Hundreds of Youth Corps members who managed to escape or got evacuated from the Northern part of the country during the post-election violence that claimed the lives of some of their colleagues have vowed never to return to the region to complete their service. They are asking for re-deployment to the South or they are done with the NYSC.
Yes o! I am solidly behind you guys, Re-deployment to other regions or no more service. The government can send their own children to go and serve in the northern part for all I care! Nonsense!!!
i support them fully
Please they should not go back. It's obvious that we in the South and North Central are not on the same page with those from the North-East and North-West. They are barbaric, will always seize every opportunuty to kill you if you're not an indigene. I served in Jigawa, and I know how they almost killed me. Someone used a picture of one Hajia from my camera to illustrate how happy(?) the people are in a book. That's all. Hajia was properly dressed, and consented to the snapping of the picture. Her husband was/is a medical doctor, yet they were ready to attack me. Thank God, I think I went to watch a game between Man U and some other team. That's how I escaped. They are mostly the same, whether professionals or almajiris.
I 100% support and agree with them. I don't feel the Fed Govt of Nigeria did enough to protect those who where killed and those injured.
Poor things! They must be so traumatised. It won't be easy to go back.
Who wants to die? What guarantee do they have that they'll be safe up there. NYSC failed the first time, they shouldn't be given another chance to screw up again!
anyone who sends these corpers back to that place is a murder who wants them killed...and we all know what we do to murders. jungle justice!!!!
I'm yet to see the point of this Youth Service when they have corpers in camps ( in secluded areas) and sharing rooms with so many people like prisoners.
I hope they scrap the service until they renovate those camps. but the Nigerian govt will not do shit because they are daft and their kids skip going to these f*d up camps. I'm sure these dogs posing as our leaders don't even know the aim of this Y. Service (when a lot of them did not attend any school). Fuckers.
I'm getting ready for my NYSC this July. I hope NYSC will be kind enough not to deploy me to any northern part. GOD, I depend on you!
mehn...i heard today that the guy incharge on NYSC said LAI LAI...NYSC can never be scrapped.....but at least he should do something about it nahh
Let us all join d corpers in d fight.If NYSC must continue,let each corps member b posted 2his/her state
4 service....
Yes. Go where! Please, stay kaput, we dey behind you.
I am behind them 100%. I think is time to cancle this NYSC. What is the truth behind it? Rather, they should require students to do at least 9 months intership on their major. Intership doesn't have to be a paid one. The schools needs to be able to place to into the intership. This NYSC thing gots to go.
Anyone in his or her right mind, will not want to go and serve in the North. Going to North now, should be a choice not a must.
correct decision period,run for ur life
this is definately good news. i am tired of how corpers are being killed and molested and no one is doing anything about it. we need to stand up for what is right all the time! no one will do anything about these corpers until they themselves refuse to go to those hot spots. RIP to the ones that died. hoping their deaths dont go in vain. enough is enough.
@Anonymous 10:11.U sound as if u are a clueless Northerner,y wld u say such?If u are actually frm the NC then u shld knw that NE is almost 50:50 and the last time i checked the NC was a danger zone with all the killing in Plateau.So instead of generalizing y not actually do somethin that would make a difference.I am a Christan from the NE and i strive to make things better not worse by name callin and all.I think our main problem is poverty because religious crisis never affect where the rich and middle class live.y not we change the north and make it peaceful again.
still cann't believe the dead of those innocent corpers didn't spur the head of the NYSC program to make some changes to NYSC.
we are peramilitry,govement should give us AK47 and bulets each to protect ourself from all these jobless boys(aboki) if only an only if they should ask CORPERS to go back to north. they are using stick and knife,but when you have your own gun by shuting at them before police or slodier come for help, they will all run.
it is too painful for aboki to kill a graduate.infact He who say corper should return back to north He/she is blood sucker.
@hot belle, I said South (ie SE, SW, SS) and North Central. I know there's more sanity in the NE esp in Gombe, Adamawa, and Taraba. There are obviously lots of wicked folks in Bauchi. It's not only Corp members that were killed. Even pastors and their families. So, SS SE SW NC and part of NE has sane people. But you see Kebbi, Zamfara, Jigawa, the people are too backward to belong to a country like ours.
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