Student jumps to his death from window after jealous rage during threesome | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 24 September 2015

Student jumps to his death from window after jealous rage during threesome

Jealousy during a drunken threesome involving current and former Yale students fueled last May's violent stabbing which ended in one man jumping out a window to his death, according to a newly released police report.

Tyler Carlisle and Alexander Michaud, both 21, were having sex with a female student — who has not been publicly named — when Carlisle grabbed a knife and plunged it into his long-time friend's throat, according to the New Haven police report obtained by Gawker.
The shocking new details, obtained through Connecticut's Freedom of Information Act, are the first to shed light on a motive behind the senseless tragedy which left Carlisle dead and Michaud suffering a critical stab wound.
Both men who were from Manchester, N.H., and members of Yale's conservative campus group Party of the Right, according to the student-run newspaper — were in an off-campus apartment on May 26 with the female student when things turned violent.
Carlisle, who recently graduated after studying philosophy, is said to have become “jealous” of Michaud and consequently grabbed a knife off a nearby nightstand before wounding Michaud in his upper throat.

Michaud told police he next remembers finding himself sitting in the living room where the female began pressing a T-shirt to his wound.

Carlisle was meanwhile said to have been pacing back and forth, apologizing, before going to the ninth floor apartment's window and saying he was going to jump.
Michaud said he didn't see the recent graduate jump. His body was later recovered six stories below, on a third-floor terrace.

When police arrived they said they found the two surviving students naked in the apartment. The woman was described as "too distraught at the time of the incident to give a statement."

"He had a lot to live for, and it was nothing I would have expected," a friend of Carlisle said after news of his death.
Another surprised friend, who said "you expected him to be a senator," stressed the importance of knowing "the why and the how."
"I think that's part of the grieving process, is you ask why," Emelia Attridge told the paper.


aproko manager said...


Alloy Chikezie said...

Strange! May his soul rest in peace.

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Bonita Bislam said...

Bunch of crazy people littered all over the world.It seems all the devil's are here while hell remains empty

Blog It With Olivia said...

Na wa o. They brought that upon themselves, αи∂ why he come jump kwanu now?

#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise

Pro said...

Imagine the smelling shit, dis is what sin brings. Sounds sick.

That vuvuzela P guy

Unknown said...

Jealous say wetin happen? Was d girl paying more attention to his friend only? Dis story doesn't add up sorry

Unknown said...

So many freaks, not enough circuses.
He got what he asked for.

Sincerely speaking the mind of Amadioha

Unknown said...

Dis is sad! Rip

Jules said...

Juvenile delinquency! RIP to him...


What an end. this is what happens when the devil asks you to buy fuel to increase the fire in hell, and you're hurting not to return late.
Btw may his soul rest in peace.


Unknown said...

Holly shit.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Bon voyage....crazy bunch.


Anonymous said...

Who would pay me for a 3some? Globela B.

Anonymous said...


Juleslouis said...

This people and their senseless killings!

andre kelvin said...


Unknown said...

Mcheeeeeeew, akuko ndi iberibe. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Mcheeeeeeew, akuko ndi iberibe. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Na wao, hia.

Unknown said...

Mcheeeeeeew, akuko ndi iberibe. Linda take note!

hrm paul ojeih said...

Foolish people two of una dey do one girl how does dat really work two dicks doing one vee shit is really screwed up whites are sickos

Unknown said...

This is just pure work of the devil,don't allow the devil to use you. TIMILEYIN BLESSING

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was jealous of his friends d*ck n the way the girl was enjoying it more than his, because I don't see any other excuse to kill him like that

Unknown said...

Nawa ooo.

KWEEN said...

All because of one cheap slut that was comfortably fucking two friends at the same time? Smh. It's a pity.

Anonymous said...

This is all lies. If you believe this story, there is something wrong with you.

No one jumps to their death unless they suffer from mental illness. The story doesn't say anything of the diseased having a history of mental illness.

This is simple. Both friends got into an arguement over something. They both could have been under the influence of alcohol or drugs. They get into a fight and one friend stabs the other and the other friend pushes the other friend to his death.

MACBOOK said...

Threesome too sweet and e de kill lol

Unknown said...

From threesome to his death....what a shame!!

Unknown said...

May be his friend was performing better than him and he felt jealous

ary said...

Maybe he was being shaded out of the fun, he got mad and came at his friend. Well he is going to hell, that is for sure. Fornication and suicide, Alrighty then.

ary said...

Maybe he was being shaded out of the fun, he got mad and came at his friend. Well he is going to hell, that is for sure. Fornication and suicide, Alrighty then.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm...the devil definitely came out to play that night....

Anonymous said...

Drugs na bad thing.

Sounds like Ice.

bummyla said...

stupid man! fool at 21!

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Sorry brother. Love is wicked

Anonymous said...

The girl loved the sex involving the friend more.

SUNSET said...

The girl was a whore! She what she caused! Opening her yansh for 2 men at the same time! I hope she will remember this terrible night for the rest of her life.

Ma Fla said...

Foolish way to die even d devil knows that.

Anonymous said...

Sunset are u alright...? Is it only the female whore you understood...wot about d male whores who wud still have died from lusting for such evil 3some...hypocrite u! and na so una go dey die unless una repent! blind bats and rats who refuse to take personal responsibility for their own waywardness when the Bible clearly recognises both male & female whores!!!

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