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Kola Boof and Wale |
Kola Boof writes..
“There wasn’t a single Black woman in “Pretty Girls”…so what in the f— was he saying about African women?? His own race?” @WALE is a little Punk B—h Nigerian Skin Bleacher who wants to escape his own people & gets PAID 2 do s. I know enough about @WALE …and he’s a LOSER a– Motherf—er in my book. Don’t give a s–t who’s IN DENIAL. F–k WALE
If #WALE was my g–damn son I’d drown that Chimp-brained Nigerian N—erstock motherf—er. And feed his a– to the Red Ants. Loser mofo!
And Black Women….keep making excuses & supporting these mofos…..that’s what IRKs me. Dumb a– Black Women. You would think Black Women would have 2 halves of a brain to tune out these mofos..but they the #1 supporters. This man HATES US…hates our whole f—ing existence & wants to escape blackness…and we making him rich!!??
“To me….a man like WALE….is no different than a f—ing Clansmen. He just gets away with his s–t bec. he’s dark black. But let WALE have to decide between saving YOU from drowning and a European. He’s a skin bleacher. Might as well be Jergen. NO DUMB A–….he doesn’t “REP” Nigeria. You’re just too stupid to see his messages. He promotes f—ing SKIN BLEACHING!
Why wouldn’t NIGERIAN children want to bleach their skin after watching a WALE video?? How could they not? Think about the IMAGES in Wale’s videos….and then look at why Nigerian kids, both male & female, want to skin bleach. HIS VIDEOS!! partly. Just remember….that KOLA will kick your f—ing a– @WALE ……you’re f—ing GUPPIE! OH PLEASE….people are acting like I can’t cuss someone out because I’m a Novelist?….I’m harder than ANY f—ing rapper. NOVELIST, POET….Bin laden’s Ex-Mistress….and **HARDER** than any f—ing Rapper. These punks are snot nosed wimps. Wale….is a f—ing Nigerian Cl-t-B—h. F–k Wale. Oh please….I’m HARDER than any rapper…….you insecure little colortsruck roach invaders.”Wale’s response
Kola boof… I won’t beef with you as a rapper, but as a proud black man with intellect. We can show the world what ignorance looks like. Excuse me @KolaBoof.
According to this lunatic @kolaboof I promote “skin bleaching” and I hate black women. And @kolaboof thinks that because she contributed to writing a few books, that she can talk down to me. With all due respect ms @kolaboof I can sit up here and say you were porking terrorist…like a lot of your peers say. But I’d rather not, because I’m ignorant to @kolaboof whatever relationship you had with Ol’ Boy [Osama bin Laden]. ..and my ignorance to THAT particular subject will keep me quiet. W/ that said u should 2. @kolaboof your pretentious. Your a disgusting human being, an absolute disgrace to the very people you pretend to endorse.
Kola Boof was forced to save her American citizenship in 2002 by admitting to being the mistress of Osama Bin Laden, a relationship she claims was against her will. Early this year, her most controversial book yet, The Sexy Part of the Bible, a shocking and powerfully written erotic novel about cloning and skin bleaching in West Africa was published. Perhaps this explains her beef with Wale.
She sounds crazy to me...
Im sorry but Kola Boof(in this pic) looks a like a nutcase. I have read some of her work..Im sure she is a very intelligent woman...that is why I am all the more amazed that she would take this route ...Surely there is better way to confront this issue.
I hope these two DO NOT see themselves as black role models?
Th9s Kola Boof is ugly.
I'm sorry bit that is just my opinion
well.. from all that conversation...
Wale should not have replied her now... she is just looking for fame... at the wrong place sha...
pity them both!!!
She is clearly unstable. I get what she was saying(kinda), but why so violent? smh.
Wale is NOT a Nigerian US based rapper. He is a Black American rapper of Nigerian parentage.
I don't know if Wale has ever been to Nigeria. Wale was born in the US and does not have a Nigerian passport.
lol, Wale is only Nigerian by blood and that's where it ends. SMH. I am still angered by his "Pretty Girls" video. such a fucking shame, coming from someone that is so damn dark himself. anyway, i guess the way to get people talking about you again is as easy as sending a few tweets to someone. extremely lame.
You too sound crazy to me for saying she's crazy. This is a lady that has been tormented, belittled and discriminated verbally for being black. A CNN journalist once said to her face "Why is a wealthy man like Bin Laden dating a black lady". If you are to be in the U.S then you will really know what this skin colour issue is about, and how critical it is. when the video first came out Jump off and some media outlets criticised Wale for same reason she's criticised him for. And I see a point in her conclusion, she might have been a little bit irrational about how she expressed her feelings still that don't give you the right to call her crazy..Just yesterday Sahara reporter attacked your lunch with president and you quickly defend yourself. So don't judge other people too.
Kola has huge ti**ies! I'd hit...if she'd let me!!
Who the heck is Wale?
I haven't watched the video but even if she was offended by it she should have respected herself and written everything she had to write without using curse words and sounding so angry..
People are talking about wale being a American with Nigerian parents. He's actually the only American artist with Nigerian parents that really claim he's Nigerian 24/7 so I disagree. Even our Naija born naija artists are trying to claim Yankee. If not showing black girls in his video.. if you're mad at him you have to be mad at d'banj and banky for showing non Nigerians in their video. It's a video. I'm sure he'll marry a black girl some day. that's all that matters.
Ummm there are a number of dark skinned girls in the video....just NOT VERY dark! I saw light-skin girls but also fairly dark (or should I say brown?).
Yes he didnt use VERY dark skinned girls so what?
I notice that the dark-skinned girls who are insecure are the ones who often invoke skin colour as an issue. Im sorry but I know so many beautiful dark skin girls ranging from Oluchi etc. Do you really think Oluchi isnt considered beautiful objectively? How about all those Fulani girls who are so gorgeous?
My point being that- if you are not fine, bpls dont use your dark skinned complexion as a excuse. It has nothing to do with you skin complexion!
Having said that be secure and happy.
Im a brown skin girl, farrr from 'yellow' but I love my skin. Yes, im not very dark either but I have friends who are very dark and they are very attractive too!
Kola Boof is right. Why couldn't Wale use Nigerian models in his video?
He and Dare are White Nyash Flies of the same feather.
I agree with Kemiismyrealname. What a waste of time ..
kola boof is deranged abeg...if u have an issue withthe video is it on twitter thst u should tackle it? with such foul language? especially when its on record that u slept with a terrorist...shes in no position to critisise wale, let her gaan park one side
I honestly get where she is coming from. It might not have been well articulated but she makes a strong point. It is cos of men like Wale a lot of black girls tend to be insecure. And i commend her for saying what she thought. Whether it was on twitter or not. And his response was so off-point. He obviously had no defense.
@ Annon why would dark skinned be insecure because Wale didnt cast them in his Video?? You really think him having dark skinned girl build self esteem or confidence in them...How about beautiful, successful dark skinned women like Michelle Obama, Ophra, Oluchi, Chiamamda Adichie, these are successful black women who didnt need a rap artist to build their confidence.
Anyone who believes that rap artist who use derogatory words to qualify women would build dark skinned girls in their video, simply by casting them has a serious problem and needs their brains checked.
I am dark skinned and I love who I am and would not wish to be anyone else but me, because my mother thought me to love and be proud of who I am, not Wale, he is a non factor!!!
Lol. I don't understand y a nigerian artist MUST use Nigerian models in his videos? He is in a global market. all of u talking, complain not when u r refused a job in America bcos of your nationality. I caanot believe pple r so narrow minded. I don't even know y pple r looking at wale to build their self-esteem. lmaoo. pple need help. lol
oh i forgot to mention that kola boof looks like a koala bear.
i had to go and read about kola boof before i could make a statement. I think she's just crazy. I'm pro-black skin and all that but i read an interview in which she also goes all crazy on light skinned and even yellow people. I think thats extreme. there are blacks that have lighter skin between yellow and brown and they do not bleach.some of them even get lighter with the sun. i kno this issue is big especially when you leave nigeria but i mean, to me black is black, african is african and the sooner people get comfy in their own skin the better. and most of the time its the dark skinned people we hear complaining.ive watched so many videos abt this that is quite annoying and almost all of them is dark skinned blacks against light skinned blacks or sthing.i think they just need to revamp their minds...and btw, i did see dark skinned girls in the video, at least a few. i wonder what she is talking about...
again she is crazy...i dont know why she should dictate who people should use in their videos.she cant just dictate to people to love 'dark-skinned' africans just cos they are african...(from an interview).this shows she's racist...abi una think say na only whites fit be racist?
I don't know if some of the comments were directed at me but i will state again, I am nwa paw paw, so I am not an insecure dark skinned girl. but then again, his video called "pretty girls" had only about TWO dark skinned girls and they were probably brown if you really wanna be specific. NOT ONE SINGLE GIRL THAT IS WALE'S COLOR. this guy is a fool.
and no we shouldn't boycott D'banj because D'banj is a mixt
and how the fuck can you say "he didn't use very dark skinned girls and so what?!" EXCUSE ME? are they not part of the black race too? why are the non-very dark skinned ones always getting the love but the ones that are aren't and you say stupid things like "SO WHAT?" do you think his fan base consists of all one type? why can't he feature a girl that looks like him? brainless idiot. a DISGRACE TO NIGERIANS. don't worry, he is just trying to fit into the American rap scene, so he will sell out just like the rest of them do. FOOLS. i can't believe you uttered such a statement. I'm tired of watching the Tyra Show and seeing little dark skinned girls, that are obviously pretty, cry about how ugly they see themselves and how no one appreciates their beauty!
what is wrong with being a light-skinned or dark-skinned African/ African - American. MY son is light skinned, I am dark skinned , my sister is light skinned.... is it not about genetics sometimes.I think there is a form of cognitive distortion going on and a lot of people have to undergo Cognitive behavioural therapy to tackle this for crying out loud...!!! What is this all about? He used girls from a modelling company for his video... most are all of african descent except for one or two caucasians. Being African does not entail only the colour black in a few places like sudan but also many shades of brown as well as white in places like namibia and south africa and so on. Any one talking about the various shades of brown in his video must be certainly INSECURE. If you are upset about Wale's video , then you are also racist, afterall people of colour can also be racist or tribalistic(tribalism is a sub-form of racism) which go hand in hand as is so prevalent in Nigeria!!!! And as far as I am concerned is synonymous with being backward even with an education!!!!! I rest my case
@Alicia ur point is. . . ??? You just spilled phlegm without coughing out anything reasonable
silly bunch,if the argument was based on not using dark skin girls as nurses,doctor,teacher,supermodel etc that will be an issue but we are talking about freaking VIDEO VIXENS here!!girls who parade rappers and sell their bodies for a couple of dollars. Silly argument if you ask me because I don't consider being a video hoe as a real job so wale can cast all the white girls and even add a couple of albinos in his video,if he please still wont bother me. Women need to start taking on real roles to showcase their intelligence rather than shaking their behind in a mans video
@alicia you are getting yourself to worked up on this issue. So he didn't use enough dark skin girls in his video..SO WHAT???no really so what, will the world come to an end?will the price of garri in the market change?
You also need to consider the fact that the girls you see in these music video trade off sex with rappers and their crews to get a couple of minutes on the big screen. So in reality, there isn't much of an advantages to black females being in a rappers video, so don't pull your hair out
yeah right, typical of everyone to sweep everything under the rug. as soon as i see hispanic or white artists giving black women as much love as black artists give to their women, then i will shut up. ugly fools.
Linda you are at it again the woman has better looking pic online. why did you have to pick one in which she look slightly crazy.
As I keep saying, if you are fine, you are fine. Being dark-skinned has nothing to do with it.
Ps- Who cares about Wale anyway? lol.
Man, people need to differentiate hiphop/rap from real life!
Most of these video girls are video HOES who aint go no college degrees!! They are the ones who need validation from rappers!! Not fortunate girls like you.
There is so much more to life than irrelavnt people stuff like this. Having a great career, having good friends, having a devoed Husband, having kids, being a faith Christian or Muslim, helping the poor, giving to charity- these are the things that count. Having love etc.
it's more than just meets the eye. it's not really about what these girls are doing in their personal lives or whether or not they are aristos, groupies, or whatever. it's the message being portrayed by these black male rappers, and it's a message that looks down upon black women. anyway, i could write an essay, but everyone will just say shut up, blah blah. it's DEEPER than just a music video. do you think white people would take it like nothing if all their artists only used black women? let's be reasonable here.
Alicia Oh he is an American of Nigerian descent? Not a Nigerian based in American? No offence but I dont understand African Americans and the attitudes some of their men have towards their fellow women.
Then as per Tyra Banks, exactly!I saw these videos recently: http://vimeo.com/24155797 and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqSFqnUFOns and was moved to tears. (Mind you the second video were little innocent children!!) I was also moved to thank God that my formative years was in a country where my color was NOT an issue unlike the dark skinned ladies in America.
Kola rants a lot, yes but if you read her rants she makes sense, she speaks like that in part because of what she experienced all bcause of her skintone.I have featured her in my blog http://efemenaoreoluwa.blogspot.com/2010/11/kola-boof-rants-modeling-sucks-if-youre.html and http://efemenaoreoluwa.blogspot.com/2010/05/legend-of-kola-boof.html She had a hard life!
Like you said you empathise with the ladies on the Tyra Banks show. I am not in an environment where my skin tone leads me to ridicule and ultimately rejection but I too can empathise. And to think Its all down to genetics!Imagine being rejected all ones life due to a 'genetic lottery' its sick!There is a truelife story and even a movie 'Skin' about a South African white couple who happened to have a 'colored' daughter called Sandra Laing and captures the humiliation and brutality she faced all her life
I digress..
I for one am amazed that the Wale did not even seize the opportunity of that platform to defend himself or offer something constructive by way of an explanation! Surely he knows a lot of people in and out of TWITter network will be interested in his reply? just insulting Kola was lame in my opinion. His actions actually gives Kola's points a form of validity. Perhaps he suffers from an inferiority complex. Who knows??? When he didnt defend himself...
The legacies of Racism,Colonialism and Slavery do not make for a 'comfortable' topic, but its alive and doing very well in our modern life and shouldnt be swept under the carpet!
i also find it even more disgusting that Wale didn't even address what she said at all. and he mentioned was her affiliation with Osama Bin Laden, so?? It really makes me sick when i still see black women sing, buy the songs, and go to the concerts Lil' Wayne. sometimes i see black women singing and rapping to his music, even when it's using all those degrading lyrics including red bone, blah blah blah etc. WHEN WILL BLACK WOMEN WAKE UP? STOP SUPPORTING THESE LOSERS! do you know how much money they'd lose is black women stop supporting them? THEN, MAYBE THEN, they will think to change their lyrics and videos. GOSH, OUR WOMEN, WAKE UP! this is one of the reasons why i've stopped listening to american rap and hip hop all together.
thanks Mena, you spoke my mind.
I don't understand. Who are these people again?
anony 9.52 - i was wondering the same thing o!
She's gotta be high on something...
And obviously hates Nigerians
Thats how black people in the USA behave.....
Everyone tells you they are better than the next or "light skinned" so step away....
White people are actually nicer people to minorities.
Minorities always attack each other.
You can't please everyone:
Black girls in video..wahala
No black girls in video..wahala
Personally I think the "Video Vixen" thing is quite degrading..
Light skinned chicks can do it if they wish..Thanks Wale! for leaving the black chick out of that nonsense:)
Some video vixens are actually graduates. For example, dolicia bryan...
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