Her husband of 9years is nollywood producer/director, Tchidi Chikere, who's been linked with several actresses.
"I don't care if my husband is linked with any actress, it doesn't bother me at all. Nobody is perfect. If you're looking for perfection, I am sorry, you have a long way to go. So, in that sense, you learn how to forgive and move on. There will always be challenges in marriage, but when you hand them over to God, be patient, forgive one another and settle issues without involving a 3rd party, it goes a long way." - Sophia Chikere to Anyakwo Nonyem of City People Mag
In addition Sophia Chikere, do not give audience to any interview or report on your husband's affairs. Rather discuss and sort it out with him in private.
lol @ Linda Diokpa!
I sha hope she is as strong as she sounds.... All the best in their marriage
So she's indirectly admitting he is/was a cheat...
Very well said. This is the most realistic view on infidelity in marriage by any female celebrity. While I do not ENCOURAGE infidelity, (as it really hurts)I feel there should be room for forgiveness. If you really love someone you should be willing to forgive the person especially if he is sorry.
This woman is so lame and dumb...OMG....anyway, I dont blame her....she probably learnt that from her parents....because to a large extent people see life from their own personal experiences...if her father cheated on her mother and "discussed" the rubbish in private, she has accepted that fate and think that is the norm....My dear Mrs Chikere, think outside the box-the box u have put yourself and be smart...
Sophia, thats what you will say cos you own way sef no pure or maybe you feel you can't get a better deal. Nywaz na you get yourself & your husband.
a very wise human being.
Well said... I've been married for 12yrs now and i tell u, no mairrage is a bed of roses bu if u can keep ur head high and remember the promises.. "For better, For worse and with God on your side everything will be fine.
In the beginning, it wasnt so easy, i wanted out when i couldnt stand the tales of my husband being with other women, but i read some inspirational books on marriages and listened to my mmum's advice... Now, my husband and I are so strong and our love is renewed daily. We even joke about ladies, as in its so wonderful.
Morale of my story: Dont entertain negative news about ur spouse, stay strong and God will see u through.
lol, of course, when he is bringing home the ego! i mean, i guess he really pitied her, or maybe she was jealous and forced him to start using her in his movies. by far, she is among one of the worst to ever star in a Nollywood movie. from the few movies I've seen her in, i always wondered "WHAT THE BLOODY F%$&?!?!?!" lol
so i guess its true that directors/producers sleep with actresses in exchange for movie roles? sad! see what desperation can cause?! some people wanna be famous at all costs!
poor her...so is it really true?? i hear he is ahving an affair with tonto...he strikes me as very needy always wanting to appear in his movies and he can't even act a wink!!!focus on your pretty wife Tchidi..remember all the plagues that come with sleeping around, and sleeping around can terminate ur destiny!!!
My dear it will bother u o, but like u said, forgive and move on. God will help u to handle d rest
pls this is REAL TALK in my opinion. leave her alone. Whatever floats her boat abeg. Its her life and thats how she has chosen to handle it. Some other women will go out guns blazing if they hear that their man did this or that, does it mean that formula works for everyone? ngwa leave her jare......and most of una wey de yab her, una own man/woman sef de yansh outside. REAL TALK!!
It will bother you dear when he brings home some DESIGNER DISEASE.
There is forgiveness and all that jazz till you bring home a child, a disease or some crazy psycho woman. I do not condone all that crap...ladies, they will not be so forgiving if the shoe was on the other foot.
Sophia, u do not have slightest idea of the things ur hubby does. If he comes to apologise every time you for give him, are you ready for communicable desease get wise mi friend. tchidi is a liar and a cheat.
you guys are right. she will be singing to another tune if he brought home a disease, fathered a love child, or if she was the one cheating and not him. WOMEN, look at what we do to ourselves sometimes.
chei. HIV nko? Maybe she consoles herself in the fact that he uses condoms outside. So what if she finds out she has cervical cancer as a result of the HPV her husband brought home nko? Condoms don't protect anyone from HPV. I give up. It's her life let her live it however she can swallow.
until you find urself in her shoes, u really have no idea..
and a husand is not the same as a boyfy!
its easy to run ur mouth when u're not yet married..
when u 're married with kids, its a different ball game..
It was all rumour before but now she has confirmed it. I'm surprised. Syphillis doesn't care about condom. Women wise up.
i'm a married woman with 2kids and i'd be the world's numero uno fool if i come out "yikitiyakatying" that i can't accept that, that my husband cannot cheat bla bla bla. i've never caught him cheat on me but i know he does..but god almighty has given me the grace and peace to accept what i might not be able to change and i dare say i am happy in my marriage. He's discreet about it and respects and loves me..we just have to admit that it is in their DNA to cheat.
Tonto Dikeh fucked Tchidi silly for one year
It is in their DNA to cheat kwa. I am not married so I can not say but please let no woman accept that trash o. Which DNA, the one that God created or the one that science cloned? If we want to argue who is more apt to sin then we can take it back to the days of Adam and Eve and see who fell first. Naija women, don't buy that nonsense o. It is not in their DNA to cheat...the ones that have not cheated unko? Are you telling me you liken your husbands to mere animals that have no sense of discipline? There is no scientific proof that shows that men are natural born cheats...none.
A man puts your life in danger and you say you pray about it and God will give you strength? My heart continuously breaks for us. Maybe I am a naive unmarried person o, maybe the tune will change later on but I am not sure I will be quick to accept my husband's multiple affairs. There is a reason why the Bible even allows a married person to walk away from their adulterous spouse. If you are willing to forgive a one time mistake, then yes go ahead but a man that continuously sleeps around does not respect you. I am even surprised that someone would put respect and multiple affairs in one sentence.
When T comes home from location, just take it in your hands, wash it with soap, clean it wipe it down, - put some talc powder on it and it becomes good as new to get back on your knees - Aint no big deal
Gini Big Gini Big Deal Shebi Shebi am on fire!!!
lol" Linda Diokpa. well said
" Mrs cheater, it is not in anybody's DNA to cheat. that is pure crap. anyboday can accept cheating or deal with it in their own way, that is the individual's perrogative and business. but it is not in anybody's DNA to cheat. shey some married women even sleep around, so is it in their DNA....
It is A CHOICE to cheat.
I'm not saying you should kick your hubby out or not..that is your business but educate yourself on DNA and what is or is not in it
So, you keep on forgiving him while he keeps on cheating and asking for forgiveness? That one na life? Hmmn..
Sophia i wish you did not put this out there. Just be quiet and keep praying - dont give these jezebel bitches an idea that there is a problem - Keep praying (Psalm 35 always works) and keep loving him - no matter how far he goes he will come back home any woman who tries to break your home God will deal with them and they will be barren and die tragically. Dont ever fight the woman and dont even fight Tchidi if this is the case. Leave it to GOd bu pray constantly. Every ugly talentless bitch wants to be the next big star and will go any length, and Tchidi may try to fight them off - Just keep praying - keep few friends and DONT EVER EVER EVER telll them shyt - cos the best they can do is listen and say "Ohhh it will be ok" - Lock ya self in a room and have deep conversations with God and GOd alone . No EVIL witch can break your happy home - they might win temporary but they will fail eventually. And please dont give another interview to anybody, when they ask tell them "everything is fine".
To all those of you fkcing other ppls husbands you will die and the curse will carry on to your children - that is IF you are even able to have a child - or a health child fo rthat matter - Dont mess with what God has put together,. I am not married yet but I always pray for myself and my married friends. The bitches are being breeded in masses these days.
Pastor Dollar saids when your husband does you wrong - dont take matters in your own hands - leave him to God - Dollar preaches excellent topic for married people. Your business is to love him and leave the heffa he is fcking and he himself to God - dont do Gods job for him and dont listen to all these skank heffas telling you to leave him and blah blah blah - Its a trap by jezebel and her crew. Sisters of Light. he came to set the captives free.
she must have some nerves...damn it...he cheats i move out...full stop!!!
I'm surprised at sophia's statement! why is she pretending? Wasn't she the one calling/texting and abusing my friend when she saw her number in tchidi's phone. I'm not really sure why she's still with Tchidi anyway because if anyone has eaten shit its definately her! man!! the guy is known all over Asaba as a dog! He begged my friend continuosly to go out with him and she turned him down because of the fact he was married and accused him of sleeping with alot of actresses which he admitted to and even said some of them threw themselves at him and he obliged. I'd be with her when tchidi would call begging (seriously begging)her to meet him at some hotel etc. the guy is filth abeg! he is married with 3kids with a beautiful wife, half the girls he goes with aren't even as fine as sophia so what is he looking for! He's just a greedy, nasty piece of work. Rubbish!!! Only in Nigeria - if it was in the States the chic would have divorced his ass and filed for half he's property (if he has any)aterall Arnold Schwarzenegger and his misses just parted ways due to infidelity after 25years of marriage.
Sorry for her when he would bring back STD and infect you the you would worry by trick and by force. Nonsense rubbish coming out of your mouth sorry for you. You better leave when you got the chance to do so men are not worth it period!!!
As long as she doesn't ever show herself in front of a camera again this life or any other life, she say and think what she wants in her little naive world. This woman makes Lilian Bach look like Angela Basset sef. She has got to be the worst actress I have EVER EVER EVER seen in my entire life, terrible! If this view point helps her cope at the end of the day, who are we to say other wise? Isn't her marriage, her husband, her life?
i would only say one thing to ladies here including linda.......there is nothing like men are born to cheat....i am a man and i know what my friends say....
this is my piece of advice.....
b4 marriage....find out the kind of woman your husband would have ever dreamed of marrying...
2.....find out if he has any romantic or sexual fantasies that he would ever love to explore....
3...find out what would trip him about a woman...
4....if u did not meet any of this requirement....then u are in for a 50/50 chance.....but if u are able to meet 3 of this requirements.....or atleast 2....
then work on 3 things.....be dramatic and explosive with sex....hit him where he wants it and how..
manage ur ego....if he ever thinks that u are not humble or do not respect him enough....he may be lured mentally to use that as an excuse....men cannot deal with proud women...
find out how he eats and what he wants to eat....
understands his dress vision for a woman...
im married, my husband is a cheater, i told him pls use condom and he agrees.....im also cheat on him...its 50/50....evry1 comes back home life goes on...all my 3kids are his....we no longer want children....he think im d best by accepting his cheating attitude...my marriage is sweet ,sex perfect, we are rich, i remember last year during our hols to yankee i caught him sleeping wth a white girl in our miami hotel when i went to drop our kids with my sister, we planned to go crazy like we always do.. he apologised and as usual i vexed and i forgave him...and as usual i took revenge and i slept wth a waiter too sweet experience though...vengeance is sweet, im luving my marriage peeps, he trust me he cant catch me..ive spoken: abuse me if u like,,,im happily married go and hug a transformer...
It's so amazing reading most of the comments saying" he has a beautiful wife and yet he cheats.....plzzzzz show me a beautiful woman and i will show someone who tired of f**king her, my advise for her is to keep praying that he changes for good, which i know is very possible, with a divine intervention, haven't been a great cheat in the past, with appetite of tasting beautiful women or displaying my huge stamina for sex,it was like giving sample of a product out, but today am a changed and happily married with 3 kids, thanks to my patience wife, who help me through me transforming era.
To those who are praying & expecting a change....THERE IS HOPE
All these stupid men piss me off but Sophia Chikere is correct... if you want to have a husband and remain married for life.
She is so pretty yet he cheats like mad. The Lagos women are very smart. They don't allow foolish womanisers to make them unhappy because they simply cheat too. Babu ji soro!
The Egba women cheat whether the men cheat or not. It is a most! It helps to overcome womanisers in advance.
The Badagry, Ijebu, Edo and Delta women are the smartest. They know how to deal stubborn Nigerian men. How? My Mama will 'cane' me o!
@Anonymous 9:41 PM
Hmmm...i dey laugh, look at a pots calling a kettles black, women cheats as much as men do jor, is just that it takes a thief to catch a thief, most women cleans their month very well with no trace to be found(chop& clean mouth)and moreover can a man cheat alone? NO, so blame it on the accomplices (women),we are human with animal instinct when to sex, do you think after all runs girls do in schools, with so much escapade's,multiple dates, will become one humble housewife? that na lie, they say "practice make perfect".....our generation is trouble
from these comments it is obvious he is a pathological womanizer, and frankly for her sanity she needs to leave him, even though it is easier said than done...however i notice the women in nija are generally more tolerant and forgiving when it comes to cheating..once u step onto the shores of the US ur perspective on cheating changes...women are really empowered here and have a zero tolerance for cheating..
i can't even begin to imagine my husband cheating...it seems so alien to me..it is very hard to imagine that business will return to usual when u catch ur husband cheating...anyway we shouldn't judge her..until u wear one's shoes u dont know how it pinches....
PS she is not the worst actress in Nollywood, and frankly she isn't that bad..she is eye candy and with enough practice she will hone her skills..talking about bad actresses...whatever happened to her nemesis tonto dike, uche jumbo, Halima Abubakar, to name just a few..
Lord forget the article, the comments on here are crazy! I am a married woman, and my husband and I are still young but I am sold out for Christ and a prayer warrior. You fight the battle better on your knees and you use wisdom in handling your marriage. You dont wait to enter fire to fight fire. Many times many women make the wrong choices in husbands, led by society's approval and not God's approval. The foundation was wrong from the get go, you saw his flaws, he cheated with you, and you didnt mind because after all you were the one he eventually married. The wedding is an event, the marriage is an accomplishment.
Marriage is a ministry, you learn to love by looking at Christ. You serve spiritually, physically, emotionally. You dont do it to get something in return but because its something God has told you to do.
No all men are not cheats.
No its not in their DNA
Maybe instead of saying so, admit that the signs were pointing at you to prob never marry him, but you did anyway because you felt it was normal behavior or because you had spread your legs before time and possibly gotten pregnant.
Every man would love to come back to a wife that makes her home heaven. Who wants to come back to face world war 3. There is something about giving love that can even make a criminal show you love.
I have nothing to say concerning marriage after someone has cheated, but you dont wait to see a house fall apart before you fix it, neither do you wait for the wall crack to expand before you pay attention to it.
Your marriage is sacred, between you, your spouse and God. Keep everyone including family out of it.
God bless you all.
All I can say is HIV is real. My aunt is a medical doctor (GYN/OBGYN)here in Nigeria. She gists us on the number of MARRIED Nigerian women who catch AIDS, Herpes and other uncurable STDS from their husbands. Later on, he (the husband) will die and the wife will die too leaving their poor children orphaned and suffering in the hands of distant or not-so-distant family members. We Africans never learn.....we will continue to remain the world's face when it comes to HIV/AIDS. Shame on us!...and then you wonder why most people from around the world don't respect us.
I'm sorry to say, but Maame, you are the most foolish poster thus far! why are all of you making excuses for cheating? two wrongs make a right? TOMORROW ALL OF YOU WILL COME IN QUOTING BIBLE VERSUS AND THUMPING THE BIBLE! don't you people go to church? aren't you self-proclaimed Christians? SHAKING MY HEAD! I'm no bible thumper, but i know most Nigerians are extremely religious whether it be Catholicism or Islam. so now it is only the woman's fault that he went out and cheated? the last time i checked, it takes TWO to tango. so why the hell are you going on with this rant about WOMEN ruining matrimonial homes when its also the man that is WILLING to cheat and most of the time PURSUING these girls to sleep with them. WAKE UP! i don't know who is brainwashing you, but you are beyond stupid. your case is helpless! so a man cheats on you 20 times, and you accept it, and take it. think if you cheated on him? do you think you won't end up in the hospital? so a man can tell you upwards to 5 times that he cheated on you, and you keep taking him back because its a marriage ordained by GOD?! not only is religion brainwashing but its BLINDING! i can't get over the fact that you are solely blaming women for ruining marriages calling them "jezbel bitches, they will be barren, die tragically, etc?" yet the man is STICKING HIS PRICK inside of her, and you act like he carries no fault? WOMEN WE ARE OUR OWN WORST ENEMIES! this is the same reason why if a teen couple finds out that the girlfriend is pregnant, the girl will take most of the blame. the same reason why if we find out our man is cheating, go on out of our way to attack and blame the woman, when clearly the man had a part in the cheating, to where the other female probably had no idea about you. the same reason why if a couple is trying to have a child, and are unable to, the woman gets blamed and called barren when it could be the guy that is impotent. the mother-in-law will then lay her curses and the husband will be sending you back to your father's house (okay, maybe not in this day and age, but it still happens, and you get my point) STOP BLAMING THE WOMEN FOR EVERYTHING! MAKE THESE MEN RESPONSIBLE! THEY ARE NOT BABIES, THEY ARE NOT BRAINLESS ANIMALS/IDIOTS! THEY KNOW BETTER, BUT SINCE YOU ALLOW THEM TO CHEAT, THEY USE IT AS A MEANS TO WALK ALL OVER YOU. WOMEN, WOMEN, WOMEN! THIS IS WHY WE HAVEN'T TAKEN OUR RIGHTFUL POSITIONS AS LEADERS IN THIS WORLD! WE ARE TOO BUSY TEARING EACH OTHER DOWN THAN HOLDING THESE MEN RESPONSIBLE!
so Maame, please have a rethink. why is it only the woman's fault? WHY? did she force the man to cheat on his wife? did she hold a gun to his head? what will you say when he brings home a big bag of STDs and possibly HIV? or he fathers a child with many other women? will you still be singing "Kumbaya" and saying "God God God! God will punish those other women?" seriously? YOU BETTER WISE UP, ASAP! or prepared to get played like DOG!
@ anonymous 6:52 PM, lol, you are hilarious! for some reason, i don't doubt your story. and its also funny that Tonto got her big break in Asaba, and the Asaba producers are known to be among the worst and most low-down-dirty producers in all of Nollywood, stooping to new lows everyday. not only that, but they are known for producing the worst movies. although Tchidi Chikere is among the top 10 Nollywood producers when it comes to the quality of stories being produced. i cannot knock him on that. most of my all-time favorite Nollywood movies were produced/directed by him, so i give him his props. he is talented, although he should stick to being behind the screen, because he, along with his wife, cannot act to save his life! so because you can produce/direct, you want to act too? lol. sometimes i forget its the same person. hehehe anywho....
and people saying Sophia Tchidi is beautiful? beautiful for where? HAHAHA! she is below average, borderline.... her acting is the worst! as someone else said, she makes Lillian Bach look like a screen goddess. hehehe, let's stop this one, abeg.
People make me laugh!
Please when your husband tells you he's a serial killer. Stay oo!
Blame the people he kills for enticing him to kill them and keep praying for him.
All will be well.
Oh paleeeeeeeez! Woman STFU and go get a job!
Let us face FACTS here..
If Alimony, spousal & child support were available in Nigeria...97% of the married population will be divorced.
Most of these women really have no choice but to stick to their husbands because of financial support.
In his DNA really? Because me I am made out of plywood? Talk about enabling the enabler.
Naija Women! keep letting society take you for a FOOL!
In as much as ATTEMPT to do the same to your husband, let us see if the whole village will gather and pray for you.
They will pray for you alright but that is after they've kicked you out in the middle of the night stark naked & brought in a new wife within a matter of months if not weeks.
Abi is it not the same God that created both of you??
So why the preferential treatment naa? Why the blatant discrimination?
The part that drives me nuts is the fact that these men respect their so called girlfriends more than they do their wives.
Buying and paying for all the things they want for the same pussy their wife at home is waiting to give them for free.
Trust me woman! Your husband will NEVER change until something drastic happens and for those people praying against the mistresses...u are quite funny.
Who exactly is the one committing adultery out of the two?
Don't fault the mistress for being smart enough to take your husband for the disrespectful fool that he is!
I mean while you are home cooking and cleaning, she is on her way to Dubai to chill at a 5star suite with all her friends.
See why most girls today will gladly become the mistress??
If anything you should be taking cues from her and laying your foot down, maybe then hubby will learn to respect and spoil you too.
Oh & Please stop clinging on to God as an excuse for your weakness.
Instead admit you are weak and pray to him for strength because there is no reason why any sane human being should reason this way.
Is this what you are going to teach your daughter?
I salute oo!
The truth is All ye backward forever people need to stop putting down women who are strong enough to walk away from such rubbish, & stop encouraging women to keep suffering and smiling while the man continues to do as he please.
Maybe then, more men would learn to keep their pee pee in their zippers.
I live in the states and although the men here cheat as well, they go out of their way to hide it because it is very much frowned upon & they know how much it'll cost their trifling behinds unlike in Nigeria where buffoons say stuff like men are polygamous in nature and its in their DNA so every woman should just accept it.
Of course it is in their DNA. After all, their wives will just pray to God to bless them with more money to spoil their girlfriends.
Oh to be a man! Life must be goood!
Listen ladies! If there are no consequences for our actions, we will continue to do as we please.
Apply that same logic to your marriage. Divorce isn't always the answer but surely there are other things you can do to make him understand the implications of what he is doing.
*sips ice water*
I think the married once are in better position to give the best answer on this issue based on my observations with all the comments here.
@ igwe osita one, bros, i definitely agree with you. Most of us igbo people that were born in the 70s; going back to the 30s and 20s, we like replicating our parents behavioural attitudes and behaviour; especially the negative ones. Only God Almighty can deliver us from that mentality; that is, if we are willing to be delivered.
Jehovah bu kwa Eze
ingnorant is alway bliss,thumbs up sophia chikere
does she have a choice?
everything you said hit the nail on the head perfectly.
lol @anonymous 10:47 AM. ewwwwww, but funny too.
first comment-- linda diokpa
most stupid comment--- 8:18 pm may 17
best male comment--- 8:14pm may 17
best female comment--- Dith
my advice as one who just caught her husband in bed with a girl, sophia is speaking for her self! me i shook the foundation of our house n the guy squirmed like a pussy! what!!! i threatened hell n brimstone!! beat the girl black n blue. anyways we r on counselling he has begged n begged ive forgiven but still suffering depression, betrayal n heartbreak wit 2 kids, i keep having nightmares. its not easy but am recovering so my qusetion is if i pass this one without hbp n he turen to serial cheat i should keep forgiving him? hell no! i'll doe b4 my time n he'll remarry the bitch 3weeks later! what about my kids? we'll end d marriage live in the house diff rooms! me i can not leave my 9 bedroom mansion back to my fathers 4bedroom flat with my kids! as how? never! no sex so i dont get disease n for my human pleasure is to get a dildo or vibrator as am still technically married n dont want to cheat too. got a daughter n i cant keep changing botfirends in front of her thats like teaching how to be a whore! anyways dith said it all if alimony n co was allowed i'll milk d dude dry!
must people be married by force??
Na wa for Nigerians..
Nigerian women always think that to be married is the a-all and b-all of life. Another thing is most nigerian women marry for financial security....and men know this that is why most men go for women who aren't successful because they know that a successful woman won't take crap. You mustn't be married. If he cheats move on and if you can't then i suggest you think of a way to punish him. He needs to feel the heat in order to change. Praying day and night for him to change is just plain STUPID.
aaabeg oo,,Mrs tchikere if ur husband wan sleep wt u make sure say him wear protectn,,befor him carry STD gv uuu.....sorry ...bitter xperience.
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