class and money pass u now....
& as for u Genny...keep looking for will smith and whatever, ur pickin go soon bring that ur dream man home..shey na Johnny na only walker u go see....olojukokoro
those are all fantasies after a daughter you are second hand.Genny
@anony 3:49, I am NOT a fool, I most definitely do not have a peanut brain, and I am not particularly a Genevieve fan. I simply do not believe in living one's life to please other people. At the end of the day we all have to live with our choices whether or not someone pressured us into making those choices. I don't understand why you're so angry or how Genie's single status affects your well-being. Chill out and stop making a mountain out of a mole hill.
chei!!!! see stupid comments. so at 30 she should marry any tom dick or harry. And because she said johnny deep personality, she wants to date him or she wants to feel american. wallahi, some of you are so close-minded it is not even funny.
na wa for the comments i have read so far o..ahn ahn! the babe was just saying/joking so can every1 calm down..lol. im guessing what most of you wanted her to say is "i am 31 o, i need a man fast.any kind of man at all, i dont care just keep them coming"..lol. me i dont see anything wrong in her statement.we all have our standards so let her be abeg!!
much luv,
dangel eyez (dangelola.blogspot.com)
I never post comments that make any sense and you're so sure your comments make sense? Let's be real here, she said personality and nothing else. Some people are making it seem as if she said she wants the man himself! EVERYONE HAS STANDARDS! So why get on her for having hers? I'm sure you all dated every tom dick and harry that came your way? Or you dont have requirements for your spouse? Bunch of hypocrites in here. Why dont all of you go and's ate the likes of area boys nd armed robbers?
She has every right to be picky. This is why so many marriages in nigeria fail, because of the foolish mentality being displayed here.
and since y'all claim to not have standards or very low standards, i wanna see the type of guys you date!
@Anon 3:53pm.......guuuurrrrlllll!!!! say it aint so.....she allowed ATIKU do what????
LIB readers - ngwa confirm all these jists kwanu oh.....OMG!!!! i don tire......*yoruba* o je ki ATIKU wole lati eyin.......lol
Linda where is My Comment ? abeg put am ooooooooooooo. unless i go repeat wetin happen for 1957 oooooo, Make una Tell Linda make she post my comment ooo, If not wetin happen for 1957 go repeat it self again oooooo, i serious ooo
@ anon 3:53 you be president of ABN(amebo club of nigeria)!Radio without antenna! You must really hate genny to beef so hard and really say all that. Its not fair @ all. She can affford to be as picky as she wants, its up to her. Regardless of her sexual preference or partner, she's done too well for herself. The Federal Ministry of Health warrns that 'jealous people are likely to die young'...go figure!
@ anon 3:53 you be president of ABN(amebo club of nigeria)!Radio without antenna! You must really hate genny to beef so hard and really say all that. Its not fair @ all. She can affford to be as picky as she wants, its up to her. Regardless of her sexual preference or partner, she's done too well for herself. The Federal Ministry of Health warrns that 'jealous people are likely to die young'...go figure!
@ anon 3:53 you be president of ACN(amebo club of nigeria)!Radio without antenna! You must really hate genny to beef so hard and really say all that. Its not fair @ all. She can affford to be as picky as she wants, its up to her. Regardless of her sexual preference or partner, she's done too well for herself. The Federal Ministry of Health warrns that 'jealous people are likely to die young'...go figure!
@ anon 3:53 you be president of ACN(amebo club of nigeria)!Radio without antenna! You must really hate genny to beef so hard and really say all that. Its not fair @ all. She can affford to be as picky as she wants, its up to her. Regardless of her sexual preference or partner, she's done too well for herself. The Federal Ministry of Health warrns that 'jealous people are likely to die young'...go figure!
this blog sef, na so so fight! women....
Ha !
A Naija woman that waits on a mountain with mouth open waiting for roast duck to drop in will wait a long time.
I'm kidding ooooh :)
she has every right to be picky and choose who she wants and we also have every right to make our comments...hehehe....thats what this blog is for right?entertainment when necessary.lol....anyway,isnt 'the johnny depp personality' the type that also gets bored and can cheat in a marriage?just saying....
genny does not want to marry....cos it would slow her down period...i believe hundreds of men keep coming her way but she just can't let go stardom.....
linda me i love you....marry a poor boy and be happy....
@ sakara..y are u being so touchy about d secretary part now..are u one?lwkmd
anywayz me thinks d guys that are forever on this HUMAN BEING called Genny's case are those that would drool if she so much as flashes a smile their way and as for the babes, they secretly want to be like her..word! hahahahahaha
This Alicia girl, u don't have work. Please go and drink cold water abeg.
As for Gene, this says that a woman can get the man of her choice whenever she wants, it is all about confidence. All you that want to marru cheating men, they don't give medal in marriage oo.. Nor count marriage join achievement abeg
Alicia and Dee Dee well said!
Regarding this post:
Everytime something pertains to Genevieve, see losers coming out in full force. Many of you are jealous all because Genny is not in her husband's house slaving away like most of you and getting punched in the face by said husband like most of you.
I want to know why a woman's marital status bothers you losers so much? I have been to Nigeria....where you marry, pop out so many babies like rabbits, lack adequate funds to raise said children, and send children to jump between cars to hawk goods. Your teenage and adult daughters prostitute themselves to wealthy old married men so that they can pay their tuition and upkeep, your sons get caught in all sorts of scam, kidnapping and international drug trafficking.
Marraige is a scam amongst MANY Nigerians anyway. The men don't stay faithful for the most part. They are physically abusive to their wives and lack utmost respect for them (ask Wilcox Wigwe). If the woman cannot bear male kids, off the man goes to marry another wife whom he thinks can bear him male sons. Moreover, the men don't live long anyway so chances are, by the time you women reach 60 years old you are back to "single" status anyways due to spouse's death.
Now listen here, you hypocrites should stop deceiving yourself. What can a Naija man sincerely offer Genny? Pickin she don born, money she has made. Who needs a naija man and his troublesome family to drive the girl mad?
If it hurts you that she is still single, go and hug transformer because marraige is a choice and NOT a mandate. With all the marraiges going on in Naija and yet Nigeria is still over flowing with piss poor people looking to escape that hell where nothing is working right! Yet, all you can do is sit here and complain about a young woman's marital status.
Take this time you are utilizing to bash Genny Nnaji and go and provide adequately for your kids so that we don't read about them getting executed in Asia somewhere in the near future because your judgemental over righteous ass could not provide for them!
Vin Diesel is a fine guy and you are allowed to have a crush on him. Nothing do you ok? Ignore people and their stupid sentiments.
Peace, out!
Anonymous 4.36pm - Johnny Depp is NOT on his 4th wife, I beg you! Johnny Depp was married once then he had several long term relationship the most popular was with Winona Ryder and Kate Moss. He has been with Vanessa Paradis the mother of his two children for 12 years. This is how rumors start like wild fire!
As per Genevieve AND HER IDEAL MAN, why are people getting up in arms? Haven't any of you ladies had your idea of what an IDEAL man would be for you even if it seems impossible? IS GENEVIEVE ABOVE DREAMING? Did she say "If want Johnny Depp, I can have him" or did she say "I can make Boris Kodjo forget all about Nicole Arie Parker?" If she made claims of being able to get these men, I for see why una just dey helele the girl anyhow anyhow.
Some of you bashing her have had fantasies about Tuface, Brian Okpara, Van Vicker, Ramsey Nouah, Kalu Ikeagwu...somebody out of your league but certainly your flavor so please let's take Genevieve OFF the cross. It is nice to see that she is just a regular chick, looking for the same things we are all looking for AKA OUR IDEAL MAN!
I didn't know that 31 was old to be single LOL. I got married at 35 two years ago and just had a set of twins. I didn't want to rush into anything even with family pressure, even with friends around me getting married, I just knew God had my own best in store for me and it happened later than what society says but that was fine with me. Genevieve has a lot to lose fiscally if she picks the wrong guy which might explain why she's picky which is good. When did having standards become a bad thing?
Abeg, make I go. She ain't paying me to be her defense attorney, jare LOL.
Abeg, Genny girl, do your thing. No mind the haters, they are irrelevant to your life and happiness.
Ode oshi. Stupid slag
that awkward moment where genevieve doesnt give a hoot what all u foolish people think about her love life!!!
@anonymous 3.53pm,Genny told u she gave Atiku anal sex and u are ratting on her online?! if she is a slut, u must be a snake in addition to being a slut!if u are so holy why are u keeping company wit a slut!pls all u haters, let genny be!she has a rite to set her own standards.perhaps most women are content to feed and house lazy, good for nothing men in the name of being husbands, that doesnt mean every one should aim for that!genny has worked hard to earn her fame and deserves a man who can hold his own and not some loser lookin for a woman he can leach on!
Johnny Depp looks like a New York Subway RAT
Johnny Depp has very poor personal hygiene! Yuck!
@Anon 12:19: You are a joke!!
Johnny Depp has very poor personal hygiene! Yuck!
According to wikipedia,Personality is the particular combination of emotional, attitudinal, and behavioral response patterns of an individual. I assume you have to know and interact with a man to know his personality and temperament.So how did she come to the realisation that she wants a man with Mr Depp's personality? i guess from Mr Depp's movies, right?
8.48pm - a VERY RICH and hugely talented NYC subway rat lmaortfl
those saying he has poor body hygiene, did you smell his arm pit? if he left his woman today and asked you out, you will jump so stop frontin' over here like you wouldn't lmao.
3.53pm - you are saying what has been said too many times, where there is smoke, there usually is fire.
@anonymous 7:50 PM's comment, i nearly cried reading your comment.
I WILL BUY A DRINK FOR YOU, WELL SAID! don't mind these haters. because they are slaves and being beaten in their unhappy homes because of their "low" standards and can only dream of being single again and living the good life. look at the majority of marriages in Nigeria and tell me why on earth would genny want that? ABEG, SHE IS GENEVIEVE NNAJI, NOT YOUR LOCAL ASSES! hehe :)
Ask her to explain Johnny Depps personality and I bet she can't. Like someone said, she thinks it sounds to say so. Genny Wannabe!
I feel you Linda. but u too like better thing o!
for those dissing Jenny, even if person reach 40 make e no get choice? bad belle people make una leave d babe alone. Linda nothing do u o! as long as he is available i go follow u pray.
oh yeah, dont mind most Nigerian women with their mentality to think marriage is the only thing in life. i don't blame them, it's their mothers especially that brainwash that shit into their heads from an early age. thank God i did not go through such, or i would be as desperate as most of the commentators here.
jobless alicia......
limnda u should consider hiring her
I knew some beautiful girls in my village.they kept rejecting Men untill they clock 40, next thing they became desparate and were even ready for any Man. As at that time it was only old Men that were coming for them their beauty kept fading due to a lot of thinking and fasting.
From the look of things Genevivs eyes will clear as soon as her daughter marries before her then all those her Chaperons that are keepin her company would as well hav married
Genevivs problem is stadom , if she was not in the limelight she would have married since.
A Man with confidence, what is she waiting for ,,,,Charly Boy is there.
Word! You can say that again. You know I have to tell it as it is because I am tired of Nigerians and their hypocrisy and their endless bashing of this young woman who has made something out of her life through hard work and dedication to her craft which is acting.
@Annon 7.50pm, GBAM AND DOUBLE GBAM! Its like you read my mind and my sentiments on this issue. Marraige is a choice and will always be a choice fullstop! If Genny decides she does not want to marry and stay single for the rest of her life, its her life and no one else's so no hating! What makes some people think that at 31 years, she has not had marraige offers that she turned down! Typically Nigerian Mentality! Oh and by the way before anyone starts calling me a single hater, I am happily married for almost 10 years in the United States and have a wonderful and busy career going too! Na wah oh
ode! when she is 40 and single..like Nike Oshinow she will settle for ol' Papa..pscheeeewwww
LMAO LOL ROTFLMAO LWKMD LMFAO hmmn the way una dey hype this geneive ehn? kia some people are like: 'she is genevive nnaji and not like your local asses' Abeg who is genevive again and what is her relevance? im reading most of this comments and i am laughing in vernacular....Biko you guys should let me see road abeg and stop hyping some people unneccesarily...smh for una juh
9:17 AM is a clear case of Nigerians that never appreciate their own. if she was in America now, everyone would be worshiping her. FOOLS.
need i remind you that she is one of the biggest stars on our continent? some people don't get it! anyway, anything Africa is always too "local" in their eyes for any kind of formal recognition. mtchewwww
Leave Genny alone jare! You go girl! @Linda, I can so relate.....LOL!
@ alicia... y so angry? its not that serious you know... here \_ have a seat...
dis alicia, u sure say u get work????
YOu will have waht your heart desire in Jesus name.
You go girl.That man will come some day genny. Luv u
@anon, may 2011: 7:50 PM, please ride on. Well spoken. On point.
@ Alicia, u certainly cant have a job.....wats wit all d goin n comming back to respond to evryone... if u love her so much move in with her, but u gotta realise dat no matter what u think, GENEVIEVE IS NOT EVERYONE'S CUP OF TEA! i personally cant b bothered cos her life n my own no join in anyway....Get over dis silly attitude abeg u're sounding like an under 13!
OMG Nigerians are SO dramatic! Gosh
yeah, i woke up in the middle of the night, most of my recent comments were made at 3 am! :)
alicia go and drink cold water u hear...genevive is an ok actress so i dont see the hype...if i was a movie producer ild prolly have the likes of kate henshaw, mercy johnson, uche jumbo in my movies cos i know that they act better than your over hyped genny...Go and sleep juh and stop taking panadol for another man's headache...mtcheww!
anon 7.50pm - PREACHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I read some comments on here by some sad, backward thinking, hateful people and i just shake my head that some people actually think the way they do! I don't get it! A statement said jokingly has been turned into something else, vilifying the poor girl. As for that anonymous person talking about atiku how about you give your real name since she told you? Nonsense!
Alicia if u are not bothered y do yoy keep responding to every comment? Are u on crack or simply idle? Just ignore
kiss my yellow paw paw ASS!
I think anonymous Genevieve is posting comments here!! ridiculous. why does everything have to be about haters and losers? let people express their views. Personally, I havent watched any movies she's in as i really don't have an appetite for anything nollywood (no disrespect here)but how in the world do people think that some on the commentators on here with power corporate jobs would be jealous of a nollywood "actress"?
lol..Alisha a bu noo onye ala!
I so like this Alicia chic, she has smth to say in every topic. Na she fit some pple on this blog.
Genny has a right to have her standards and most times,such ladies get what they want and those that lowered theirs get bastards as partners.
In this life, leave everyone with their own bcos destinies are different. Genny is one gurl I know that is destined to be famous, she's not the most talented actress,neither is she the most beautiful or educated and might not even have slept with as many men as others have slept with to get up there but her name is everywhere just like Tuface. Abeg make una free the babe jor.
And for being single @ 31,everyone has her time for marriage.A lady i know got married @ 37,had twin boys that year and twin girls later and got a multinational job same year too.sowhat are we talking abt here.
@June 2, 2011 6:25 AM thank you there are those of us who hold down power jobs in diaspora and still have time to leave comments be it good or bad and yet we are haters remember guys it is a free world and people should be able to express themselves without being called names.
Genes own is now getting irritating. Here her say johnny D LWKM who cares let her step aside and just go away quietly have had enough of her childishness for once Mschew!!!
Anon May 31, 2011 3:21 PM; google and/or wiki are fab for finding out about people, things, places and infact everything!!
Genny, surely divides opinion. A simple statement is causing so much brouhaha.
We are all allowed to dream right?
the question was WHAT IS YOUR IDEAL MAN? read it again IDEAL MAN! my goodness all of you are just STUPID! AS IN DAFT! u dont even understand the question! chai! thats why the white people say u africans are stupid! so if they ask u such questions what do u answer? she just said what her ideal man was though? she didnt say she wants johnny depp! WOW! una foolish! sha oh o__O
OMG! See drinking of Panadol over another man's headache! LAFF WAN KILL ME DIE.
xum pple,read upside dwn...she says her 'ideal man' n its noh lyk she says she wanna marry johnny depp. Wah's yhur stress?@genny haters?lyk seriously,she has qoh a ryt 2be choosy,evry woman has qoh an ideal man. Most of yew will drool,jst 2tke a pix wif genny,mke una leave matter 4mathias jhor,she dsnt evn qive a hoot bowt yha comments. Alicia yew re so on point!
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