Zuma, while briefing diplomats on South Africa's position on international affairs ahead of the UN General Assembly in New York next week, said the migrant crisis was triggered by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) forces, attacking Libya after the Arab Spring, leading to the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.
"…actions taken in the bombarding of Libya and killing of its leader that opened the floodgates … today those who were part of destabilizing that part of the world, they do not want to accept the refugees. It is their responsibility. They caused it, they must address it." said Zuma. He added the United Nations must be reformed to represent all continents and meet the challenges of a modern world.
I kinda support him.
I k support him.
Na him sabi
#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise
Hummmmmmm.....okay seen.
Hummmmmmm.....okay seen.
I'm also of the opinion that the western world had their share of blame in the migrant crisis, always fighting and bombing other countries and helping rebels overthrow their government.
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The man is making some sense here.
Busy Fingers.
Can some one,i mean inteligent one here call chief FFK for me because his one of the only man in africa that can say more about this.
#sad indeed
Can some one,i mean inteligent one here call chief FFK for me because his one of the only man in africa that can say more about this.
#sad indeed
Frankly am with zuma, d west nd dia stupid ideology, of imposing democracy on d arab world, dos dey re trying to liberate re nw seeking refuge in d west..
1.in libya dey armed d opposition toppled gaddafi
2.in syria d libya formula, civil war for more dan 3yrs, dos caught inbtween re fleeing.
Sumtyn u live dis arabs d way dey re, forcing democracy on dem has made d world more dangerous dan eva.
Corny west envious of arab money nd oil.
Chibuzor agha
Some truth dey this word though no doubt..... #NowPlaying cool down: raquel...
Hmmmmm, he maybe right to an extent. Linda take note!
Hmmmmm, he maybe right to an extent. Linda take note!
Hmmmmm, he maybe right to an extent. Linda take note!
America is two edged sword, a good vs evil thing!
This man just hit the nail on the head about the migrant. UN need reform to represent modern world.
The west has just simply refused to accept responsibility for the problems they cause.Libya was living in peace with the highest human development index in whole of Africa before they were disturbed because some people think gadaffi should no longer be president. The sane madness created all the problems and the crisis in Syria. They should face the problems caused. The UK and France chief culprits
Lol.. Quite bold if u ask me
Most definitely TRUE
Thank you very much Mr Zuma. Every country gets the leader it deserves. Gaddafi was what Libya deserved. But Nicholas Sarkozy came with its special forces to kill that man not knowing that Gaddafi is the pillar that holds Libya together. When we shouted then they said we are Muslim extremists. Today Libya is a failed state. Europe must carry their cross that is Arab refugees from Libya, Syria, Yemen Palestine etc. All it takes is the courage to cross the Mediterranean Sea and you are home in Europe. Lol don't expect sympathy from me oyinbo they will invade your privacy in search of food and water. Next time think twice before you invade another country in the name of exporting democracy.
Hmmm J Zuma, maybe right.
Now you are saying the truth president Zuma after u were decieved to vote for no fly zone in lybia not knowing that it was a ploy to allow NATO to enter Lybia. But kudos for standing up to the truth. Tell the west to graciously accept the migrants. They should start cleaning up there mess due to there greed to control all the world. Thanks for GEJ for saving Nigeria by refusing to take part in the Vote against lybia. That was one of the reasons why the west were against him. He knew there plans.
Now expect the U.S. State Department to issue a warning about potential terror attacks in South Africa. The Evil Empire doesn't tolerate dissent, independent thoughts or the truth. God save us from Amerika
He said it all...west are the cause...fuck dem
Now expect the U.S. State Department to issue a warning about potential terror attacks in South Africa. The Evil Empire doesn't tolerate dissent, independent thoughts or the truth. God save us from Amerika
Now expect the U.S. State Department to issue a warning about potential terror attacks in South Africa. The Evil Empire doesn't tolerate dissent, independent thoughts or the truth. God save us from Amerika
I totally agree with him 100%
right on point sir,when the USA and her allies where destroying the middle east and north Africa with her propaganda and bombs,tue whole world was praising them,arab spring and arab revolution......utter nonsense,now we are seeing the result of unnecessary interference by the western world,next time the world will think before they act.
Whatever that is.. Na him sabi😴
Finally someone has spoken the bitter truth. The west are the cause of all this problem facing the Muslim world.
That's d truth, western intervention is to blame.
Not just Libya, the middle east too. The west went to war in Iraq on very spurious grounds, the chilcot enquiry refuses to release its report, just stalling. This is bcos it either lays d blame at d foot of d government which it cannot do cos its implications are a nightmare and what's more, it takes orders from d government or it absolves d government which it cannot do cos everyone knows d truth. The west sowed d seed of modern day terrorism when it waged a proxy war agains russia in afganistan in d 1980s.
some truth here .. . come to think of it, if Ghedafi was Alive, Terrorism wouldn't have thrived
SHOCKING FACT REVEALED! Read why you should be Squatting to Poop instead of Sitting
Good talk from one of the few independent minded leader in Africa.
Gbam! He said it all
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