In a statement released to the press regarding the controversy surrounding Rihanna's Man Down video, BET says the video will continue to air. "
BET has a comprehensive set of standards and guidelines that are applied to all of our content. The Rihanna 'Man Down' video complied with these guidelines and was approved for air."
Some other channels like Youtube have blocked the of yesterday. Was the video that offensive?
but am actually watching the video rite now on youtube
ah now..they should free my song jor..
Are you sure Linda? Check out
I really don't see anything wrong with this video. wasn't that bad in my opinion. Why is no one focusing on the main issue which is rape?
IMO it's parents who should be held responsible for the content their kids consume. The onus of decency should't be on artists because some parents are too fucking lazy to regulate their shit and contextualize the information their kids are exposed to.
That said, @ Madame Sting. How is rape worse than murder. If a guy made a video about how he gets raped by a chick and then ends up killing her, it would never even make it past production before the record company canned that shit. I think it's the double standard that's the real issue here.
its more controversial than offensive. It is very violent to begin with, and in a way she justifies violence, I have live in Md, and Baltimore has like the highest crime rate in the US, music videos like this only makes things worse because a lot of young pple look up to her, and they do not need any conflicting message from her, we need positivity not negativity.
seriously! i don't see anything that wrong with the video. how abt videos were women are flashing their boobs and bootys on Tivo. if they should ban, they should first ban Mother Monster aka lady gaga's videos.
Much as i love the song now, (thanks to the controversy) i do agree that it has negative message and influence on young girls here in the states. Young girls who get sexually abused will now think its morally justified to put the *Mandown
I think Rihanna and her team shouldda been more witty with the video like not showing her pull the trigger and the Mandown in his own pool of blood. Even the lyrics kinna justify her crime by saying:
"run outta town nobody can see me now, if you play me for a fool, you should know i will lose my kool and reach for my fire arms"
Whatever i love the song it rocks my reggae moves rumpom pom pom- why did i pull the trigger, pull the trigger boom!!!
the video is still on youtube.....always check ur fact b4 post. Luv ur blog xxx
Here I posted it on my blog via youtube, and it's still there --->
These people should actually look at the message she was trying to pass across instead.She was remorseful and regretting which actually should be a great lesson for these kids to know that it was not the best line of action. I don't know why they are complaining so much about this that even has a message attached to it when Russian roulette was completely outrageous and no one said anything.
When lady Gaga poisened her guy in paparazi no one talked about it o.
Riri is a nuisance...
very childish and all..
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