A guy named Charles Ajayi took to Facebook to narrate how his girlfriend, a girl named Josephine Oriwoh, bathed him with hot water after he ended their two year relationship. This happened yesterday when the lady was invited the Ajayi's elder sister's wedding. The lady has since been arrested. Read what the guy wrote on Facebook after the cut...
It's a pity. He shd take heart.
Chisos! Oruu ya ka ube... Heartless woman
Diiiiiiieez biiishes aint loyal!!damn!!
Sorry man!! Sh*t happens
We all have been jilted at least once. God gave me someone who is better than my jilters. This lady is evil. I thank God for your life.'
Sorry o!
Nothing justifies this, she's very wrong.
But on other the hand, this is just a one sided story.
Hmmmmmm,thank God for saving ur Life.
Thanks so much for this message bruv...I just learnt a huge lesson.. cutting off all unserious relationships I have right away...cos they all taking it too serious already. Thanks bro, thanks. And I hope you get better.
Girls are not smiling....in her mind d dude wasted her time for nothing sake, he was lucky she didn't use acid... Sorry to him though...lol
Okokobeoko....her village witch eventually caught her...take heart man
Them pour u hot water u come dey lament.gerrout,I swear if u be my brother I go pour u acid join.love kill u
Nna sorry, but I gex the hot water still dey worry you cos dis your write up really needs patience and calmness before one can understand. Linda take note!
No b engagement ring dey her finger so? She no do well sef, n hot pepper soup she for pour u. Mk. E dey hot dey pepper u join. Na joke I dey o.
Wow a big message indeed
She's an animal! Good thing you broke up with her! Wickedness oh...
Why are ibo women so violent? Must you pour hot water? Ok I'm just trying to throw flames up your pants before you come attacking. I think domestic violence spans across every ethnicity and beyond. But me a be women, we need to voice our opinion, get proper closure and move on, scaring the guy for life is definitely not going to make him want you back. I hope she gets to pay the hospital bills and any other punitive damages incurred during the process. Also, she needs to be mandated to check into a psychiatric hospital for proper consultation and admission, because normal beings don't jump to resolution like this.
Get well soon...!!
He should take heart? If it's a man that did this you stupid people will start throwing all the insult you have never heard in your life. Stupid girl!
All dis cold hearted, gals their case dey court.
All dis cold hearted gals their case dey court.
She is evil. Sorry dear.
Kamar is a bitch
Girls will say men are wicked.....now see a stupid woman is more wicked
The same shit will happen to you when your ugly boyfriend pours acid on you.. FOOL!
Heartless is an understatement. I prefer a more bitter word!
Na wa oh! On top Wetin?
U 2 talk,,maybe that's why dey pour u hot water!!! Can't blive i read all this!!
Nawa ohh
Nnnaaaeh, Sorry Bros, wishing u a rapid healing. Chukwu napukwa ekwensu ike.
The girl is stoopid! On top this mgbeke looking bony guy???? The girl fall my hand big time!
That girl is wicked and deserves same treatment stupid girl
Looks are deceptive, who would have thought a gentle-looking girl like this can commit such a dastardly act. That means if a gun was in sight, she would have ahot u dead. Dude run and don't look back.
Sorry Boy.
Chai! See how innocent she looks not knowing she's a witch . Guy continue to thank your God that it didn't get to your face!
Heartless tin.... Who has never bin jilted before? She's neither the first nor will she be the last. I hope she pays dearly for ds in kirikiri prison.
Lol...hot water loading....hehehe
Thank God u survived it, d girl is evil n wolf in human flesh
I'm disappointed at what came out of your mouth Christie, did u say that over a bottle of booze or moonshine?, thought u were distinguished in your comments. It's a case of physical mutilation, common!, wake up and smell d coffee, gush!
The message is a bit muddled up! Had a harmed time understanding what he was saying or trying to pass along.
Ignore her stern. She's a bloody block head.
My story too! God gave me someone wayyyyy better than my jilters! Have patience people! Better is always around the corner. Grow yourself in the meantime
What a pity! The lady went too far...Thank God for your life
Does josphine oriwoh sounds igbo to u? Pls check well before pouring gabbage here
This tho lmfao
All these girls with innocent faces. Na dem do pass. Thank God for your life
No matter what my dear pouring hot water on d guy is it d solution?? How can u say something like dz.. na wah ooo
This is a one sided story
Daddy Freeze ex wife Opeyemi OLARINDE can do this
Lmao....stern calm down now, why ur blood they hot na u dem pour the hot water
Henry Eze
Lmao....stern calm down now, why ur blood they hot na u dem pour the hot water
Henry Eze
Sorry sir
Na so them go use conc acid on u....senseless comment
Henry Eze
Na so them go use conc acid on u....senseless comment
Henry Eze
Don't call her heartless, the poster is the heartless one.
@Ngene Oliver10:26pm
U better think b/4 u make any (stupid) comment. So what about the guy's time. Is it only about her time. U make us think u wld do worse if put in that shoe--- b/c of ur stupid time. D't even think of justifying her action.
When man do woman they won't call him names now woman turn don reach Una don call am names
I think this guy is a very soft person. When u date girls u don't be 2 soft, or project 2 much love=softness. Girls take it as weakness and will disrespect u on the fly. Imagine this; if this girl thinks that this boy wld come after her ferociously, she wld not try that, not after almost a year according 2 the guy, anyway. I really like 2 know the end of this saga.
When man do woman they won't call him names now woman turn don reach Una don call am names
Hmmmmm what a wicked world guys be wise
na lie, u no b woman, I go swear. Yeye dey smell.
Sorry dude is a good thing u broke up with her cause she might be more than this in the future she's jes too desperate on revenge too bad of her I need to counsel her later I will call my uncle tb Joshua to see her tru
You just want to cause tribal war here then you be happy.For the record that is not an igbo name.
Am not trying to justify her act,but for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction...who knows if he had promised her marriage for the past 2years ..and only realised they weren't compartible now...he has luck it wasnt acid she used.....mitchew yeye dey smell
Are you stupid or foolish? The guy doesn't have time too?
No o don't cut them off. Stay there and be deceiving girls and sleeping with them and wasting their years. Then you think you'll just break up and everything will be dandy. You don't know mad women exist. No o. Continue. Sleep with all the girls without any plans of marrying them. Carry go.
It was a game to you obviously it wasn't a game to her. Men stop playing with ladies emotions. Hope u will marry the latest chic and stop playing games. Get well soon.
Abeg park one corner bros, u wasted a whole two yrs of the babe's life. So ur oloshi brain cldnt realise say una no get future until two yrs, d babe try if na me I for use car scatter u body pieces oloriburuku, oya all ya haters feel free to chop me raw
Goodness you need to calm the heck down!! You keep attacking ppl for no reason!
Kaiii Wili ooo ur funny I swear. D gal no try sha
Lib freak
If I see you right now? I'll give you a very dirty slap for this statement. Are you mad? What fucking one sided story? BIG FOOL!
Anon 10:29 pm, u re a garbage nd big moron infact u re animal living among human being.
Sorry bros, some girls are evil that is why I don't take any shit from them nd I wish u quick recovery
One sided or not, doesn't warrant this now, haba !!
@anonymous 10:33pm, it shows ow deillusioned u r, ow is she ibo u retarded punk, all u fuckin tribalist dem i pray u all experience hardship and everlasting unhapiness in ur lives. dis shows u all r poor species who ain't happy wit their existence thereby venting their anger on ibo. shame on you all. jobless, embittered bigots.
What an ugly bitch
Pls let the ugly and fat bitches remain single guys abeg
Can't u spell blockhead?
I don't believe this guy, for a girl to have done this to you,you may have gone too far. You never talk true. How many abortions did she do for you?you must have paraded her as wify for ur sis to invite her for her wedding. Forget men can be mean.and imagine you now parading another girl before her very eyes. You get luck say the hot water no reach ur face. #lesson well learnt#
Umu nwanyi..
Your own will be acid, hot water and koboko soaked ata rodo. Foolish boy.
The law must carry its axe (attempt to murder) in issues like this, because the girl is heartless and wicked. Be warned! She can later join boko harram group. She mustn't live in any good society.
lol see comments! sorry oo mr, some players deserve this special treatment especially the once who think they can just sleep with a girl for yrs with no future plains together. After wasting her time for yrs they will be the one to say "what has she being doing in her twenties."? she's getting old, she's not married, when is she going to have kids? I am not in support of what she did, but some guys deserve stuff like this.
lol see comments! sorry oo mr, some players deserve this special treatment especially the once who think they can just sleep with a girl for yrs with no future plains together. After wasting her time for yrs they will be the one to say "what has she being doing in her twenties."? she's getting old, she's not married, when is she going to have kids? I am not in support of what she did, but some guys deserve stuff like this.
Dating for 2 years ke?? And then you put your ex in the same environment as the New Girl and think Ex will take am easy??
You're the one who is/was a big fool.
Personally, relationships that go beyond one year are pointless. By the end of year 1, a proposal should be on the table. Year 2 should be spent making wedding preparations.
Ladies, don't let your time be wasted.
It all Depend on how you did the breakup. So sorry for the injury but next time don't stay up to two years before you conclude in a woman. She must have given her all in the relationship all those time.
Watch out 4 d name cuz she's stil out there,don't b a victim!
Guys , still you no go learn
Wat da fuck reading some persons comment about wasting the girls time, this act is despicable and deadly n should be condemned totally, people still Jilt their partner of10years u can't live with a monster if I realize d person I was dating for years z capable of something evil or can't desist from a terrible attitude would pull off so puleaseeee if it's just two years den it's nothing n if she couldn't move on within d period of One year that speaks so loud of the kind of person she is, she's a desperate crazy gurl
How sure are we that this guy never do am something wey Bad pass hot water??? Xposee.com
Everyone is throwing stones at d girl without knowing her own story. Two years ain't two months u knw.wht if in dt 2 years, she has terminated several pregnancies for ds guy with d promise to marry her wen he is ready? Wht if in d process, she has lost d ability of ever having her own babies n den d guy realises she's no longer good enough for her. Ofcos he will narrate dt part. For d fact dt his sis still invited her to her wedding means d girl is actually a nice girl n loved by d dude's family n also d fact dt d guy said his friends r nt happy with him for d breakup means thr's more to ds story dan wht is being told. Pple should read inbtw d lines.
I wish it was even acid. Some guys are so mean and heartless. After showing her off for 2years, wasting her time, u just realized she has a bad attitude. Who knows, u were equally cheating on her...possible she must have done one or two abortion for you. my friend get out of here. U r even lucky
Oriwoh igbo abi lol I'm sure u typed dis msg from yaba left "u knw what I mean" anu ofia
You must be crazy. I think the hot water has gotten into your brain ? The lady don see you as Mumu , that's why she poured the hot water , how I wish she used an acid. Don't you know any of her family ?? U come dey lament on here , I pity no pretty lady go wan marry you now mtcheew
But how did she get hot water at someone else's wedding?? Just wondering
All you people supporting what she did are all evil and capable of worse urselves. No matter what he did to her, she has no right to harm him that way. Being with someone is not a do die affair. I was treated badly in my last relationship and moved on even though i'm almost in my mid thirties, now i'm getting married to the best man ever. Unfortunately for her, she has messed up her chances of meeting and settling down with a better man, what man would date and marry such a violent woman that causes harm to men. She has messed up her CV and will be single for life for such act. People should think of the repercussions of their intended actions before they go ahead. For ladies who are about to be jilted, do not be brainwashed by the evil comments in this post. A word is enough for the wise...
She no even pour you the water well..... I would have poured you worst. IDIOT
Brother, congrats for noticing this murderer on time. If had put this wicked soul at home and call her wife, she could kill you over night. I think the lady is mad.
My dear, u will meet someone better and loving than that psychopath...... Dating is not a do or die affair, I don't know why girls and guys can't get it......I so much hate people with holier than thou attitude.
You can easily locate wickedness even on dis blog where no one has ever really met anyone in d flesh...imagine d kind of bile just from words alone.
Imagine ready to slap someone u don't know even for a stranger u kno nothg about...at last u'll be surprised she go daze u wells.
That serves him right, next time he will not be breaking ladies' heart.
No be only man go dey make woman too try her ttalent
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