Hard copy of the Mirror publication. You can see Gen and Rob's pic on the right |
No be me talk am o!!! This story was published yesterday in The Mirror UK Showbiz section, with her pix in it. Here's how
The Mirror is reporting it...
CANNES is a heady place to be at festival time – with random meetings going on all over the place.
Robert de Niro spotted actress Genevieve Nnaji – star of The Mirror Boy – at NOBU 3.14 and got chatting over sashimi. I hear she’s tipped to be the next Bond girl.
De Niro always did have an eye for hot talent.
Written by Sarah Tetteh, Daily Mirror. Check it out
thats good... hopefully if she s d next bond girl then she can do us proud!!!
Ah she's DeNiro's spec sha. He loves pretty black women. In some ways Genny even favors his current wife. She's not bond Girl material, but she can chop clean mouth, nothing do am
that will be great.. if she can get to be the new bond girl it will sure be good for her...
are you pple serious? genevieve, a bond girl? pls wake up and stop being delusional. big ups to her PR person tho for hyping shit as moi-moi.
that will be WOW!
Tabloid trash again! E easy?
Is she going to be an extra?
The world is coming to an end on may 21st
Give your life to God
Linda, if you are not a PR practitioner then you better do some courses and join the association.
I can see the flair in you. It is not compulsory to do courses but it gives more respect and credibility, so that no idiot can abuse you.
Yes, if Genevieve is allowed to play the bond girl then God for don butter her bread for the next decade.
She would move to Nollywood and say bye-bye Naija. She needs to find the right contacts to get into Nollywood. Gen is a lucky girl o.
This is hilarious!!!
What a joke! Bond girl indeed. Like Anon 9:59am said, d best she can hope for is chop and clean mouth. mscheeew
You nasty jealous haters!!!!!!!!!!!
Why cant she be a Bond girl? Have you seen the earliest film parts of unknown Bond girls that have since become famous?????Wait till the make up, hair, stylists and directors get their hands on her.....you will all eat your own words......
Please dont dismiss her just beacause you are jealous/shes a homegirl and you dont see why seh got to be so lucky and blest/a prophetisneverrecognizedinhisownplace. Just watch and see what God is planning in her life! MSSSSCHEW.
Anyone who says genevieve is the next bond girl has absolutely no idea wht a "Bond Girl" is. Even in hollywood its difficult to get bond girl roles. Besides wetin concern robert deniro for bond matter? i like genny and her rising profile.i particularly loved her interview on CNN a couple of weeks back and i commend her ....but Bond Girl.....nah, thats asking too much. REAL TALK
na yams....it isnt gonna happen.....story stoooory story
Its Omotola and Genevieve these two ladies cant stop competing..i can smell hypes.....Ronnie
god knows how much gen nnaji pays u to do pr for her.
genevive this....genevive that....gegegegegegegegegegegegeggegegegegegegegeggegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegegeg........ like 'agogo or parrot'. abeg na only she need encouragement?
and now this!
Her PR team deserves a raise. But on the flip side, Genny is hollywood material not sure of the james bond thingy cos d competition is fierce. Good job Genny's PR team, the publicity stunt could werk for some unassuming people.
Bond girl you say?we are watching and waiting
Nothing is impossible with God on her side. He can even take her to heights better than a bond girl. Genny is blessed. Lord bless me too.
This is the most stupid hype one has seen from Nollywood and Linda obviously is part of the hype machine. This rumour has been going on for TWO years by her PR ppl and it is stale news that it is a big lie. The Mirror writer obviously fell for it too. Bond Girls are rarely black and when they are chosen, its usually done in close secret casting before it is officially announced WHEN the NEW James Bond movie is to be shot. The new one already has a director who has started shooting small scenes and Genevieve is not anywhere near there as far as I know.
Typical off nigerians to never appreciate their own! Always badmouthing! I hope this is true so there can be egg on y'all faces!!!
What does Robert De Niro have to do with Bond? Please!!!! If you want to promote Genny, thats fine, but please make up some believable sh!t!!
I love Genny, that's my girl but I don't know about this one.
Oprah the kingmaker put this girl on the world stage...and once Oprah features you and sprinkles you with some of her pixie gold dust...everyone comes calling...guess she has been anointed by the queen herself, hence all the recognition she is getting...as for being a bond girl, that might be a stretch but hey guys u never know!!
I think you guys are getting ridiculous. Ma only Bond Girl!lol. Do you guys know what it takes to be a hollywood actress??? film school, speech therapy etc. Na only Bond girl, it would hav to be African James Bond!!!! ROTFL
@ anon 12:58 PM
Please that rumor didn't start until April 1st 2011.
I appreciate Nigerian actors o, but Mercy Johnson is a better actress than her. Rita Dominic is a better actress than her. Bimbo Akintola, better. Genny is good enough, but is not the best out of Nollywood. Neither is she bond girl material... but we can all dream
Like I said earlier, CHOP, CLEAN MOUTH and keep it moving. Please
I hope this is TRUEOOOOOOOO
If anyone wants a hard copy of the publication do let me know. Sarah Tetteh is an a acclaimed show biz reporter in the UK for the Daily Mirror, who has AAA pass to all the 'A' list in the world, and I spoke to her when i saw the publication, before Linda was informed.
Anonymous at 12:58 you are talking sense, thank you. This rumor has been flying around for the last couple of years, Genevieve's PR machine is restarting it because of the buzz around Mirror Boy, the award in Monaco and the Cannes Film Festival. There has never been a black Bond girl, I am not saying there will never be one but look at how people reacted negatively when Daniel Craig was chosen to be the new Bond simply because he's blond. People get very attached to the original details of books, movies etc; they don't like change especially when it's a franchise that has been around for so long.
There are many better known actresses with stronger acting credit vying for the position, I doubt that Genevieve will make the long list talkless of the short list. Hollywood has two images of black women for those types of femme fatal/man eating roles, either they look for the Halle Berry biracial type or the Grace Jones amazon, dark, primal African type. They don't have go for the in between look.
Nobody is saying that Genevieve cannot be seen for the role, if you have the right agent pushing for you, you can get an audition but after the audition is another matter. Maybe the fact that nobody knows her in Hollywood as an actor might work in her favor or it might not.
It would be a great coup for her. Let's all see and send positive vibes for her but please, let's also be real. Bond films are not some independent, small budget feature, Bond films are mega blockbusters with international appeal. Two totally different things.
how did they link Bond movie to Robert De Niro? come on people, this dude has absolutely nothing to do with the James Bond series. if you go back in history there hasnt been an african american as the the star; not like there can not be a first, but no offense, there are better folks to take that role. the movie is a big budget movie so they will not dabble around with actors. pls people, know our movie industry properly before you fall for false news. Robert De Niro has nothing to do with the Bond movies
Robert DeNiro has never been linked to the Bond franchise. They would have done better saying she was having dinner with Daniel Craig or Michael G. Wilson (producer of Quantum Solace) or Marc Foster (director of Quantum Solace), that would be more believable hahahahahahahahahhahaha
Onyinbo invented gossip so they still do it better. 9ice one 4 Genny.
All u bad mouths talking here maybe things don't work out for you that's why you don't dream big.
Why can't Genny be a bond girl? PR stunt or not she sure fits in as a hollywood star, it's obvious it's just a matter of time till she conquers hollywood.
LINDA IKEJI = GENEVIEVE NNAJI UNPAID PR OFFICERESS, Smh bond ko bind ni (Robert De niro has nothing to do with casting, they ve' got agencies for that in hollywood, even African Americans here don't find it easy getting casted in all this high budget films, infact yes bond girl, produced & directed by Linda ikeji with guest star Robert Deniro, big HISS)
How is Robert DeNiro attached to this picture?
LOS ANGELES, CA (JANUARY 11, 2011) – Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli of EON Productions, together with Gary Barber and Roger Birnbaum, Co-Chairmen and Chief Executive Officers of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc., today announced that the 23rd James Bond film will commence production in late 2011 for a worldwide release on November 9, 2012.
Daniel Craig will be returning as the legendary British secret agent, with Sam Mendes directing a screenplay written by Neal Purvis, Robert Wade and John Logan.
It would be nice for the profile of Nigerian actors if she becomes a Bond girl, saying I seriously doubt it is an understatement though!!!
For one Robert De Niro has nothing to do with James Bond, Ian Flemming, or casting, the dude loves black girls and was probably trying to get in her panties....she has a better chance of playing Mrs De Niro than James' girl
but whats with LInda and GENEVIEVE HYPES, WE ARE TIRED OF your hypes with genevieve...abeg free us jor
bond girl ko bond girl nii,the way you have talented nollywood hustlers same way you have talented hollywood hustlers,abeg linda you sef ,genny is good for nollywood lets sha not pass our boundary.
diva o
its not entirely impossible. in fact, looking at her very well, she would do well as a bond girl. some of you should go watch earlier bond movies and if you are sharp, you will see how she could possibly be one too.
"Spotted" with no picture to prove it. In this day and age of camera phone.
joyeux la vie said...
"Never been a black bond girl'
Grace Jones is what?
Halle Berry is what?
damn Nigerians have serious low self esteem...look at all the terrible things they are saying about their own...ok who is a bond girl material? i guess a white woman will fit the bill according to y'all...Colonial mentality fools
where is the picture showing de niro with the girl?
Comon peeps, there is no harm in exceling beyond your boundaries/ comfort zones ! Wish her the best.
na wa for the comments here o!
Never say Never. If Obama cam be American president, nothing is impossible. Am gona leave it as that.
@ anon 7.25pm, you are really the one with serious self esteem problems!!! how did white girl get into this story? simple fact is, what criteria are the choosing genevieve as a bond girl, is it as a good actress in Nollywood or world acclaimed actress? Let us tell ourselves the truth and I think a lot of people on this blog know that, SHE CANNOT BE A BOND GIRL, PERIOD!Has anyone seen Don Chidles, Hotel Rewanda? Watch it and see who the film extras are, they were from the SA soap Generations. We have to even first get our nollywood actresses to be accepted for non-speaking roles in Hollywood before....They are just not that good and I think it is people like you who do not want them to accept that and improve by this over-hyping! Do you know how many beautiful actresses are graduated from film schools all over the world each year and are waiting for roles in Hollywood? you have no idea I am sure. Even the likes of beautiful Megan Good is currently managing a part as an extra on The Game. I beg, I beg!
maybe the bond movie is going to take place in nigeria then they might be looking to cast a nollywood actress hahahaha,otherwise real actresses never finish for hollywood.Get real! Nollywood can never break into Hollywood..not even as z-list starlets..no be yam,cut your coat according to your size.
you should check out the analysis done on this blog, very very very funny... i mean the writer wrote it all..I like linda's blog and this blog too. by the way,as an ardent follower of Hollywood Foreign Press, this rumor will be on imDb or even TMZ for it to create a valid buzz.. nuff said
Deniro always likes them black - so it wont surprised me if he has taken fancy to Gen
The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice.
His wife Ms Hightower of almost 20yrs is black
Yep i got the inside gist Ghana Idris Elba is the new Bond Guy and Genevieve is the new bond girl so haters hate on that you bitches
No wonder people like that useless psychologist would say crap about black women being unattractive or lesser because of mentality's like this..what exactly do people mean by she is "not a bond girl material"
y re people dis judgmental?who said genny cant b in a bond movie.Hollywood went gaga over aishwarya rai from bollywood...as well they migh want an african star too for more global appeal or theme(the new bond movie migh even hav an african connection)...i bet when genny gets featured,these beefers will lose sleep for several nyts wondering y her?mtsheew....
a couple of genny posts ago, i was the first to comment that linda is obssessed wit genevieve and some dumb folks opened their yap to talk crap. well, now i'm withdrawing my earlier statement and replacing it wit this one now - linda is benefitting some how from all dis genny hype. money, sex woteva, i dont know. mnwyl, linda if u like dont publish this post o. mscheeeeew.
@ joyeux la vie, 'never been a black bond girl'? as in really?? do u even know wot we'r talkin about here? no b miss monepenny we dey talk about o!!!
Linda has Genny hired you as a Publicist or PR consultant? Your blog has had some Genevieve in it for the past couple of weeks. I like the babe too but e don dey too frequent o.
Wow, the comments are ridiculous, you would think some people are the casting agents for the Bond movie sef.
People need to realise, you don't have to be the best in your craft to get certain opportunities presented to you. So what if Genevieve is not the best actress in Nollywood or the world. Some people have small dreams, others dream big.Impossible is only an opinion, until someone makes it happen. I will be fasting and praying that Genevieve gets a Hollywood role (not even Bond sef), so some of y'all can hug a transformer and die.
OMG where is the optimism and encouragement.
bond girl...or bend girl u mean...lol
lol linda we are tired of genny news oh pls come up with other things apart from genny this, genny that..hia
linda is there no other story in niaja abi the other actors don die finish,genny this genny that,hisss if she is going to be d bond girl her photo for cover d page ooo,imagine bond girl n dem hid her for conner mennn her PR people dey try shaaa ha ha ha ha ha bond ko bend ni,u sure say this movie no be for niaja dem want to shot this version
@2:03 PM hahahah lwkmd which one is african james bond again?. It really can not happen you have to be a hollywood star and i mean the one that has sold box office movies before you can even be nominated for the bond girl role how much more.....
Linda this your pr for gene no go work for this bond girl wey you dey advertise gene for get another story that people can believe and not this one okay!!! or otherwise talk about another nollywood star.
I think for the past few weeks now you have been obsessed with gene's news it is either gene this or gene that i beg I am tired of hearing her news please leave her out of your blog news for now can you do that i tire ooo aba!!!
No..the Mirror got it wrong DeNiro does not have an eye for hot talent. Rather, DeNiro has an eye for black chicks. His wife is one:)
bond girl ko, bondage girl ni... mscheeeeew
i swear you guys kill me! hating on genny while the girl is living her life. agbayas!!!
major pr stunt by her pr team. pls stop bin so gullible!
that was a mistake on my part, sorry about that. there has been two bond girls. i made a mistake. desolee!
this is immensely pathetic n desperate sha. genevieve and her pr people started this hype solely because omo-sexy recently did a movie with a major hollywood actresse! nigerians stop bin so gullible!!!PLEASE!!!
Fact:every prominent actor/actress has a handler, to understand this google monarch programming (under CIA mind control experiments)
Monarch programming still very much being carried out on all your beloved celebrities, ..wouldn't be surprise if she's spotted with a monarch butterfly tattoo soon..well that's what the programme is based on anyway
everyone coupled up there's always something weird about each relationship no matter how cute you think it is ...would you ever have imagined that katie would go for tom cruise or aston kutcher for demi moore..think again
one of my favorite OZ programming based on Dorothy's red slippers in the film Wizard of Oz..you love yur louboutins right no matter how basic or hideous the design is ..well again think again....
oh rihanna only major female artist recognized worldwide with red hair and not even natural but dyed...tell you what she's definitely loving her "somewhere over the rainbow" programming
well watch this and please don't get too carried away with what you see or praise or admire...http://www.youtube.com/user/EsotericKitten#p/u/41/YZgVk2-7IhA
So omotala how is your scouting for a handler going....not too well I guess
Oh please, I like Genny...but she ain't no bond girl abeg. So what she was spotted talking to Robert De Niro, that's no so special. Besides, what is De Niro connection with any James Bond's movie biko? since when did he become the director??? People need to stop making up stuff. A lot of things happened at the Cannes festival, most celebrities were acting a fool.
Bond Girl roles are usually hard to get but for Genny's sake, i hope this gist is true! itd be funny if it was just a PR stunt.
gimme a break puhlease!
Who says there has never been a black Bond girl. Is Halle Berry white|? She was a Bond girl. I know that as they say, what the mind cant conceive, it cant achieve. If we were told a decade ago when Genny starred in Glamour girls in her 'waka pass' role that she'd ever be on CNN or this big a star and brand, we'd all ROTFL, however, that's life. Who could have believed Genny would ever have been profiled albeit briefly on Oprah? No One. So dont y'all go ROTFL just yet ...only time will tell. I as a Nigerian wish teh story is true regardless of what y'all say. SHe's an ambassador, just like Agbani won Miss world as the first Black and african ...Genny can also do this.
OMG! I hope Genny gets this gig. and I hope she performs fantastically well. trust her sha cos I know she is one of the best actresses we have around.
This will teach the other actresses a very good lesson. to be an A-list actress, you have to be cautious of how you put on unnecessary weight. Genny was chubby at a time, she decided to loose all of that. Foe genny, even if you were nt being considered before, just claim this for yourself. All the best.
Na wah oh. Na so, some people's hatred for Genny's long-lived career be? Most people are speculating whether in good or bad faith. The point still remains that if Genny ends up becoming a Bond girl; then good for her. And good for the other actresses (some), that will get their due recognition.
All dese wan wey some pple dey take speed attack good news with gnashing of teeth; e no dey stop to dey amaze me :-)
genney was not even at cannes. so who started this rumour? her PR vanessesa Amadi was there but Genny was not. so where was she even spotted with Deniro? or seeing deniro with his wife was mistaken to be Genny?
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