"I don't know where to start . . . I guess I'll start with meeting Inyang Obaten Ettah, AKA Tony Ettah back in June 2010, we met through a friend of mine named, Charles. I've been visiting Nigeria since 2008, had an NGO there (Open Arms International) that never really got started, I know lots of people in Nigeria, Rich & Poor.
I thought I was savvy when it came to the Romance Scammers, the 419ers, but, I was not prepared for how Inyang Obaten Ettah PLAYED ME, yes, I did inquire about Inyang via Charles, Charles vouched for Inyang's authenticity (so HE THOUGHT) because Charles knew Inyang for 10 years (at that time - June 2010), there is where it began.
Once Inyang contacted me, we talked, when Inyang told me his age (36 at that time) I was 51, immediately, I hung up on him, he called back thinking we got disconnected, I explained to Inyang that he was way out of my age range and I KNOW the culture in Nigeria of Older, especially AMERICAN WOMEN and younger Nigerian Men, for weeks I ignored his calls, till finally he begged me to just "talk to him," which I did - WRONG FOR ME, but, too late. Inyang talked that sweet talk (I can say that now), he saw I was a Christian and began to use that to his Advantage, I asked Inyang "why won't he leave me alone?" Finally he said "Because GOD SAID YOU ARE MY WIFE so I am pursuing you." Those words took me off guard because NEVER had a man say that to me, and never would I have thought One - Inyang would LIE ON GOD! From there, he got my attention, by that time 2 months had passed (August 2010).
As Inyang and I began conversing, we discussed the difference in Age and the fact that I could not have any children, Inyang response was "it doesn't matter because God said you are my Wife and I had made up in my mind that however God sent my wife, that is how I would ACCEPT her." He shared with me how many women in his church (Faith Tabernacle AKA Winners, David Oyedepo is Pastor) cannot have children, and some are even older than their husbands, but, they still married and are still married today (was referring up to that moment he made that statement). He even shared how his Auntie is in the exact situation (no Child(ren), yet she and her husband are STILL TOGETHER (at that time August 2010).
Time went on, Inyang then asked that I come to Nigeria to visit him, by that time he had CONVINCED me that he was AUTHENTIC and SINCERE - HE WASN'T. Anyway, I visited Inyang December 2010 (6 months after officially meeting). I was in Nigeria for 21 days, the entire time Inyang was the Perfect Host, he took me everywhere, introduced me to EVERYONE, family, friends, enemies, church associates, he even took me to church at Winners' Chapel, Canaan Land, Ota Nigeria; Inyang was so active at Winners, he volunteered as Security (Bus & Church), he pretty much, so I THOUGHT lived in church, always talking about God (to me), he told me how he attended Pre-Marital classes at Winners because he wanted to Prepare to be an EXCELLENT HUSBAND to ME, he had me FOOLED, he was the World's Greatest Pretender.

I submitted Inyang's Immigration paperwork to USCIS December 12, 2011, the first process was was Approved May 2012, his Interview in Lagos was October 30, 2012 and his Visa was issued, the entire process from submission to Approval was 10 months, Inyang even used that quick process to say "the Lord Caused it to happen because it is HIS WILL because I'm his Wife." LIAR!
Inyang arrived in the U.S. November 21, 2012 and that's when HE CHANGED - IMMEDIATELY! He was no longer the loving speaking, affectionate man I visited December 2012, his excuse was "he's in a new place, give him time to adjust." In the meanwhile I did my part as his wife. I later learned that Inyang never attended school in Nigeria when I took him to our local college (Danville Community College) to enroll, I was upset because Inyang TOLD ME he was college educated (in Nigeria), Education means a lot to me and I only aligned myself with college educated men, so, he could not enroll. he was advised to enroll in the Adult Education program, which he did, but was unable to do the work so he stopped attending. He applied for a job at a Company in Danville, VA (June 6, 2013) and was terminated (July 4, 2013) due to violation of company code by using profane language and misconduct, thereafter Inyang obtained a job at Ebay through Adecco a Temporary Employment Agency, he didn't keep that job and was released approximately 4 weeks later (those dates elude me). Thereafter Inyang could not find employment in Danville, VA, it was a strain on the marriage.
By April 2014 a friend of mine, conference with Inyang and I to discuss Inyang moving to Atlanta, Georgia to work for him, the plan was for Inyang to move, get established, and I to follow no less than 6 months later - that NEVER HAPPENED! Inyang officially moved to Atlanta April 14, 2014, and my friend did as promised, gave Inyang a job, Inyang and I talked everyday, he visited me periodically in Danville, VA; when I visited Inyang in Atlanta, he was always too busy to be with me, always said "he was working," causing my trip to be wasted. As time went on I noticed I was not hearing from Inyang, his excuse was always "he's working," yet he NEVER SENT ANY MONEY TO ME FOR the HOUSEHOLD in Danville, his excuse was "he had to pay for expenses where he was staying," My friend arranged temporary lodging for Inyang in Atlanta, GA.
I didn't notice until AFTERWARDS that Inyang played Me, what I mean by that is, from April 14, 2014 to July 2014 I barely heard from Inyang. By August 2014 he began calling regularly, his excuse was, he got a new Job in Smyrna, GA and was flexible and could now talk when at work. By September 2014 Inyang did a surprise visited, I realized AFTERWARD that it was because the I-751-Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence Arrived, Inyang gathered all documents, and the form was Signed by me. I remained consumed with the preparation of opening my Christian Venue, a Gospel Cafe in Danville, VA, which opened November 2014. Inyang did another surprised visit for Thanksgiving 2014.
Thereafter it went back to him not calling. I visited Inyang in Atlanta, GA March 14, 2015 after the last seeing him since November 2014, that visit did not turn out to be good, Inyang complained that I could not stay with him in Atlanta, GA 30331 because there "was no place for me to sleep," so, I rented a Motel at the Super 8 in Stockbridge, GA, Inyang spent 1 night with me then left me at the hotel, not hearing from him again, he said he had to "go home to wash clothes." I left Georgia devastated!
My daughter married March 24, 2015, to appease me from his doing me wrong a week later he attended her wedding, he was very cold, everyone around noticed his negative attitude towards me and quickly voices their opinion. March 26, 2015 was the LAST TIME I SAW INYANG. Inyang kept in touch, each time asking me "did his Permanent Green Card arrive," he said he needed it because his job was in jeapordy and now that his finances was getting better better, he needed to keep his job at United Distributors, Inc. so he can begin sending me money - EVENTUALLY, HE NEVER SENT A DIME! Finally, May 1, 2015 his Permanent Resident Card arrived, I mailed it to him because he expressed the urgency of it to show his Employer.
Once Inyang received his Permanent Resident card, he BLOCKED ME from ALL Social Network, MOVED to 1121 Ridgebrook Trail, Duluth, GA 30096, and changed his Job (unknown to me now). Because Inyang refused to give me the necessary job information (while at United Distributors, Inc.) I was unable to apply and received Healthcare, Inyang filed his 2014 Income Tax but I have no clue under what Status, he did tell me that he filed SINGLE for 2015, and we were still married. Inyang changed his Driver's License from Virgina to Georgia Driver's License, he then moved his phone from my AT&T Family Plan to his own.
Inyang has severed ALL TIES WITH ME, as soon as he RECEIVED HIS PERMANENT RESIDENT CARD, to me, showing MARRIAGE FRAUD, IF he was serious about our Marriage, we would still be together.
I didn't notice until AFTERWARDS that Inyang played Me, what I mean by that is, from April 14, 2014 to July 2014 I barely heard from Inyang. By August 2014 he began calling regularly, his excuse was, he got a new Job in Smyrna, GA and was flexible and could now talk when at work. By September 2014 Inyang did a surprise visited, I realized AFTERWARD that it was because the I-751-Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence Arrived, Inyang gathered all documents, and the form was Signed by me. I remained consumed with the preparation of opening my Christian Venue, a Gospel Cafe in Danville, VA, which opened November 2014. Inyang did another surprised visit for Thanksgiving 2014.
Thereafter it went back to him not calling. I visited Inyang in Atlanta, GA March 14, 2015 after the last seeing him since November 2014, that visit did not turn out to be good, Inyang complained that I could not stay with him in Atlanta, GA 30331 because there "was no place for me to sleep," so, I rented a Motel at the Super 8 in Stockbridge, GA, Inyang spent 1 night with me then left me at the hotel, not hearing from him again, he said he had to "go home to wash clothes." I left Georgia devastated!
My daughter married March 24, 2015, to appease me from his doing me wrong a week later he attended her wedding, he was very cold, everyone around noticed his negative attitude towards me and quickly voices their opinion. March 26, 2015 was the LAST TIME I SAW INYANG. Inyang kept in touch, each time asking me "did his Permanent Green Card arrive," he said he needed it because his job was in jeapordy and now that his finances was getting better better, he needed to keep his job at United Distributors, Inc. so he can begin sending me money - EVENTUALLY, HE NEVER SENT A DIME! Finally, May 1, 2015 his Permanent Resident Card arrived, I mailed it to him because he expressed the urgency of it to show his Employer.
Once Inyang received his Permanent Resident card, he BLOCKED ME from ALL Social Network, MOVED to 1121 Ridgebrook Trail, Duluth, GA 30096, and changed his Job (unknown to me now). Because Inyang refused to give me the necessary job information (while at United Distributors, Inc.) I was unable to apply and received Healthcare, Inyang filed his 2014 Income Tax but I have no clue under what Status, he did tell me that he filed SINGLE for 2015, and we were still married. Inyang changed his Driver's License from Virgina to Georgia Driver's License, he then moved his phone from my AT&T Family Plan to his own.
Inyang has severed ALL TIES WITH ME, as soon as he RECEIVED HIS PERMANENT RESIDENT CARD, to me, showing MARRIAGE FRAUD, IF he was serious about our Marriage, we would still be together.
Inyang has told many lies on me, saying, I threw water in his face, hit him, etc., I KNOW his Nigerian friends put him up to saying that, because IF I'd done those things, that's considered ABUSE and he could have called Danville Local Police and file charges against me, but, IT NEVER HAPPENED. He must make me look like the bad guy when all I ever did was love him.
His plan was for us to REMAIN married so he can file for Citizenship in 5 years, because by now I figured out he USED ME for MARRIAGE FRAUD, he knew I would not submit the necessary paperwork for citizenship, he told me he could still do it in 5 years and that I could not STOP HIM FROM BECOMING A CITIZEN. Though it's MY WORD AGAINST HIS, all I have is HIS ACTIONS, He ADMITTED TO ME THAT he USED ME, and that I CAUSED IT BECAUSE I KEPT TELLING HIM THAT I SENSE HE WAS USING ME AND MY "WORDS" CAUSED IT TO HAPPEN (Him using me). When Inyang made that statement I immediately filed (online) a Fraud Case.

I divorced Inyang August 2016, he gladly signed the Papers because he has a Fiancee, who he's probably married to by now, offering him the opportunity to now file for citizenship.
I have been told that USCIS WILL DO NOTHING, because Inyang has not committed a Crime, YES HE HAS, He COMMITTED MARRIAGE FRAUD! That's a Federal Crime. I've since learned (by people who know him) that he has a Shipping Company, he ships cars to Nigeria, and he has a Clothing Line Winners Clothes, he makes his money and sends it back to Nigeria, Inyang once told me that America is the Land of Opportunity and how he WILL RAPE this Country of their dollars and take advantage of All Opportunities, and he's doing it.
I am a FIGHTER, I know of 15 Women who has Married Nigerian men and the men used them for Green Card Purposes and they "think" nothing can be done, I want to show them that, YES, SOMETHING CAN BE DONE! YES! they can be DEPORTED for Immigration Marriage Fraud.
I will sound the Alarm, Once Trump is in Office I will contact him and tell him my Story, I'm almost sure I will get RESULTS! Inyang should not have played with my life, I am a Good, Christian Woman Who Believes in Doing Right - all The Time. I trust that the Lord WILL GIVE ME JUSTICE by the Fraud Division recognizing that Inyang Obaten Ettah MARRIED ME FOR IMMIGRATION MARRIAGE FRAUD.
Oga why nah, all because of green card
Lol ur eyes don clear. D guy tried by stayin wit u for yrs . Sori dear
Sorry Madam
Hahahahahah,nigerian men
Lib addict#just passing#
***********************choi.. .onye nkea a agana kita okodi ya******dix woman tara ji ooooo
Sorry woman! No one deserve being used! And the man sef... So dull!
Such is life!
...merited happiness
Madam sorry guys must hustle
Nigerian men please repeat from doing dis to women.
Sorry madam! the deed has been done so try n forgive so u can move on.
Dont worry God will catch up with him. U no kn his ppls to report this issues with them or even come down to Nigeria to see his ppls and kins men.
Is she a learner??? Linda take note!
Couldn't even read to the end..Haba madam u were so naive.... Am sure she saw something that was a red flag but she ignored it.
Long Live LIB
Naija I hail thee..
This is not new at all..there R many out there who did that.
U can't wait to read the news of Inyang's DEPORTATION! So sorry lady, God bless your heart.
We are all not like Inyang, He's just one black sheep and He will get his reward.
LIB please follow up till the end.
Omo you be learner,oyo! #SorryMam
Sorry my dear but if uask me it was all clear DAT he was on for something but u wear blinded by fantasy and not love
Na naija be this
Wetin the woman be want a loyal Nigerian man with such difference
I read this piece line by line and all I can say is Trump is already in office,can't wait to see how this turns out
The guy is mean
Karma is real,u don't get rich by people's expense,when u die over there now
Comon guys, u haven't heard the part of inyang n u r all judging him already? How easy for her to say it was a fraud with specific dates from the past 10yrs. Lots of American woman do take part in this fraud, get paid for the marriage,then later fall in love or get greedy and want more, and if not granted, this lady's will turn the stories to indict the innocent hustler. This isn't the case here it seems, but there's something fishy in her story Pls. A Christian who can't forgive n move on? Plsss. Give Inyang some support as a Nigerian for 1ce, yes we Nigerians do bad, but Americans n other nationals do worse n we don't hear them condemn their own the way we do ours wen dey cry wolf. We have lots of great Nigerians doing great, dey rather claim dem as their own but push dem bad back to us wen dey do bad.
This is very sad. I always say the worst kind of people are those that use religion to do their evil.
Haba madam chill..at least d guy is doing well for himself now
All of you praising the bastard man should be ashamed of yourselves especially the ladies. I pray and wish same on you since u think it's a good thing.
The asshole played on an innocent woman's emotions.
I pray she gets both physical and spiritual Justice. Hate fraudulent fucks.
Okay nah
Na dis kain y suppose "friend zone" dem till thine Kingdom come. They no dey marry dis kain ones. Fraudsters & 419 hard core criminals.
Right from the airport they change their character & attitude. BecomING very abrupt and stigmatising the same woman married to them giving them paper. A won idea!!!
Thinking that with just cheap marriage & resident permit or green card, then automatically their status is secure.
Foool & ignorant thief!
There is more to this story. Hmmm. This woman sound sooo domineering
All young African men marry foreign older women for this purpose, there's no two way about it. Her fault though, she knows women who are victims and the fact that she even suspected him from the start. Her mistake, sad though..
My dear it can happen to any body.. Even you claiming smart. God guide..
Exactly! Olythopia
Speak d official language always on this blog...ENGLISH!
You are a fool. Which one is a Christian that can't forgive and move on.
It's obvious this man used her from the beginning. Yes she was naive. But he knew what he was doing.
God will punish him. The case isnt about Americans vs Nigerians. It's about this woman and Inyang. Which one is give i yang support? What nonsense
Are you inyang sef? Rubbish
This ain't new, it's called Da hustle
I can't wait for trump to take over and see this silly uneducated small boy come home and drink Garry.its painful and sad that Nigeria guys and even women do all kinds for money.now Xmas done reach he go to his village and get chieftaincy title without his useless elders asking how he made his deity money. Ma don't worry u will laugh last.
Even though d guy was UNFAIR, it's gonna be somehow difficult 4d woman for her about-2b-filed case against Inyang to be justified.The guy was in Nigeria while she files d travel papers from U.S herself & "they were married"!..NOT that d guy was already in U.S b4 they met trying to get his stay..As she says,maybe TRUMP would help her win d case,whatever sha! It's a lesson for all,not only women..cuz some few men have fallen victims too!
Hmmm she was played big time
(Linda d Kim K's fan)
Naija men and hustling 😂😂😂😂
Anon. 18:14 I'm sure you're Inyang, better start hiding o cos if Trump catches you, you're going straight back to Akwa Ibom! Gbam!
I'm listening to 'Maga don pay..shout Alleluia...eh eh eh...😂😃😂😂😂
Did u say repeat? There are billions of Nigerian men who would gladly repeat this episode to their advantage if given the opportunity. - O.I.O.
But check this guy's 'Before and After' photos...levels don change o. Yankee good o, omo, I must hammer o.
I wondered too at how easily she was quoting dates. Something is definitely not right somewhere.
I know this guy wella. We grew up in Festac together. He was a goal keeper then and was good at it winning some football competitions. He is the younger brother of ettah ijoh, also a goal keeper who had some caps for Nigeria. This story is so sad.
ha na today?
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
You don't judge a case by hearing one side of the story so strip jumping conclusions
You don't judge a case by hearing one side of the story so strip jumping conclusions
Their is something wrong with this, I base in Europe and fraud is the master of Europe, why would a guy stay with you for that long and married you in Nigeria showed you to the whole world if he never loved you at first, well he came to Yankee and saw better ladies and he n3ds children as an African man so pls give him kinds, or still talk well with him you both can still live well and adopt children if he wishes or he impregnants a lady to have one for him, love is not everything reality sets in most times
All you guys talking trash here I feel sorry for your naive Tony myopic minds. So classical for her to play the victim. Do anyone of you know what the poor guy had to put up with to survive the years he gave to the selfish Woman? I love abroad to God be the glory that I'm married to a white girl with two boys and we are going strong. But the worst specie of green card that you can ever get, is the one coming from blacks who are already citizens. They are more wicked than Lucifer when it comes to giving you residence permit. They'd rather give their virginity to a mad man than for you to get residence through them. So my people leave the woman. This is a case of somebody pursuing a snake. And we all know that it ends with drinking some liquid. Lovely day to everyone.
im sorry for you God is not mocked what a man sow he shell reap i pray for justice to be done, this Nigerian man scam and defraud anyone they can. wait till God catch with him. God bless you
Wow! Smart guy! Now for those dumb fuccks who waste their time and their hard earned money on worthless women, this is how real smart 21 century guys roll. Bang them very hard, lie to them very well and deceive them totally. Be loyal to only your mum and sisters unless you are dating or married to a good woman.
Iyang karma is a bitch. Deborah the joy of the Lord is your strength.
madam pls let the poor boy be. he have paid his due for sleeping with u and making ur old waste run round d clock. it is time for him to hustle for his future and ur hear crying fowl. Just come to naija and help another guy.
He even went to the church. And he thinks God will not punish him. This guy gives Nigeria a bad name
American black women are wicked most especially the old ones who were once married, they are mean, they usually too over controlling, am sure the guy left bcos of their over controlling attitude,you should wait and hear d guy's version of the story,most of them even hv issues with their men over there.
This American black women are wicked and heartless, that their own fellow men cannot kip them as wife,I really hate them,the guy run for his dear life.true talk bro
Menhhhhh this dude just too smart............ Nice one
Nothing new
Eva Da Diva...
Let us listen to Inyang Obaten Ettah case. Do not judge until when you hear from the two parties. When they were dating each other nobody was there. So let the guy narrate his own side of the story before you judge.
Na wa ooo
There is definitely something fishy! It will make so much sense to hear from the guy also.
Poor woman, is all about Green card, many nigeria's including foreigners have fallen victim to this type of marriage.
Dats just her story,I knw both of dem very well.she actually proposed to inyang saying he is a nice guy after seeing his pic on facebook 4rm a modelling job.lured him to marry her by lying dat she would get hiim a modelling contract when he gets to america even got a credit card in his name b4 he arrived American meaning dat she incured depth in his name b4 he even started.to the best of my knowledge she used him a lot so it was better he left her and at her age she should be worried abt her grand kids not a man.deborah you 4gotten so soon how you called inyang a SLUM den why are you hurting?you where even sceptical abt your own daughter and sister being around inyang so it means you are just filled with insecurity and hate.you need joy and it should start within you.what rights do you have to put his resident information out there in the public?if i was inyang my lawyer would be talking to you now for infringing on my rights.you have tried other young African men in the cause of the trouble with inyang and nothing good came out.look for your age mate instead maybe it would work well for you instead of you being a cougar.
You judging the book by its cover! Stop judging! These women are wicked!!
it's obvious she can't keep a man,I know her type.they give u baked beans and egg and they expect to have sex back to back,it's not possible.bad mouthing the poor boy making him feel inferior because you have American citizenship by naturalization not like it was by birth.you and the boy na d same rope tie both of una.get a life Deborah and move on cos inyang has moved on.
Even Americans marry each other for money, sex, babies, etc. Why is she so bitter, because he needed papers. Madam there's more wisdom in moving on than trying to get revenge. E dey cause cancer. Toke Makinwa is a typical example of what Nigerian girls or even women everywhere experience but keep it quiet. It's called life. Grow up. Somebody must have broken your heart before you turned 51, why are you singling Iyang out? Because you think he deserves to be deported. Leave revenge for God. Enjoy 5he remaining part or your life. Write a book. Heal somehow. Trump will not deport Nigerians. He is a business man. Your case has no real business interest for him. Goodluck.
Anonymous she meant REPENT! !!!
My God! You sound so terrible and to think that you're a Dr.. Who knows what type?
my God!inyang ettah,I know him well.he was playing football with an international club in Europe b4 he had knee injury and then returned home.how come this Deborah woman is making him look like a pauper?such is life.inyang you would have made it big time here in nigeria cause you are a hard working man and a good christian but God knows best and I know he will see you through this.madam Deborah or whatever you call yourself leave inyang alone cause he didn't come to you,you came to him so what the f**k are you talking about?are you out of your damn mind?you are lucky inyang is a very calm guy so he would not want to wash your dirty linen outside.old mama,mama the mama looking for your son's mate for a husband.shame unto you mtchewwww.......
Woman abeg free my guy joor....yall all knw as american women dey do..if tins no go dere way dem.go dey shout n threaten deportation and so on.....u don help him let God jugde him ok if you are as holy as you claim and u b real christian...forgive him n move on abeg....live aint funny down here and i trust my guy he need his freedom and i trust u american madam u no.go free am...i wil do more than that because me i like peace and freedom pass anytin
my God!inyang ettah,I know him well.he was playing football with an international club in Europe b4 he had knee injury and then returned home.how come this Deborah woman is making him look like a pauper?such is life.inyang you would have made it big time here in nigeria cause you are a hard working man and a good christian but God knows best and I know he will see you through this.madam Deborah or whatever you call yourself leave inyang alone cause he didn't come to you,you came to him so what the f**k are you talking about?are you out of your damn mind?you are lucky inyang is a very calm guy so he would not want to wash your dirty linen outside.old mama,mama the mama looking for your son's mate for a husband.shame unto you mtchewwww.......
from what I observed from her write up she is frustrated and needs a man badly. my brother inyang run far.she sounds like she set a trap and you fell into it for her to keep dates for each event? na wa for that woman.mr inyang my advice to you is to move out of that house cause your life is at risk,she could send assassin's to take you out.cause obviously she's out to destroy you make sure you involve the police and possibly a lawyer.
what right does she have to call someone a fraud when the law has not pronounced him that?inyang or whatever your name is you have to seek justice cause this is a dent(character defamation)on your name.i don't care what inyang obaten ettah's part of the story is and I don't want to know.
This story is true I was at the wedding and trust me I knew it I could not just say a word because I barely know their relationship depth
Deborah is a looser! Am not saying that was Inyang did was right but for Pete's sake we can not judge from one side of the story. My advice to her is she should move on with her life,leave young men alone,look for your own age mate,and start planning your retirement! Leave small small boys alone a durometer were here! Take heart and move on!
Mama e do! Leave small pickin dem alone! No be the small boy start am abeg! Wisdom comes with age mama for know say young man must chop! Mama go rest!
why na,I suspect something fishy
this is sharon stone 200k.pls why hasn't my post being posted.
this is sharon stone 200k.pls why hasn't my post being posted.
He didn't try. He stayed with her just long enough to get what he wanted. He's a loser and a user!
I am her (Deborah) daughter and do not speak on me and this situation when you clearly know NOTHING about anything that transpired! I am a happily married woman and my mom has never been insecure regarding Tony being around me! Focus on the issue at hand and leave my children and me out of this fuckery!!!
im Deborah's daughter and I'm here to say DO NOT MENTION ME, NOR MY CHILDREN pertaining to this mockery of a union! My mother was never insecure about Tony and me! I'm a happily married woman that never thought twice about Tony! My mother know all of these dates because is a chronic organizer and writes EVERYTHING down on a calendar. None of y'all illiterate individuals were present during this union so y'all can keep y'all negative and asinine comments to yourselves!!
Aturu....... Onye ji isu ur own language ******Ikwuligba
I will take my case to Trump, he'll listen. Inyang/Tony marriage fraud the wrong one - Me
Deborah Hendrickson
😂😂😂 survival of the smartest.
Pls be smart for once in your life. The hurt in your post suggests that you are the evil type that wants to make a man's life miserable.So here's the thing.You will get a player as husband.
Every story has 2 sides. I spoke to Tony and can clearly tell u that Tony's story abt this issue is different. Marriage is over and move on ma'am
I admit, I was the biggest fool I was lured by Inyang lies of Christianity, I thought he was a genuine man of God, especially being under the leadership of David Oyedepo Ministries International, I fell for his sweet talk of him saying God said I was his wife, LIE, at least he did confess to me afterwards that God never said that, stupid me
Inyang & I was physically together a total of 19 months & not years
I am a chronic organizer, detail oriented, I journal, everything, so that's why I was precise with dates, time & events
I had no suspension at the beginning, things unfolded later but it was too late so don't judge me because he was the World's Greatest Pretender
I have no reason to be transparent & tell lies, I challenge Inyang to come forth & everyone hear his side, guarantee, when finished, all would see I'm telling the truth
You sound so mugu, you didn't live with Inyang & I to know what I went through, had he been a loving non using Green Card user, we would be together
Foolish words, poor you, I know your kind that's why u hiding
Being with a lying user wasn't easy
He sure did play me like a musical instrument, but he won't get away with it
I agree, I'm willing to respond to all he say, and trust me. I'll walk away the winner
He's posting, through fake profiles, I know I'm telling the truth so am being transparent
It's unfortunate, but this is a great country
Melvin, Melvin, who are you tarnishing me o. You don't know me cause if u did u wud speak the truth. Me? I proposed to Inyang? Hey! What lie! I wanted to do the 90 Fiancé visa & Inyang is who said "God said we are to marry," I wanted to go to counseling at Winners & told Inyang I wasn't in a rush 2 marry, he said it would take 2 years b4 we would be seen, I said Ok, he said, "that's too long I love u & want to be with u & we don't need councling because God said you're my wife," yes, I fell for it, foolish me. After marriage I didn't file his papers for 6 months bc i was concerned how he could contribute to the home, he said he was a model, I told him I wud talk to someone I know, but when I did, unfortunately he didn't hv d looks that they were looking for, and they didn't feel comfortable employing him & after making money that they helped him earned, he would leave me & their priminition was correct. As for the credit card issue, yes, I made him authorized user of 1 of my card to show that our marriage was legitimate, but later found out it wasn't. Inyang lied to me, said he was educated, yet when I took him to sign for college I discovered he had no educational certicate, I enrolled him in our GED program, he couldn't pass. As for me being insecure, please! Look at me, I beautiful, that's why several of his so called friends hit on me, but I told him each time. As articulate as I am, I don't use words such as slum den, I use words like, useless, and that he was to me. How could I use a useless person? Let's not go there, in the other area because I will call him out on his short coming, with no experience. I don't need to worry about my grandkids, their parents takes excellent care of them, many can a test for me,I'm a world traveler, this granny be on the go. Lastly, Inyang know the lie he told that captured me, I really believed him when he said God said I was his wife, never had a man say that b4 to me & never thought he wud lie on God but he did, and at the end he admitted God didn't say that, Inyang know that's the only reason I married him. The marriage could have worked but it started with so much lies & deception on his part, I am a woman with my own business, own home, own vehicle, that he wrecked, I must add, own money, there were suitors in the U.S. interested in me, but,foolish me believed the "God said you're my wife" as well as falling for him saying age is nothing but a number so don't let that deter us from being together & complimented me on how young I look Dispite my age. The 19 months Inyang and I were together, he never done a thing for me, he couldn't even help me run my business
I don't cook bake beans & eggs, I'm west Indian & a darn good cook, that's why my Restaurant was successful. I know Inyang is telling that sex story, it's a lie, I won't embarrass him anymore on social media but it comes up again, I will expose his little secret!
Nope, it's not about revenge, it's about creating an awareness for others & to work by having our immigration laws changed. Trump will deport the criminals, Inyang committed a federal crime by doing marriage fraud, it's evident, he left the moment he received his Green Card & that's what immigration is taking into consideration
Lie! Inyang was never in Europe, the truth that Inyang never left Nigeria - Ever! When asked by immigration if he was ever out of the country, he knew he couldn't lie to Immigration, he said NO. You sound so stupid, that's why u hiding behind a fake name, just like Inyang is doing. Ask him, and tell him to be honest, who pursued who? We all know it was Inyang because he had Ulterior Motives that silly me fell for. I'm a transparent WELL KNOWN BUSINESS WOMAN, there is no dirty laundry on me, but Inyang? I wish everyone in 9ja who is coming forth now confessing they knew he was a crafty Festac yahoo scamming Boi had previously warned me, so go sit down with your fake Sharon Stone name, keep messing with me & I'll drop my wallet on you & crush you
Life can be tough sometimes. Am sure you saw some red flag buh you were blinded by love like Toke Makinwa. Woteva you cn do to fight bak is justifiable except violence. Let him b used as a scape goat. Some Nigerians are used to scamming pple and that is wrong. Lolzzzz madam, u even come comment on top ur matter for LIB, I cn understand lol
Many nationals Nigerians inclusive are married to foreigners for love, good life and a sound footing wherever they are reside. And some achieve this dreams through crooked means. From experience, i have seen those who are true to their partner and have seen those who are not.
It is a shame that repeatedly so many people from all over the world MARRY to get the US GREEN CARD and for the REAL LOVE. We need to tell ourselves the truth and not be so defensive as there are many type of cases like this and many more will fall into this ugly situation.
I have known and met people who have sound memories and will dish out dates or time frame of an event. My father is one and i took after him in the family. Sometimes it might look fabricated but with research it turns out right.We all have our opinion on this matter, but please and please I beg everyone with all that you have faith and believe in to not be disrespectful or insulting. Some comments are filled with this and it is not morally right. People can sit on their couches or comfort zone and blast over an issue that there are lessons to learn from. And if we feel there is none to learn, we can move on or be civil with our replies.
Yeah, the marriage is over & he's moved on Anonymous, but he should never had used me by committing MARRIAGE FRAUD. He's been gone almost 2 years, and after he confessed that he did use me, Thou he will lie & say he didn't admit saying it, BUT GOD KNOWS HE SAID IT TO ME, I have his own people in 9ja now coming forth telling me they knew he was using me, although I'm upset about that, but there's nothing I can do about it. The thing Anonymous, he used a fake marriage to come here & his friends just filed papers and was APPROVED to come here, and they didn't fake married no one. Had Inyang been patient, he could have done the same. Oh, tell him that I have personally told my story to Winners, of course they weren't happy about it because he worked their Security, and they asked that I not hold David Oyedepo for his actions because he doesn't preach or teach any form of deception, I told them I was aware of that but unfortunately, Inyang didn't listen to Papa teaching. I also told them how Inyang didn't want us to do marriage counseling at Winners because we would be on the waiting list for 2 years,that was not true, later Inyang did say he didn't want us to do councling at Winners because he KNEW THEY WOULD NEVER APPROVE OUR MARRIAGE & Inyang KNEW had they said that, I would NEVER HAVE MARRIED HIM. All that came out after he left me, so that falls under Deception with intent to marry, which he did. Did he tell you I wanted to do the 90 Day Fiancé visa? But he said "God told him we were to marry & not do the fiancé visa." HE TOLD LOTS OF LIES & I FELL FOR THEM BECAUSE I TRULY THOUGHT HE WAS A TRUE CHRISTIAN MAN OF GOD,I was fooled by him, but,the Lord will grant me me the desire of my heart & that is, he be deported back home. That in grate would not have his shipping & clothing business if it wasn't for me. To show how wicked he was, I was very sick & needed his job information because at the time he was working in Georgia & he said he couldn't put me on his Health Insurance, he'd rather let me die than to give me the information needed for me to get my own insurance under Obama Care & because we were married I had to give his information and he never gave it to me so I could not get coverage, but God healed me & I PAYED my medical cosy myself, so don't come on here defending someone who wanted his wife to die, ok
Lol Ogadinma, I am resting, but will rest better once he returns to 9ja o
YES, YOU ARE CORRECT, the things he told me, saying "God Said" I was soooo stupid to believe him, my God, the length he went to get me,and lying on God the entire time, then come to America & no longer into God, he was only into God when in poverty in 9ja, & forgot God once doing well in America, May God have mercy on him o
Jasmin so sorry you don't know your mom.anyways enjoy your life with your family.and what little secret does Deborah have about her ex husband inyang?you own a successful restaurant indeed..lol...that you sold $50 daily b4 you short it down.i hope you have being able to pay back the loan you took to start up the business?you want to drop your empty wallet on me?I laff.....you can tell that to the birds.or have you forgotten that you filed bankruptcy not too long ago?or you want to go get a loan to crush me?looooser!!!!
Correction Fake Sharon Shone 2000K, yes, my family are British, but non married no one for papers, as for ME, I was born in St.Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands, tell Inyang to get his facts together, I can't help it that America purchased the island from the Danish causing me to be born under the U.S. flag
You sound so stupid with your post mtn staff, I won't even grace you with a response
Me? A looser? I got my own business, home, vehicle, money, hey! Go sit down b4 I throw on heavy money purse on you & crush you o
Hahaha, Inyang u so stupid, bankruptcy filed 10 years ago & u bring that up, idiot! All business ppl eventually file bankruptcy at some point. You idiot, I let the restaurant go Deb's Gospel Café so u wouldn't get a cent all bc u refused to sign a pre-nup, smart ppl never USE THEIR OWN MONEY FOR BUSINESS, since you've been gone Inyang, I have purchased all new furniture, didn't want nothing reminding me of you, do u remember my car accident SETTLEMENT,u dummy, u think I would have shared any of that money with you, yeah, I played you on that, told you I barely received anything, when in actuality, I received money that I'm sure you've never had, nor will have, not even with your shipping business or clothes minor business. Once you left, my life got better, and no denying it, I LOOK EVEN BETTER, so, shut up b4 I throw my bank book on you & crush you, why u think I moved my account from Wells Fargo, so there would be no way for you to know how much money I HAVE, Booyah!
go get a life grand mother,exchanging words with a child and ranting about your dream life in public.i pray all you said comes to pass in this life not the next cause I see you really wish you were rich.if you were a black woman,a real black woman,you won't come out at all to say this rubbish.crying over a long lost battle.where is your pride and dignity as a woman?I thought maturity comes with age?may the god you claim to serve give you wisdom
hahaha,one thing have come to know over time is the truly rich people don't say it.mr inyang obaten ettah run for your life o,she sounds like a bad ass LIAR
when you were busy enjoying yourself with him, waking him up for sex at midnight, did you complain? you think love, romance and affection is free? you guys benefited from each other, go and look for another Nigerian and stop giving us bad names.
Chances Chances aka madam Deborah, don't worry God will fight your battle for you. He doesn't sleep.
Esther Norah, I noticed it too, lol. She must be really hurting. Take heart Ms Hendrickson, it is well.
Awww...it is well Chances Chances. Some men are just evil!
Deborah abeg throw the heavy money purse on me biko.
Sharon Stone 2000, how come you know many intimate details about this family? Are you Inyang Ettah? 🤔🤔
Thank you for publicly making that statement Givers Forum, surly u have just help me prove my case of Marriage Fraud by Inyang because as you said, it's da hussle
Didn't Inyang tell you I'm petty like this? I will rant all i want, He wants to paint ME being poor, well, I'm letting it be known that I'M NOT! Anonymous, let's get my title correct, it's Glamma, not grandma OK
Only the TRUTH STANDS, and obviously you don't know rich people,look at our new elected President, he flaunts his riches, he said he's so rich he isn't taking the Presidential salary, I know of many rich Nigerians who talks & flaunt their riches, so Bye Anonymous
Well said Olamide Eniola. ALL FOREIGNERS doesn't marry for a Green Card, my rant is, I was a victim, it's about me getting justice. I would love to keep in contact with you, please connect with me via Facebook inbox, at least u provide a name, telling me that you're Authentic & not a fake like the others, hiding behind fake names & Anonymous
I know Inyang said what you are saying, aren't married couple suppose to make love, Inyang better stop talking about the sex thing because I will soon tell of his issue, so STOP IT, It's the woman's duty to make her husband feel good about himself even if he's terrible at sex
I know Inyang said what you are saying, aren't married couple suppose to make love, Inyang better stop talking about the sex thing because I will soon tell of his issue, so STOP IT, It's the woman's duty to make her husband feel good about himself even if he's terrible at sex
I know Inyang said what you are saying, aren't married couple suppose to make love, Inyang better stop talking about the sex thing because I will soon tell of his issue, so STOP IT, It's the woman's duty to make her husband feel good about himself even if he's terrible at sex
Who ever u are I know Inyang told u that, isn't that what married ppl do? Have sex? He better stop having y'all talk about our miserable sex life or else I'm gonna go hard & raw with my responses, a good wife is suppose to make her husband feel good in the sex area even though he sucks
Chances, don't be too bittered about this event. It doesnt matter what he said to convince you to marry him, both of you at that time lovwd each other, and may have entered into this marriage with good intentions.I believe that you two didn't manage this relationship very well. You let things went out of hands.
I'd like to advice that you let go and let God. You're still a beautiful woman. You can never imagine God's plan for your life. Don't use your position and power as an American citizen to try to oppress him because you feel that he jilted you. Assume that he is an American man of equal status with you, who is in a relationship with that didn't work out. What would you do, kill him?
I don't support what Tony did, if he intentionally defrauded you. But I am saying let it go. It could mean that you were ysed as an instrument in the hand of God to bring development to Tony''s life, and He God whom you yielded to, will bless you in ways you can never imagine. God bless your heart.
Stop Wasting time and Resources Woman. Even Trump gave green card to three foreign women and who do you think you're? Sit down and be quiet. Your life has been lived and you have nothing else to do, and from that stand point, I understand why you're doing that which you're doing. #StopWastingMoneyAndTime.
Your comment is Beautiful Anonymous & well stated & accepted, Thank You for your kind words, they have calmed the savage beast in me. But, it's no longer what Tony has done, it now has to do with Immigration Reform to better protect Americans from being victims of marriage fraud by any reigner, since my story, my Facebook inbox is flooded with women who were marriage frauded, many are still in deep depression, believe me as I say this, many has lost their minds, literally, family members are saying how their love one actually committed suicide, I know of one personally, I also was informed that many foreigners were killed after marriage frauding someone, so, this is bigger than my situation, I conversed with a lady who after 20+ years cannot forget her deception and has not & cannot move on with her life. I spoke with a 9ja Man who was a citizen & married his own 9ja woman & she married fraud him, it was important that all these various situations came to light, now I understand why everyone is saying I'm Strong because I came out without loosing my mind, depressed & didn't hurt him. Unfortunately, I cannot withdraw my case against Inyang according to the Fraud Division. Had Inyang never said to me "that he didn't start off using me but because I kept saying I feel he was using me, my words caused it to happen," his statement caused rage within me & that's when I contacted Immigration & was directed to how to file my case. I would NEVER HAD FILED & That's The Truth. Thank you again Anonymous.
AR Government, I viewed you,stay with what's going on in Nigeria! I will not grace you with further comment
You who laugh ay anothers suffering are very ignorant. A hustle is to get off your butt and actually work for a living under any circumstances. Whether in poverty or plenty, not use another for your advabtage. If something similar were to happen to you or him , you would each be hollering for justice like this woman. It is not survival of the smartest. It is either living a Godly life or living a wicked one. I see which side you choose but remember the day of vengence is near to all those behaving wickedly.
Wow! Unknown, your response was Awesome, the best yet. I admit, I was gullible, he was a predator, I was his prey, he studied me, he saw I was a Christian, I was successful at avoiding him until he used the line that "God said I was his wife," and I fell for it, hook, line & sinker, never did I think a Man would lie on God to get me, his behavior was that of a True Christian Man, I really thought the Lord blessed me with a wonderful, True Christian Man, I was so happy, but, he was the World's Greatest Pretender. I am embarrassed to know that I fell for his deception, but, that's water under the bridge, what devestated me the most was him admitting he used me because I caused it by me expressing that I felt he used me for a Green Card, he then made that evident by leaving the moment he received his Green Card, after receiving his Green Card, he blocked me from all Social network, moved to a new location & even changed his job making it impossible for me to find him until a year later. His plan was to remain Legally Married so he can file for Citizenship, but after contacting Immigration & explaining all to them, that's when I was told how to file my Marriage Fraud case, I felt comfortable when they informed me that his Green Card will be tagged due to my reporting, following with a thorough investigation. He started telling LIES on me that I did this, I did that to him, BUT HE KNOWS THERE IS NO TRUTH TO HIS ACCUSATIONS, and the Lord KNOWS, I wasn't a Perfect wife, but I was a good wife who was Honest, pure & Sincere. Since my story, many in Nigeria, who I met through him & remained friends with, Confessed to me that they all knew he was using me, Imagine. I asked why come forward now and not before to warn me, their response was, they didn't realize then, that I was such a good woman because I still help in Nigeria with School Fees. What he did to me, I will not allow his actions to Stop me from assisting people in 9ja. Believe it or not, but, I pray for him.
You don't have to answer too crazy people I hope you get justice I'm dating an Nigerian now and I always say it's too good to be true so God got you...and for who ever said we are worst than Nigerian's that's not true..I really feel sorry for yall to think the way yall do.but it answer why some of yall living the way yall do there in Nigeria
The inyang is not a real man, how could you bite the hand that fed up? My American committed a felony against me but I didn't press charges up till this day i use to help her
Oh my goodness stop already. Revenge is not yours it's the Lords. You maybe rightfully upset but this conversation is not creating any sympathy for you or proving your point. In fact the opposite is true. One doesn't become this way over night or over 19 months. Stop already
Oh Please! This is so old now, read something new - OK
This is OLD NEWS sjbrown2 . . . read the current stuff, my Story has helped so many Women, and Men, Many have come forward to me with their story, unless you experience it, then don't come on here judging
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