Family of bullied teen sues town after he shot himself in the head | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday 14 August 2015

Family of bullied teen sues town after he shot himself in the head

Almost two years after 15-year-old Bart Palosz committed suicide on the first day of his sophomore year at Greenwich High School, a lawsuit brought against the town sheds new light on the case and again raises the question of whether the school district should share the blame in the teenager’s decision to take his life. 

The lawsuit, filed Wednesday by Bart’s parents, Anna Izabela Palosz and Franciszek Palosz, claims school staff were well aware of bullying he endured at school for years, yet did not follow mandatory anti-bullying policies, a failure they claim contributed to their son’s death.
School documents that indicate what officials did know about Bart’s history, undisclosed until now, have been revealed in filings in state Superior Court in Stamford. They include a record of Bart in the district’s “sharings” program, which details important information for Greenwich High staff about incoming ninth-graders.
“The middle school sharings document is a smoking gun,” said David Golub, the attorney representing the Paloszes. “It shows that the school system knew, but ignored” the Board of Education’s anti-bullying procedures.

Bart is described in the sharings document as a “very socially awkward” student who was bullied regularly during his years at Western Middle School but did not tell anyone about it. The teenager was “annoying” to his peers and would stare at them, but he wanted to be liked and needed to be connected, the document states.
“Social work needed” was written on the form. It was a recommendation that was never acted upon, according to the lawsuit.
School records show that the bullying of Bart included name-calling and teasing, repeated incidents of property theft and hitting and kicking from classmates, according to the lawsuit.
Bart was hit in the head with a locker — an injury that required stitches — and had his shoelaces tied together, according to the sharings document.
“I wanted to make you aware that Bart was pretty severely bullied in middle school,” his guidance counselor wrote in a November 2012 email to Bart’s classroom teachers when he was in ninth grade, another new revelation contained in the lawsuit. “He would not report any of the incidents to the school, so the only way it was brought to light was if it was observed or if he told at home.”
Lawyers for the Paloszes and the town tried for many months to negotiate a settlement, but they could not come to terms. The lawsuit had to be filed before a two-year statute of limitation from the date of Bart’s death went into effect on Aug. 27.
“We feel this lawsuit is important so that other students in Greenwich don’t suffer the same kind of treatment that Bart did,” the Palosz family said in a statement. “It is our hope that this lawsuit will result in changes to how the Greenwich school system responds to students in need of help so that there will be no more needless deaths.”
The lawsuit seeks an unspecified amount of damages in excess of $15,000, the threshold for filing in the court. The complaint marks the first legal action brought against the district and town related to Bart’s death.
School and municipal officials have until Sept. 8 to respond.

The Greenwich Time


Unknown said...

RIP... #NowPlaying life is beautiful: ransome


Phew! I feel for him, but he opted for the wrong way out.
The school should share the bigger part of the blame, they should have acted on the earlier report, atleast they should have suggested changing a school for him.
May his soul rest in peace.


Unknown said...

RIP Coward,you could have own up and be a bully yourself,that way the bullies will run away from you!

Angie said...

No one is to be blamed for one's low self esteem..
They should allow the lad to rest wherever pls.

ary said...

Isn't bullying a passage of rites?! Why sue a town, why not sue the students who bullied him?Why do parents wait till bad things happen to take drastic measures against bullying and when the heck did people become so weak they resort to suicide to avoid bullying?!

Blog It With Olivia said...

#the boy's death could have been averted but it wasn't .. May his soul continue to RIP


Blog It With Olivia said...

#the boy's death could have been averted but it wasn't .. May his soul continue to RIP


Unknown said...

Gosh! RIP

Unknown said...

Gosh! RIP...the death rate dis year is alarming

Unknown said...

Sharp naija pikin no go commit suicide for dis kind tin oooo

chingy said...

Is a pity

Unknown said...

Ka! Wonders shall never end...
Dis life is becoming sth else sending himsef to hell bcos he was b bullied. Wht a shame!

Activate your sim for free call said...

Hello readers, i hope you have been Enjoying and benefiting a lot from this blog. The Initial and first topic I wrote on was
"Who is a Youth"

Then i went on to Write

"The role Of parents in the life of a youth."

And the last two topic before this post was

"Roles Of Youths in the Society today".

"Youths and their Challenges"

Now we have moved to to another Topic which says


"Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not or the years draw nigh, when you shall say, 'I have no pleasure in them"

According to JOHN MASON "Don't spend half of your life telling what you want to do and the remaining half explaining why you didn't do it."

Utilizing your youths simply means how best we can make proper use of our youthfulness so that when we become old, we shall now look back and say, "Of a truth, we have lived a fulfilled life!"
Great men and women in the world today, made use of their youth and today they are termed "GREAT" in our society.
It is therefore, required that we comport ourselves and attitude as youths by working very hard now that we are still active so that at the end of our journey as youth there will be great testimony of how we have lived a fulfilled life.
Some of the way we can make proper use of our youthfulness include:

1. MAKING GOD'S WORD YOUR HIGHEST PRIORITY: The bible says "This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate therein day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein, for then you shall make thy way prosperous and you shall have good success".
This implies that we cannot do without God in our lives and knowing him comes from careful meditation of His word.
As a youth, Make God's word the priority of your life. For the bible says "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
You cannot achieve much without Jesus!.

2 DILIGENCE:Just like 'HOPE O. ALANWOJO' said; "With hard work and determination, you can be anything you want to be". Diligence is a compulsory requirement for success. Every youth must add smartness to what he or does".

The hand of the Diligent brings wealth(Proverbs 10;4). Any youth that is not diligent will not make it. If you are not a diligent youth, you cannot make an appreciable effort in life.
A student that is not diligent cannot read and excel in his academics. Great men and women today made it through diligence. concentration, duration and perseverance with which one reads constitute the difference in academic achievements between a successful student and a failing student.



Alloy Chikezie said...


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Unknown said...

So sad why naa??? This is so sad.

Davido's driver said...

Long story. Rip dude

Unknown said...

Hian! Oyinbo people and dis their bullying dat has snatched away so many lives. Dey should do something about it. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Hian! Oyinbo people and dis their bullying dat has snatched away so many lives. Dey should do something about it. Linda take note!

Sweet Ama said...

Well said..he's really a coward...

Anonymous said...

Congrats you have posted the "dumbest" comment yet on this blog , u name call a guy that killed himself cos of bullying .. You sir are the ignorant coward!!!

Anonymous said...

Greenwich is one of the wealthiest communities in America. Guess those rich kids are vicious and don't play.

Unknown said...

I feel for the parents but i think they are going about it the wrong way. The school should share part of the blame too.


Unknown said...

I feel for the parents but i think they are going about it the wrong way. The school should share part of the blame too.


Unknown said...

I understand what he felt but if he had shared his problems, good advice would make him not to take his own life



Unknown said...

He should'nt have killed himself.... May his soul rest in peace

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