Former governor of Cross River state Donald Duke says former President Jonathan told him and former president Obasanjo he never wanted to be the Vice president of Nigeria when he was selected to be the running mate to late President Umaru Yar'Adua for the 2007 general election. Donald Duke said this in an interview with news magazine, The Interviewer
"You don’t give authority to an unwilling person, particularly in a country like Nigeria. Umaru never wanted to be president. He was dealing with his health issues and wanted to retire and go lecture in a university. He was really offered an appointment at the Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria. Jonathan, on the other hand, had just been re-elected to be governor of Bayelsa and when he was picked, he was not so pleased. He said to Obasanjo and me, ‘I don’t want this job".
If these two men never aspired to the office but were recruited to take on a responsibility as daunting as the management of Nigeria without mentally preparing for the office and having a grand vision of where they wanted to take Nigeria to, then there is a problem. The mental preparation is absolutely important. The vision can be scripted for you, but if you are not prepared and you have no capable team to help you follow through, it is grossly unfair. It is like converting a passenger on an aircraft to a pilot.”
So Donald what do I do with this info? Abeg make una leave my gej alone. Y'all can't stay without mentioning his name, can you?
And wat does dis tell us?
That is why he and madam peace run nigeria like an aboki shop.
God dey o
Enough with the Jonathan thing. Find something else to do.
It is like converting a passenger on an aircraft to a pilot.So u guys knew this and yet allowed both of them contest bcos of ur selfish, u and Obasanjo shld he arrested for sabotaging Nigeria
Now we know why he messed up, but then again, is it an excuse to mess up?
Oho tell that to Baba Iyabo who single handedly picked Yar'adua & Jonathan.They never wanted to be in power but the same power corrupts. And in Jonathan's case,absolute power corrupted him absolutely to the extent that he reneged on his promise of a single tenure.We aint surprised that ge failed.That's Naija for u!
Hopefully Buhari who has wanted that power for long will prove your theory right
OBJ needed puppets na
Donald Duke where on earth have you been?!!!
OBJ was and will still be the current problem of this nation.....baba u too much!!
Nice blog Linda!
good article!
The good thing is that it's all in the past now... let's move forward.. Isah 60:1
Did obj force them?
Medicine after death! What's the essence of this?
"The vision can be scripted for you, but if you are not prepared and you have no capable team to help you follow through, it is grossly unfair. It is like converting a passenger on an aircraft to a pilot.”
And this summarizes it all.
Hmmmmm? But he now wants to remain the President, ehn kwa??? Mcheeeeeeew, tell me something else biko. Linda take note!
Hmmmmm? But he now wants to remain the President, ehn kwa??? Mcheeeeeeew, tell me something else biko. Linda take note!
...And he failed at it. SAD!
Hmmmmm? But he now wants to remain the President, ehn kwa??? Mcheeeeeeew, tell me something else biko. Linda take note!
Well said!
So is he now admitting that he and OBJ were indeed unfair to Nigerians by imposing unwilling leaders on us?
They have moved on and will always have President next to their names. We know why OBJ chose them and not you or Odili.
Αи∂ he was forced to be d Vice- President, αи∂ then President αи∂ also was forced to campaign again αи∂ was forced to fail?????
Owuyaaaaaaaaa oooooo
Αи∂ he was forced to be d Vice- President, αи∂ then President αи∂ also was forced to campaign again αи∂ was forced to fail?????
Owuyaaaaaaaaa oooooo
This is apparent
Αи∂ he was forced to be d Vice- President, αи∂ then President αи∂ also was forced to campaign again αи∂ was forced to fail?????
Owuyaaaaaaaaa oooooo
I will agree with you to an extent my brother DD. However, the sole aim of this deceitful plot to draft unprepared people to mind the affairs of the country was obvious. To continue to determine the data base of the nation. You can see it from the war of words as it's been played out by OBJ after he fell out from grip of Jonathan's groin.
By the grace of God, GEJ will be the last president that wasn't prepared for the office.
Somebody is snitching on the Deity.
And it clearly showed...btw, Donald...*in Wendy's voice* Ha you doeen'? *wink wink* You know I mean...
Donald duke should shut his trap he is politically irrelevant. These past 6 years were in d hell has he been he was quiet thru out the elections and crisis dat rocked dis great nation MOFO
This info is really not important now.
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Intrestin dat is my man
no wonder he could'nt perform.he was just passing time.hmmm
Hmmmm..........obasanjo causing havoc since 1990!!! yeye man!!!
Wow! He spoke well and I was expecting to see long write up and all dat. All d same, he nailed it wit dis salient point "It is like converting a passenger on an aircraft to a pilot.”
Hav said dis and I wil alwaz say dis over and over again, dat God personally appointed and wanted GEJ to get to dat position of Presidency. In fact, GEJ was destined to rule Nigeria.
If God says YES, no living souls on earth or entity in d universe can ever say no. Who born monkey!
Dis proves and shows dat God is d architect's of our destinies and we should all strives to look up to him for He is d Lord of possibilies and All-sufficent.
Wow! He spoke well and I was expecting to see long write up and all dat. All d same, he nailed it wit dis salient point "It is like converting a passenger on an aircraft to a pilot.”
Hav said dis and I wil alwaz say dis over and over again, dat God personally appointed and wanted GEJ to get to dat position of Presidency. In fact, GEJ was destined to rule Nigeria.
If God says YES, no living souls on earth or entity in d universe can ever say no. Who born monkey!
Dis proves and shows dat God is d architect's of our destinies and we should all strives to look up to him for He is d Lord of possibilies and All-sufficent.
Sensible revelation from a good man. We now know why the government of GEJ was the way it was.
Donald Duke must be a Big Idiot for saying this now. What is he trying to achieve? Was he not aware all along? Why didn't he say this before they got elected into office? Why didn't he say this when Jonathan ran for office after Late Yaradua's demise? Why say this now? The problem with our so called leaders is that they have low IQ, how does this revelation help the state of Nigeria? I say we should stop giving unnecessary respect to all these past leaders as they are the ones behind Nigeria's downfall. *(hiss)* we should carry time machine to go and change the past abii?? Okponu Oshi
Wow! He spoke well and I was expecting to see long write up and all dat. All d same, he nailed it wit dis salient point "It is like converting a passenger on an aircraft to a pilot.”
Hav said dis and I wil alwaz say dis over and over again, dat God personally appointed and wanted GEJ to get to dat position of Presidency. In fact, GEJ was destined to rule Nigeria.
If God says YES, no living souls on earth or entity in d universe can ever say no. Who born monkey!
Dis proves and shows dat God is d architect's of our destinies and we should all strives to look up to him for He is d Lord of possibilies and All-sufficent.
Dear Donald Duke, u shld have said dis in 2007 nt in 2015. To me its an old gist.
Oh please he should spare us further hypocrisy. Not everyone is capable to lead in their respective positions but they have accept to quench their greed and selfish desire through embezzlement of public funds.
And he's telling us now... He's as guilty as Jonathan for not telling us..
Jonah was never made to be a president... Dude flopped big tym.....
Wow! He spoke well and I was expecting to see long write up and all dat. All d same, he nailed it wit dis salient point "It is like converting a passenger on an aircraft to a pilot.”
Hav said dis and I wil alwaz say dis over and over again, dat God personally appointed and wanted GEJ to get to dat position of Presidency. In fact, GEJ was destined to rule Nigeria.
If God says YES, no living souls on earth or entity in d universe can ever say no. Who born monkey!
Dis proves and shows dat God is d architect's of our destinies and we should all strives to look up to him for He is d Lord of possibilies and All-sufficent.
That's the truth sir
And you would say OBJ is a good man? Bcos of his selfish 3rd term ambition, he gave us a sickler and an illiterate doctor... The quality of your leadership is based on d legacy you leave behind.
But OBJ still went ahead to shoehorn them into those positions. MASTER PUPETEER.
Hmm.... O dikwa egwu oo.
I hope Pa Buhari was/is ready...tomorrow they'll come with another story.
In other words, He Donald Duke was ready abi??? He should go and sit down somewhere!!!
SAPELE BOY from Olympia Cinema has spoken!!
Was Jonathan not willing to be the President of Nigeria when Nigerians voted him in? or was he forced?
That is why he went there and misbehave imbecilic man.
#sad indeed
That is why he went there and misbehave imbecilic man.
#sad indeed
That is why he went there and misbehave imbecilic man.
#sad indeed
GEJ is too good to be a Nigerian politician.
It's nt about him wanting or not wanting to. If he had good people there to help him out, he would have worked better.
If Obasanjo should come with all dose his uselessly hypocritic messages again, honestly it wnt be funny.
Then OBJ should be held responsible for their failure. He imposed these unprepared leaders on us and now pretend to be a saint. He did this for his own selfish end and today people are clapping for him and call him a leader. He should be made to pay for all the atrocities he has committed against the Nigerian state.
Then I think OBJ wanted a doom for nigeria if he can entrust the country to unwilling leaders who occupy the two key positions at the federal level
Nice one mr Duke
This Obj has cause more harm than we thought.
So why didn't they(yaradua + jonathan) stick to their NO's....? Ojukokoro na e dey worry dem
So why didn't they(yaradua + jonathan) stick to their NO's....? Ojukokoro na e dey worry dem
We now have a new president that vowed not to contest for presidency after failing thrice, but was forced to contest by some greedy Nigerians like Tinubu and his cohorts to satisfy their greedy political ambition. Since Buhari entered, the country has been in a state of bualilibualili all because of his clueless and lack of direction.
Donald used to be my favourite governor back then, people like him should be in govt
I don't think his unwillingness was as a result of mental unpreparedness. It stemmed from the knowledge that ruling a country like Nigeria is no easy task. It requires desperate people who are ready to do just about anything to get there and remain there. He didn't want to stain his fingers with evil. He might not have wanted it, but I personally think he did a good job. If Goodluck Jonathan was allowed a second term, he would have solidified the good foundations he already laid. I mean, everyone testifies to the regular power supply we all enjoy presently. Its all part of GEJ's achievements. Now can you all let this man rest?
Abi o you are right.
Abi o you are right.
My man always on point but why speak now...Anyway you could not have spoken at any better time than now which is why you will always be steps ahead of your counterpart....leadership is your greatest quality anytime any day..
Wow, this man just dropped it like its hot! He is so CORRECT!!!!!
A bit too late to be coming out and saying all this now but perhaps this explains Jonathan's behavior as president. Hindsight is a wonderful thing after an event
Abi ooo
It's a free and easy world
Abi ooo
It's a free and easy world
It's a free and easy world
Donald Duke...u said it all!!!
On point
Wetin shut your mouth since.
this bring us to same point, GEJ body language spoke volume about his unwillingness. he was never ready to play the dirty politics. That is why everybody was messing with his administration. even those that was suppose to work for him was taking him for granted. Imaging people in PDP embezzling campaign fund. using Boko haram to play politics with his admin. anyway GEJ might be soft in heart, but he should have man-up and mess people up too.he has all the tool.EFCC, DSS etc.
@anonymous 10:36am, u are definitely blind dunb and deaf and livin outta space
How sure are you? and why saying it now? abeg take back seat...
I will continue to say it, Obasanjo is the biggest problem of the country called Nigeria.Watch out how and see how everything will finally play out in his life.
True Talk
Thank u o!! Did OBJ force it down their throat
Not intelligent @anonymous
Do not misquote...and that was the reason obj wrote that open letter to gej when he sensed things were going outta hands
Cunning ppl, we know u from on set, you will blame ur brother woeful performance on someone just to exonerate him. It is on record that he is d worst performed president. History can never b kind with him.
Was forced, even if u are not intelligently equipped to rule a Nation, why can't u get capable minds as advisers. The point is, he not only ruin this country, he sent us five decades backward.
You can only help someone get a job, u can't do it for him.
Wow! He spoke well and I was expecting to see long write up and all dat. All d same, he nailed it wit dis salient point "It is like converting a passenger on an aircraft to a pilot."
Hav said dis and I wil alwaz say dis over and over again, dat God personally appointed and wanted GEJ to get to dat position of Presidency. In fact, GEJ was destined to rule Nigeria.
If God says YES, no living souls on earth or entity in d universe can ever say no. Who born monkey!
Dis proves and shows dat God is d architect's of our destinies and we should all strives to look up to him for He is d Lord of possibilies and All-sufficent.
So far, I don't think pa Buhari was ready sef. Mtcheeew!
<< LIB Addict >>
He's really blind, deaf and dumb true true!
He's really blind, deaf and dumb true true!
He's really blind, deaf and dumb true true!
In other words..The problem was OBJ forcing a sick man and a persuaded fisherman on a large country like Nigeria.
Meanwhile do u want to know how u can enlarge your joystick and stop premature ejac?? Check my profile and email me
His ryt in a sense bt nt absolutely cos der ar stil pipu hu do great in situation dt dey had hitherto expressd unwillingnes to acepted.
Obj has been the trouble that troubleth our Jerusalem Nigeria from day one. Until he dies this country will never move forward.
Why u saying all dis now?... dee
so true my Don. so true.
Remind me again...who re u?
Yes, on other words he was ready. His antecedents speak for him. You should go and sit down. Cos you have no reason to say he should do so.
I completely agree with you.
Godbless you for this statement Adaobi! Why didn't he resign afterwards but instead he went ahead to contest for presidency not once but twice. Please tell this tales by moonlight to the birds. Please Duke, you are one of the very few politicians I admire don't disappoint me I beg of you!
Lol!!!! Bonario, I know what you mean (sarcasm) and I get it!
Thank you Mr Duke. In my opinion, Pa OBJ is represents more evil than good. God will surely reprimand him, in his own time. Mr, I know it all.
Lord God, how sad is this? God fatherism in Nigeria has to stop. Let people who want to be in office run fairly, not this hand picking thing they do. To think we were ruled by people with no vision or aim for nigeria, is a bit scary.
Very big excuse. People who want to rule a country usually have vision, and are working ahead, steady trying to figure out what path to put the country on. But when you jst pick someone who is not even prepared, then that's a disaster. He probably started doing his blue print and what not after he was elected. He should have already foreseen what he wanted for the country before he was elected.
Wow! He spoke well and I was expecting to see long write up and all dat. All d same, he nailed it wit dis salient point "It is like converting a passenger on an aircraft to a pilot.”
Hav said dis and I wil alwaz say dis over and over again, dat God personally appointed and wanted GEJ to get to dat position of Presidency. In fact, GEJ was destined to rule Nigeria.
If God says YES, no living souls on earth or entity in d universe can ever say no. Who born monkey!
Dis proves and shows dat God is d architect's of our destinies and we should all strives to look up to him for He is d Lord of possibilies and All-sufficent.
Wow! He spoke well and I was expecting to see long write up and all dat. All d same, he nailed it wit dis salient point "It is like converting a passenger on an aircraft to a pilot.”
Hav said dis and I wil alwaz say dis over and over again, dat God personally appointed and wanted GEJ to get to dat position of Presidency. In fact, GEJ was destined to rule Nigeria.
If God says YES, no living souls on earth or entity in d universe can ever say no. Who born monkey!
Dis proves and shows dat God is d architect's of our destinies and we should all strives to look up to him for He is d Lord of possibilies and All-sufficent.
All to satisfy Benjamin Aremu Kikiola Olusegun Obasanjo's lust for power.
Thanks Jo. After gej has learnt thejob and became mentally prepared to do the job he was asked to go to avoid exposing them. Let's see how they will touch gmb .
Can't stop laughing at 'was forced to fail'.. He never wanted to be... yet he wants to die thr. Yeye people.
Didn't expect this to come from a respected man like you. you have failed this country... Haba!
Didn't expect this to come from a respected man like you. you have failed this country... Haba!
Didn't expect this to come from a respected man like you. you have failed this country... Haba!
Nor mind this bush girl always shooting her mouth without boosting her brain.I dey use code tell am make she slow down,she go still dey show her local self.
So i guess, this is Donald letting us know he's ready to be VP at the next elections
You can see her name up there. Now anonymous who are you?
And what are u?
Oga Duke! Where have u been since 2007? Why are u suddenly revealing an information 8years old? What happened to your political career? Is this a way to resuscitate your political career? We are watching your next comment!
Bunch of worthless leaders that turned Nigeria to a perpetual third world nation.
Idiot. Ignorance is terrible.
Abi oooh. Late forecast
I weep for this country! Now OBJ has wasted 8years of Nigerians! Force leaders on us, after you yourself was once a military, then a civilian president if tho same country eh? Yet you ran everywhere 2914/15 trying not to get GEJ back in office because he has suddenly stopped obeying you right? You even went ahead to write that nonsense book! Hypocrite !!
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