In an excerpt from the interview Alicia reveals,
'We didn't start seeing each other until months after they had separated. I was aware of all the false things that were being said about me. It definitely hurt.'Explaining why she hasn't talked about it til now Alicia admitted,
'I was sure that if I engaged it would become back-and-forth like some sick entertainment, which goes against everything I believe and would have made things worse,'Shortly after the excerpt went online, Mashonda Tweeted the following

she looks funny in that cover pic, anyhow Alicia should have waited till he was divorce from his wife....don't go and date someone that was seperated (he is still consider a married man). That is why people are saying all nasty and negatives stuff to her, cos clearly while he was married he was talking to are still considered a HOME WRECKER, and I can assure you and swizz beat ain't gonna be together for long. What he did to his wife, he will do the same thing to you. Another famous chick will come along, and you will become EX WIFE number 2......gluck
abeg..let mashonda be...
.karma will get alicia keys....thats just life... she better ask God for forgiveness..
Kai, I don't even know what to say. I guess she should just move on and stop responding to every daggone thing. The man moved on, Alicia did not break her home...Swiss abi swizz did. Women focus your attention on the man you married and not the woman that he is with. Ladies, you ma sef...close your legs to married men. If he left his family for you,what makes you think he won't leave you when he gets tired of you.
the two of them should go and sit down somewhere make i hear word, jare! look at the man sef that they are making useless noise about? The man cheated on Mashonda when they were dating and that woman was pregnant with his child as was Mashonda who lost hers due to the stress of the situation. I hope Alicia doesn't think she is immuned. The man is a serial cheater. These two are grown women, Mashonda needs to hang it up and I do hope this is Alicia's first AND last response.
Abeg, I don taya for una!
I don't understand why you, Linda, would call Mashonda "messy"? Yes, she shouldn't make public comments about Alicia and Swizz anymore. It's time to move on especially for her and her kids.
Again, when you've been with someone for years and invested so much in that relationship, you will not see any reason to call someone names like "messy" when they are clearly the victim.
Poor Mashonda, she had hopes of becoming a singer. She had some cool songs in the past though.
KARMA IS A BITCH. what goes around comes around.
lol @ people going over Alicia and Mashonda's issue on Linda's blog... Like Alicia or Mashonda care lol
theie are break ups evryday...why is she wallowing in this....let it go and move on Mashonda....
if its over, its over...don't push it..move on babes
The shelling on her post is laughable. Like the illiterate Americans say "i had my hair did!"
Swizz is more likely to remain with Alicia Keys until SHE kicks him out. I think he may behave because he has a lot to gain by being with her. She has sort of raised his profile.
Alicia is a liar jo, the timeline of the relationship breaking down is quite public and Alicia was dating Swizz when he still lived with Mashonda. Anyways why they fight over that bird beaked fool is beyond me.
y is it when she wants to release her album that she decided to speak on the issue? since she dint say anything..#suspicious much!!! all of them sabi..
Alicia keys is my Celebrity Fantasy GF!!! in my eyes she can do NO WRONG (well except marrying that nonsense swizz). LOL. I would have blessed her union if she had married "Common" instead. All the same make una allow her abeg. Yall aint in da bedoir to know where swizz's paddle touches in her ocean abi? REAL TALK
Alicia Keys home wrecker that serves you right and i wonder why you are complaining you have to take the heat that comes with being a home wrecker serves you right next time you would stay away from married or separated men as the case may be nonsense!!!
Period Alicia is a Hoe he was married and of course she's lying... Wants to bring back that imagine that people had of her.. Nope your a home wrecker he was married. And Mashonda only responded because the pain was brought up again in essence magazine to slap her in the damn face. This why the family is dying in Anerica because we except immoral behavior.. As a married women who has been where Madhonda is Alicia was wrong and shouldn't have left as...
Period Alicia and Swiss where wrong... And Mashonda was just slapped in the face is why she said something. Pain is hard to get over. Alicia is lying to try save her imagine. I don't believe u Alicia he was married period. And thus why the family is dying in America because we except immorality as ok.Alicia should have left it alone You where wrong!!!!
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