Madonna University students tortured by the institution officials narrate their ordeal | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 10 August 2015

Madonna University students tortured by the institution officials narrate their ordeal

Report I received. Read below...
Two students of Madonna University, Enugu State, have told the horrifying story of torture they suffered in the hands of key officials of the tertiary institution.
The duo, Stanley Okoye, 23, a final year Civil Engineering student and Ga-Lim Aondofa Lord, escaped death by the whiskers after they were allegedly abducted from their rooms February 3, 2015, in the dead of the night, in commando fashion, by the Chief Security Officer of the university, Okey Ogbonna and the Dean of Student Affairs, Rev. Fr. Isaac Nginga, a Catholic priest, in company of others and taken to a secluded area on the campus, where they were tortured, brutalized, dehumanised and left to die, but through divine intervention, they lived to tell the story.

Though they survived the ordeal, they are still undergoing treatment for the almost fatal injuries
they received in the hands of their tormentors. For instance, Stanley still needs to undergo special
surgery in Germany on the spine to repair a major damage inflicted on him while the torture lasted.
Aondofa suffered a dislocated jaw that required having his jaws held together with special dental wire to allow the injury heal. The duo would for the rest of their lives bear the burden of the deep psychological scars imprinted on their minds by the experience.

Meanwhile, they are still battling to get the results of their degree examinations released.
Accompanied by their parents, the victims who visited The Sun
office in Onitsha gave a chilling account of what they passed through in the campus, and revealed the alleged moves by the university management to cover up the truth.
In the heartbreaking and graphic account of what happened that fateful night they were abducted,
Stanley Okoye recounted that he was woken up from sleep around midnight by one Mr. Kingsley, the
school’s Sub- Dean, Mr. Ola, their hall representa­tives, Mr. Wisdom, Mr. Somtoo and Ogbonna Okey,
who is the university chief security officer (CSO), all of whom were accompanied by the Dean of
Students Affairs, Rev. Fr. Isaac Nginga. He was then bundled into a Toyota 4runner SUV and taken to a bushy end of the campus where their ordeal began.
Continuing, Stanley said: “These people were accompanied that night by an armed soldier, who is
among our security guards in school. First, they asked for the room number of my friend and
classmate, Lord Ga-Lim and I told them. They picked him up from his hostel and forced both of us into the vehicle. They first drove us to the administrative building and we alighted. Without any question, they descended on us after commanding us to lie down on the gravel. It was Rev. Father Isaac who hit us first with his belt, and the others then joined. They beat us with military belts, planks,
batons, iron, stones and other dangerous weapons they could lay their hands on; they dealt mercilessly with us.
“All the while they were treading on us as we lay on the sharp, rough gravel. Not even our plea for mercy or cries for help could melt their hearts. Fr. Isaac even commanded the military officer to shoot us if we attempted to run away. In fact, the soldier fired the shot but narrowly missed me. I was coughing out blood and bleeding profusely but
Ogbonna, the CSO hit me with his elbow and I fell down again.
“In that state, I was forced into the trunk of the Lexus SUV of Fr. Isaac; I memorized the registration number ENU 525 CP. My friend was
forced into a Toyota 4Runner SUV driven by Rev. Fr. Mamah. With us in the trunk, they moved with crazy
speed and even drove past the university security post without stopping. The road was very bad. Even though I was almost slipping into unconsciousness, I still heard the shrill voices of security men at the gate and flashing of lights at them telling them to stop. I later realized that the people were policemen on patrol who suspected the manner of the
vehicular movement. That night, our tormentors took us to Agbani police station.
“A police officer on duty at the station asked them whether we were involved in accident but they
didn’t answer. In that state, I told the police that we were attacked by the same people, who brought us
to the station and the police told them to take us to a specialist hospital or else we would die but they just took us back to the campus and dumped us in
the campus clinic. I was in pains and we were struggling to hang on to life. They only gave us painkillers and sleep inducing drugs. It was one of the nurses who saw our condition that night that I
whispered my mother’s number into her ears and she used her phone, after hiding the number, to
notify my parents about our plight.
“While we were in the hospital, they confiscated our phones, laptops and all our friends and roommates’
phones and communication gadgets to ensure that information about us did not leak to the outside
community. We were dying in installments. On February 5, I was woken up by the CSO, who told
me that my father was at the gate and wanted to see me. My dad was shocked when he saw my condition. When he tried to take a picture of me, they seized his camera and smashed it on the
ground. After heated argument between my dad and the people at the gate, they immediately bundled my friend and myself to the Elele campus of the university in Rivers State, in the dead of the night
without the knowledge of my father. We were in the hospital at Elele for about seven weeks shut out from the people and still under police watch even on our hospital bed. We underwent several surgeries because the doctor confirmed that my zygomatic
bone close to the spine was fractured. My friend had fractures on the lower and upper jaws.
I fainted when I saw my son–Okoye
Narrating how he heard about his son’s ordeal and the frustrations he encountered in the course of
seeking justice for the victimized students, Chief Okoye told Sunday Sun that he was in Lagos when
his wife called him from their Abuja home.
His words: “My wife informed me that she received a distress call. Only God can describe the trauma
we passed through that night before daybreak. I left Lagos for Enugu with first flight, abandoning all I came to do in Lagos, but I never knew that I was in for the greatest shock of my life. On getting to the school gate, I was denied entry by the security peo­ple and left stranded for four hours. When I noticed that the matter was no more a small issue not to talk of the uncertainty surrounding my son’s life, knowing that his phone was already permanently switched off, I sought for external help through the military. It was the high command at the 82 Division
of the Nigerian Army, Enugu that assisted me before they could allow me to enter and stay by the side of the gate while they went to fetch my son. When they brought him, I fainted, upon seeing his

“After regaining composure a bit, I asked him who did that to him and he pointed out the CSO, the Rev
Father and some others. I wanted to take his picture in that state for practical evidence but to my
surprise, another Catholic priest named Fr. Francis, who came in from Elele, Rivers State with two
police escorts ordered the security men to smash my camera which is worth N300,000 to pieces, and
they did. They also threatened to shoot me if I didn’t tread with caution. After all arguments, we agreed that the children should be taken to either Enugu State University Teaching Hospital (ESUTH) or Uni­versity of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH), Ituku
Ozalla, Enugu State, but to my surprise again, as soon as I left, they bundled the children in that state to their headquarters at Elele, Rivers State.
“The children were kept incommunicado and detained in the hospital too. It was through military assistance that I was able to gain access to see them in the hospital but they refused to release
them to us for proper medical care.”
Federal High Court to the rescue
Unable to endure the continued detention of the students at the Elele campus of the university and
the uncertainty and anxiety surrounding their health status, Okoye through his lawyer, G. E. Ezeuko, SAN approached the Federal High Court, Enugu, for the
enforcement of the fundamental human rights of the students. He also slammed a civil suit against the Governing Council of  Madonna University and eight other respondents, demanding N1billion
compensation for special and general damages and for gross violation of fundamental human rights guaranteed under the Constitution of Nigeria and African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights.
In the Suit No FHC/ EN/M/58/2015, the applicants, Ifeanyi Stanley Okoye, Lord Aondofa Ga-Lim and
Samuel Okoye prayed the court for a declaration that: “The acts of the respondents on the 3rd and 5th of February, 2015 which resulted in serious bodily injury, torture, intimidation and detention of
the applicants amounts to infraction of their fundamental right guaranteed under sections 33, 34, 35 and 36 of the Constitution of Nigeria 1999 and under the Africa Charter on Human and Peoples
Through the granted reliefs sought by the applicants, the management of Madonna University later released the wounded students from the hospi­tal though there are other pending matters in the suit. The case was adjourned till October 29, 2015.

Catholic priest, CSO remanded in prison custody, granted mysterious bail
On their release from the hospital in Elele, Stanley and Aondofa sought private treatment in other
different hospitals. Stanley was admitted at Olabisi Onabanjo Teaching Hospital, Ogun State while Aondofa also went for corrective surgeries on his broken jaw. It was at the teaching hospital that the doctor revealed that Stanley would still require a
corrective surgery abroad for his cervical region to avoid total and irreversible damage to the spinal
cord as a result of the injuries sustained from the torture.
Incensed that the university management showed no concern or even bothered to reach out to the
aggrieved families of the brutalized students, who are solely bearing the spiraling cost of the victims’
medical bills, while the perpetrators of the acts have
been walking about scot-free, Okoye petitioned the Commissioner of Police seeking for criminal prosecution of the alleged culprits.
The petition signed by Barrister A.C Arinze of the chambers of G. E Ezeuko (SAN) and addressed to
the Enugu State Commissioner of Police, copy of which was obtained by the Sunday Sun, was entitled: “Petition Against Torture, Maltreatment, De­ humanization, Unlawful Detention and Battering
meted against Ifeanyi Stanley Okoye and Lord Aondofa Galim by staff and officials of Madonna
University, Akpugo Campus, Enugu State.”
Acting on the contents of the petition, and particularly moved by the pictures of the tortured state of the victims, the Commissioner of Police, after interviewing both parties and expressing serious dismay over the inhuman treatment of the students, ordered the detention of the duo of Fr.
Nginga and Ogbonna Okey while others connected to the alleged crime were declared wanted.
Then on Tuesday, July 14, 2015, Nginga and Ogbonna were arraigned in an Enugu Magistrate
court presided over by Nkemdilim Anibueze on a two-count charge of conspiracy and felony.
When the court registrar read the first charge against the defendants, an argument ensued between the police prosecutor, Anichima Boniface and the defence counsel from the chambers of Tony
Muogbo, SAN, who argued that the first count charge preferred against the defendants was incompetent, arguing that the court lacked
jurisdiction to try the case.
After arguments, the magistrate ordered that the defendants be remanded in prison till the next
adjourned date (July 21, 2015) for her to rule on whether the first count charge should subsist and
on the issue of jurisdiction.
When the case was called on the resumed hearing, which was witnessed by Sunday Sun reporter and other journalists, a mild drama played out when the magistrate expressly granted all the prayers of the defence counsel and disallowed any objection from
the police prosecutor or the counsel to the victimised students.

The magistrate, after ruling that the court did what it was supposed to do by remanding the suspects in
prison custody when issues of competency of the court, charges or jurisdiction arose, later gave room for the counsel to argue their points.
The defence counsel, Tony Muogbo, SAN represented by Mrs V.C. Okoye told the court that
the defendants had applied for and were granted bail by Agbani High Court, presided over by Justice
Anidi, stressing that they had met the bail conditions. She explained that Friday and Monday, being November 17 and 20 respectively, were public holidays, therefore the defendants could not pay the necessary fees to obtain the certified true copies of the bail application.
The police prosecutor, Anichima, while addressing the court said that the argument by the defence
counsel was a novelty to him because he had never heard that a defendant standing trial in a magistrate court could go to another court to seek and obtain
bail when the magistrate hearing the case had not dispensed with it. The presiding magistrate in her
ruling admitted the files as Exhibits A, A2, A3, A4 and E, which were enclosed in a big envelope. She
stated that the case had been bonded over with the sum of N200,000 while the matter was adjourned sine-die pending when the Attorney General of Enugu State through the Director of Public
Prosecution would give his opinion.
Before the magistrate could finish her remarks, the cleric and the CSO jumped out of the dock and in a
jiffy, rushed to the door, followed immediately by other priests from Madonna University, who came
to court in solidarity. Before the two lawyers could step out of the court, the defendants had already
boarded a vehicle waiting within the premises and the driver zoomed off.
In a chat with Sunday Sun within the court premises, counsel to the brutalized students, Fidelis
Mbadugha expressed dismay over what transpired in the court, saying that there were indications that
something transpired in secret before the court sitting. He said the proper thing the magistrate
ought to have done was to first of all decline jurisdiction. He said the high court had no jurisdiction to grant bail when the matter was still
pending in a magistrate court.
His words: “It is after a magistrate court must have concluded and transmitted the case file to the DPP, and the DPP had prepared his opinion that the defendants could then apply for bail at the high
court. The high court would then see the proceedings and records at the lower court before granting the bail. This kind of procedure has not
happened in our justice system and we will study the situation and know the next step to take.”
They wanted to eliminate my son –Mrs Lim
Mother of Ga-Lim Aondofa Lord, Mrs. Yemi Lim, who spoke to Sunday Sun from Benue State, where she lives, expressed sadness and dismay over the whole situation, alleging that the university authorities were eager to cover the truth.

“I’m not happy over the whole situation. My son was tortured, assaulted, locked up and would have died in that school but till today, nobody from the institution has communicated to us what actually happened. They performed surgery on my son without my signing any consent form. I was at the Elele hospital from February 17 to March 26, at my own expense but all I see is conspiracy of silence. I asked Fr. Mike at Elele to tell me the offence my son committed but he said nothing. It is very dis­appointing and I say that this barbaric action must stop in that school. In 2013, two students were (allegedly) set ablaze at the Okija campus of the university. That matter was also swept under the carpet. I want justice to be done,” she said.
Another student brutalized for making noise
In the course of investigating this case, Sunday Sun also encountered another student at the Akpugo
campus of the university, who was allegedly brutalized for making noise during a church service
in the campus. Sunday Sun learnt that the incident also involved the CSO and the cleric in charge of
student affairs. He said they used military belt to beat him, and inflicted serious injuries on him. The scars of the injuries were still visible on his face since November 2014 when the incident happened.
Stanley and Aondofa when asked by the reporter if they knew why they became targets of their
torturers, they said that it was their courage to speak out against the ill-treatment of students in
the institution that made them targets of threats and physical attack.
“In our school, student leaders appointed by the management take delight in maltreating other
students. We are treated as second-class citizens in the university. They don’t allow us to use camera phones while our parents are barred from seeing
our hostels. During accreditation by the National Universities Commission, the school management often hires qualified lecturers and professors for
presentation but they leave soon after the accreditation process. In some of the cases of students maltreating their fellow students, we have risen in some instances to condemn such acts. This was what made us objects of attack by the dean and CSO. Before we were physically attacked, the dean, Father Isaac had often threatened us, saying that we would not graduate from the university,”
one of the duo said.
Two other students from the university who spoke on strict anonymity corroborated Stanley and Ga- Lim’s positions, saying that they live in fear of the threat of expulsion everyday on the campus.
The brutalized students are suspected cultists – PRO
When the reporter spoke to Rev. Father Isaac Nginga on phone, he said that he had no comment to
make on the matter. When reminded that his submission of no comment was an indication of
being guilty as charged, he still maintained that he wouldn’t say anything.
But when contacted the Public Relations Officer of the university, Emeka Okpara, told Sunday Sun that Okoye and Ga-Lim were suspected cultists, who had been disturbing the peace of the university. Though he acknowledged that the injuries inflicted on the students were too much, he said it was as a result
of the antecedents of the students in the university.
He also punctured the claims by the students that the university lacked qualified lecturers.
His words: “The two students are suspected cultists who have been rebelling against the university. They had previously attacked the chief security officer off campus one day he rode in a public transport. Those students jumped over the school gate and entered into the town, breaking university rules. The allegation that the school hires lecturers during NUC accreditation is unfounded.
Anybody who knows the calibre of the Chancellor/ owner of Madonna University, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel
Edeh knows that he doesn’t compromise on quality standards. The university boasts of sound
academics that can stand tall anywhere in the world. The initial plan of Fr. Edeh was to build a
world-class aeronautical engineering faculty at the Akpugo campus but some powers scuttled the approval. The problem is that those children born with silver spoon don’t want to suffer while they know the rules and regulations guiding the university before they enrolled and accepted to abide by the rules.”
But a human rights activist, James Okoro of the Center for the Advancement of Human Rights and
Peace Advocacy advised the management of Madonna University to toe the path of honor by accepting their wrongs and making efforts to remedy the ugly situation by placating the victims
and desisting from inhuman and degrading treatments of their students.
Okoro told Sunday Sun that it was unlawful for anybody, no matter how highly placed, to take the
law into his hands and inflict harm on another person whether in revenge or as punishment for
offence committed. He said part of the terms of peaceful settlement to the affected students would be the immediate release of their results by the university and payment of adequate compensation.
Failing this, he threatened that his organization in conjunction with other groups would drag the
management to court.

In the interim, and particularly regarding the controversial circumstances that led to the
temporary discharge of the accused persons by the magistrate court, Chief Samuel Okoye has made a vow that the struggle to ensure that the victims get justice will continue. He threatened to petition the National Judicial  Council, the Nigerian Universities
Commission (NUC), National Human Rights Commission and other relevant bodies both in
Nigeria and abroad over the matter. Okoye also punctured the claims by the university PRO that the students were cultists, saying that such labeling was also an indirect indictment on the university management.
“They can thwart the course of justice but it will only be for a while. How can a university where you have armed soldiers, policemen as well as other private guards, claim that my son is a cultist. Also, does the law allow anybody to become the arresting
authority, prosecutor, and dispenser of justice at the
same time in a jungle manner? They wanted to use my son for rituals but God said no. There are still so many unanswered questions about what happened
to my son and his friend. The Rev. Father still needs to tell the whole world where they were taking my
son and his friend in the dead of the night in the trunk of the vehicles after torturing them half dead,
beating the university security and the police. If God did not expose this crime, we would have heard a
different story about what happened to the students.
Since this matter started, they have been busy trying to cover up by destroying evidence and reaching out to some people so that the matter would be swept under the carpet. That was why they destroyed my camera and also refused to release the medical records of the tortured students
but I know that there is God in heaven who oversees the affairs of men,” Okoye said.


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Unknown said...

Too long

Bishop Dammy said...

For evil doers, there's no way you can escape your evil deeds, ,it would always catch up with you

Angie said...

Hmm.. Have heard some other similar story abt this varsity. Smh!
I hope some ppl can summon courage to deal with the root cause of the problems arising from this institution.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how they send in dz reports. Camera/browsing phones are banned in that school.. always confirm the stories coming from there

Debbie Chelsea said...


Unknown said...

The stories I hear concerning this Madonna uni abi secondary school tho. Na only God sabi werrin dey happen inside that school. The perpetrators shouldn't be allowed to go scot-free.

Anonymous said...

Too bad

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Apple Berry said...

I hope those hoodlums are caught and prosecuted.

Unknown said...

To even think I read quater of dis.....very long. Tnk God u guys didn't die. Madonna na primary sch, everyone knows that

Unknown said...

I definitely shed no tears 4 em.

Unknown said...

I'm still in shock. I can't believe dat dis barbaric act is happening in dis country??? Something has to be done ASAP to curb dis evil. Linda take note!

CELEB said...

No wonder! Their security system has become over tight of late. Ndi ojooo!

Unknown said...

I'm still in shock. I can't believe dat dis barbaric act is happening in dis country??? Something has to be done ASAP to curb dis evil. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

I'm still in shock. I can't believe dat dis barbaric act is happening in dis country??? Something has to be done ASAP to curb dis evil. Linda take note!

Anonymous said...

Madonna University is a joke. D type of inhuman act against student is better left imagined. The VC will keep boasting about the standard of d school and how it keeps winning award which are all a lie.

Anonymous said...

Cc NUJ pls some uni is just scrap. Madona are you people Godd??? Silly shittttttttt

preshlight (chioma okoye) said...

Tnk God for their lives. Couldn't read all that though

Anonymous said...

Madonna university is in Anambra State not Enugu.

Anonymous said...

Me, I don't know why parents still send their wards to these universities that behave like detention centres

Anonymous said...

Ah ah, but why? Rev father too for crying out loud.

Anonymous said...

Finally. Everybody graduated from Madonna knows the kind ofof physical maltreatment we got from the management. Especially that evil wicked CSO. PLease Sue them and let justice prevail.

Anonymous said...

this worries me because i have a brother at madonna...and any chance we get to talk he tells me how terrible he finds it there. I dont understand why they are not allowed phones and any form of communication. is it supposed to be a prison camp or a university where students are prepared for the real world.

Anonymous said...

Linda, I'm very very sure this people are not lying. I'm a Catholic but my child will never go to a Catholic school. Those people are very mean, wicked, callous they don't have heart, I don't know if its because they don't have children. In your spare time Linda, just go to one of these Catholic schools and interview their students, u will be amazed by the torture and inhuman treatment they receive from their seniors and sooo called revs. I feel so sorry for those boys. Linda don't let this matter die, you know how you haven't forgotten about those boys that were killed for no reason. I hate injustice

Unknown said...

Phew......I find it appalling that Rev Fathers were among those who committed this heinous crime. Police should step in and thoroughly investigate this matter. Its not fair how these students are being treated with all the monies they pay for tuition fee!


Anonymous said...

Madonna is a school run like a Edeh runs it like a Jim Jones cult. Quote me anytime.

Unknown said...

May God save us form wicked souls

Anonymous said...

Apparently this isn't the first time it is happening! It happened to a friend of mine and his parents transferred him and his siblings to Ghana. There is something wrong with that school. Either ritual purposes or something. It isn't the first time

Anonymous said...

Stupid PRO......u take the laws into ur hands

Anonymous said...

Madonna university should be shot down although I attended that skul we all know what they are capable of doing they have killed so many but God has decided to expose them.

Unknown said...

Dis is high class of wickedness, dos pple involved must nt go unpunished o

Unknown said...

Hmmm. This is highly unacceptable. I'm ashamed to say the least and those students must get justice. The school is hiding something. Their hands are not clean at all. Jesus Christ. A supposed Christian university for that matter, what happened to expelling them? Is it the tradition of the school authority to kill suspected criminals?

I can't deal. Higher relevevant authorities should delve into this matter ASAP. We should be able to bring the perpetuators of this callous act to book no matter their status enough is enough.

I can only imagine the trauma these students and their loved ones have gone through.

Unknown said...

I almost died reading...Very long n interesting.
Madonna I hail oooooo,wat a skool

Anonymous said...

They are capable of killing all them wizard and witches rvd fathers and sisters am not surprised many has died mysteriously God wanted to expose them

Anonymous said...

That is very wrong of the school officials, but could the boys also say what they did that these officials came after them?

Anonymous said...

They are capable of killing all them wizard and witches rvd fathers and sisters am not surprised many has died mysteriously God wanted to expose them

Unknown said...

School is terrible place to being now.

Anonymous said...

Am not surprised, the government should look into this, all this goes on and on and dies down, we as alumni's still leave in fear, for the fear of our certificate bieng revoked, I experienced all this, if they claim those guys were cultist they should show their evidence's.

Unknown said...

Shame to a so called Christain institution which should ordinarily lead by example. The students and their parents should pursue justice till they get it.

anonymous said...

Wow!! Am speechless!! Really speechless

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ of Nazareth! How can an organization that is supposed to protect the students entrusted to them, inflict harm on them. Sue their asses. Ndi ara.

Obi said...

That school ought to be shut forever. I think it's too much money making these reverend father's act as they please. They should all be prosecuted

Anonymous said...

I am a alumni and I can tell you that all this has been happening for ages..i can bet you that those guys are not cultist, that school is just a glorified primary school and I wonder why it has not been closed with all the atrocities associated with the school,why would someone pay a whooping sum as school fee's then when u are about to graduate they would expel you for making noise. The school should be closed enough is enough,i remember when a boy died in the school clinic because they refused to sign exeat. Enough is enough

anonymous said...

Hmmmm am speechless!! Really speechless

anonymous said...

Wow!! Am speechless!! Really speechless

amazingrace said...


Unknown said...

OMG, don't seems to get this...... what kind of barbaric behaviour is this.

Anonymous said...

Madonna University!
It is now too much for you.
My brother collaborated the story.
Can't wait for him to graduate!
What kind of University is that?
God save us!!!

Unknown said...

Haaa such a lengthy 1 and Bia linda tk note d so called fr Edeh and his priests r nt catholic priests dey r on dia own. Get ur facts rite mama linda

Lib freak

Unknown said...

Too long abeg!
From what I read, it doesn't add up, why will the CSO and dean want to beat you and your friend to death for no reason? You're not telling the whole truth.

Anonymous said...

National human rights commission over to you

Anonymous said...

Wat is d difference between d Rev n Bokoharam? A wolf in a sheep's clothing! Devil in disguise. U wil surely reap wat u sow on earth.

Unknown said...

Hmm....Madonna O I just Tire....We Survived And We Out....Destroying The Father's Phone hmm that's very Unlike Father Francis o....God O see them Through o...

ckonnie said...

This so so disheartening. Am do disappointed. Its well with the victims.

Jojo said...

That glorified secondary school...thank God u survived

Unknown said...

Church hum when will my people stop church issues and face realities of life, those priest would have used those children for ritual, and nothing will happen.

Unknown said...

Please help me tell the church to change their ways

Anonymous said...

Chineke m ehhh
Has it gotten to this?
Thank God am done with that school,
What kind of beasts ll do this to other human beings?
Those fathers and sisters of Jesus the saviour are a big disgrace to d catholic chyrch .
There is nothing priestly abt them,very heartless,
Is it d bleaching sisters?
Just cos they said father Ede likes den fair,all d sisters have burnt themselves with bleaching cream
They act so jealous wen dey see a student looking fine like anybody forced den into d convent.
Am happy dis particular one has escalated like dis,they ll always use connection to bury every case,but God ll exposure them this time around.
Please,why hasn't anybody contacted father founder? Let's hear what he has to say?
These people trying so hard to scatter what he suffered to build
Truth be told,they play a lot of pranks when it comes to NUC accreditation, but we didn't mind then cos we wanted to graduate.
Dey can raise a building over nyt,paint on top of d wet cement just to meet up.
Dey can also clean the name on a faculty building eg changing Eng block to pharmacy building just cos dey were coming for pharmacy accreditation lol
D one I ll not forget is one time NUC came without informing dem,dey locked dem outside d gate n successfully moved alllllll d students in elele campus to the pilgrimage center,den lied to den that we were on holidays. That was early in d morning,normally u don't enter pilgrimage center with trouser but that day girls were chased in there with all sorts of lace nighty n bum short
My hand is paining me,but I hope justice is served .

Anonymous said...

Trust dis evil school to deny it.. That was how they expelled 18 of us for no good reasons... That school will definitely not last.. And for those so called Priest, only God will judge cos as far as I'm concerned they are not human.. All those involved should be dealt with seriously... Odo

Mihearty said...

Wicked people. Even the so called reverend father's shame on all of them. Shame to Madonna university. Heartless people

Anonymous said...

one should not conclude yet till the real facts are reveal..the report is one-sided.

Unknown said...

Is dis real abi na film? Nigeria don jaga jaga true true! Wetin be all dis nonsense? In a tertiary institution?involving Rev's? Am at a loss for words. Cudnt dey ave expelled dese students (if truly dey were cultist) instead of brutalising dem. And all di antics in court?am speechless! Dat school should be shut down pending di outcome of a govt sponsored investigation. Who knows wat else has been going on?

Anonymous said...

Madonna is a useless school.

Ben said...

I suffered almost the same faith during my years there but was at elele....the school really needs to be investigated

Anonymous said...

God don catch una, vry wicked pple, I went 2 madonna n I believe everything those students said, every single thing, I really want nhrc to fight this case. I remember been flogged in hundred level cos we were rushing into d examination hall wen it was raining and our clearance cards later seized n we were made 2 cut grass b4 we got it back. Linda they treat student worst than animals, pls tell d world

Blog It With Olivia said...

This is bad


fave said...

Am glad I graduated. Rev father emp edeh made the official so strict and wicked. I so remember how we were treated like slaves.

Unknown said...

So dis stuff still go on in dat he'll call school God!!

Anonymous said...

No matter the offence they commited,they shouldn't av taken justice 2 dere own hands,all dos rev fathers are wicked,i serve in the east so I knw how they behave,God av mercy in dis country,pple using church to do bad things

Anonymous said...

God will av mercy,pple of God using church to do evil,no matter the offence the boys commited not taking law to there own hands,foolish and wicked generation.

Freeman C said...

That Fada Edeh's congregation is just a disgrace. Tainting d image of d whole Catholic Church

Unknown said...

This is so long but I read it all, I 8 injustice...I v always known that dt skul is a total rubbish, pls beware, it is better for ur children to be home than go to such useless university...

Juleslouis said...

Its about time those devils in priest clothings r all arrested. That school is more of a prison than a school.

Unknown said...

This is so long but I read it all, I 8 injustice...I v always known that dt skul is a total rubbish, pls beware, it is better for ur children to be home than go to such useless university...

Unknown said...

The father's. And sister in that school are so mean! Jezzzz you can't even imagine how they even talk to people's parent. They are stupid and disrespectful management in that school

youngest Winch said...

That was how I was beaten mercilessily back in 2001 when I was in SS1 in Lumen Christi International High School located at Uromi Edo State. All these Catholic schools are worthless.

Unknown said...

Haba..dat was to matter what doz students did,as a priest Wic he claims to b.heard so many complains about dat sch from friends.didnt know it's dat bad.God help them

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:48 what real facts? I graduated from dt skool everything dose students said about d Rev father nd CSO are correct. A skool where u'll be expelled for noise making? Ur fellow students will be use to maltreat u in d name of hall Reps SMH, I dnt even want to remb my experience dere. I can remb d day we were all ask to swear with bible Becos some student thru stone at some nonsense Madonna hall Reps dt were maltreating us. D most annoying thing is dt after dis idiots has finish perpetuating their evil acts dey will still get away with it. Dis is not d first, second, third neither is it d fourth time dey've been arrested for doing things like dis, how dey get away with it is what I don't understand. Mtchwww.

Unknown said...

So all these happens in a so called christain school? Hmmmm!

Anonymous said...

Linda I can help but comment again, with d kinda sch fee we pay in dat sch........ gosh, yesterday I was listening 2 news n I saw him(fada offender) saying he is helping iDPs n they were showing innocent student who they forced out of d hostel to cum n sit out side so it luks like they r d IDPs haba, its not nice, they pay serious sch fees wit thier parents alife n u tag them IDPs, e dey vex me sef say ma boda is still in dat sch............. madonna,God knows d truth he will sure bring it out

Anonymous said...

Madonna university has 3 campuses.. Okija Anambra state, Elele Rivers State, and akpugo ,Enugu state.

Anonymous said...

I kinda witnessed what happened. They took laws into their hands. They've been judging and I believe is their time to be judged. If they think they are gonna bribe the so called judges, trust me I'm gonna make them pay... D'governor

Rosamaria Mclouis said...

Adaobi are u sure u alright? What ever reason can justify ds barbaric act? U sound like one of dos dt will leak fr Edehs shoes... Araa

Anonymous said...

There's one in enugu.

Anonymous said...

Madonna university a school i graduated from but will never allow my enemy to go there. They are very very heartless and wicked. Govt should close down the school for the sake of nigerian youth. Father edeh, martins, cso Mathew all of them are evil

Anonymous said...

Linda pls that school is the devil's den. .

Unknown said...

I've heard a lot about Madonna university. To all you students who are there, God is your strength. You signed that form, so you have to deal with it. But am seriously against torture.

Unknown said...

Madonna has always had dis issue

Anonymous said...

Olodo, Madonna uni get plenty campuses. Engr. Faculty dey Enugu state

Unknown said...

The accusation is really strong. The university should also relate their own story. We need to hear their own side of the issue.

Sweet Ama said...

One sided indeed...

Unknown said...

Being cultists don't warrant them to be treated like this. The uniform authorites are those who hv the right to handle this students.

Anonymous said...

I Cldnt stop laffing wen u said ur hands re paining u... U nailed it my dear... My Frd dat graduated from modanna said similar tins abt d sch.... I can't stop reading ur comment May God reveal d truth...

Anonymous said...

Demonic sch..... I graduated form tht animalistic sch...... Madonna University is a sch meant for animal cos Thts how they treat students,i can't even send my kids there for free...... Evil school..... GOD will surely punish all the Rev fathers & Sisters in Madonna including Father Edeh....... that was how a rev father raped a virgin & till today nothing was done to the bastard

Anonymous said...

Rubbish skul wit those so called Rev fathers and sisters.... Heartless people. Thank God m out.

Anonymous said...

Last two months, there was an outbreak of chicken pox. The school was very reluctant to attend to d victims. My Broda was among. Very very sick. My dad had to go n he was given two days for treatment at home. U can imagine? Is dat not stupidity. A final year student in Okija died of chicken pox bcos he wasn't given exeat on time. Pls who still dies of chicken pox in dis era. Madonna is a fucked up school. I tell u

Unknown said...

I think there is more to it.

Anonymous said...

Linda, this is a serious issue. The I and DR should step in and investigate this barbaric act. This glorified secondary school called a university has the worst human right abuse record.
All the students I have met that passed through that school had horrible experience to share. As a Catholic, the Holy Spirit departed from them long ago when the ministry was commercialised.
I blame parents that still send their children to be radicalised in that school. No wonder that other schools that just started few years ago have gone far and Madonna Group of Schools is nowhere to be found in the catalogue of universities in Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

Is this the first time its happening..u never know until it visits your house hold...rubbish

Anonymous said...

i've always said it and wld say it ova and ova egn dat dis gurl by name igwe adaobi is a brainless and retarded b**ch. she lacks common sense and always yarns balls. but past and present students dat i know in person collaborated d ill-treatment being meted on dem in dat skul and yet u dumb fuck stil talks rubbish. d more u comment on dis blog, d more u degrade ursef and expose ur insensibility coz u r too brainless. i believe in freedom of speech, but urs is way way off. learn to reasn and take a deep breath b4 u talk, it wld help u a long long way. i pity man wey go marry u. u r a disgrace 2 d igbo nation.

Unknown said...

This is not cool at all. it is very annoying when u pay huge sums of money and u are treated like a he goat. i wont take that shit mehn. fuck it.

Unknown said...

Its just so unfortunate. Was a student.

Anonymous said...

Fact....the Rev.F Edeh is not with the outside catholic church pls.....i know this well cus I graduated from the stupid school and those guys involved were in my set too and they are no cultists.....madonna says anything against students just so they can always go free.....i know how dat idiot cso looked for our fall but God never gave him d chance till I finished from there.....too many to say tho. Tnx

Anonymous said...

U don't know what youths are going through in that school after the suffering u don't even graduate with good grades with all the money paid.....i don't have the proper words to tell you.....and even if it is true that those boys attacked the cso are they suppose to treat them like that and what role those the fr Isaac play in assaulting those boys if it was not a conspiracy, an already planned evil

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! so someone has spoken up for once,u need to see d evill that goes on in that school and how they matreat students lk animals, u see father ede chasing u around with ken lk u are in primary school,thank god I left there alive,is in that school u will know that rev sister and rev father are d most wicked people on earth,Linda pls help them get justice cos u will be saving lots of lifes.

Anonymous said...

Oga nothing is one sided here oooh cus I finished from that school and that's what they do best......even the father isaac and ugly old cso sef sleep with female students in that school.........I even have a friend now that father Isaac is still toasting till now

Anonymous said...

Lots of evil goes on in that school, infact in all father ede school caritas,Madonna and osisatech, u see rev sisters use mkup and parm there hair, there u see lesbians rev sisters,cm and see how they mistreat and expel student even if u are in your final yr they dont care, cm and see them collecting fuckup fee frm students lk money grows on a tree ,those chief security officers are being worshiped lk gods there cos they misuse there powers on student and inflict fears on them, that school is a bondage with excess money been spent.

Anonymous said...

Lots of evil goes on in that school, infact in all father ede school caritas,Madonna and osisatech, u see rev sisters use mkup and parm there hair, there u see lesbians rev sisters,cm and see how they mistreat and expel student even if u are in your final yr they dont care, cm and see them collecting fuckup fee frm students lk money grows on a tree ,those chief security officers are being worshiped lk gods there cos they misuse there powers on student and inflict fears on them, that school is a bondage with excess money been spent.

Juliette said...

How about instead of us all saying how offended we are over this issue,we all start doing sumtin so we can get justice for these abt we get a slogan or a hashtag and keep using all the resources we have through social media and keep on talking abt it til justice is can happen to our brothers or sisters still schooling with one voice,lets arise and do sumtin..justice will be served

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...... I remember how fada founder flogged sum1 wit dat his long stick...... How sister expelled a student because he was sagging... How fada founder expelled four student cos dey refuse to eat bazaar rice... How dey take innocent people to face panel nd expell them..... If sumone is to write abt Madonna or caritas university, a day wouldn't be enuf... It only people that passed thru d skul, dat can understand.. Aswear....... Choi, till tomorrow m grateful to God I graduated from dat skul despite all I went thru.... I Was almost expelled in my final year cos of over stay. A skul with a difference

Anonymous said...

Lots of evil goes on in that school, infact in all father ede school caritas,Madonna and osisatech, u see rev sisters use mkup and parm there hair, there u see lesbians rev sisters,cm and see how they mistreat and expel student even if u are in your final yr they dont care, cm and see them collecting fuckup fee frm students lk money grows on a tree ,those chief security officers are being worshiped lk gods there cos they misuse there powers on student and inflict fears on them, that school is a bondage with excess money been spent.

Anonymous said...

I have always known that their is something about that institution which have been really unclear to me until now. I cant say that am surprised about the whole thing. Thank God that they really actually kill those boys, becos if that they did succeed they would frame them with bad allegations. If they were accused of being cultist, why then did they take laws into their hands. At least they could hv consulted they students parents.. On the other hand they need to face the wrath of what they did in full weight of law..

Anonymous said...

Lots of evil goes on in that school, infact in all father ede school caritas,Madonna and osisatech, u see rev sisters use mkup and parm there hair, there u see lesbians rev sisters,cm and see how they mistreat and expel student even if u are in your final yr they dont care, cm and see them collecting fuckup fee frm students lk money grows on a tree ,those chief security officers are being worshiped lk gods there cos they misuse there powers on student and inflict fears on them, that school is a bondage with excess money been spent.

Anonymous said...

Lots of evil goes on in that school, infact in all father ede school caritas,Madonna and osisatech, u see rev sisters use mkup and parm there hair, there u see lesbians rev sisters,cm and see how they mistreat and expel student even if u are in your final yr they dont care, cm and see them collecting fuckup fee frm students lk money grows on a tree ,those chief security officers are being worshiped lk gods there cos they misuse there powers on student and inflict fears on them, that school is a bondage with excess money been spent.

Anonymous said...

First of all, all the Rev.fathers ain't real cus they all sleep with the female students. Rev. Sisters sleep with male students and I also have a friend that left the school cus he refused to sleep with sister Doris in Akpugo campus n she decided to frustrate the boy so he changed school afterwards she started calling the boy and begging him to come back.......talking about the school hiring external lecturers to stand for them during d time NUC officials come for accreditation is very true and then they empty all the hotels rooms leaving only two bunks in a room deceiving d officials that only 4 students in a room whereby many students and bunks are sent to the back of the last hostel to hide there ti the officials are gone........students are forced to go to the library with laptops to read so as to impress the nuc officials, etc........madonna is a school that bribes their ways to the top irrespective of anything and am not surprised dat dis Ga-lim n Stanley case is being swept under rug already cus I knew it was gonna be like dis after I heard the case was adjourned.......truth being told, the owner father Edeh the untouchable father is behind these bribery n all that's why d school officials behave anyhow they want.....too many to be said but if Nigeria wanna know the truth, they should ask to see madonna graduates and ask for their will surprise you the turn ups you wi all see cus many are fed up and ready to talk......but me personally will sue madonna at the right time believe me and don't forget this day.....God bless

Anonymous said...

I believe d student cos am a graduate of dt sch n i kn hw student r treated badly without conscience so d govt shd look into d case n 4get d fact dt its a church sch even d sch dt is owned by d devil himself will nt b bad as my sch. Justice must prevail

Anonymous said...

Speaking up for victimised students, that was their crime.

Unknown said...

From all the comments I've read here I don't see why anybody will not believe this story. The only thing I can say is that we all should share this story on different platforms and create awareness cos that way there won't even be a carpet or rug to sweep it under. Let the people be aware.

Anonymous said...

Olodo! Are they in school at the moment? Does this look like something they typed from a phone? Did u even read it? Nahhh....i don't think so, it's obviously too long for you to read!

Illuminated... said...

It's funny how so many pple in this country do things, but because of their level in the society or because of who they know, nothing happens to them. Take the case of Alhaji gay for example.. The fool did all sorts of bad things, from extortion, to rape to killing pple. All sorts of complain were made to the authorities but nothing happened. He kept on committing all his crimes cos he was confident nothing was going to happen to him. When the pple got tired and decided to put an end to the bastard, after he and his hoodlums killed one person and sent another to the hospital, our useless police force with no shame went in to the area and was arresting anyone they could. Now look at Madonna university, i have heard complains upon complains about that uni yet our government and relevant authorities has refused to do nothing about it. Our judicial system seems to have been compromised in this particular situation. The government will not do anything about this until someday, one of the students or some of them decide to take the laws into their own hands, then as usual the useless government will be so quick to condemn the innocent students that were only trying to put an end to the treat or pple threatening their lives. When will Nigerians realize they have no government? One day we all will wake up and say enough is enough, and we will start purging the pple spoiling the system one after the other. No one will be spared. In as much as i love my country like crazy, there are things that when u hear, u become so ashamed to be called a Nigerian. Nigerian leaders frustrates the hell out of it citizens on a daily bases. At some point i stopped reading the news cos u keep hearing on billions upon billions missing. These useless leaders of ours don't care one bit about us or our beloved nation NIGERIA... All they care abt is themselves and their useless families. Boko haram bombs anywhere, they tell us to pray... God won come down come carry gun? Money for weapon one fool go coner am alone to himself use dey shag babes up and down, travel from one country to the other and building all sorts of mansion. Naija i hail ooo...

Anonymous said...

And de university u wen to is havard abi,olodo,with ur degree u still drop rubbish here,when u aint sure abt smtin,Sharap! The boys narrated their story,so among all the students;they were jst singled out without any reason

Unknown said...

What they did to those student is very bad I hope they get justice, they want to kill people children haba!!!

Unknown said...

I jst tnk God I refused going to dat skul even dough t made me sty at hme fo 2yrs..God pls bring justice to ur people

Unknown said...

I tnk God that I didnt go to dat skul even dough t mde me stay at hme fo 2 yrs.God pls bring justice to ur people.

Unknown said...

I jst tnk God I refused going to dat skul even dough t made me sty at hme fo 2yrs..God pls bring justice to ur people

Visimatic said...

Idoits....if una d dis schul..u wont be talking dis nonsense....u no wetin ppl d suffer for dis schul

Anonymous said...

Close down Madonna University now before more youths are killed, maimed or damaged for life. Its CSO and entire management can be likened to Hitler's gestapo which is a far cry from an academic environment to say the least. QED

Anonymous said...

Lie or truth. You are to report to the appropriate authority and not do all this rubbish. Have you ever seen them beat up a murderer in England or America. #GodsaveNigerians

Anonymous said...

With all these and parents keep sending their wards there.....what are the other parents saying? the parents should go on national TV, bring the school down and write to the National Assembly....loads of cheap sh..t head fools running schools....made in naija...naija I hail o

Anonymous said...

It's Caritas in Enugu not Madonna.

Anonymous said...

Lie or truth. You are to report to the appropriate authority. Have you ever seen them beat up a criminal or murderer in England or America? They must be punished for taking law into their hands from the Rev father, his immediate family members cause they are aware of this, they witnessed this, to the CSO's immediate family members because as a CSO you should know better. They all should be remanded in prison with immediate effect. #GodsaveNigerians

Ani James said...

The most stupid school on earth. The school is a shame to our educational system n our NUC is a shame to our government they should make sure they take the bribe dey r getting to accredit stupid schools like Madonna to heaven n feed fatter the

Emeka said...

How come non of the students who have graduated from this school has ever said any positive thing about this school. It means that the school is not as good as they wanted us to believe so I support a thorough investigation on what really transpired.

Anonymous said...

I have heard a lot about this University. I think people should speak up so their licence is revoked. And I pray that the perpetuators of this evil will never go free. Anything and everything happens in Nigeria

CWAY-TV said...

How sad that this is still going on in the universities.

CWAY-TV said...

How sad that this is still going on

Anonymous said...

Madonna University is a Prison Yard, all they worship is money. My sister attended the University and they devised various means to collect large money outside the tuition fees. They hide under the cloak of discipline and religion. Enough is enough!!!

Samuel said...

Story for the gods.weytin dem do? Dc story isn't real... he said they missed their shut at come the security @d gate didn't hear and only flashed light while driving them out? Na so d school big reach abi d army gun get silencer like my dad own.

D!D! said...

To whom brain is given, sense is expected

David Oche said...

You know the students are in school 2.4.7-365. They don't go on vacation to use camera phones just like their parents. Please use your head small now.

Anonymous said...

What is one-sided about it??? The Sun newspapers contacted the school for their comments but they declined to comment consenting to the already given story. So pls OPEN ur eyes!!!

Unknown said...

Wow this world has really come to an end imagine a so called rev father getting involved in this kind of dirty act... anyway as for me considering the news I just heard about this Madonna university none of my siblings or even my enemy go there

Sade said...

The same Madonna where a Rev Fr raped a virgin. I can't even remember that his useless name. The sad part is the stories the so called clergymen fabricate. Once the victim is a guy, na cultists, girl - lesbian or prostitute. Smh

Unknown said...

Advanced secondary school

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Advanced secondary school

Anonymous said...

Madonna university should be scrapped

Unknown said...

Advanced secondary school

Unknown said...

Madonna university should be scrapped

Unknown said...

Madonna university should be scrapped

Unknown said...

Madonna university should be scrapped

Unknown said...

Madonna university should be scrapped
Madonna university should be scrapped
Madonna university should be scrapped
Madonna university should be scrapped
Madonna university should be scrapped
Madonna university should be scrapped
Madonna university should be scrapped
Madonna university should be scrapped
Madonna university should be scrapped
Madonna university should be scrapped

Nneka said...

Elvis, be patient - 45 they are cooking it. No be Madonna priests finally come out with their version you go fear religious lie. A school where someone is murdered with his intestines outside his belly, a so called priest decides to draft a suicide note, places it besides the corpse and says he committed murder. That place, I only have memoirs not memories.

Anonymous said...

Now I understand all what my cousin has been saying and y he refuses to go back to dat school. Smh

D!D! said...

Emeka Okpara, taah!!! Will you get out from this forum and face your NTA Enugu work? One sided indeed. How long have you been 'serving' the father founder. Wait you hear and be collecting sacrifice suya every December.

Anonymous said...

No matter what you don't treat human beings that way the best they could have done is to expel them.

Dayo said...

Hahahahaha. Sets before 08 can relate with this. When we were brought outside and sunned 'well well'. News had it edeh was enroute heathrow to Lagos while we were lying down on gravel without food from morning till about 5pm. Eventually my guy show with Samson Sakaysia and Professor Cohay to see the 'motherless babies' he gives free education. Who born you to cough? 1,2,3 finish! My madonna people understand.

Anonymous said...

I really want to hear the school's side of the story

Anonymous said...

Finally God is fighting for us,I knew wat we went through in dt skul b4 graduating,if u grow beards ur a cultist,if u wear red ur also one,if ur caught looking at Rev fr Edeh lolz ur expeled 4rm d skul.pple outside dr dnt undastand it bt I thank God I pulled through.Fr francais d wicked one always ready to expel,God won't let dem escape dis one even dia money won't cover dis case.

ary said...

A lot of bad things happen in Madonna university, the excesses of the school management is legendary but you one thing I like about stories? They have both sides, I am not condoning the treatment meted out to those boys but they must have done something to warrant punishment! Madonna is a close knit environment and a lot of evil can stay hidden there but the question we should be asking is what did those boys do to warrant that sort of treatment?

Mikebuddy said...

All madonna students and ex students are posting comments as anonymous, shame on you!
If you cannot stand up and speak up this will never stop! I also graduated from Madonna, we are know how this goes!

Unknown said...

Adaobi u deserve such treatment and don't worry we will not forget to make such a ridiculous comment to support ur predators. Clown!!!

Anonymous said...

Ur a big fool and an illiterate that's why u can't read .Goat

Unknown said...

I believe every bit of this story.I graduated from Madonna in 2011. Worst even happens,it's just that nobody is bold enough to go to the press for the fear of expulsion.
That i survived that school is still a mystery I'm yet to unravel. The press should visit students residential homes,they'd find out shocking stories that'll send shivers down their spine. You can imagine a school with no SUG.Even those who graduated 5-8 years ago are still unable to clear with school.Pls NUC should do something to help students,the fees alone is enough to produce a positive end,better still they can scrap it off Abeg.People are suffering in pains,please help.Dig deep,you'll see more shocking stories.Need i say more?

Anonymous said...

If you went to Madonna you will know that every word is true. Yes I went there and I won't wish it on my worst enemy

Fiko said...

My heart bleeds reading this...the after comments from alumni further confirms the story. Justice must prevail.

Anonymous said...

I don't even know what to say. Psalm 35:1

Unknown said...

Cultists ke? That's how they barned us from wearing some colours like: pink,yellow,red,black etc.Simply because two friends might coincidentally wear same colour to lecture hall, they just conclude you're forming a cult group with colours o.And Fr Edeh has international sponsor's, they describe Madonna as a school for the less fortunate whereas our fees as at 2011 was over a million naira.Then he(,father founder) will bring those white men to our hostels and they'll make us all wear jogging vests from the top most floor(4th floor) be waving and smiling like idiots.
A school where stark illiterates are the ones in charge of exams and records department, why won't you have 5 extra years? NUC should please scrap off all Madonna universities and all other institutions owned by him.Caritas university, osisatech and others.The worst CSO we had was shederach.He'd pounce on a frail year one student like he just caught an armed robber.

Rosee-ii said...

They re allowed phones just not camera phones.

Rosee-ii said...

I agree with adaobi that d whole story is not on the table, but I also agree wit rosamaria dat they authorities shouldn't ve taken d law into their hands and committed such atrocity. If this story is really true, then am dumbfounded and really baffled and disappointed dat such could happen in dis institution.

Anonymous said...

Na only virgin rape u remember,what about when they asked all girls in the school to pay fine cos we where rioting on jugging day,I still have panick attack just passing through okija when am traveling even after 4yrs of graduating

Chidiebere said...

Linda pls from comments of those who attended or have someone in that school, you can deduce the truth. Such shouldn't be happening in this country at this age. Catholics globally are known for covering of up their evil secrets especially when their priests are involved. So please don't wait until these and or other innocent students die from such torture. Follow up this case and update us on weekly basis until justice is dispensed. We must all rise up against such evil.

Anonymous said...

lwkmd.... am an Ex-student of Madonna... they Made NUC believe 4 students per room.. where as 12, 13.. packing students like sardine.... lmao.. justice should be served...

Anonymous said...

Linda it beats my imagination that Madonna Authorities can lie about what we all know about I graduated from there. We hire lectures and books to fill our libraries during accreditation students are treated like animals. We lived in fear of being expelled daily other private universities will gladly welcome the press to visit their hostels madonna university will never allow cos their hostels are shanties Camera phones banned because they dont want anyone to have anyform of documanted evidence we the old students have a hashtag trending #Madonnauniversitymustchange we want to liberate the students still there.

Unknown said...

All that is said is very much true. That school is run like a cult, and the students like slaves. And that's after paying over 500k as fees. The owner "Father Edeh" is a big scam and fraudulent fellow. He lies a lot. I would equally blame this on the NUC because they don't do their jobs of supervising and regulating these schools properly.

Once you're in that school, the first thing they try to do is brainwash you to believe the owner is a man of God and that if you complain or do anything against him, then God will destroy your future. They tell you if you leave the school, you can't succed again in life. They try to indoctrinate you that they are doing you a favour and you're lucky to be there.

All big scams.

They should be probed. All former students will be willing to come and testify against them in court. Those of us that were expelled for fake reasons and lies, and those of us that were fraustrated terribly before graduation.

I know Galim Lord very well. He was my roommate, very close friend and we often spent holidays together in my house in P.H when I was still there.

A good lawyer or human right activist should take this issue up and support these families and victims. please. This injustice must stop. I'm so angry

Unknown said...

I cringe just by reading this .... Parents pay premium for education and not to get their kids brutalized ... If more than one student can agree to this then NUC should really look into the educational standard of Madonna and the Reverend Father shouldn't go unpunished.... The fact that he chose not to have kids doesn't mean he should be heartless as to brutalize people's children under his Watch . It's not fair on the parents or students either .... 2 student burnt in 2013 and swept under the carpet .... Haba that's barbaric na , Why not rusticate them ? Why afflict pain on their parents ? I am not saying the students might not be rebellious but better to rusticate them than the brutal treatment when it's not NMS ??? Sometime school authorities go overboard thinking they are Demi-gods ..... Hisssssssss

Anonymous said...

Olodo, confirm ur facts before making submission next time to avoid misinforming the public.

Anonymous said...

Shut up, do u think people that went to d school or ppl in d sch schooling are daft n don't use their brains? Ga Lim lord is my friend n I finished from there, they banned cameras so we don't leak their stupid and delivish acts hidding in d cover of whites n name priests, we smuggled our phones n we don't just come out to blab, we r tryna reach out to ppl out there n instead of thinking outside it shallow box u show how stupid n ignorant u can b. I won't b surprised u r a hall rep or a priest or sister but pls humans gave birth to us n most of us r d only hope our families have so pls n pls n until one million of us die there. We just can't speak out coz we are not allowed to speak in dat school.let me not go too far but I can assure u something is fishy about the school.peace n stop acting foolish on social media cos it isn't u it happened to doesn't mean it won't happen to u or someone very close to u. When u hear stuffs like dis u r not sure of pls just use your God given mind n show some empathy than blabbing like u feel others r as dull as u are.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the school has no story to tell or they may be busy trying to cook up one. Even if they boy is a cultist as claimed by the PRO, does it warrant such abuse? Nigerian universities commission and human right take note. Pls let's help this students get justice by going to web site of NUC to complain. IGWEBUIKE

Anonymous said...

Even if they killed it father, there is still an atom of humanity in u to feel bad. Don't wish d worst on ur enemies cos u could b someone else's enemy.Think

Anonymous said...

One sided indeed............

Anonymous said...

i belive evry alumni f dt skool shd stand as one and fight for those dt r stl in dt skool and for those dt wl stl b willing to go der... its time to stand as one and fight for wat we knw is right. we saw a lot f ds shit n we cd nt say a wrd cos f fear. we r al out f dt dungeon n its time we face dem squarely no mata wat it might cost us..we r standing as citizens f Nigeria cos pple fought for our independence wt dia blood nt minding d consequences.... its time to say no to d wicked n devilish hall reps...its time to say no to bullying.its time to say no to unnecessary maltreatment in dt skool.its time for actions....its time to start writing petitions against dt skool either collectively or personal. ds rubbish mst nt go on anymore...its sm1 else sibling dt is der today 2mwr it cd b ur relative bf gf cousin sis bro inlaw. FINAL WORD..IF U FIND YOURSELF IN A PLACE THAT LACKS CERTAIN TINS DO NOT LEAVE DER WITHOUT FIXING OR PUTTING IT DER. Lets stand for justice n lets fix n put it in our amalmata

Anonymous said...

Adaobi sounds more like a fool. She acts before she thinks. After reading comments from Alumini, she dares to still ask wat dey hv done? Ur a beast. Also an Alumini

Anonymous said...

True story!

Anonymous said...

Stupid school. Alumni here. I blame the parents who don't listen when the kids start complaining. Evil bleaching rev sisters. Hard hearted lewd priest. Money grubbing father founder. Lectures treated like primary school teacherS. Worse things wil keep happening until that school is shut down. Unfortunately, fr Edeh has lots of political connections so that may not happen anytime soon. Let's not forget people who assume it's owned by the Catholic Church not a priest-turned-business man.

Anonymous said...

I graduated from MAU as well, all these things and more are so true! Even when these stories are told, people who did not pass through the university find it hard to believe......but these things happened and are still happening.

Unknown said...

My tot exactly, Rev Fr too? N what on earth mks parents send dere children dere? U min after all d money dey pay, dey still get maltreatment join

Anonymous said...

A lot of things go on in that school that doesn't even surface, from maltreatment of students, false accusations of students just to get them expelled. This has happened countless times and because the school has guffed, those boys have been labelled cultist. People graduate and their results can't be processed for more than 2years post completion of course work, my sister even got her transcript and completed an MSC with distinction from the UK and coming back to get a transcript for her PhD was told 4 of her results were missing and she has to come back, pay school fees and write those courses again.......that institution is a joke and they have been fooling the NUC for years. Students are told answers to give the NUC officials when they come and students are given exeat to leave the university or are asked to stay in the hostels when a course is to be accredited.........I only thank God that when they eventually decide to allow you graduate, there is nothing life throws at you that u can't withstand because you have been through hell and have come out victorious!

Eze said...

Legitimate fool.....that's wot happena when u are afraid of reading

Unknown said...

Bc all dis confirmation ur getting from Graduates of same school is not enough?

Unknown said...

Lol @ my hand is paining me...u ve said it all... God will punish d wicked.

Unknown said...

Plzzz maga off

Anonymous said...

Let's go on all social networks with the hashtag #JusticeAgainstMadonnaUniversity to raise awareness for their i humane acts...

Anonymous said...

If you are a student there I an very sure you are one of those bastard hall reps cos every student and ex student knows exactly what goes on there, the fact no one speaks out cos of embarrassment and devaluing our certificates doesn't mean we are fools

Anonymous said...

Let's all use the hashtag in all social medics #JusticeForMadonnaUniversity to raise awareness for their inhumane acts.

Anonymous said...

U didn't even read it to the u complained too long. If u had u would have thought before commenting

Anonymous said...

Very unlike Fr Francis o. Except he was one of em all along and just pretended to have a little bit of our interest at heart

nikky said...

May the Lord have mercy and heal those boys. My brother went tru a similar experience in that school. In his own case, after spending about one week in the school's cell popularly know as G.unit with severe toturing, he was transferred to anambra state CID where my father eventually bailed him. He was eventually expelled from the school just 2 weeks to his graduation. My family tried to fight the Injustice but they kept covering up the issue until it eventually died down. My brother was never give a chance to finish up his final exams, he had to start all over in another school. So sad. I hope this era of Government will look into the issues in private universities and make them step up their game especially matters like brutality, maltreatment, wrongly accusation and mass expulsion in final year. Let's hash tag this issue and post in on other social media.

Anonymous said...

Who said Father Founder isn't aware? He knows all this crap and he condones it. Even puts his seal on dem. Most of their evil acts are because orders from above would never query dem.

Anonymous said...

I remember an experience like that. He had those sick hall rep fellows and rev sisters throwing biscuits in the air for us to catch. After hunger don mama us a lot of people actually ran to catch while tv stations recorded this. It was my mother that called me on phone that evening to commend Fr edeh that he was shown on tv throwing biscuits to the less privileged. I couldn't die of heartfelt pain for the hungry ones that went to catch biscuit.

Anonymous said...

I was a still a student there when that issue occurred. It was a Rev. Broda. Br. Limbermann or some strange name like that. And it was two Hall reps that organized the unsuspecting virgin for him to rape. The rev bro was transferred to elele or so and the hall reps were just suspended and returned a year later to continue their education. Nothing more was said on the matter. Sick and sad

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